Henry the Green Engine doesn't like getting his paint wet - so refuses to come out of the tunnel. The Fat Controller tries everything, including getting Thomas to push Henry out but the big green engine still does not move. In the end, the Fat Controller orders a brick wall be built to block the tunnel entrance, meaning Henry stays in the tunnel forever...
Thomas wants to pull a train instead of just shunting coaches for the big engines, who laugh and say he wouldn't be able to do it. One night Henry is ill, and next morning he still isn't better. He is due to pull the morning train, and when no other engine is available, Thomas has to pull the train. He is so excited, he doesn't notice until too late that he has started before being coupled to the train, leaving his coaches and passengers left stranded at the platform!
Thomas is in the yard shunting when new engine James rushes past with a goods train yelling for help. James has wooden brakes and the trucks are pushing him down the line. The alarm goes - James has crashed into a field of cows. Thomas has to get the Breakdown Train and help James. Afterwards, the Fat Controller gives Thomas a very special reward.
James the new engine has to pull some coaches with the help of Edward. They do very well but James is so excited that he accidentally showers water all over the Fat Controller's new top hat! Later on he is pulling more coaches and bumps them so hard that a brake pipe is damaged. Newspaper and a leather bootlace could temporarily mend the problem, but only a passenger willing enough to hand over their laces will the train be able to continue...
James is feeling sad as he is still staying in his shed for being naughty. Eventually the Fat Controller lets him out to pull a goods train, but the trucks don't want to be pulled by James and misbehave. Whilst pulling them up Gordon's Hill, a coupling breaks and the last few trucks roll back down the hill. James goes to get them (they were stopped by the Guard) and starts on up the hill once more...
Thomas has a desire to fish, and the others tell him "Engines don't fish!" When the water tower is out of order, Thomas has to take water from the river via a bucket. When suddenly he feels like he's going to burst, the Driver and Fireman look inside his tank and discover something rather unusual...
One autumn day, Thomas meets a Terence the tractor and mocks his caterpillars, thinking them ugly. Winter soon arrives with heavy snow, and Thomas is forced to wear his uncomfortable snowplough. He shakes and bangs the snowplough and by the end of the day it's too damaged to use again. The next day, his crew find they cannot fix the snowplough in time, Thomas much to his delight. He continues his work, without his snowplough. But when Thomas runs into a deep snowdrift and gets stuck, he immediately regrets breaking his snowplough. Bertie arrives to take Thomas' passengers, and Terence comes to the rescue. Terence pulled Annie and Clarabel away, and then came back for Thomas. Thomas thanks Terence and promises to be sensible from now on.
Gordon has to pull his train backwards due not trying hard enough to move into the correct position on the turntable, so as to be turned around. And when James gets on the turntable, the strong sea winds spin it round much too fast. The two, plus Henry, are very cross about the the unfortunate events that happened to them and so all formulate on a plan...
After being shut up for days in the shed, Henry, Gordon and James have been let out to work again. So the Fat Controller sends Thomas, Edward and Percy to play on the Branch Line. But Percy, however, becomes a little too cocky for his own good and suddenly finds himself on the Main Line - and on a collision course with Gordon...
One winter's evening, Henry is excited to be given the chance to pull the fish train that the men call, "The Flying Kipper". Unfortunately, snow and ice result in an accident. The Fat Controller decides to send Henry off to the Works at Crewe, where Henry will unknowingly be given more than just a repair job...
We meet Toby the Tram Engine and his coach Henrietta, who both work hard on their little line. One day, a stout gentleman (the Fat Controller), his wife and grandchildren, Stephen and Bridget, come to visit and become very fond of Toby. Some months later, the line is sadly closed, but little does Toby know he has been saved by a letter from a certain personage...
There is a Quarry at the end of Thomas' Branch Line, and he has to take the trucks to and from it. One day a new Policeman starts work and tells Thomas off because he has no cowcatchers and sideplates. It turns out this is the Law, so the Fat Controller will have to build them for Thomas. Thomas says he will look like a tram. But rather than give Thomas a tram overhaul, a much better idea has come into the Fat Controller's mind...
One day, Gordon is dozing in a siding when Henry comes by, waking him up with a loud whistle or two! Gordon tells Henry, "Mind you keep on the rails today," in regard to his previous incident with the Flying Kipper. Not long afterwards, Gordon feels most annoyed when he is asked to pull a goods train. So whilst on the turntable, he tries a bit of sabotage - which doesn't go according to plan...
Gordon is in disgrace after falling in the ditch. Thomas teases him about it, saying he has, "A funny, musty, sort of smell!"Later, Thomas has to deliver trucks to an old Lead Mine. The ground beneath the rails running overhead is weak and whilst it can support the weight of trucks, it can't support the weight of an engine. But Thomas ingnores the "Danger" signs.
It's Christmas on the Island of Sodor, and after Edward reminds the engines of last Christmas when an ill Mrs Kyndley waved her dressing gown out of her window to save Thomas from a landslide, Thomas decides to thank Mrs Kyndley properly by having a Christmas party for her. The Fat Controller agrees. However, on the day of the party, Mrs Kyndley is trapped in her house by snowdrifts, so Thomas, Toby and Terence go to her rescue.
It's not a good day. Thomas' Fireman doesn't come into work, which means that Thomas can't deliver his passengers, which means that he can't make his connection with Edward, which means that this makes everyone late and cross. Bertie offers to take Thomas' passengers; but he has a field day of it when Edward, tired of waiting, steams away. The chase is on!
In a lonely, rusty Scrapyard is poor Trevor the Traction Engine, who is ready to be broken up. He is feeling sorry for himself because he feels that he's too old-fashioned to be Useful. Edward finds Trevor's situation to be a tremendous shame, and is determined to find someone to buy Trevor and save him, but who would "have room for a Traction Engine at home?"
Trevor is getting bored, but Edward has good news. The Fat Controller wants Trevor to help with his new Harbour. Edward takes Trevor to the Junction, where the Traction Engine meets Thomas. Thomas takes him down to the Harbour, but has his doubts as to how useful Trevor can be since he doesn't run on rails. Thomas is soon pleasantly surprised.
Percy has been playing tricks on the bigger engines, such as telling Gordon he is late for his train and telling James he mustn't leave the shed because an Inspector is coming to visit. Gordon and James want their revenge, and so come up with a plan to trick Percy, by brainwashing him with the ludicrous idea of "backing signals"...
Percy is ill of the bigger engines around ordering him about. The Fat Controller releases him to work at his new Harbour, and also brings in a new engine called Montague, but who prefers the name of "Duck". The big engines try and order Duck around as well, but Duck won't stand for it and together with Percy, he puts them in their place.
Thomas is feeling unwell, so Edward takes him to the Works to be repaired. Whilst Thomas is away, Duck fills in for him and is very popular with Annie, Clarabel and the passengers. When Thomas comes back, he resumes his duties. However his handbrake hasn't been fixed properly by the workmen and one day the Fireman forgets to pull it hard enough. As a result, Thomas and the coaches "run away", and only Harold and an Inspector can help stop the runaway train.
Duck is boasting about being Great Western and how useful he is, much to the annoyance of the others. Later, the Fat Controller introduces Diesel, a shunter who is "on trial". He asks Duck to show Diesel around, but Diesel says he doesn't need Duck. Duck leaves him to it and Diesel has an accident with some trucks. He thinks it's Duck's fault...
Duck has been sent to work with Edward for a while, and tells Edward that the Fat Controller and the other engines all hate him. Edward says they don't, and asks Duck if he would like to help him work. Duck helps Edward pull a heavy goods train up Gordon's Hill, but the trucks break away and speed down the line. Duck manages to control them but a barber's shop is up ahead...
The viaduct is being repaired on the Main Line. The Fat Controller doesn't want to close the railway whilst the repairs are being done, and so orders the mainliners to go slowly when crossing it. This delays them with their journey to Thomas, which makes him late to meet with Bertie. Altogether, Thomas becomes very annoyed; until the day comes when he realises that being late isn't such a bad thing after all.
Bill & Ben are twins who work at the China Clay Pits. One day, they are aghast when they discover that their trucks have gone missing! Down the line, they cause great problems and difficulty with a diesel called Boco, who they believe stole the trucks. Confusion regains until Edward explains everything.
Since the arrival of Boco, Gordon is upset when the Fat Controller allows branch line diesels to pull main line trains. Edward suggests that he should run on the branch for a change. Gordon thinks such an idea "vulgar", but little does he know that a run on the branch is quite unexpectedly in store that night...
Percy tells Thomas and Toby a story about a ghost train. Thomas doesn't believe it and says Percy is a "silly little engine". Percy's Driver later tells him it wasn't true, it was on television. Later that night, Percy is on his way back from the Harbour when he crashes into a lime cart trapped on a crossing. Now white as a sheet, and with help from Toby, Percy heads off to find and scare Thomas...
After helping some children out of a sticky predicament, Thomas gets behind his timetable and is very late. Then things go from bad to worse when his Branch Line gets damaged by hot weather and has to be closed whilst it is being repaired. Bertie the Bus offers to takes Thomas' passengers while he shunts in the yard; and this makes the little engine worry that his passengers will forget about him.
James is groaning because he has to deliver trucks to the quarry. Gordon tells him that he should pretend to be ill so he doesn't have to do the job. Thomas soon pulls in and offers to deliver the trucks instead and so the two big engines slyly agree. Later, Thomas unfortunately doesn't realise that trouble is ahead just down the line and he wouldn't have been put in such a situation if it weren't for Gordon and James...
Mavis is told that she is not allowed anywhere near Toby's line, so when the trains get bigger she develops a plan for the trucks to push her there. But Toby accidentally takes those trucks and they decide to push him instead. As Toby speeds down the line, he realises that the bridge ahead is collapsing and he knows that he can't stop in time!
The Vicar is having a garden party so that he can raise money for a seaside trip for the children. Trevor is the star attraction, but Edward wishes he had something to do to help out too. In the end he helps the vicar with the posters advertising the party. Meanwhile, Bertie is teasing Trevor about being old, but Trevor has the last laugh when Bertie gets into a sticky situation.
Percy is feeling rather annoyed because he has a new coat of paint and is longing for everyone and anyone to see it. So Thomas tells him the following story... Before the problems come to their railway, Falcon is doing rather well, and the manager explains to him that he is now ready to take on "The Mountain Road", a difficult part of the line, so Duke is coming along to help. Falcon is not happy about this. Falcon and Duke set off, but Falcon becomes careless and finds himself hanging on the edge of the hillside...
Rusty and the men are working hard to mend the line; but there is still one bad bit, before the first station, which they haven't had time for. The little diesel tells Duncan to be careful. But Duncan doesn't like being told what to do, and so he rocks 'n' rolls along the line...with predictable results!
Stepney's visit is coming to an end and Thomas, Percy and the rest are very sorry that he is leaving. But they have other things to worry about when a big-headed Diesel comes to help in the yard and scoffs that steam engines are old fashioned. However, when a bowler hat causes delay, Duck and Stepney show him just what a steam engine can really do!
Stepney is very happy with his visit to the Fat Controller's railway. But one day, whilst waiting at a signal, a cricket team's "one and only ball" accidentally falls into one of his trucks. And when he steams away, Caroline the cranky old car, driven by her Master, gives chase to try and retrieve the ball!
Daisy snorts about Toby the Tram Engine's cowcatchers and side plates, which prevent animals getting hurt if they stray on the line; she reckons that Toby is afraid himself and boasts that animals ALWAYS run "if you toot and look them in the eye". But she would have proved her point if it hadn't been for Champion the Bull!
At the docks, Thomas and Percy are working hard, but the new crane, Cranky, thinks little engines are useless - "bugs" he calls them. But that night some rough weather makes a tramper crash into the shed where Gordon, Henry, James and Duck are, trapping them inside. Cranky is then toppled over by the high winds. Who will save them all now?
One morning, a special coach is being prepared to be coupled to Gordon to carry a V.I.P. but unfortunately the turntable it is on becomes jammed. After Godon finally receives the coach after the turntable's repair, he puffs off to Kirkronan station to pick up the mystery person. But as he is now late, will he make it on time or will "gremlins" strike again?
The stations on the Island of Sodor are entering the "Best Dressed Station" competition. Percy agrees to help Maithwaite try and win by delivering fruit and vegetables to decorate the platform. On the way there with his special load, he has an unexpected run-in with a stray ram - however, the hungry creature later becomes Really Useful when some vandals strike at Maithwaite!
The Fat Controller and his grandchildren, Bridget and Stephen, discover an old castle as well as the mine where "the little engines once worked" whilst out on a trip with Toby and Henrietta. The Fat Controller decides to turn sites into tourist attractions, but Toby hears that the mine is haunted...
Whilst waiting for his fish vans to be loaded up, a crate of fish is accidentally dropped on poor Thomas! On the way to the docks, Thomas notices that the coastal line is damaged, and on his arrival with the "Flying Kipper" trucks which are to be passed on for Henry to pull, Henry teases him about his fishy smell. Then when Henry heads off, the signalman is unaware till too late that he has accidentally switched the train onto the damaged coastal line, which won't be able to take Henry's weight for sure!
Toad the brake van is feeling glum as he is always seeing things sliding away from him and would like to go forward for a change. Oliver wants to help but doesn't know how. That afternoon, Oliver is pulling some trucks up Gordon's Hill, with Toad as his brake van. The trucks break away after a coupling snaps and now Toad is at the front of the train going forwards. Unfortunately he is on the Main Line with various possible disasters up ahead!
Peter Sam is pulling some trucks, but when he has to stop to take on water, they use the opportunity to break away. The trucks are thrilled to be on their own - until they come to the ravine bridge and fall in. Peter Sam is told off and Duncan has great delight in teasing him. Rusty tries to stop this by telling the story of an engine who tried to cross the Old Iron Bridge but never made it to the other side due to loss of control. Duncan thinks this is a load of nonsense and puffs away, so the Driver and Fireman plan a trick to play on him for when they cross the bridge that night...
The Fat Controller has opened a new mine, and both the normal gauge and narrow gauge railways have tracks to it. An old boulder has had to be moved to make way for the mine, and Rusty is worried about it. Some time later the boulder is shaken loose and falls off the cliff it has been placed on and it chases Rusty down the line! Rusty manages to escape via a siding, but the boulder continues to thunder along! Back at the mine, Percy, with nowhere to run, sees the boulder up ahead, and it's heading straight for him...
Cranky is always feeling, well... cranky! This is because every night he has to stay up late to load and unload important goods being imported and exported at the harbour. Then one day, Salty (unintentionally) gets on the crane's nerves so much that in a fit of rage, Cranky drops some pipes that knock over a shed resulting in blocking the Main Line! Harvey won't be able to clear the shed till morning so how will the time be able to be passed?
Salty, an old diesel, arrives on Sodor. He loves working by the sea but is most disappointed to find that the Fat Controller has sent for him to help out with the work at Centre Island Quarry, resulting in him of course not being able to work by the sea as he had hoped for. However, Salty is soon given a pleasant surprise...
Thomas delivers Jack the Front Loader to a construction site where a team of vehicles from the Sodor Construction Company - "The Pack" is working under the supervision of Miss Jenny. But Jack gets too excited about working and runs into a right spot of bother and Miss. Jenny wonders if he is not ready to join.
On Halloween, Edward tells the engines spooky ghost stories. The stories make Percy scared and so Thomas teases him about this. On the same night, Thomas, Percy and Duck are sent to the Smelter Yard. But when Thomas says he can manage alone to finish off the job, off Percy and Duck go, but how brave is Thomas when he's on his own?
Percy hates being a "middle engine" where he has trucks both in front and behind him. 'Arry and Bert, the Smelter Yard diesels, trick him into being a middle engine, and James boasts at the shed to the others that the pair wouldn't be able able to trick him. They do however and James, annoyed at being a middle engine, refuses to move...
The weather is getting colder so the Fat Controller asks James and Percy to make extra coal deliveries. Thomas seemingly warns Percy that he should be careful or else scary Jack Frost will get him. James thinks this is a load of nonsense, but Percy believes him. But when night comes and Percy has to make a delivery of coal to Lower Suddery both he and then later James think differently, but not as you would probably expect!
There is a water shortage on the Island of Sodor and Percy is upset because he can't be washed down as often as he would like. He gets very dirty very quickly and so decides to deliver some sugar to the Chocolate Factory - after all, he can't get dirty doing that, can he? But an oil spillage on the track leading straight to the Chocolate Factory spells disaster - and dirtiness!
Faced with the threat of forever working in the quarry if their line is not repaired, Skarloey and Rheneas get worried. Rusty though, is onhand, along with the help of Elizabeth, after persuading her that is! Will the line be able to be repaired in the 2 week time limit the Fat Controller has allowed?
The Duke and Duchess of Boxford pay a visit to the engines, and bring with them Spencer, their own private engine. He is sleek, shiny, fast and full of pride. Gordon is jealous and feels that he is not the fastest engine anymore. However, disaster strikes when Spencer runs out of water! It is up to Gordon to save him and redeem himself of his stolen title.
One day, Thomas takes the schoolchildren to their annual sports day. He sees them having fun and wishes he could have a medal too. Later, he has a race with Bertie and when they arrive at their destination, Thomas discovers the medals to be delivered to the sporting area for the winners have been left behind...
One day, Percy is travelling along Toby's old branch line and discovers the track is wobbly. He hurries back to the station to warn the other engines but gets frustrated when nobody listens to him. Later on, Thomas goes out onto the old line and gets stuck. Percy starts to worry when Thomas doesn't return home. Where could he be?
Summertime has arrived on Sodor. There are more passengers arriving but less engines to do the work. Thomas calls this a "double decker" problem, which gives the Fat Controller an idea. He goes to see Bulgy (who has been a henhouse for several years) in his field to tell him that he'll be back on the road, helping to deliver passengers. Bulgy is delighted, but when he is cleaned and mended, the hens miss their old home and they creep aboard him one night, where they cause confusion and delay the next morning...
It is the time of year for the Summer Fete. Harold the Helicopter wishes that he could help too; but he's so busy with his patrol duties that he doesn't have time. This makes him sad. Later, however, his friend, Pegasus the Horse becomes stuck in a ditch and needs help. So Harold flies to the rescue by lifting him out of the mud and Pegasus is flown to the Fete - giving Percy quite a shock as to seeing what he thinks is a flying horse!
Skarloey is crossing an old bridge when he notices the track is out of place and can't stop in time, thus leaving him dangling above the river from a long way up. Rheneas comes and rescues him with the breakdown train and the bridge is soon repaired. But Skarloey is terrifed of using the bridge again and has to shunt trucks and coaches in the yard. Rheneas has to do Skarloey's work now as well as his own. But when he runs out of water due to puffing too hard, he ends up stopping over the first quarter of the bridge and now Skarloey has to overcome his fear and must cross the bridge to save him...
Emily is a new steam engine who has recently arrived on the Island of Sodor. She accidentally takes Annie and Clarabel, and Thomas gets annoyed by this. Later, Oliver & Toad get stuck and Thomas is fast approaching! Emily, who is closeby, sees this and rushes to the rescue, but will she prevent a possible serious accident from occuring in time?
A new tank engine from the LMS called Arthur arrives on the island. He has a spotless record which means he's never been naughty or left a mess. The Fat Controller puts him to work with Thomas and Percy. Arthur's first job on the island is to take a train of closed vans full of fruit to market. The trucks start to sing rudely and Thomas then plays a trick and tells Arthur that The Fat Controller doesn't like the trucks singing and that Arthur should stop them from doing just that. This soon leads to a terrible accident...
Rusty is pulling a train across the old wooden bridge when he notices that some of the joints are loose. He goes and tells the Fat Controller who closes the bridge until it is mended. Rusty then tells the other engines, but Duncan thinks Rusty is just being a silly little diesel and puffs away without refilling with coal. Later on Duncan needs coal, and the only coal available is across the bridge, so off he goes. But Duncan runs out of steam halfway across and can't move, and then the bridge starts collapsing...
A new park on the Little Engines' railway is being built. The final thing to add before the opening is a statue of an elephant, hence the name: "Elephant Park". Duncan is being impatient as usual and seeing as he is finished before the other engines, the Fat Controller orders him to take the elephant to the park. However, the foolish little engine realises too late that it's "Better safe than fast" when he leaves without waiting for the brakevan and is dragged down the line with the heavy load. Will he be able to stop in time?
Percy's loud whistle blowing to show that he can make as loud a sound as 'Arry & Bert's horns distracts some of the others and is told by the Fat Controller to only whistle at appropriate times. However, Percy isn't sure to whistle to warn Thomas from crashing some time later. Will he let his friend crash or will he make the right decision by blowing a warning whistle?
Everything is happening on the Narrow Gauge Railway. There is the new Controller, Mr. Percival, and there is the new locomotive, Mighty Mac. But this is no ordinary locomotive; in fact it has not one smokebox but two! At one end there is Mighty and at the other, Mac. On their first job they already start fighting, and in this case, over which way they should go to reach the proposed destination. Will they be able to reach a resolution, to work as one?
Milk is used to make ice-cream and butter is used to make cakes. Thomas must collect both of these ingredients so as those two very things can be made for the summer party. However, it would seem all is lost when Thomas travels much too fast with the milk, which shakes it around so much that it turns to half-way butter…
The dinosaurs may be gone, but they still live on in the findings of their remaining bones, and it is such a find that has been made on Sodor. Rheneas & Skarloey both want to collect the bones, which need to be taken to the all new Transfer Yards area that has been constructed. But because of Skarloey’s clumsiness, Rheneas decides he will do the important work on his own, leaving poor Skarloey in the cold. What he fails to realize is dinosaur bones can be more heavy than one may think…
Thomas sees a new engine, who seems to be getting along very well with diesels, Iron ‘Arry & Bert, so well in fact that they’re laughing and everything. But the engine is steam powered. A steamie who’s friends with diesels? Certainly this cannot be? But does Thomas have his facts straight? Surely he couldn’t be mistaken?
On one day in particular, problem-engine Duncan is feeling rather adventurous. He is supposed to be taking trucks loaded with coal, but decides to head down an old line instead for a bit of fun. But perhaps Duncan should have stuck to what he was supposed to be doing, as he soon finds in one of the worst possible ways.
Best friends, Thomas and Percy, greatly want to see for themselves a golden eagle which has said to have been recently flying in Sodor’s skies. The engines decide to halve one another’s work, so as they have more free time to spare that day to try and spot the wondrous bird, but will their little plan work like the charm they hope?
Thomas must collect a group of children from the Airport, and take them to the Sodor Summer Picnic. When Thomas arrives at the Airport, he meets a new Jet Plane for the first time, named Jeremy. Jeremy comes off to Thomas as being rather boastful, when he says how splendid it is to fly high in the air, and so Thomas decides he won’t be talking to him again, anytime soon! However, Thomas still wonders what it would be like to be a jet plane, rather than a steam engine for a change. Soon after Jeremy has taken off, he notices a storm is brewing, and descends back down to warn Thomas. Will the picnic have to be canceled?
Sir Handel has been away for a long time, on a big job during the summer, but he has now at last returned. Sir Handel’s first task back at home is a job assigned by Mr. Percival to carefully transport a stock of apples. Once Sir Handel is away, everything seems all and well – but then he starts to rattle terribly, upon traveling up hills. To cover up, Sir Handel asks Peter Sam to help him transport the stock of apples. But when Sir Handel has to take Mr. Percival and his wife on a picnic, he may have no choice but to tell of his problem.
Thomas is not happy that James is collecting the flour for the cakes to be had at a children’s party. Thomas is so cross that he is stuck shunting trucks instead, he bangs James’ flour truck hard, which causes the door to fly open, resulting in all the flour pouring out! Thomas goes to get a replacement flour truck but by the time he reaches the mill, it is shut. But there is one last hope: There is another truck full of flour – behind a whole lot of empty ones.
The carnival has arrived on the Island of Sodor. There are many sights to see, such as the Chinese Dragon. The Steam Team are each given a part of the carnival’s attractions to transport – except for Percy. He is very sad that he is stuck merely pulling coal. Percy attempts to join in the fun by trying to help the other engines out, but forgets about his coal duties…
The hill clock tower’s bell needs to be given a good polish off for the country fair. The Foreman tells Duncan to travel slowly with the bell, but Duncan ends up becoming so enraptured by the bell’s sound it makes, going along the bumpy sections of track, that he doesn’t listen. It is only when the bell flies off his flatbed truck, upon hitting a dip, that Duncan realizes he should have listened. Duncan will have to put in quite an effort to retrieve the bell – which has become dangerously stuck in a tree. Any second, it could fall.
Toby thinks he has the afternoon off, and so plans to visit the farmyard and see the animals, which he enjoys greatly. But Toby is soon worried upon the Fat Controller assigning him three very important, and very out of the blue special trains. He couldn’t possibly make it in time to the farm now, or at least on his own. To try and still make it, Toby asks the other engines if they are able to help him out at all, but they are simply much too busy for the poor little Tram Engine. But with great luck for Toby, choppy seas delay one of the special deliveries till the next day, which means Toby will now make it to the farm, or so he thinks.
When Thomas arrives at the Wharf and explains to Peter Sam and Duncan that he has been sent to collect a Christmas Tree from Sir Handel, the pair tease him, taking it that Thomas does not know what a Christmas Tree looks like. Thomas is absolutely fuming. He very well knows! So cross, Thomas becomes, he decides to accept help from no-one for the rest of the day. Before long, Thomas eyes a flatbed truck, on which a tarpaulin is covering what appears to be in the shape of a Christmas Tree. Thomas hastily hauls it away, but it’s no Christmas Tree under there, as he finds just down the line…
One more, just one more time is all Gordon needs to break his Express record. When he is given Henry’s special coal by mistake, he speaks not a word of it, thinking it will make him reach greater speeds. But when Henry’s firebox becomes blocked, due having to survive on regular coal, Gordon feels bad. He goes back to Henry, and swaps tenders with him, so Henry can puff along again with no trouble, even it means having to miss out on setting the Express record.
Gordon has finally beaten the Express record, and will be given a special set of coaches at a big ceremony to be held for him. Diesel, though, isn’t exactly overjoyed about Gordon’s achievement, upon hearing from Emily, who is most rude to him indeed. So Diesel decides to go and hide Gordon’s special set of coaches…
Upon challenging Spencer the Streamliner to a bit of a race, Thomas ends up whizzing through Kellsthorpe station so fast he causes a strong gust that blows the Fat Controller’s hat clean away. Thomas takes it in his stride to try and get the top hat back, but on each occasion he nears it, the hat decides to blow away! Thomas will have to try another method of attack.
After several years, Fearless Freddie the Warhorse Engine, has come back to the Narrow Gauge Railway on Sodor. Freddie challenges brothers, Skarloey and Rheneas, to a race, boasting he is the fastest in the hills. But Freddie cheats and uses a shortcut route. When Skarloey and Rheneas challenge Freddie to race yet again, he takes another shortcut! But not only that, this time, in Rheneas’ desperation to get ahead of Freddie, he ends up running right off the rails. It will be up to Freddie to help Rheneas get his wheels back on the rails again.
A fancy dress party is being held for some children, where Thomas shall be giving them rides. Thomas wonders deeply about what he could possibly wear as a costume. Upon being given a good clean at the Washdown, Thomas comes up with the idea of going as a giant bubble bath! But his “bubble” is soon burst when he ends up crashing into Toby the Tram Engine, due not being able to see through the soap in his eyes! After two more incidents still, the first involving getting cloaked in toffee apple and the other getting covered in leaves and nasty branches, Thomas is in quite a state. But little does he know that his state will turn out all for the better.
Sodor is in the grip of winter. Farmer McColl needs an engine to haul some heavy goods for him, and when Gordon ends up being assigned to the task, of which he is most boastful about, Henry is sad he wasn’t given a chance. The engines, not pleased with Gordon’s pompousness, tell him that Henry could do just as good a job, giving him the title: ‘Big Strong Henry’. But Henry is concerned. Will he be able to live up to such a title?
Thomas puffs wildly from stop to stop, leaving all the holidaymakers behind, to try and prove he can be speedy too, upon Gordon saying he would be able to do the run much quicker. Bertie the Bus observes the stranded passengers, and takes it in his stride to collect them all and get them to Thomas before it’s too late.
Thomas is taking some engineers to the Power Station, but at the same time really wants to see a special shooting star, which will be showing itself up in the sky anytime now. Not wanting to miss it, Thomas makes sure to only travel down lines which will not block his vision of the sky. But this means not taking the quickest route possible to the Power Station, which is in no way a good thing.
Rusty is very hasty, and tells the workmen he is taking around to get their direction sign painting done as quickly as possible at the various locations. Rusty then takes the Fat Controller and his family down the line for a walk around the mountains. They are supposed to meet him back at the tea rooms, but when they do not return, Rusty grows concerned and goes out of his way to look for them. When Rusty finds several people at all the wrong places as he goes along, he realizes that it must be the direction signs that are causing all the bother!
At Arlesdale End, Toby’s shed roof is leaking. Thomas thinks it would make Toby most happy if the roof was fixed, and so gets down to sorting out a new roof being built for the Tram Engine. But to Thomas’ surprise, upon Toby’s seeing the new roof, he is most distraught. What could possibly be tugging at Toby?
Edward doesn’t think too highly of a new rail crane who has arrived on the Island of Sodor, named Rocky. The crane does not have the ability to drive, due having no engine or the like. When Harvey is later unable to clear some pipes off the line in time that Edward spilled, Gordon ends up running right over them, thus, resulting in a terrible crash. Harvey may be a strong crane engine, but not quite strong enough to lift a big engine such as Gordon. It will now be up to Edward to inform Rocky he is needed.
High winds cause a giant balloon of a snowman to attach itself to one of Thomas’ buffers. A great deal of folk attempt to tell Thomas how it has managed to get itself stuck on him, but to no avail. Thomas simply won’t listen, as he is much too concerned about getting his job done of bringing timber to Farmer McColl.
Poor Skarloey. He absolutely hates the Wharf as it’s so loud and he doesn’t know a soul there. James teases Skarloey even, calling him a ‘scaredy engine’ upon the Troublesome Trucks giving the little chap a start. Skarloey wonders if he really is a ‘scaredy engine’. But after three brave acts throughout the day involving Rusty, Duncan and Rheneas, he soon realizes that perhaps what James said was quite unfair.
James is all decked up in flags and bunting in the colours of the Sodor School football team, as he will be pulling the team train. Jealous Thomas wanted to be given such a job, and so tricks James into puffing down an old, disused line, causing James’ splendid decorations to be torn to pieces! Thomas will have to put in a big effort to put things right once more.
In an act of kindness to his brother, Rheneas decides to pull Skarloey’s trucks for him as he is most busy. But Rheneas also has his own load to take, and finds that it’s simply all too much on him, upon attempting to climb a difficult hill. So Rheneas parks Skarloey’s trucks in a siding, and simply delivers his own load first. When he returns for Skarloey’s lot, it has disappeared!
On the way to delivering some birthday mail to Alice, who lives at High Farm, Thomas meets Rosie, a young tank engine, who absolutely idolizes him. Thomas becomes very angry when Rosie tries to follow him down the line to High Farm, and so attempts to lose her. But when Thomas ends up in a tremendous landslide, Rosie of course soon catches up with him. Will Thomas accept the young lass’ help?
Villagers, high up in the hills, need plenty of coal as Sodor is in the deep of winter. Duncan is taking coal there from the Wharf, which James delivers. For a lark, Duncan says he will race James. If Duncan delivers the coal first, he wins. If James arrives with more coal first, he wins. So, just who will win? Well, it certainly wouldn’t seem to be James when Duncan resorts to a spot of cheating…
A Maritime Museum is to be opened on Sodor, by an Admiral. When Thomas picks him up from Brendam Docks, Salty tells Thomas the story about long lost treasure belonging to pirates, and also gives the clues as to where it has been buried somewhere on the Island. Unfortunately for the Admiral, this means he will be late for the opening, as Thomas becomes simply enraptured by the idea and can’t stop thinking about it for the whole journey! Most annoyed by distracted little Thomas terribly delaying the Admiral, the Fat Controller arranges for him to be transported by Harold the Helicopter instead. Despite this, Thomas decides he will find that treasure.
Lady Hatt assigns Percy to tell the other engines what their jobs are on this day, as the Fat Controller has unfortunately lost his voice. Percy refuses help from Thomas, even though he does have many things to keep in his mind, to tell the engines. Percy soon ends up all befuddled and tells Gordon, James and Toby completely the wrong things! The results prove quite disruptive…
A Railway Poster is to be produced, and the Fat Controller needs an engine to be the centre of it – and that engine is decided to be Edward. James is most jealous of Edward when he learns of the news. He wanted to be the engine on that poster. So James decides to try and prove to the Fat Controller that it should be him, and not Edward, who gets the gig.
Skarloey is in dire need of repairs, but the workshop is all the way over on the other side of Sodor. Thomas kindly comes forward, in that he will transport Skarloey there. Once Skarloey is on a flatbed truck, the Thin Controller warns Thomas about its coupling, as it could easily come loose. Skarloey is feeling very miserable, so Thomas tries as hard as he can to make the little chap feel better, by showing him sights around the island. When none of his efforts seem to work, Thomas comes up with the idea of showing Skarloey the view from the peak of Gordon’s Hill, but he has forgotten about that flatbed’s coupling…
It's Knapford Station's birthday and all the engines are preparing for the festivities. When a photographer comes to photograph the engines for a billboard Diesel accidentally obscures Thomas; Thomas thinks this was on purpose and is so distracted he goes the wrong way and knocks the billboard over. This gives an opportunity for all the engines to be in a new photo, but when Diesel isn't told, he has to do all the others' jobs. Everything is soon rectified and the new photo is put up at Knapford.
Edward is told to take a brass wheel along the express line to the Waterworks, but opts to take the branch line so the people can see him. Although Edward is warned the line ahead is bumpy, he continues onwards as the school is nearby. When the wheel begins to tear the rope, Edward goes up Gordon's Hill, but then the wheel rolls off to the Smelters. Edward saves it just in time and has it chained on so it won't fall off.
Toby wants to make an impression by searching the island for something special. But when Toby is taking workmen to Great Waterton, he spends to much time looking for something special, he eventually runs out of coal. But when he finds a metal piece lying beside the track, Rocky lifts it of the ground and Toby finds the sign of the 'Great Waterton Tram Shed'.
Emily is the only one who finishes her jobs on time, and thus is called "Excellent" by the Fat Controller. She is then given a job to take Trevor from Farmer McColl's farm, to the Airport to clear some rubble before Jeremy the Jet Plane lands, who is carrying The Fat Controller's Mother. Murdoch, Thomas and Duck inform Emily that some tracks are not safe, Emily ignores them, which lands her into trouble when he track on a muddy dip, sinks. Murdoch helps her out and Emily, who arrives at Farmer McColl's to take Trevor, now asks Murdoch to use which tracks, and delivers Trevor just in time, as Jeremy descends onto the Airport, with The Fat Controller's Mother.
Freddie decides to organize a winter party at the wharf instead of at Mr. Percival's house, so that Colin the Crane can join in, but neglects to tell Mr. Percival and so the equipment is loaded onto a barge. Freddie eventually tells Mr. Percival about the rearranged party, to which Mr. Percival agrees on. Freddie stops the barge just in time and the party is now on the Wharf. Colin thanks Freddie for his help.
Thomas has to take a fireman to Maithwaite for a medal ceremony and decides to try and help the engines on the way - although all his attempts end in failure, when Rocky drops a water tower, Harvey goes down the wrong line and Gordon can't find Toby. Thomas asks Percy to collect the fireman and sorts out the mistakes that he has made. He finds Bertie, broken down on a muddy road and agrees to take children to the medal ceremony. Thomas feels that he is now a real hero.
It's the Percival twin's birthday, and Duncan is to give them a special birthday ride, just as he always does. Duncan is getting his special birthday flag fitted, just as the Thin Controller, Mr. Percival, arrives with news. He asks Duncan to collect a hot air balloon from the Transfer Yards. The twins will be getting a ride in a hot air balloon for their birthday.
Neville informs Thomas and Percy that the brass band is coming for a special concert. Thomas suggests that if Percy wants to collect the band then he should go to the washdown, but while Percy is away the Fat Controller arrives and asks Thomas to take the band. Thomas feels bad and tries to avoid Percy, but when he has to collect the band from Brendam he is found by Percy. Thomas, guilty, asks the Fat Controller to let Percy collect the band afterwards, and leaves to tell Percy of his plan. Percy and Thomas make up, and agree to never keep secrets from each other again.
A storm has hit the wishing tree, so some woodsmen are to be brought to the island to prop up the tree. But Henry thinks that the woodsmen are chopping the tree down. So he takes Toby, Thomas, Percy and Emily's loads to block the lines, leading to the tree. Harold eventually informs Henry that the woodsmen want to save the tree, so Henry delivers the loads to their destinations, and the woodsmen arrive at the forest to save the tree, with some help from Henry.
Thomas is worried about his brakes as they make funny noises. While ordered to deliver bricks for the repairing of the Sodor River Bridge, Thomas goes on a bumpy tracks which makes the bricks fall out of his trucks, Thomas doesn't know this, then while trying to brake on Gordon's hill, hits some emergency buffers, as more bricks fall off. Thomas finally makes his way to the bridge, but his brakes stop working all together and finds himself dangling on top of the gap of the bridge. With the help of Stanley, Rocky and Murdoch, they recover the bricks and Thomas has his brakes fixed at the yards. He comes back to the River Bridge to thank Stanley for his help.
Thomas and the narrow gauge engines must collect presents for Mr. Percival's birthday. Sir Handel is to tell Mr. Percival and everyone else his 'Man in the Hills' story. He tells the engines that the man is white and has never been found. Thomas believes that he can find him, but fails when presuming that the 'Man in the Hills' is a Baker, or a Miller. He then takes them back to make Mr. Percival's cake and tells Freddie to find the 'Man in the Hills'. Thomas soon finds that he is carved onto a hill for everyone to see. Everyone arrives for the party, as Sir Handel tells everyone his story about the 'Man in the Hills'
Gordon boasts to Stanley that he never gets lost. He and Stanley must arrive at Great Waterton, whoever arrives first must take important people, and whoever arrives second must take workmen. Gordon wants to take the important people, so he takes some shortcuts, but gets lost while refusing to be helped by Duck, Oliver and Toad. After an accident with Ben's trucks of logs, which make their way down onto a line, he then asks Ben for help to take the right tracks, with the addition of Oliver, Toad and Duck. He arrives on the line to stop Stanley from hitting the logs, he succeeds, and Gordon now wants Stanley to take the important people.
While working at the Quarry, Diesel challenges Thomas to race backwards around the Quarry, but causes Mavis, Arry and Bert to bump off the rails. Henry arrives to collect his trucks, which Thomas and Diesel were supposed to have loaded with Quarry stone. They eventually finish the job, then have one more race, forwards, as they arrive together at the finishing point.
Toby is the first to lead Great Waterton and Thomas is pleased for his friend. But when he arrives at Great Waterton he is surprised to see a new steam tram, Flora. He feels Toby will be upset so tries to keep her away from Toby. She soon runs out of coal and then Toby reveals he was nervous about leading the parade alone, so Thomas then has to put things right.
It's winter on the Island of Sodor and James, Thomas and Stanley are shunting trucks at the yard. James shows off that he can shunt Hector to the back of his train. He puffs away with his trucks, which he has to take to Great Waterton. On the way he Harold tells James that he has to take the longer route. But James gets cross and takes the snowy track. He takes the wrong route when he sees Edward who tells James to take the longer route. But James doesn't listen and Hector tells James what to do. He doesn't listen again and his trucks gets stuck in the snow. So this time, James does listen to Hector and make his trucks go through the snow. He, Hector and the Trucks, soon make it to Great Waterton.
Thomas is given the job of transporting a crate containing a very special statue called The Lion of Sodor. However, he thinks his cargo is a real lion, so he decides to take extra care of it. Throughout his journey to Knapford, Thomas decides to make sure that the lion is well fed and comfortable, so he collects syrup from Henry, fish from Edward, and straw from Toby, which are all placed inside the crate. When Thomas arrives at Knapford station, the crate is opened up and everyone is shocked to see the Lion of Sodor in a terrible mess. Thomas feels very silly and owns up to what he thought of his cargo. The Fat Controller and Henry explain that the Lion of Sodor was a special statue which got broken. Thomas' cargo was the new statue of the Lion. Feeling silly, Thomas agrees to get the statue clean. Taking advice from Henry and Edward, Thomas gets it cleaned at the wash-down and then polished at the Sodor Steamworks. Once the Lion of Sodor looks very clean, Thomas takes Toby's advice to a short-cut via the windmill to get back to Knapford station, where the Mayor of Sodor is very pleased to see the new statue.
All the engines on the Island of Sodor are very excited. Hiro is returning for a visit, and to help with the summer holiday makers. The Fat Controller is throwing a surprise welcome party at Knapford for Hiro, and tells Thomas to tell all the other engines. But Thomas' mind isn't on the party; he wants to get Hiro a wonderful gift to celebrate his visit. Thomas puffs all around the island, trying to find something special for Hiro. Later, Thomas arrives at Knapford, but no one is there, as Thomas hadn't told anybody about the party. Thomas quickly races around the island, and all soon arrive at Knapford. Thomas apologizes for not finding a gift, but Hiro insists that the best present of all, was having all of his friends together.
A snowstorm has covered Sodor, and Thomas and Gordon are given important jobs. While doing his job, Gordon decides to take the shorter, hilly route because he thinks he is special and stronger. He slips several times, spraying Spencer (who is there with the Duke & Dutchess Of Boxford on a visit) with snow and crashing into some slate cars. While climbing Gordon's Hill, he inadvertently creates a giant snowball that starts to roll back. It derails Thomas, who had been following him. While he's delivering his load, Gordon collects Rocky to put Thomas back on the rails. Then he helps Thomas do his job. That night, Gordon announces that no engine is special and they're all the best.
Hiro arrives at Knapford station to find the Fat Controller very busy; so busy in fact that the Fat Controller leaves his top-hat inside his office and bumps into the stationmaster and a porter. Edward arrives and, like Hiro, is quite worried about the Fat Controller's unusual behaviour. The Fat Controller has a meeting to attend with the Thin Controller and he doesn't listen to Edward who tries to ask him where to take his visitors from Brendam Docks. Hiro decides to help Edward, so as not to bother the Fat Controller and tells Edward to take his visitors to the hills. Later, Hiro finds Thomas taking tables and chairs, but he doesn't know where to take them; so Hiro tells Thomas to go and visit Farmer Trotter. Finally, Hiro finds Percy taking ducks, who want to go for a swim; so, Hiro tells Percy to take the Fenlan Track so that the ducks can have a swim. Hiro thinks he is doing a good job until he sees the Fat Controller, on his way back from the meeting looking very cross. Edward's visitors are suppose to be at the Town Hall for a concert; Thomas is suppose to be at the Town Hall with the tables and chairs; and Farmer McColl is waiting for his ducks. Hiro feels very bad and rather silly; he's hadn't been the "Master of the Railway" - he'd been the "Master of the Muddle"! Hiro tells the Fat Controller that he didn't want to bother him, and the Fat Controller reminds Hiro that he is in charge of the Railway. Hiro decides to sort out his muddle for the Fat Controller, so he tells Edward and Thomas to go to Knapford station where the Fat Controller will give them his orders. Then, he finds Percy, who can't get the ducks back inside their boxes. Using his whistle to make duck noises, Hiro helps Percy. Once Thomas, Edward and Percy are at Knapford, the Fat Controller tells them where to go, and Hiro promises himself always to be helpful to the Fat Controller - the right way in future.
James refuses to be fitted with an old-fashioned-looking lamp to help him see in the dark. However, the stubborn engine begins to regret his short-sighted decision when he is called upon to pick up opera singer Alicia Botti, the Mayor of Sodor, and the Brass Band for an evening concert, but accidentally collects Farmer Trotter, Farmer McColl, and their animals instead!
Toby must visit the summerhouse, which means traveling through the scary Whistling Woods. The brave little engine is determined to get through the woods without being frightened, until all kinds of noises send him steaming off in the opposite direction. Can Thomas and James help Toby conquer his fear?
Flynn is the Sodor Island fire engine and his wheels have been adapted so that he can roll on the road as well as on the train tracks. As he sets out on the road, he is nervous and his wheels wobble. Charlie chuffs by and makes fun of him leaving Flynn feeling silly. Rocky then tells Flynn that Sir Topham Hatt's shed is on fire. Flynn drives off, but instead of using the road which would be faster, he goes on the tracks so he will not be a "big red wobble on wheels".
Thomas is selected to take the Fat Controller to London for a Royal Appointment, but with no knowledge of how to get there, their journey is filled with confusion and delay.
Emily worries she does not have a best friend, but when the other engines help her out of a tricky situation, she realises she has been surrounded by best friends all along.
Thomas discovers a missing dog on the railway and tries to find it a new home.
When a Railway Show for little engines comes to Sodor, an overly excited Percy finally sees his chance to shine.
Thomas heads to Brazil where he must collect a shipment of wood from a eucalyptus plantation. When he arrives, he meets Marcio and Marcia, a pair of wood burning engines.
When a pretend emergency turns into a real emergency, there is only one engine who can save the day!
The Fancy Costume Contest comes to town and all the engines are excited about getting dressed up and taking part. All except Shankar, who doesn't want to enter.
Thomas has a run of bad luck. Lorenzo and Beppe tell Thomas about many strange, unusual superstitions that promise to bring good luck.
Nia is excited to be given the task of bringing a new elephant to Sodor Animal Park. Nia loves animals, but this time the feeling is not mutual.
Thomas travels to the land down under, where he helps his friend Ace overcome his fear of animals so that he can compete in Australia's Super Stunt Rally.
Rebecca tells James he could be a comicbook super-engine. He takes her seriously and Rail Rocket is born.
When Thomas finds out that the Earl's Technology Fair will bring new inventions to Sodor, he sets out to prove that steam engines are the best inventions ever.
When a pair of crooks steal the plans for a great new invention, there is a high-speed chase to try and get them back.
With Diesel in danger, Sonny gets a chance to prove himself.
Thomas helps Ruth fix up an old windmill into her new, energy-efficient workshop.
When the Rickety Old Bridge collapses, trapping Toby and Henrietta on the other side of the ravine, Inventor Ruth is asked to build a new one.
Yong Bao cleverly diverts an accident, saving hundreds of passengers and is decorated for his bravery and repainted bright red.
When Kenji hears that he must travel home to Japan alone, he gets scared and tries to hide. So, Thomas sets out to find him.
When Ruth's new car, Cleo, takes to the rails to race Thomas, she soon discovers why she is designed to stick to the roads.
Nia uses what she learns about lighthouses to suggest covering a big wheel in Christmas lights, so that Harold can see where he's going in a storm.
Cleo is shocked to learn snow does not last forever and tries to stop it from melting.
Thomas is asked to help at the animal park for the day and realises there is more to the job than he first thought.