Welcome! Thank you for joining me for the 30 Days Of Yoga experience! As we transition into the New Year I already feel great about the idea of practicing for 30 days straight. I feel excited about challenging myself, connecting to myself, and learning something new. I am grateful that my body is able to move, that my breath is capable of deepening and I love that I will be doing it with so many others, around the globe. The hardest part each day will likely be getting on the mat. Make time. Stay focused and choose to make the experience your own. This 30 Day practice is intended to support you in finding what feels good in the New Year. So, though it may be challenging to make time for your practice – just do it – knowing that it is okay to adapt, change, modify, rebel and do your own thang at any time. But get on the mat. Take conscious breaths and stretch each day as a way of connecting to your intentions, your big picture, and ultimately, complete wellness.
Join Adriene on Day 1 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Ease into your 30 day experience with an open mind, kindness, and curiosity. Use this DAY 1 practice to take stock, check in with the body and mind. Begin the practice of slowing down, noticing, stretching and moving with ease. Commit to 30 days of breathing deep and listening. Acknowledge the distractions, the frustrations, the parts of the body that need more love or are in healing. Acknowledge it all! For this journey is about more than just a flexible, strong and tone body. It is about full mind, heart and body wellness. Begin here to set the foundation for a connected home practice. - FREE and in the comfort of your own home! Get empowered, find what feels good, listen to your body and let's have some fun! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!
Join Adriene on Day 2 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Stretch your body and soothe your soul. Relieve stress and ease into your 30 day experience with an open mind, kindness, and curiosity. Use this Day 2 practice to stretch tight muscles and soothe the nervous system - even an achey heart. This first week we take time to connect to the big picture and a full body experience. Practice staying present as we deepen the practice and learn vocabulary to play with on our mat. Practices change from day to day - and get shorter towards the end. Stick with it! Take this time for yourself. Have courage to take the time for yourself! Get empowered, find what feels good, listen to your body, and don't forget to have some fun!
Join Adriene on Day 3 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Forget What You Know About Yoga! It is so easy to slip into automatic pilot. For today's sequence, come into a beginner's mind. (Bonus if you are a beginner and totally new to yoga!) When we come to this idea of beginner's mind - we open up to all possibilities. Use this Day 3 practice to check in with balance and connect to your core center. Let go of expectations and stay receptive as you work to build strength and unlock more space. Again, open up to making new discovery! If you are regular yogi, this practice will be a great opportunity to change it up. If you are new to the practice, ROCK ON, you have that beautiful beginner's mind already. Seek opportunities to learn - especially in the difficulties. Everyone, close your eyes when you can, move mindfully, and trust yourself. Breathe. Breathe slowly. This revitalizing and strengthening sequence is great for balance, core & hip check in, and supports good posture!
Yoga for your back! Stretch and strengthen your back with the power of the breath! Use this practice to awaken the spine and meet your edge. Tone arms, legs, core and stay connected to subtle body movement with the breath. Stick with it! Take this time to see to notice how Yoga practice has your back. Get frisky! Or at least, remember Yoga is not so serious! Modify as needed and keep a sense of humor. Keep finding that breath!
Join Adriene on Day 5 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Feel Alive Flow! This practice will help you shake off the blues to feel revitalized and fresh again! Use this Day 5 practice to check in with the breath. Let the breath be the soundtrack to this practice. Notice what it feels like to be ALIVE today. Meet your edge, but don't take anything too seriously. Today is a reminder to have some fun! Smile and stretch it out. Give thanks! You are ALIVE! Yoga helps up notice what it feels like to be alive and in the moment. Give thanks and enjoy!
Join Adriene on Day 6 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Six Pack Abs! Yogi style. This is a shorter practice to tone the abdominals in a mindful way that feels fun and supportive! Also, almost everyone wants more core strength and tone abdominals. You asked for it! Use this Day 6 practice to check in with the core. Mindful core training will support your entire practice and whole body health. While tone abs are something we all fancy (me too), core strength training is so much more than washboard abs or a flat tummy. By building core strength you are supporting the the back and all of the muscles that surround your dear spinal cord. By working those muscles, we are taking some of our weight off the spine and engaging the entire body. We are more likely to do active, engaging things when the body is strong & engaged. Great for runners, dancers, movers and shakers! Great for grounding the spirit.
Join Adriene on Day 7 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Total Body Yoga! This practice opens up the side body and invites you to create space as you build total body strength. Use this Day 7 practice to get the heart rate going and build strength. This sequence focuses on core strength and side body length! Meet your edge mindfully - don't push! Practice non-harming, mindful action and alignment! Drink a tall glass of water after this practice. Keep up the great work!
Join Adriene on Day 8 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Yoga For Healing & Meditation! Whether you plan to mediate after practice or whether the practice IS your mediation, use this slow and juicy sequence to guide your body and your breath. Day 8 invites you slow down, cultivate balance and CONNECT. We open the hips in this sequence and use the subtle power of the breath to find release and let go. Connect to your spirit, soften, stretch and relax. If you are used to moving fast, this may be a challenge for you. Enjoy the rejuvenating and restorative benefits of yoga and meditation. This should feel AWESOME after the first week of the 30 Day Of Yoga Journey. Relax and enjoy! You deserve it.
Join Adriene on Day 9 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Full Potential Detox Practice! Meet your full potential and come into your power with this vigorous - but loving - at home yoga practice. Day 9 invites you to embrace your full potential! This is a fierce practice that is great for the digestive organs and abdominals. Perfect if you are feeling bloated in the belly or looking to tone to strong lean muscles. Very beneficial for those who suffer from IBS, constipation or stomach discomfort. Cleanse it out safely with yoga. Keep a strong focus on the breath and alignment as you connect to full body strength with grace and ease. Make self-adjustments and modify up or down through this practice. This video is fun and challenging! Keep a sense of humor and always take breaks when you need! Listen to your body and ENJOY! Let your heart rate return back to its normal rate in Savasana after practice. Drink a tall glass of water to follow.
Join Adriene on Day 10 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! 10 min Sun Salutation Practice! Get used to moving with the breath. Practice this in the morning to set the tone for your day! This Day 10 Sun Salutation sequence is great if you are on the go and should feel awesome after 9 days of an amazing 30 Day Yoga journey! Use this practice to work on synchronizing the movement with the breath. Increase strength and flexibility as you welcome warmth to the body. Sun Salutations warm up the body and can refresh us in so many ways. Great for the nervous system! Great for the immune system! Great for depression! Make adjustments as needed and listen to your body!
Join Adriene on Day 11 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Lions, Lizards and Dogs, OH MY! This full body at home yoga practice is a healthy boost to both body and MIND. Day 11 balances and strengthens your Shakti energy. Shakti is considered the essential energy to live a healthy and vibrant life. Connect to an open mind and heart with creative energy - whatever that means to you. Use this awesome practice to seek, find, and connect to the power within. Stay curious! "Don't Give Up!" Discover! It's there. Awaken it! This sequence is also awesome for pre-workout warm up - great before a run or a trip to the gym. Let me know how this sequence makes you feel down below! It's time for a little energetic hygiene! Enjoy!
Join Adriene on Day 12 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Yoga For Spinal Health. This Day 12 practice promotes a happy and healthy support system. Seek balance as you stabilize the core musculature of the spine. Find a sense of ease as you strengthen the buttocks & legs and find support from within - that lasts. For real. Improve balance and coordination and ride the wave of yesterday's Shakti practice to create a focus that serves you. Keep coming back to your breath. Integrate the breath into each posture and every transition. Enjoy.
Join Adriene on Day 13 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Endurance and Ease! Find the mustard for your (yoga) pretzel in this fun full body sequence. Lucky Day 13 invites you to fly like an eagle, aiming for full breaths and eventual exquisite ease. Check in with your Day 13 endurance by softening your jaw and the skin of your face. Unfurrow that brow, lighten your heart and unwind your mind with this savory Humble Warrior sequence. Stretch, twist, and FLY. Listen to your body. Don't push. Don't worry, have fun!
Join Adriene on Day 14 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Mindful Hatha Yoga Workout. This yoga workout is more of a practice than a workout, in my world anyway. I invite you to embrace practice as you work it out! Day 14 invites you to stretch tired and stiff muscles while also connecting to spirit and breath. Open the shoulders and find relief from stress and tension with this yummy 16 min at home practice. Open the hips and connect to your core. Use today to check in with how you feel and write it down in your practice journal. Don't have a practice journal? Write in on your 30 Days Of Yoga calendar! Or on a napkin! What is one word to describe today's practice?
Join Adriene on Day 15 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Half Moon Practice. No experience with Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon? NO PROBLEM!!! We are HALF WAY there y'all! Day 15 welcomes you to drop into your practice. This sequence can be done in half an hour. It provides opportunity to relish in the space that you have cultivated in the last 14 days. Today would be the perfect day to commit to staying present. You have made it this far - stay in the moment and reconnect to your intentions. This 30 min yoga sequence is great for anxiety and stress relief. This practice takes its time and invites us to keep it fresh and alive! Connect to your breath, lift your heart and go with the flow. ENJOY! Because you're worth it.
Join Adriene on Day 16 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Easy Breezy Beautiful Yoga. Experiment going at your practice with an easy breezy beautiful attitude. Today, check in, don't push, keep it soft and easy. Ahhh, the art of noticing! Use this Day 16 Yoga practice to awaken the spine, calm the nervous system, and balance yesterday's yang energy - with a little softness and ease. Enjoy your yoga ritual! Short & Sweet 16!
Join Adriene on Day 17 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Forget your troubles come on get happy! Hop on the mat for Happiness Boosting Yoga. Day 17 Yoga practice invites you to awaken the chakras and energetic channels of the body, or the nadis. Use deep conscious breaths as you follow this sequence to lift your mood. This practice can relieve tension, anxiety, the blues, and is great energetic hygiene! Increase flexibility and build strength, mindfully. Cultivate a full body experience. It is not what you do but how you do it in this sequence. Increase balance with practice and breath. Choose to enjoy the effects of 17 days of Yoga. Keep listening!
Join Adriene on Day 18 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Wonder Yoga practice is a sequence for balance, opening, and wonder in the unknown! Day 18 Yoga invites you to regain wonder at being alive! Open the heart and hips as you breathe deep. This kind of practice helps me make clear choices, meet my edge, and stay in the present moment. Balancing poses and mindful movement - simply cannot lie! Be patient. Take good care. Remember to have FUN. Soften your brow! Return to this practice again and again if you wish to grow a balancing practice! Peace.
Join Adriene on Day 19 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Use this Breath and Body practice to relieve tired muscles and calm the mind. Day 19 invites you slow down to synchronize body and movement with the breath. Deepen your practice with pranayama. Marry your pranayama practice or breathing practice with your asana practice. As we focus on the breath, we invite fresh oxygen to the blood and to the brain. We connect to prana (or energy) and use the breath to control that vital force - so you can cultivate your magical powers and live your full potential! Let your breath sing! Let your body talk. Listen, relax and enjoy! You deserve it.
Join Adriene on Day 20 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Heart Practice. This yoga sequence is not your mama's heart opening practice. This 27 min journey invites you to find support from the earth, engage the full body, and put your HEART into it. Day 20 builds on yesterday's Breath and Body practice! Synchronize the movement and breath with this full body flow yoga practice. Open the heart and invite space to the neck and shoulders. You gotta have heart. What kind of attitude can you bring to your mat today?
Join Adriene on Day 21 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Joyful Home Practice. This yoga sequence is all about full body awareness and empowering you to make safe and supportive self adjustments. Play, get drunk on the breath. Practice Mindfulness and ENJOY! Day 21 benefits the internal organs with movement and massage. It supports the joints and invites you to strengthen all major muscle groups. Focus on alignment and action as you continue to build strength and grow your practice. Strong focus on sensation over shape. Strong focus on pranayama/breath continue in today's Day 21 yoga practice. Stay true to your breath. Find the joy. Find the joy. Find the joy.
Join Adriene on Day 22 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Full Body Awareness Party! You're invited! Day 22 is a mindful and juicy yoga practice to assist you in cultivating full body awareness both on and off the mat. Stretch, strengthen, twist, and rinse. Play and soothe. Cultivate an appreciation for the entire body. Consider it one moving part! Enhancing full body awareness is an amazing tool for healing and growth. Can I get an AMEN? We are in the home stretch! Connect and support others!
Join Adriene on Day 23 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Freedom & Forgiveness. Power Yoga! MEET YOUR EDGE! (Don't Panic) Day 23 is not the power yoga you are used to. Rather, this sequence invites us to find power and strength through acceptance, forgiveness and letting go. Day 23 is an awesome journey! Modify as needed and find what really feels good. This practice will give you a good workout, stretch, strengthen, and soothe. But beyond that, this breath focused playtime is the perfect sequence to practice letting go. Let go to create space for empowerment and new found strength. Let the practice be a mirror. Don't be hard on yourself. Be yourself. Be kind. Find freedom within the form and strength in letting go. Practice forgiveness as a way to keep moving forward. Oh, and drink lots of water today!
Join Adriene on Day 24 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Gentle Yummy Yoga to restore. Quick and supportive practice! With extended Savasana! Find balance in your 30 Day Yoga Journey. If you are thinking about skipping this one - don't! This restorative Happy Hips practice has your back. On Day 24 we take it easy on the upper body and restore. This yummy sequence increases mobility with a variety of stretches for the legs and hips. "Allow, release, let go." I figured we could all use this today. Gentle Yoga is not just "easy yoga" - for me it is essential in finding balance and ease. It is a way to slow down and make sure I am not harming my body. Practice kindness and mindfulness. ENJOY! Pair with another day if you are absolutely craving more heat! Find What Feels Good. Enjoy!
Join Adriene on Day 25 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Dancing Warrior Yoga Sequence. Dance break! Don't decide where it ends! This day 25 yoga practice invites you to work on organic movement and creating a full body experience - that is true to you. No yoga robots! Stay receptive as you work to build strength and unlock space. Stretch, strengthen - work it out! 5 more days!
Join Adriene on Day 26 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Earth Practice. Say whaaa? In this practice we use the earth to connect, ground, stretch, and lift from. We learn another pranayama or breath technique and of course, have a little fun with a full body practice. This 20 min yoga sequence has it all! It invites you to go deeper. Re-connect to home, ease, and mother earth. Yeah, I said it. Simple meditation pose is there for you. This yoga sequence also invites you to get low and be human. Explore all lines of movement with the support of the earth. We will stretch, open, and remove stress that has manifested in the body. We will tend to the feet and trek into the unknown! We will connect to our core - and keep returning back to the breath - reconnecting to YOU. "It's all happening."
Join Adriene on Day 27 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Flexible, Fearless and FUN Yoga Practice - equipped with Plank Playtime! (Don't be scared!) This 16 min practice is a great reminder that we can have fun on the mat. We don't need to take yoga so seriously to have a connected and focused practice. We don't need to be so serious to get a workout. Let's have some fun as we explore on our mat and check in with the present moment. Day 27 gets the juices flowing and focuses on flexibility, balance, and breath. This video strengthens and stretches all major muscle groups inviting you to build your practice based on Day 1-26. You are doing so great! Stick with it, my friends!
Join Adriene on Day 28 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Playful Yoga practice. Find Freedom Within the Form! Find a sense playfulness and a sense of freedom and wonder! Day 28 invites you to work out the kinks mindfully. This sequence is great for those seeking to improve posture and connect to your core. This is excellent training for those seeking to create a regular and well-rounded home practice. Build strength and flexibility and continue to integrate the breath. Enjoy the practice and whatever it serves up today. Open your heart! Be playful! Open yourself up to a new experience today! Become empowered as you continue each day to - make it your own.
Join Adriene on Day 29 of of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Sweet Surrender! This yoga practice aims at inner strength and inner peace. Working from the inside out. Day 29 is great for those wanting to open up to a new experience when it comes to fitness and even Yoga. Heart openers, hip openers, and mindful flow for neck and shoulders. Stretch and strengthen the back body and connect to your core. Take it upside down or listen to your body and restore. Above all, relish in the therapeutic benefits of staying present in your asana practice. Stay connected to your breath and enjoy your practice. Tomorrow, I have a surprise for you. I cannot wait.
Join Adriene on Day 30 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! You made it. We rolled out the mat for 30 Days. It may have taken longer than 30 Days - but you did it. You are here, now. You committed to yourself, to a practice that serves, inspires and moves. Enjoy this celebratory practice and know that you are connected to others around the globe also with the mission to Find What Feels Good. Day 30 is ultimately an opportunity for me to show you that really - it is all you, baby. It is an opportunity for you to trust and love. It is an opportunity for you to get a good work out and work-it-out. It is a celebration of our practice and of our community! It's about inspiration. How lucky are we to have this practice to grow and this experience to learn from?! Who would have thought you could appreciate the tools of yoga at home in such a way and be your own boss?
30 Days Of Yoga Camp continues. Create space with this full practice. The mantra today is I CREATE. Finish that sentence, get a work out, trim, tone, cultivate balance and stability. Breathe deep and connect to something meaningful. Yoga Camp! Way to show up for yourself. I think there is nothing more beautiful.
30 Days Of Yoga Camp continues. Embrace the process with this 35 min full at home yoga practice. Yoga is about embracing your full potential by leaning into the process. What will you lean into today? What will you hug and embrace? This affirmation thing still weirding you out? Don't believe in the power of word or thought? Perfectly happy with current mental wellness? Then, embrace the stretch! You are perfectly where you are supposed to be - so embrace it and enjoy!
Yoga Camp - Day 4 is here with the mantra I AWAKEN. This yoga practice is a tune in, a check in - a wake up call. Notice your breath and shake it up. What do you want to awaken? Move with intention and you trim and tone. Wake up the body, find support, build strength, and soothe your soul. Time to stir the pot, move the furniture. Trust it and enjoy!
Day 6, more traditionally known as SIX PACK ABS. But, the Yoga With Adriene version. We target the core in our Yoga Camp practice today. Work the abdominal wall, tone the belly, strengthen the back - in a way that is supported. The mantra today is I Am Supported. Learn to balance all your heart's desires and be true to who you really are! Yes, I think this video can guide you toward all that. Give it a try and let me know how it goes. A little goes a long way when you are working with integrity. Breathe deep and be mindful. Go for the gold! Your yoga practice has your back.
The power of word and thought in full effect in this unique yoga practice. Find stability and connect with your breath. Practicing mindfulness as we create space and build muscle tone. Extra yoga for the feet, legs, neck, and shoulders today. Even a little massage! Find What Feels Good. You are doing great.
30 Days Of Yoga Camp continues with this yummy restorative practice. Let your hair down, take a break off the arms and wrists. Rejuvenate and restore. The mantra today is I Choose. A subtle but powerful practice, this stretchy, soothing, healing yoga will leave you feeling balanced and open. This half hour yoga practice will assist you in practicing simply being present, focusing on the breath and on where you are at today. Find What Feels Good. Slow it down with this relaxing sequence for the whole body. If there has been anything that is stressing you out or worrying you, choose to let go. Don't hate, meditate, feel great!!! Happy Day 8!
Tune in with the breath and cultivate strength with the mantra, I Am Bold. Use this practice to focus on process over product. Practice presence as you move through your yoga asana. Give thanks for this time for yourself. Way to show up! Listen to your body. You are your own best teacher. Be bold, own this time for yourself. Have fun!
The hard part is getting to the mat. If you are reading this then you are so close! Hop on the mat for a strong and healing practice. This one is full of home practice gems! The mantra today is I Release. Let go of that which is no longer serving you. Release tension through asana and pranayama. Create space for fresh energy. Practice loosening up. Release your grip on the things you cannot control. Have a sweet conversation with your deep breath. Come on now, let's take advantage of today's powerful mantra. Full body practice with lots of opportunity to detox as well as loosen up and let go. Includes of of my favorite Kundalini Yoga gems! Enjoy! Stay curious! Accept where you are today and Find What Feels Good.
This 20 min practice invites you to the yoga mat to connect and develop your intuition. Ease into it by opening the shoulders, hips, and heart. The Day 12 yoga sequence invites a strong connect to your center, assisting with building balance and stability, improving posture, and welcome grace. Trust your practice. Trust your intuition. Trust it.
Go With The Flow. Yoga Camp Vinyasa. Or - Yoga For Control Freaks. Or Yoga For Stubborn People. 30 min yoga workout for the mind and body. Welcome heat, move with your breath, and get your heart rate going! This fierce practice welcomes transformation. Beginners (and everyone) take breaks and meet your boundaries - don't push beyond. Everyone, balance with a cool down and a connect to your mantra. You have heard it before. Go With The Flow. You try with all your might. But, how does it go? Tools of yoga camp to the rescue! Develop full body awareness, practice being present and listening to the body in a way in which you can practice going with the flow. Take it off the mat and into your every day. Can you listen before you react? What does it feel like to release your grip and go with the flow. Meet your edge mindfully. Enjoy!
We are half way there! This yoga practice works both mind and body inviting you to connect and create space. Celebrate meeting the halfway mark by opening yourself up to something new. This practice strengthens and lengthens. Open your heart, open your mind, open yourself to all possibilities. Strong attention to the breath in this sequence and a strong return to self-exploration. Stick with it! You are doing something challenging and awesome for yourself. Celebrate the halfway point and dive in!
Time to focus. You have built a strong foundation here in Yoga Camp! It has been an incredible journey so far. Let's keep going. Go deeper. Notice where you are today and ask yourself if there is an area of your life that could use focus, or a refocusing? This practice will guide you. Peel back a new layer. Or battle a new level. Be patient. Connect to your center. Grow your breath practice. Marry movement to breath, breath to movement. Use this time to connect to your body and your energy. Yoga Camp continues! TRUST. Stay focused.
I know it is hard to get to the mat but you are doing GREAT. What does day 18 have in store? Let's find out. This practice guides us to stretch, tone, and practice creating a full body experience through spinal and breath work. This yoga reminds us to connect or re-connect to the big picture. Feeling stuck? Not getting what you want? Connect your mantra to the movement and... practice. I never said it would all be easy. But work to find ease. Surrender and breathe. Stick with it. This one is great for the wrists. You can.
Mind and Body. We don't call these videos yoga for hips, yoga for the spine. Yoga Camp takes a whole body approach! Check in with your body and check your thoughts. An approach that requires you to think big picture and cultivate self-respect. Go deeper. Build on yesterday's practice. Respect your inner wisdom and hop on the mat!
This yoga practice offers neck and shoulder hygiene, hip openers, and a yoga camp core check-in. Use the alternate nostril breathing to focus on your breath today. Use your breath to find expansion. Build body awareness and cultivate self-love as you increase flexibility and work to live pain-free. Release stress and remove anxiety. In the next ten days, we will begin to incorporate more pranayama, or yogic breath work. Welcome a happy mind and a happy body - let's hop to it. Because you are worth it.
You're legal! The mantra for today's yoga video is I Believe. A strong practice that strengthens and tones, but also an opportunity to practice with your mantra and watch it unfold. Pranayama practice continues to deepen. Neck and shoulder hygiene, wrist love, hip openers, core work, hip openers, good laughs, and a taste of freedom. How as your practice grown since day 1?
Hop on your yoga mat as our journey continues! Use your yoga practice learn about yourself. Delicious yoga for the spine, yoga for tone belly and strong back. Synchronize with the breath, work with slow and controlled movement and continue to grow your practice with Adriene. Today's practice is YUMMY and guides you to take responsibility for own happiness. Write your own story!! Notice how you feel today and tend to it. Enjoy!
With just a few more days of Yoga Camp it's time to approach the simple and challenging moments with gratitude today. Mind and body work together here as we work to both strengthen and soften. Strong foundations today along with the opportunity to cultivate heat, mindfully. Practice Yoga Camp vinyasa flow and stimulate and stretch from head to toe. Yoga's healing attributes are available if you approach with ease and gratitude. Meet your edge. Unlock with Gratitude. Trust. Enjoy!
Party on the mat! Show up! We are celebrating our practice. With a focus on the breath we continue to work on awareness through that energetic line from the crown to tail. Stretch and strengthen the full body as we continue to grow our Yoga Camp vocabulary. Welcome that ocean breath. Find ease, make it your own and let's celebrate. Celebrate your body, your breath and so much more. Let's get started!
This is what Yoga Camp is all about! With Yoga Camp we ask - what is the point of a rigorous workout if you still are waking up in the morning and looking in the mirror and not loving what you see? What is the point of 50 chaturangas if you look in the mirror and don't know who it is you see? Who cares if you have a rocking body if your mental wellness is a hot mess! Can we live a rich and beautiful life if we don't love ourselves? I am so incredibly inspired by your willingness to ask the big questions, do the work and tend to not just your physical fitness but your mental health as well. I believe this is a way to true self-compassion. Enjoy your practice.
You are coming up with the mantra today! You are guiding this practice. This journey has been so rewarding. Thank you for your willingness to explore and your commitment to self study through YOGA. Thank you for sharing your time, your breath, your stories, your humor and your humanity with myself and this community. Day 30! This yoga practice is special. I'm taking off the mic and handing it over to you. Practice what we have been practicing for 29 Days - listening. Use me as a guide as I will be doing vocabulary that we have learned in Yoga Camp. Jam to the music of the video, or mute it and play your own tunes. Move mindfully, don't push. Create a mantra for yourself today that resonates. Celebrate. Be present. Accept. Enjoy. Surrender. Love. This practice is yours to Find What Feels Good. From my heart to yours, Namaste.
Your Day 1 yoga practice is about setting the tone for your journey by establishing ease. We clear the slate and start fresh welcoming soft stretching, gentle core awakening, and a beginner's mind. Move with ease and set yourself up for a smooth ride in this low to the ground yoga practice. Practice Ease and implement Sukha into your training. Tend to that "good space" on your mat. Open your mind and your heart! Starting off nice and slow. Stay committed - this story is full of twists and turns. You will want to make it to the last 7 days. Let's do it. We're off!
Your Day 2 yoga practice invites you to focus on what it feels like to move with breath and intention. This practice blends yoga philosophy with your workout and continues to lay the foundation for beginners and beginners mind to grow from. Stay present, listen to your body every step of the way. Move from a place of connect and and see what unfolds! When we practice moving with intention on the mat it becomes easier for us to move from a place of connect and move with intention and awareness off the mat. It's all connected, baby - so sink your teeth in.
Your Day 3 yoga practice invites you to accept and honor who you are and where you are each time you hit the yoga mat. You are going to meet resistance, perhaps you already have. So today, instead of turning off, away or giving up -we not only accept where we are but practice honoring it. Today's practice is alignment based, detoxifying, strengthening, and therapeutic. We continue to learn our Revolution vocabulary! Honor this time for yourself, your body, your breath. Honor this commitment and your ritual of showing up. You got this!
Your Day 4 yoga practice is an invitation right to the good stuff. Prana practice guides to you create a healthy flow of energy in the body. Cultivating healthy energy flow, or prana, is a must for those seeking total mind and body health. It is also a process that goes way beyond the yoga mat. Today's practice is low to the ground and vital if you are interested in living your full potential. Dig in and use this time to connect and gain a closer relationship to the energetic body. Get close and Find What Feels Good. You're doing great!
Your Day 5 yoga practice magnifies the fact that - you are alive! This yoga session asks you have some fun, get into a groove, and cultivate a listening that is in the moment. Don't decide where it ends. Don't sell yourself short. Practice getting in tune with your natural rhythm! Move with strength and grace on the mat to build muscles and memory to live with strength and grace off the mat. Feel the rhythm…
Your Day 6 practice asks you to befriend your body. Our modern cultures have trained our minds to think of the body in a very distorted way. The language we use to shape the way we think about the body needs to be tended to. So it is with a great irony and fun humor that I include ABS into Day 6 routine. It's okay to want that strong pack. (Pass me a cold one?) But Pay attention! Pay attention to what actually feels good and move from there. We are no doubt getting stronger. Ripped. But it's only a byproduct of the deep relationship we are cultivating with ourselves. Hot prana bodies unite! Surprise yourself.
Your Day 7 Yoga practice is hands free! We cultivate good space with Sukha in week one; this week we establish Sthira, or stability. Use this practice to reset, stretch, and ground. Re-connect, restore tired muscles, and improve your posture. Stability practice lays the foundation for an amazing week. Stay present. Smile. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!
Your Day 8 yoga practice is soft and sweet. This Yin like sequence is yummy and restorative. REVOLUTION continues to marry yoga and yoga philosophy in the modern world. This is more than just a rest day. It's an opportunity to blanket yourself in love. Notice agitation and use the practice to welcome inner peace. Serenity now! Day 8, don't hate, meditate - feel great! Grab a blankie and a pillow for this practice and put on something extra comfy!
Your Day 9 yoga practice invites you to get fierce and feel fine! Get strong in a way that feels good. We go deeper. This strong practice gets the heart rate up, tones the muscles, and increases blood flow. Connect to your inner wisdom AND get a good workout. Remember it's not about the poses. It's all about the process. You are your own best teacher. Breathe deep, meet your edge, modify as needed, and do your best.
Your Day 10 yoga practice is soft and sweet. A therapeutic practice that focuses on the power of subtle movements and the energetic body. Bring a thoughtfulness to the mat as you balance stability and ease. Relax and notice. Thoughtfulness is found in the little things today. Focus on the way in which you approach your actions on the mat and your practice will grow. Focus the way you move on the mat and you will focus the way you move in the world. Relax the body and welcome clarity. This practice offers tools for making decisions that serve.
Your Day 11 Yoga practice is supportive and designed to help you align or re-align with what serves. We are creatures of habit and we are wired good. Use this Day 11 alignment based yoga practice to explore moving the body as a whole. Focus on alignment and use this holistic and fun approach as an opportunity to align or re-align with why you started this journey. Great for committing to noticing patterns, habits and addictions and welcoming shifts that serve. Pranayama, or breath practice, continues in this therapeutic and mindful session. ENJOY!
Your Day 12 Yoga practice guides you to evolve your relationship and commitment to pranayama, or breath. By committing to your breath in yoga practice you are committing to your total wellbeing. The result is a clear mind and calm nervous system. This is also a swift practice so in addition we continue to gain strength, trim, tone and condition. All guided by the rhythm of your breath, your heart. The last few days have prepared you for today's practice which uses Sun Salutations to inspire synchronicity. Stick with it! You are doing great!
Your Day 13 Yoga practice is perfect for when you need to hit the refresh button and gain fresh perspective. This refreshing practice eases in and invites you to connect to breath and open up to the present moment. Feel it out. Open the hips, open the shoulders and relieve stress energy from the body. Open your mind to a new experience! Open your heart. Let go of what you are gripping on to so that you can find an opening, a new way of moving. Move from a place of connect. The journey continues!
Your Day 14 Yoga practice is a treat of self-care, stretching sore muscles, and Find What Feels Good. We begin today's practice with some self-massage and the art of noticing. Less is more. This practice continues to invite you to unite with the breath and use that as a tool for self love. Yoga philosophy continues to integrate into the asana practice. Get unstuck. Yoga for the spine and soul. This practice is sure to feel like a wash of love. Because you are worth it.
Your Day 15 Yoga practice asks you to check in with body and breath as a way of cultivating more and more awareness. Regular practice is more effective than an intense hot yoga every once in awhile. Integrate. Take your time. Check in. The journey continues! The vocabulary grows. Move fearlessly through this practice by simply listening to your body. Check your habits and move with intention as a way of moving forward with grace. You got this.
Your Day 16 Yoga Practice is a sweet practice for the entire body with a focus on cultivating stability in the joints and promoting healthy digestion. Tap into the power of your breath and continue to explore action and alignment. Become absorbed with the sound of your breath and let sensation take over shape as you continue to build strength. This practice should feel like a big HUG. You are supported. Create space and feel the sweet power mindfulness and of love. Keep showing up.
Your Day 17 Practice honors the fact that you have been working hard! A slow and low to the ground practice to ground you and make you smile. Allow the power of the breath to move you in this solid home yoga practice. Each time you come to your mat you have an opportunity to be present. Today, we pay tribute to the roots and philosophy of traditional Yoga. Enjoy!
Your Day 18 yoga practice starts with a standing warm up and eases into a yoga flow for balance and transformation! Enjoy a flood of warming energy as you flow. Bring calm alertness to the mind and body. Clear your mind, build lean muscle, trim, tone - all from a place of connect. This practice offers many variations from beginners to intermediate. Encouraging you to honor your body as you explore. (Be kind!) Use the breath to create a full body experience. This yoga practice is a great tool for cultivating strength & support form the inside out. Take breaks if you need too. Be mindful and aware of your thoughts. Find something new today! You can.
Your Day 19 practice invites you to step into your power via a special secret weapon! This practice massages the internal organs and promotes healthy movement of energy. Stretch, strengthen, move on your mat with grace. This light practice is sure to support you in dark times and sure to leave you feeling more present. Great for yogis who want to deepen their practice, float in and out of poses, and grow an inversion practice. Use the tools of this practice to shine your light and be your damn best. Tap in.
Your Day 20 practice invites you to grab a blanket and focus on the power of Shanti, or peace. This is an important practice as we continue to explore the relevance of Yoga in our world today. Today's yoga is gentle and smooth inviting you to become absorbed in the sound of your breath. Relaxing and refreshing, this practice is great for your spine and your soul. We continue to incorporate pranayama and mantra to calm the nervous system, clear the mind and explore sensation in the body. We go deeper! Listen and enjoy!
Your Day 21 practice invites you to go inward and find strength. When we become strong and aware in our inner world, we are able to move with strength and awareness in the outer world. Tap into your resources! We work to build muscle today but more importantly we use this opportunity to gain strength and happiness from the inside out. Cultivate strength in body, mind and spirit. Time to get conscious, this practice will guide the way!
Your Day 22 practice is a rest day for the body! It's supportive, low to the ground and hands-free, providing relief for arms and wrists. Tap into the breath and practice moving in a way that feels kind and gentle. If you want to be healthy it starts with identifying ways in which you can be kind and gentle with yourself, first. Commit to this so that you can be kind and gentle with others. Watch it ripple. Find What Feels Good.
Your Day 23 yoga practice invites you to contemplate discipline. Tap into the breath and use this special blend of yoga to bring the focus inward. Discipline allows us to overcome the ways in which we are limiting ourselves. So, keep up the good work. Keep showing up for the practice! This session is both therapeutic and strengthening. We explore how showing up regularly can invite in a new perspective and how discipline can lead to breakthroughs!
Your Day 24 yoga practice invites you back to the mat to practice mindfulness and patience. The journey continues and today our vocabulary grows. We continue to allow the story to unfold. You want to see and feel results? Just be present. Patient. Now is the time to take care of yourself. To practice, to play and to be present with what is. Use the Day 24 Yoga Asana to practice patience and to remember that the process is the reward! Great for the spine, the hip, the shoulders! Mindful core today! Breathe and enjoy!
Your Day 29 yoga practice invites you to be authentic, to do your best and to ask, "Is it true?" Revolution is designed to trim, tone and build lean muscle. It is a killer yoga bootcamp! However, today's short practice reminds us to always go back to connecting with what matters most. It's a practice of uncovering and being true to yourself. Enjoy! Surprise guest today to make you smile!
Your day 30 yoga practice invites you to use the tools of yoga to connect with your inner teacher. Hone in on deep listening, challenge yourself and uncover the wisdom within. Renew the relationship with your gut! Your inner instincts guide the way toward a strong, fierce and conscious practice. Make self love cool again!
Your Day 31 yoga practice celebrates the journey and your commitment to you. The goal of our final session together is the goal of REVOLUTION, to be PRESENT. This practice is both simple and profound. Use your vocabulary, trust, connect and tap into what feels good. The light in me honors the light in you. Let's have some fun! Namaste.
Take a deep breath in. We are doing this. We begin by setting the tone with a gentle and foundational practice. It’s 24 minutes of solid set up for you to dip your toes in and lean into learning. This series will offer strength and stability like no other if you remember you are here to learn and love yourself. More. Not to work out. But, expect to see transformation in your body! Oh yes, you will! Welcome my friend, it’s Day 1. Today’s theme is MOTIVE.
Welcome my friend, it’s Day 2. Today’s theme is TRUST. Yesterday we got our legs. Today we commit to trust. Trust me, trust yourself, trust the process. Start to breathe a little deeper and more fully. Use your breath to support you when things feel challenging. Stick with it. Adjust, don't give up! Be kind. Listen.
Day 4 Yoga is a hands free low to the ground practice that builds on the foundation you have set in the journey so far! With the support of the earth, your FLOOR practice deepens your relationship to body awareness and breath to create an experience that serves. Today we work on cultivating an experience that integrates the full body. Happy exploring! "The mat is a mirror." Breathe deep!
Today we use yoga and pranayama to light it up. Your Day 5 yoga practice is designed to gently stimulate and awaken. As the we continue to build our vocabulary, today we focus on synchronizing the breath with the movement. Circulate energy, or prana, and unlock some mojo you have been missing! This practice sets the stage for you to begin to break up stagnant energy and patterns. Be true to your breath. Experiment. Explore. I will guide you! Just get on that mat.
Ignite the muscles of your core. Get centered as you get strong. Consider the practice of spiraling inward toward your core values and what matters most. Not just mindless ab workouts. Meet your appropriate edge today. Do your best and remember this is about spending quality time exploring your connection to your body and your breath.The strength comes from that. Light the fire! You got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today's yoga practice invites sun salutations and a mindful vinyasa, or yoga flow. We get the heart rate up and focus on insight through repetition. Also a great practice to refocus the mind and keep you on track for your journey! (Just incase the mind is busy or playing tricks on you.) Stick with it! You got this. Cheers to your health! Is there something that you can bow to, toast to here at the one week mark?
Day 8 is a 30 min at home yoga practice to soothe your mind, body and precious soul. A relaxing day to balance and restore! Also known as, Day 8 - Don't hate. Meditate. Feel Great. Today's practice is yummy and restorative session. Continue to build awareness with this therapeutic self love yoga practice. ENJOY!!! Grab a blanket and a pillow for this one!
Your day 10 yoga practice is a mindful cleansing practice. Out with the old and in with the TRUE! Drop your expectations and breathe. No one expects you to master or jive with every practice. This journey is about spending time with yourself. Today we focus on building heat from the inside out. Burning away that which no longer serves in order to create powerful transformation. This series is not a challenge, it is a journey. But today's practice might be challenging! You have everything you need. Continue to ride the wave. Trust, observe and enjoy!
Day 11, Yoga Heaven! The day we officially stop pushing and forcing and learn to soften. This quick 17 min practice is both gentle and invigorating. Take advantage of soft easy movement to explore and unlock parts of the body that need tending to. Let go of rigidity and get empowered to move in a way that feels supportive to your unique body and depth of breath.
Day 12 Yoga Practice is a wonderful healthy back and strong core practice that gently invites you to spiral in toward yourself. Today we focus on the practice and the process of "getting centered" finding your inner support system. Tune in and take stock. This session also provides the vocabulary for you to cultivate more stability and agility in your physical practice. Hardest part is showing up. You got this! Today's practice digs deep.
Get ready for the best strengthening yoga practice on the internet. Tomorrow is a relaxing, easy-breezy restful day. So commit and do your best today! Trust. You got this. Toning muscle and transforming the physical body is a by-product of you harmonizing with your true self on this journey. Today's practice is more than meets the eye as it asks you to notice your patterned responses. Breathe deep, be kind to yourself and choose to ride the wave!
Today’s practice invites you to slow it down and be still. Listen to what is going on inside. Time on the mat is time well spent because it’s time that you get to practice listening. If you are here for the hip dips, great. But today we refocus on why we are truly here. Day 14 is a self-study & mindful mental health practice that is also a delicious and restorative day for the body, particularly your neck, back, and shoulders.
Believe in yourself, your uniqueness, your worthiness. I believe we each have this special unique quality. The tools of yoga and the process we allow on the mat help us uncover, reveal and align with what feels like our true purpose. Authenticity. It is my hope that through this practice we become closer to ourselves and therefore closer to finding out what our meaningful contribution to humanity is. All that on the mat? Yes.
Today’s session invites you to consider how your thoughts create your reality. Most tend to know the power of the mind… Yet we lack the mindful practice of harnessing that power for our own good. Today’s HANDS FREE practice will balance out the work you have been doing with your body and help you feel good. It will also surely help you re-focus, re-group and ground.
A mindful low impact practice to tend to the body, lean in and begin to unlock. Today’s AWAKEN session is a nice little diddy for relieving stress and tension road blocks. It will be particularly awesome for those who tend to carry stress or tension in the neck, shoulders and upper back. A mindful low impact practice to tend to the body, lean in, awaken and begin to unlock.
Day 22 offers strength, stability, and a little dance of release. There are a few new moves today that might feel strange at first, but through regular practice I assure you they will SERVE. Trust me. This special Adriene blend of Kundalini and Hatha yoga with pranayama invites you to hone in on the powerful practice of being present.
Uncover your natural state of balance. It is so much more than standing on one leg. It’s about understanding and getting to know your whole body. Your energetic body. This practice dives in full on so that you can really, truly begin to notice what balance feels like at this stage of your life. You have everything you need. Find the time and the courage! Then arrive on the mat and let it happen.
Day 24 is a restoring yoga session all about mindfulness and bringing the body to a state in which you feel supported and chill. Invite your mind to quiet and your nervous system to be calm. This quick practice drops most of the poses to hone in on the idea that by merely showing up you are demonstrating a beautiful grand act of kindness. What is one way you choose to be kind to yourself?
Awareness leads the way as you continue to lovingly build strength and stability. I am going to guide us through the awareness of the spine with today’s important and delicious practice. Remember to breathe and feel your way through. Let your posture represent you. The true you. This practice will assist. Bring on the magic.
A 24 min practice for anxiety to build strength and inner peace. Use yoga and pranayama practice to help spiral in to the present moment and find a little stillness. This practice reminds us of the power of stillness in both body and mind. It reminds us how important and empowering it can be to take the time for regular self inquiry and reflection.
Today’s practice invites you to breathe deep and find freedom within the framework and be free. Are we chained to the constraints of being told what to do and how to feel inside it? The invitation is for you to focus on sensation over shape today so that you can feel a sense of authenticity and liberation.
Today, I take the mic off… and together we jam on what it’s all about. Use your vocabulary of the last 29 days. Find What Feels Good. It’s about listening and responding. A genuine practice with a truthful process. That is what it’s about for me. And that is why I made this… My offering to you. To me. To us. To the world. The time is now. Never give up on finding your true light for the betterment of all.
Welcome to Dedicate! This video is the official kick off for your 30 Day Yoga Journey! In this short orientation video I share my top three tips for success with the program. Use today to set an intention and prepare for the journey ahead. You have already said yes to dedicating this time to tone muscle, improve mobility, clear your mind and focus inward. If you are healing from an injury or brand new to yoga - you can do this program. You will just need to modify, as will every single one of us at some point on the journey. This is a 30 Day Journey about uncovering your authentic self. It’s not about re-creating, emulating or copying someone else. Trust me, trust your self. You just get your butt to the mat and together we will find the rest. I promise. The practices in this program are absolutely suitable for pregnant women with the use of some modifications. Avoid twists and core work and always ask your doctor for advice based on where you are in your pregnancy.
This full length yoga session invites you to take the necessary time to drop in and focus on essential vocabulary that you will take with you for the whole 30 days. Set the tone for your journey as we DISCERN or recognize your reason for showing up. The hardest part is showing up. This loving, informative and foundational practice will ease you in nicely. We are doing this!
In this session we focus on all aspects of yogic foundation to equip you with the essential tools and sensibility to welcome transformation & take responsibility for your total well-being. This session focuses on action, alignment, and energetic awareness to set you up to have a sustainable and meaningful home practice that serves.
Our 30 Days Of Yoga series continues, workshop style, setting you up for a strong, fulfilling sustainable home practice. Day 3 invites you to reside in the role of the observer. Stick with this practice and you will have everything you need to get to Day 30. Learn to be present with whatever comes your way. Tomorrow's practice runs shorter and the pace picks up as we move along. The hardest part is showing up. You are doing great!
This 28 min practice focuses on the marriage of movement and breath to help guide you to a balanced flow state. The journey continues. Enjoy the pace of these early days, gather everything you need to move with intention and go with the flow! Trust the practice, trust the process, and remember to enjoy! I will see you tomorrow!
All of your dedicated time to creating a vocabulary and setting a pace that is inspired by breath is about to pay off in a total mind & body yoga session. WAY TO STICK WITH IT! Today's session builds strength, improves organ function, and invites flexibility, power, and humility. Welcome day 9 as you celebrate and uncover your true self through this fun and disciplined practice. You are doing great!
Today’s 23 minute integrative yoga session is an opportunity to really lean in to your story. With lots of imagery and an opportunity to focus, to fall and to fly, your day 11 practice invites a presence like no other. Remember, your thoughts have power. Use today’s power poses to inquire, build strength, invite balance, and grow. The world needs us to be courageous. To know ourselves and stand up for what we believe in. We are doing this. See you on the mat!
Today's session is what it's all about. On Day 12 we explore the power behind curating your own experience on the mat. Strengthen the upper body, focus on hip release as well as abdominal and low belly tone. Continue to release stress and tension in the shoulders and use your breath to increase your awareness, shift stagnant energy and welcome empowerment. Stretch, soothe and continue to ride the wave - mindfully. It's your practice to curate. Enjoy! This 20 minute session will feel incredible after Day 10 and 11.
The ultimate brain and body yoga practice! This 21 min integrative session is designed to bring a gentle opening to all parts of the body... and to your mind too. Pro tip: use your breath. It is through this type of practice that we begin to settle into the experience of our yoga, instead of residing in our constant ambition to ‘get it right.’ This is also the perfect elixir for our inevitably strong and ever-surfacing desire to get instant results.
This efficient 20 minute total mind and body session builds on Day 13 beautifully. Your day 14 practice will soften worries and relieve stress and anxiety. If you are on Day 14 then I know you are dedicated to showing up and finding the good stuff. I know you have been working in a highly disciplined way these past few days. Stick with it. Stay focused. Don’t stop now. It’s transformation time. Remember to have fun with it! Don’t underestimate yourself. You have a lot of tools now.
The first 7 minutes of this 26 minute practice serve up a meditation and delicious floor work. Then we stay low to the ground, choosing to ride the wave of the breath with a commitment not to mastering, but to learning. Are you working for yourself? Or against? Expect a lot of love for the lower back and low belly. What have you learned so far on this journey?
A 20 minute practice to stretch, strengthen, and anchor you in love. I love this program because it really proves that you can get strong, toned, more flexible and stable in your body without having to push, crunch, or put yourself down. Today’s session is an opportunity to lovingly connect to yourself but also to the community, and I don’t just mean Yoga With Adriene. Humanity. The world. Love rules. It starts with you. Chant it with me… Self Love Now! See you on the mat!
Today’s 20 min yoga session is about incorporating the whole package. The total body. Not just as a work out, but as a means of exploration for something much more. Shine a little light in the dark places darlin’. I’ll guide you. The hardest part is getting there. Resistance is normal. Extraordinary humans continue to show up. Overcome your resistance so that you can uncover that powerful light that is unique to you. Your purpose. To shine.
Today’s 22 minute strength building yoga session brings our attention to the principle of Sthira, or stability. Can you move in a way that is strong and alert without pushing, forcing or creating tension? Condition the body and the mind to cultivate steadiness without tension and to build strength without pain. Pro reminder: This concept works both on and off your mat.
A 14 minute session to gently wake up the body, check in with any areas that might be a little tight or sore, and put you back in the driver’s seat. But, for real. Don’t be fooled by this short session. Your Day 25 mantra could change everything… I think you are ready! * * * Follow the aliveness * * * Make this your mantra and watch everything transform. This short session comes packing some serious gems for your yoga practice and for your life.
Today's 19 minute yoga session is hands free and low to the ground. This special practice invites you to return to your reason for intentionally going on this journey... and then take it one step further. Dedicate today's session to someone or something outside of yourself. Connect the dots. Find What Feels Good. Two more days!
This is our final yoga session of this program. Per tradition, today will require you to have faith, keep an open mind, and listen to your body. For your day 30 session, I will take off the mic and practice alongside you, encouraging you to utilize all of the tools you have learned on the journey thus far. I will not verbally instruct this session but instead invite you to lead your way. Find freedom within the form, use me anytime you need me. I'm here for you! Check in for ideas on what to do next, or simply enjoy the music as you move on your own. Move slow, be mindful and remember, the breath comes first. You cannot go wrong with this practice as long as you trust. You have everything you need. And more. It has been a total honor to be your yoga guide and even more of an honor to be your friend and fellow human in this process and on this journey. Remember, it’s not the end. It is most definitely the beginning.
Get ready to step inside and see what it feels like to be at home. Today’s 6 min orientation video offers some tips and support as we prepare for 30 Days Of Yoga. You can experience this video on the couch, in bed, or on the mat. Watch till the end! The yoga practice starts with Day 1 tomorrow. This is designed for us. All of us. To come together as we are. To uncover aspects of ourselves that are already within, and celebrate who we really are. Trust me, trust yourself, the map is already within you. Prepare to work hard, get strong, find ease, and have fun!
Yoga provides us the tools for getting to know who we really are. This journey is about reuniting with your self through regular practice. Through the process of getting to know who you really are, you will find that you need not prioritize the where, or the what, as much. You just have to be brave enough to look inside and recognize who it is you see. The opportunity is to be who you are and recognize where you are, today. The choice is to do it honestly and with kindness. In our first practice, we apply this to asana and open up to the postures serving as opportunities to make discoveries. We ease in with a powerful practice of observation and recognition. This is your longest class of the series, one in which sets the tone.
In our Day 2 session, we take the proper time to add a layer of intention and consider this part of the foundation. Cultivate a relationship with intention and learn to let it guide the way. Your intention has the power to directly influence the quality of your practice and your connection to yourself. Pro-tip - make your breath a priority. Learning to be disciplined about intention brings purpose to your practice. It also keeps your body safe, your mind more at ease, and opens up the gates for whatever you are moving toward - to come and meet you, just where you are. When this happens you may find yourself feeling more aligned with the process, and in a happy flow state - no matter what your day is like or what exactly goes down on the yoga mat.
It’s Day 3 and in this session we jump right in with all the right gestures and questions. What, if anything, is lying dormant or inactive? Are there things you are capable of but you have not embodied or seen to fruition yet? As the great teachers before us remind: the mat is a mirror. Today’s yoga offers a way to wake up and uncover. But please, dear friend, take this with you… Awakening is a process. Awaken a fire, a kindness, your magnetic presence, stir stagnant energy. Your inner world awaits! Be patient with short muscles and stiff joints. This practice includes one of my favorite tools for moving energy and getting out of a funk.
Activate your energy centers and introduce an overall awareness of the energetic body. This is a key player on this journey HOME. Activating is part of the awakening process. For me, when I activate my breath, I am awakening to my true spirit. From awareness of my breath, I keep going, working to bring action and awareness to my feet, my midline, my abdominals, my glutes, you name it. Devote to this practice and you might just activate your damn truth and abundance. Or, at least you will continue to lay the foundation for a fulfilling, sustainable at home practice. Stay open! This flow is a practice that takes you through the alignment and activation of the entire body. Enjoy!
In today’s yoga practice we ask, “Am I working harder than I need to?” There is some work today. (You have to wait till Day 8 for a total RELAX.) You are working, but not any harder than you need to. See if you can let your breath do some of the heavy lifting today. Experiment. Learn to soften around hard edges. Practice softening in hard times. Can a rise of a breath guide you into a pose? With regular practice, I start to experience a feeling in which I am living in a body that is working for me, rather than against. Pro-tip: activate your breath - and let it do the work for you.
Your Day 6 yoga is the ultimate core power practice. You are a lot stronger than you think. This is a process! Trust it. Utilize the tools that we have introduced thus far, starting with your breath. This practice includes a lot of philosophy to ignite more than just a fire in the core muscles of the body. In the midst of a targeted core practice, who knew you could learn and love so hard? Prioritize that. This core strength session is all about valuing presence over outcome. Be present with what is. This is what the yoga practice lovingly asks of us. This session may not be easy. It really is not designed to be. I talk about why at the end of the practice. Choose to have fun!
Your Day 7 yoga practice begins with a little self massage and yoga philosophy - so if you were thinking about missing today’s practice - don’t. This hands free session offers an opportunity to re-balance the body after your first six practices, providing relief in the shoulders and wrists while initiating grounding energy to help you get in the right mindset for week two. This is not just the bendy stretchy stretch practice you might anticipate. No way, we said we were going all the way HOME. Stretch your mind’s eye, your imagination, and your awareness a little further beyond the physical body today. (Don’t fret, your body will get a nice opportunity to stretch it out too.)
It is easy to spot and own our physical wounds. But our emotional wounds seldom get the attention they need for real healing. Innately we know, even if you don’t understand, that it’s all connected. Yet, we often feel we lack the time, the space, and the tools to sincerely tend to what ails. At home yoga provides us an opportunity to heal ourselves. To seek and work to find a way to check in, recover, restore, and begin again - each time we show up. Today’s low to the ground moving meditation reminds you that your only task is to listen and respond. And to be honest about it. I hope you enjoy this session and find a moment to relax whatever might be gripping, to let go of that which is no longer serving you, and to Find What Feels Good. Bring a blanket and a pillow, if you have them at hand.
We begin week two highlighting the power of self-inquiry. Consider the idea that our practice is not one of “doing,” or one of imminent mastery, but rather one of self study. This is key for the journey HOME. What feels good? What doesn’t? What feels honest? Can we begin to close the gap between how we feel and how we want to feel? This time is about examining your self. It’s not about doing it right. When we approach the practice through the lens of self study, we find that we have everything we need to both gracefully and fiercely move toward what serves… and to move away from what doesn’t. Honor your inner voice. Celebrate the learning process.
Today’s offering is a standing yoga practice that is most necessary for us to move forward on this journey. It’s 18 minutes that should fly by, so whatever you are coming to the mat with, try to stay focused and take yesterday’s inquisitiveness with you. You might find that it’s easier to find your breath when you are flowing in and out of shapes. See if you can find that same depth of breath today as we ground in new asana vocabulary. Take whatever you are working with today and make a home for it. Allow it to teach you, serve you, reflect back to you. This is a practice for the mind and body. Ground. So we can grow. I got your back!
On Day 11, we jump right in with a dynamic flow practice to replenish your soil. If you like, please take a couple mindful breaths to tune in before you press play. In today’s practice, try to give your thinking mind a break, dropping expectations and patterns of judgment. I know it’s easier said than done, but use your tools. Namely, the sound of your breath. Feel it out. Loving reminder: You have everything you need here. So move mindfully and take your time. If you are not in rhythm with my guidance, that is okay. Move at your own pace. Work where you are today. (There are so many layers to play with!) Darling, allow yourself to… dig in.
Day 12 offers an efficient and therapeutic practice to nurture the mind and body. (Plus some sneaky core!) This is not about sweeping whatever you have going on under the rug so you can get your workout in. Nah. Yoga doesn’t play that way. Or at least, not our practice. Trust your practice. Trust that you are being led to the right place. Nurture. Please do not underestimate the power of stillness. So take that sweet sweet savasana ending today and bring a blanket if you have one. Take good care of yourself.
Let’s grow our practice, shall we? I am so excited to continue to expand on this home practice and create a vocabulary together. Not just in the shapes. But also in the way we approach and the way we listen. Make room to grow. Today’s session encourages you to make space so you can fill it with new discovery. Have you had a taste of your own potential lately? Are you giving yourself enough time and space to continue to grow and blossom in new ways? This is a flow that is designed to help you build strength, and endurance - in the most therapeutic way. Remember, you have to bring the breath. Own it. Inquire. Ground. Dig. Nurture. Let’s grow.
If you started this journey out seeking transformation or craving a change - consider this: in the philosophy of Yoga, we are not actually ever working towards the goal of becoming someone or something that we are not already. We are already that thing. That which we desire, we already possess. We are not trying to step out and change, conform, or embody someone else’s idea or concept of who we should be. This is a return. Expect, a juicy hip practice that engages the whole body. As we stir the pot today, anchor your thoughts by choosing something specific that you want to return to.
We are at the halfway mark! We did not say that it would not be challenging to show up for the full 30. But darling, yes, we are here! We celebrate Day 15 with a strong, rejuvenating flow designed to guide you to your comfortable edge, promote healthy blood flow, and guide you towards a connected RESET. I cannot describe the true power of knowing when and how to hit the reset button. I practice this on the mat and then I find this power with me off the mat, showing up when I need it most. A connected RESET isn’t always comfortable. But trust it. Try to find something new today! The breath is your number one tool for RESET. Make use of it. You are doing great!
Today we synchronize our watches, our hearts, our brains, and the movement with our almighty breath. In this session we work to re-pattern the rigid beginnings of our past and find our renewed sense of self. This slower paced, gentle practice invites you to focus on grounding through the feet, working with the currents of energy through the back and front body, and the marriage between the movement and the breath. If you are feeling a little tired today, heads up, I got you. In fact, you will stay on the ground in a comfortable seat pose stretching it out for about the first 10 minutes. Look. It’s all about connection. Take the time to seek it, play with it, unlock it, use it to bring yourself back to savor the moment, over and over again. Stay open to the small (or large) ways in which these practices can show up off the mat.
Today’s practice does move, but it will start with a lesson on surrender. Surrender as a pathway toward home. I invite you to use what we practiced in day 17, linking the breath with the movement, and incorporate that into today’s flow. Remember to take a breath of gratitude. This is valuable time you are giving yourself. It’s a gift. You better believe it. Believe me when I say make it your own. Believe in your own intuition. Embrace the slower paced action to find that inner intrinsic work that is most valuable and necessary for when you are thrown off balance. Work from the inside out based on sensation. This is about working with your body. Not on it. What would it feel like to wake up each day and have a practice where you believed in yourself?
Balance is our natural state. I like to think that this notion of coming home really does make sense, because we are not trying to achieve balance, but rather return to it. The path to balance isn’t always in the “doing.” It can be about the undoing. Both require listening. In addition to your daily alignment work, this flow lights up the energy we’ve been cultivating this entire journey. It includes two sets of plank push-ups and some balancing work. But don’t let that intimidate you. Instead, acknowledge what it took you to get here. Look how far we have come. You should feel proud.
Let this day 20 day motivate you to stay on the path, dear one. 10 days left. Today’s session could be special, inviting you to be still… in so many ways. Building on the last few practices, we continue to work on finding action within alignment and continue to mindfully build on core strength. As our vocabulary grows, maintain your connection to the foundation. Remember, it doesn’t always have to be harder, faster, stronger. Come into stillness, notice where your thoughts go, and let’s keep exploring.
Do not fear, nor be wary of this BOOST practice. This session will provide. We will begin with some workshopping on the floor, continuing to explore and establish core connection. Core connection that is sustainable and truly serves. You will also get a little internal organ massage, boosting the health of the organs and the immune system. Who else will be able to say that they received that today? We work with a pranayama called Breath Of Fire today. Fair warning, animals/pets love this one. Be willing to receive the benefits of this incredible practice via your breath. I will guide you, but you have to bring the breath. I know you will.
Stir it up! This is a slow flow class to soften out the hard edges, inviting you to continue to pay attention to the sensations in the physical and emotional body. I love regular daily, at-home yoga practice because I really get this sense that every time I show up, the practice is catching me on any given day. Wherever I land, with whatever I am bringing, the mat has my back. What if that were true? Our exploration in yoga practice can stir up some powerful mind and body work. Continue to slow down your breath, move mindfully, and stay open. This practice (and this whole project) is designed to support you and have your back. Stir it up, little darling. Notice what it feels like to be alive today. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle. Create space. If you are this way on your yoga mat, you are more likely to be this way off the mat.
With so many distractions these days, our ability to focus or refocus our attention is beyond valuable, in fact, it’s paramount. Today’s 20 minute session should fly by but will require you to dial inwards. For how else will you balance on one leg, my dear? The invitation today is one in which you can focus or re-focus back on your WHY. What led you to go on this journey in the first place? Remember, the goal is not to aspire to transform into something you have not yet become, but rather to return home to embody everything that you already are, fully. In this session we will focus on neck and shoulder relief, spinal flexion, and use what we’ve learned so far to maintain balance between the left and right sides of the body. Use the flow to build heat and enjoy the process of learning to find your balance. Pro-tip: work with your breath and lead from your center. Where attention goes, energy flows.
Today’s session is a quick 16 minute practice designed to stimulate and elevate. Uplift. This practice invites you to keep an open mind as you continue to build strength and condition. Do not be deceived by this quick vinyasa flow, it packs a loving punch with a focus that moves from your center. The journey continues. Remember the hardest part is showing up. Your core is calling! Enjoy this gift. Give it to yourself.
Today’s session offers you a chance to take it easy. Invite in stillness, a sense of calm, relax and unwind. In this restorative practice, we will work to increase flexibility and target areas of the body that may feel tired after your last week of practice. With the tempo of this therapeutic practice, you really get a chance to re-focus on sensation. Take it. Enjoy it. You deserve this. Bring a pillow and a blanket with you to this one if you can, because I have two words for you…
Drop into the moment today with this special practice that invites you to pull back another layer and look inside. This session asks us to look at our patterns and to take stock of our habitual side and its power. The tools of yoga invite you to get in the habit of keeping the things that work for you and gaining the awareness to notice the things that aren’t working for you. It’s about listening and responding. Keep what works, let go of what doesn’t serve. In this practice, we continue to work from center and the midline, still working to nurture a strong foundation in order to build strength from within.
The at-home yoga practice provides us the ongoing opportunity to begin again. This journey HOME offers a worthwhile opportunity to learn about your body, integrate the breath, and ultimately explore how to move better. I invite you to consider what it means to move well. We approach today’s practice with a willingness to explore what it means to integrate. Try to think of the body as one complete moving part, versus a bunch of different units. Then, notice if that changes the quality of your breath and the quality of your movement.
You don’t need to understand the science of yoga to experience it. And this session will prove it. In a lot of ways, the journey HOME is about simplifying. Peeling back those parts, those habits, those layers that take away instead of give back. It’s about reuniting with the type of vibration that gives life and connection to your relationship with yourself and to the big picture. When we take time to notice we can start to pay better attention to the things that nourish. But don’t forget, “simplifying” and “nourishing” don’t connote easy. We can build sustainable practices and rituals that serve. This can have a direct effect on how we carry ourselves, energetically, posturally, and in the way you hold space for yourself and for others. We will also take time to nourish parts of the body that could be a little bit sore from the past few practices. When we nourish ourselves, we can better serve others.
Oh Day 29, my luckiest number, and the most special practice that provides such a beautiful opportunity to listen to your inner voice, your higher self, your best teacher. Today, I invite you to find freedom within the form. Don’t decide where it ends. Embody it. Listen. Pay attention. Respond. Intuit. This is a powerful practice that starts with a good dose of spinal flexion and ends with creative core. Look, we have come a long way so I intuited that a little Wu-Tang boat pose was most necessary, for me. Don’t forget… it’s okay to have FUN! Use your breath to bring yourself back home, darling. We continue to play with our vocabulary today before our final session, Day 30. We are almost there, though I must gently warn you… tomorrow’s practice will be different. But the same. (Cool, Adriene.) It is all a part of the journey, which is most certainly the reward. The process is the candy. See? Honor the time you’ve taken to listen and hone your intuition.
Today’s theme is what it is all about. The Journey on home. One that is unique to all of us. For this practice, it is a Day 30 tradition for me to take the microphone off. Can you trust me? Can you trust yourself? You are going to use the vocabulary that we have learned together thus far to choreograph your home practice and to create your experience today. You have the tools. You always have had everything you need to uncover and to reveal what matters most. This is such a beautiful day because, for me, it really does embody the spirit of Yoga With Adriene and this exchange that you are participating in. It is this essence, or spirit, that says, “Hey, I am taking care of myself in my little corner of the world, but also… I am right here with you. I got you.” Try to keep an open mind, please move slowly, and as always, prioritize your breath. Use me as a reference or a guide. You have everything you need. Trust it. Trust it all.
It is happening! Today’s video is a bit of an orientation, a warm welcome, and an official kick-off. We will begin with a few easy group breaths to enjoy, and recognize that if all you do is arrive here to breathe, you are winning, golden, exactly where you are meant to be. You can consider this a practice day for your upcoming practices if you like.
Your first yoga practice is here, and it is a full one, packed with valuable invitations! We begin by taking things nice and slow. You will soon feel more fire, you may move fast, but this series asks you to be disciplined about bringing awareness to the deeper layers of your practice - with breath. What makes this 30 Day series unique is that these practices are designed to work together 1-30, not just as one-offs, though that is time well spent too. This series is a process with intention. Today’s practice is all about listening, respectfully setting the tone, building foundation with slow and with purposeful movement. Thank you for joining me on this journey and for sharing this connection with so many people around the world.
With each breath we have the opportunity to begin again, to arrive in the present moment. In this foundational phase of this journey I invite you to see each new practice as a new arrival. Accept and celebrate that each day will be different. Some days you will have more energy than others. Some days it will seem as though the universe is supporting you to show up, eagerly, and fully. Some days your brain will make it very hard for you to arrive, and it may seem like the exterior is winning over your interior goals. Make your #1 goal to show up on the mat. Self care is learning the practice of meeting your self each day, learning about who you really are, and continuing to arrive to devote to the process of self discovery, not perfectionism. With each breath, a new arrival. It’s a powerful tool, and one we are going to cultivate and celebrate together.
Today’s lesson invites us to focus on anchoring the thoughts of a busy mind with the tools of our practice. If you are new to meditation or to yoga, this can be a bit of a challenge, so in this session I introduce a very useful breath technique called Ujjayi to help us train the brain and body to focus as one. To learn more about the breath technique featured in this video, you may watch my Ujjayi Breathing video here. On days where your mind is in the future, or maybe your heart is in the past, this breath can help you ground in the present. The mantra today is… My breath is my anchor, my anchor is breath.
Listen to the feedback that every gesture gives back to you. Rather than just doing the poses, or doing yoga, trust that the practice really is an art of listening. Listening and responding. Our vocabulary grows today as we continue on our explorative journey, kicking it off with diaphragmatic breathing. Most people do not breathe as well as they can, and I do mean MOST. We continue with intentional and intuitive movement to improve our posture today, why? So you may breathe better, my dear. Re-training the posture is one of the best ways to ensure you are breathing deeply and efficiently. When we are breathing deeply and efficiently we invite a WHOLE WELL of benefits our way.
High five! If you make it to day five, you can do this whole journey. Today’s practice focuses on how the power of a true breath-led yoga practice can shift and replenish the whole package. When we train our body to support deeper and more efficient breathing, we will begin to experience benefits that can shift, transform, heal, and center. A true ripple effect of good health, alignment, and therefore the right energy to create, play, work, serve, live your life fully. Today’s session is designed to help you stay curious, to feel how your energy is shifting, and to invite a full replenish to balance out drain. You are doing great!
Day 6 is here, and it is a 30 Days Of Yoga tradition that on day 6 we focus on the core. Core centric practices are great for toning muscles that support strong and optimal function (read - less back pain) and, let me just get this out of the way, you will be working all of your abs into a fine fiery burn. But this type of work can also be really healing and centering. Core work, similar to balancing postures, encourage you to take stock and embody the present moment as a way of creating sustainable strength and stamina. While it can sometimes feel discouraging, it is most necessary that you take on the task of beginning where you are today. This is how we evolve, it’s how we learn to know ourselves better, and it is how we get stronger. Notice what it feels like to be alive today. Burn away that which no longer serves.
Today’s session invites you to feel the love that you are and that you deserve. We commemorate week one and phase one of this journey with a yummy vinyasa practice. Your Day 7 practice includes some gentle and delicious dynamic movement to help you continue to free your spine, ribs, shoulders, and neck. Synchronize your watch, your heart, your brain, and your movement to your breath.
Who wants to snuggle? (Besides Benji.) Bring an extra blanket or towel and a pillow to the mat today for this restorative practice. Wear something extra comfy! Lay that extra blanket down if you like, and let’s snuggle up to the sensation and rhythm of the breath in today’s gentle floor practice. Today’s practice is nice and slow and low to the ground. Medicine for the legs, the hips, the torso, and the spine. But also hopefully some feel good medicine for thine heart too. Don’t miss it. Get on the mat today. Note: If you don’t have any of these extra props, don’t worry, just come as you are and it will still be really snuggly.
We ease in to practice today with a breath technique that can help balance out the brain and body. Alternate Nostril Breathing, also called Nadhi Shodana, is an incredible tool for activating the parasympathetic nervous system which can restore balance - particularly if you are consciously, or subconsciously, living more in fight or flight mode - which is common in such uncertain times. We will introduce the powerful play of opposites in yoga asana as well, considering the ways in which we may join steadiness, or STHIRA, with ease, or SUKHA. I will guide postures today that are there not to discourage you, but to help you play with the concept of how to create a dance for both steadiness and ease, and one that is individual for you. I invite you to use this material to check in, learn, and grow. Remember, it’s not about being able to stand on one foot. Learn the process of centering yourself, and remember, it’s a process. If you fall, I will catch you. You got this.
May you enjoy connecting the dots of each present moment today in practice… via your breath. Taking the elements of Sthira (steadiness) and Sukha (ease) - we move from awareness of breath into the second stage of this journey. Ready to go to the next level? I believe you are! Remember, this is time for you to get to know yourself better, stay curious about your truth. It is uniquely yours. I think you will really like today’s practice. Because while the journey can be challenging, connection can feel really good.
In this BREATH session, we focus on the concept of flow, providing tools for practice that may lead you to explore the ways in which you may be working against yourself instead of for yourself. We will begin standing today, taking time to ground before we explore different tempos and rhythms. This is not meant to throw you but to help guide you into new territory for a deeper discovery. We continue to learn new vocabulary as well as integrate what we have learned so far to align and find freedom within the form. This 22 min practice invites you to continue syncing up with your breath in the most loving way and is designed to leave the whole body feeling tended to.
The breath is a dear friend that you can drop into conversation with anytime, anywhere. The quality of that conversation will change from moment to moment, day to day, week to week, year to year. The awareness of this ongoing conversation might change your life. It did mine. Gently dropping your ties to the exterior and taking time for yourself is not selfish. When you arrive on the mat remember you are there to experience your body, and your breath. You are there to snuggle up to your truth, what feels like home, what feels honest. Take the time to drop in. YOU ARE DOING GREAT!
The most important aspect to focus on when it comes to the home yoga practice in particular, is not that of perfect timing, ideal energy levels, or fancy gear. It is that you are taking the time to check in each day to connect to your self and to your source. To me, this is a beautiful, complete, and highly productive act of self love and self care. Each day is going to look and feel a little different. Keep this in mind as we continue to progress on this journey. Building on yesterday, we keep our discipline but explore how we may “drop the doing” and Find What Feels Good. While we want to continue to be mindful and disciplined about our alignment and action - when we begin to allow ourselves to make intuitive decisions based on how we feel - our experience on the mat can really feel like one that serves and supports the real you. You may begin to observe this practice show up off the mat too.
Your day 14 practice is a fun and therapeutic session with full conscious breath to guide the way. We focus on creating sensation and space in the body, learning to breathe and move with efficiency, mindfulness, and even sometimes joy - so that when we step off the mat we can continue that practice. This way we may proceed to learn and live with more ease. This way we have proper energy in the tank to serve others more fully. We are approaching the halfway mark! If you would like, take some time to write about how you are feeling (physically, mentally, and emotionally) after experiencing the first 14 days of this journey! You may find some helpful writing prompts from me in your Day 14 Breath email. This is your time, this is your practice. Take up space, darling. You are so worthy of it all.
Consider each new breath as an opening. Enter. The breath is a doorway. Welcome a sense of playfulness and a willingness to not make any decisions about how this is going to go, stay open. We are building strength, resilience, and reinforcing meaningful connection. After today you will be halfway through this journey! Hit the refresh button as we approach the second half of our quest for conscious breath and dive all in. Notice what, if anything, is changing or evolving. Find something new.
We are slowing things down today as we begin the second half of this journey. I will introduce some foundational elements for the next wave of this journey, as well as offer practice of a new technique called breath ratio. Breath ratios are breath patterns set to counts. They are a wonderful tool for expanding your awareness and ability to control your breath. They are also full of transformative potential and wonderful to pull out of your tool kit when you are feeling mentally, physically, or emotionally stressed or lost. They can be short, or long, but they do require a bit of focus and yes you guessed it… discipline. This whole session is low to the ground with a nice therapeutic breath for the arms, shoulders, and wrists. As it is seated, do sit up on your blanket if you have one. If you need to do some or all this practice in a chair or on the edge of a couch, do it.
Your Day 17 session is an integrative session to help guide you to build sustainable strength and make discoveries that keep you motivated. We will gently continue to build strength today to encourage noticeable muscle tone in the legs, the glutes, and the entirety of the abdominal wall. We will also continue to release stress or tension that lives in the neck, the shoulders, the chest, and the upper back. How do you really know how you really feel each day unless you take the time to check in and explore? Remember the hardest part is getting on the mat. Our journey continues… exploring the body... on the quest for more conscious breath! To be honest, this 32 minute practice is the whole package, designed to ground you in the now… but also to prepare you for the week of practices ahead.
Building on yesterday’s exploration, this practice is about noticing if you are willing and available to check in with your true self each day. This is one of my favorite practice themes and HUGE in my personal body of work, which asks, “What is my relationship to center?” Please do not miss this session as I include some of my favorite lessons for growing your practice both in asana and yogic philosophy. If you want to advance, do this work. Step into your power. Learn how to move from center. We ease in today, so if you are tired or feeling unmotivated, I got you. Practice slowing down at the beginning of this session, then join me as we mindfully layer to POWER postures. We will connect to subtle body gestures to make deeper discoveries that may (they will) support you both on and off the mat. If you are already wondering what you will do when the 30 Days is over, don’t worry! I have a red carpet of options ready for you. I will share them soon.
We gain an immense amount of strength from having a conscious and loving relationship with our breath. It is poetic. It’s practical. Today is a bit of a conditioning practice. Don’t fret! Remember, you can do hard things. However, strength practice is not just about sculpting and toning, though hear me loud and clear, this ongoing practice will sculpt and tone, it just will, it’s true. But perhaps more importantly so, this type of breath led work, which is what yoga is, can guide you to gather and build strength in more ways than you could ever imagine. Enjoy the relaxing end of this session today! STRENGTH in stillness! Don’t miss it. This practice has depth.
Take 16 minutes to pause. The focus on breathwork continues today, with an introduction of gentle breath retention. Building on our breath ratios, we will learn to implement a small conscious pause between our inhalation and exhalation… and the exhalation and the inhalation. Think of it as a circular thing. Breath retention has loads of benefits and is safe to practice slowly with mindfulness. If you have serious cardiac and hypertension problems, you can skip it. Stick to the counts and enjoy the benefits of ratios as we all continue to learn to re-pattern so that we may breathe more optimally. Your ocean breath, which we have learned and used in previous sessions, is a perfect match for Kumbhaka. Combine the two and explore!
How you move matters. Today’s central theme is not just designed to guide breath control, but to also roll out the red carpet for you to expand your mind and your relationship to the mantra Find What Feels Good. What is it like to focus not just on the WHAT, but even more on the HOW? The same way that you have to bring the breath, you have to bring the awareness of how you are doing something. You get to design how many layers, you get to pay attention to the details… or not. You get to decide the flavor. How you move matters. The art of quality control. Both on and off the mat.
The next three practices are meant to be a trio, a holy trifecta, the best of friends. Today’s session invites you into contemplation on what it means to renew. As with many of these practices this theme is meant to be thought provoking and applicable in more ways than one. Chewing on the philosophy of yoga and dropping in to wherever you are today, we continue to put the puzzle together, remembering all the wonderful vocabulary we have learned together thus far. The practice of renewal is powerful! It is one of my superpowers for sure. Anytime I find myself in the struggle zone, I slowly pull this practice out of my tool belt, and find my way back to center with a reverence for both the struggle - and my ability to make my way out to move… forward. Before I established my renewal practice through regular yoga I found myself on a hamster wheel. Maybe you can relate? If you need it, take today to restore and renew your commitment to this journey.
When we take the time to enrich the quality of our relationship with ourselves we are directly influencing the quality of all other relationships. This session highlights how yoga practice can be a practice of devotion, a dedication to one’s self, and the way in which that is connected to everything. We continue to dedicate time, attention, and energy to finding conscious breath. Today’s contemplation is split into two parts with the invitation to really devote this time and exploration to what feels authentic and good for you. And, to understand or stay open to the fact that this is not just for you, it is for everyone who may cross your path too. Can we build love and awareness within, dedicate to that, so that we can share it freely with others? We don’t stay in our bubble of awareness - we cultivate it to expand it and share our gifts. If it is difficult, remember this is a practice, it is a training, but we can choose to dedicate ourselves to showing up.
The practice won’t always leave you feeling rejuvenated. But I love this idea of coming in close contact with the awareness and understanding of what it feels like to bring energy to something. Often we are energizing things that are not serving us, whether it is through our thoughts, actions, our daily rituals, our habits. This practice gives us the tools to notice that where our attention goes… energy flows. Today we begin with the breath of fire, to stir the pot energetically, and give you the juice you need for this rejuvenating flow. What are you ready to bring new energy to?
It’s a love fest today. A big one. A brave one. Each time you show up it is an act of love. A Whitney Houston high note kind of act. I very much believe that half (or more) of the battle is showing up… so get there, my dear, and begin to feel the love that you deserve. Fall in love with the sound of your breath. This is sacred space that we have been cultivating here. And today, I boldly invite us to acknowledge that. We put a lot of the elements from previous practices together today. I hope you LOVE it.
You have a beautiful 17 minute practice today, so don’t you even think about skipping it. This session is a great one, once again inviting you to dedicate some time to drop into conversation with your breath. This one is also designed to assist you in putting a lot of elements of previous lessons together for more discovery! Get ready to learn something new. Expand your mind. Expand your breath! You are doing this. Trust you are here for a reason… It’s meaningful. Welcome healing. Welcome potential. Welcome discovery. Welcome expansion.
Each time we show up it’s a new day. Some days it’s as though all is seemingly in the flow, and some days it feels heavier, darker. Our practice offers us the opportunity to pay attention, to notice, and even prepare for the spills and the dark moments. And while we cannot prevent them, nor should we, the dark moments are a part of life and of our existence. We can use these tools and our experiences on the mat to prepare for the tough moments. And for the moments where healing occurs, or the moments where healing is possible. The practice offers us the tools and awareness to help prepare us for the important moments on our journey. You have been working hard. I think it is so beautiful and heroic for you to keep showing up in this way, it’s not easy. It is remarkable, and you are building a habit for utmost wellbeing. Bring your blanket to class today, if you can. If you want, bring two. If there is time, take a moment to set up your practice spot with intention.
Today we focus on trust. The art of listening and responding. But what are we listening to? My cues? Your body? What else? Peel back another layer of onion and open to your hidden truth. Listening cultivates trust. Leading with your breath creates an environment for trust. Trust the process. Uncover your hidden truth. This session is solid. I am so excited for you!
Believe in the power of your conscious breath. Believe you are on your path. The invitation is both simple and profound today. It invites us to recognize how time with conscious breath, contemplation, and mindful movement can lead us toward genuinely believing in oneself. Trusting oneself. Trusting the quality of that relationship as you continue to change, transform, and grow. We continue to ride the wave of the breath and remember, the mat is a mirror. Trust your vocabulary. Trust the integrity that you have been bringing into this practice. Tomorrow is our final day of the 30 Day Journey. The invitation will look a little different, but the goal is to begin by finding what feels familiar… and then be open to where your breath leads you. If you can, set aside an hour for Day 30. If that just made you panic, use the tool of your breath to stay open. We bookend this journey with two long sessions. I am giving you a gentle heads up that tomorrow will be different!
In every end is a new beginning. Today’s practice is an acknowledgment that the breath is always there for you. If you are ever unsure of how to begin again, may this practice remind you to start with a new breath. On this final day of the journey I take my mic off and practice with you, alongside you. This is a tradition I have incorporated since my very first 30 Day Yoga offering, and to me this journey would not be complete without this ending and this invitation. Don’t panic. You have the vocabulary, you have the connection. You have it all. Allow one breath to lead you to the next. One present moment to the next. As your guide, as your friend, I will still be here with you. You may always use me as a guide. Trust your vocabulary, trust the integrity that you have been bringing into this practice. If all you do is lie down on your mat and breathe for the duration of this practice, I think that is great.
Meet yourself here. The hardest part will be getting here. It won’t be any pose or bind. The hardest part will be arriving for your daily practice. So let that be named. It’s day one, and this practice invites you to come as you are. We show up as an individual, but together we can make big moves. Be patient. Small gestures, make big waves. The journey starts here, right NOW.
In this session we create open space for new discoveries. It will require your attention and focus, so start with your breath. I don’t have many rules in practice, but one I do have is this: the breath always comes first. Your brain and nervous system will be continuously regenerating as you experience the 30 days - gaining new knowledge and feedback. Build a new foundation with your breath and you will receive more benefits from your journey.
Today we take a look at expansion & contraction and how our awareness of these two gestures can vastly improve function for us mentally, physically and emotionally. This is a practice that invites you to not only stretch your body, but to stretch your mind too. I’ll be guiding quite a bit with my voice in this practice and the coming practices. Let go of expectations and enjoy this time to explore. Remember, the breath comes first.
Rich foundational work continues in our Day 4 Flow session! While we will get the blood flowing and heart pumping today - this session is an opportunity to check in with the mental and spiritual parts of yourself. This is, in fact, what the ancient practice of yoga is all about. Today’s session is a loving training for the brain and body. Perfect for those who have flow experience, but even better for those entering with a beginner's mind. Use your breath and the vocabulary we have created thus far to fall into your flow state today.
When we take time to deepen the relationship with our subtle body and breath, we are creating a sense of wholeness, of feeling complete, more true. This can then lead to us feeling more confident and more capable of loving ourselves. And that of course can have a beautiful ripple effect, a movement beyond ourselves. So as we begin to add more vocabulary and depth through visualization and imagination remember: how you move matters.
This journey is designed to create a sustainable connection and strength in your core. While today’s session successfully targets the full abdominal wall, it is not just about your physical core muscles. Your daily practice is also a tool to guide and help you distill your core values. Shine a little light in the dark places today. Connect or reconnect with what matters most. Or as the great Mary Oliver once put it, “Be ignited, or be gone.”
Today’s session is designed to tend to the mind and body with comfort and nourishment. You deserve it. Today’s practice is also detoxifying and delicious for the brain and spine. Stay on it. You deserve it. The more you show up, the more you practice receiving the nourishment that comes when you take this time for your brain, your body, and your heart. Stay tuned in and you might feel... Small flutters of joy, A strange sense of comfort in discomfort, Small moments where our vocabulary joins to tie the world together.
From a neurological perspective, creating a strong body and positive mindset happens one neural connection at a time. This is a beautiful opportunity in our journey to embrace and celebrate the fact that transformation and healing require some time, training, and practice. Consistency and compassion are key. Today’s practice is designed to help you embrace your process and journey by slowing down and learning how to rest. Wear something extra comfy if you can. Grab a blanket, maybe a pillow too. *If you don’t have any of these things handy and you are just squeezing this in, no worries. The important thing is that you show up for practice.
Get ready to say hello to your abdominals and your glutes, while giving your brain a nutritious boost. Today we continue to build a strong base for which we can explore, release tension, and boost stamina… and faith. This is a fun practice! Notice how your relationship with your breath changes with each day. Dig in. Stay curious. Find What Feels Good.
Need a pick me up? I got your back. Today’s session is a YWA special. It’s all about specificity, details, and how we set ourselves up to move on the mat. Because how we set ourselves up to move on the mat is how we set ourselves up to move off the mat. We are fine tuning our awareness and our attention today. We are setting the bar for the next week of practice, and for the next season of life. If you are faltering, losing steam, feeling your limits tested - in this journey or in life, this practice was designed for you. You bring the breath, I will guide the rest!
Explore your range of motion and improve your relationship with your brain and body. This is vital in the home practice and extremely beneficial not only for how you move throughout life but to set yourself up with a daily practice you can sustain and grow. While we have been working on core stability and hip stability, in order to balance the flexibility you are no doubt already exploring/seeking - today’s session is all about neurological control and strength. We are talking range of motion, joint health, decreasing injury, and increasing tissue health. We are talking integrity. How well can you actively move yourself? Meet me on the mat today for a mobility practice that means something.
Today’s session highlights the importance of focus in yoga, as well as the myriad of ways in which daily practice can support your mental concentration and productivity. ***Yoga is a discipline*** Focus is a practice. And the focused gaze has rich meaning both on and off the mat. This session is not about crocodile breaths, creative squats, or eagle pose. It is about our willingness to learn how to focus our attention with awareness.
The journey unfolds! We continue to add vocabulary and play with the right and left side of the brain and body. Stay open and know that you are worthy of this experience and this time. You are not alone. There are many others putting this powerful puzzle together with you. We ease into this practice with some lovely floor work to stretch, support a healthy spine, and encourage you on your journey to build core strength that sticks around all year. Just like all of these practices, we are showing up to improve function in both brain and body. Use the breath to accentuate your experience as we explore half moon, standing splits, crow pose and more.
Your yoga practice is an opportunity to know, understand, and enjoy yourself more. This is your time, your body, your breath, your story, your brain, your reality that you’re creating for yourself, so make it about you. When we create safe, healthy spaces for us to make it about ourselves and listen and check in, then it has an incredible ripple effect on how we show up for others. Your practice is about you. And it’s OKAY to make it about you. So get a little bit closer now. To you.
Today’s session is all about grounding in the good stuff. You can do this! I know it’s getting more difficult to show up. I told you it would be challenging at times. We have been preparing for this. And for all the difficult moments off the mat too. I am sharing one of my secret life tools today: A mantra to anchor you - in almost every way. “My breath is my anchor, my anchor is my breath.”
Today is a snuggle day! This session offers a beautiful blend of hip, core, and sideline work. All breath led, this practice is like a healing broth for your brain, body, and spirit. We will MOVE today, but a couple of cozy items on hand.. can’t hurt. Bring a blanket or pillow if you like. Snuggle up. Give yourself grace. Stay open to being moved. Trust the power of your consistent devotion to showing up for yourself. Day 17 ends with some breath work and contemplation you won’t want to miss. Stay with it, till the end. You must. You must. The journey is the reward.
Tasting every move. Paying attention to sensation. Staying present and not pretending. Today’s session offers an incredible opportunity to deepen your practice. Instead of working (too) hard to fit the mold of expectation, these yoga practices invite you to be present with your experience, no matter what it is. Savor the moment! Allow yourself to feel and taste everything on the mat. Honor this bit of time that you have carved out for yourself.
Your daily moves continue to connect and expand with day 19. This session is KEY for the MOVE Journey. Each day, a set up for the next. Remember, the process is the candy. Thank you for moving with me, in this way, during this time. I truly believe that through our regular exploration together we can find healing and create meaningful change inside ourselves and out in our communities. No doubt you are getting stronger and more curious as we move along. Let’s keep going.
Have you noticed how you have been getting ready for practice? What are the little things you do in order to mentally and physically land on the mat? Light a candle. Pour a glass of water. Close the blinds. Or open them. We have made it to day 20. Whether you did it in 20 days or more, there are ten more practices left in this series. And the last ten days are my absolute favorite. Today we are embracing and celebrating the intention behind showing up and the intention behind your movement, and how powerful that can be. A little goes a long way, don’t forget. Follow the sound of your breath and nurture your brain and body. The next ten days are really about embracing the ritual of the at home practice. What makes it a ritual? Let’s explore…
It’s all about quality over quantity when it comes to the experience of connection. When you think you may not have all the right ingredients (time, energy, self love, clean floor, clean underwear, etc) to connect to yourself in a worthy way - think again. This practice proves you don’t need a lot to find that quality connection with your self. You have everything you need.
This session and the practices to come are devised to bring you closer to your gifts. Not mine. Yours! Find the courage within. It will carry you forward. The more we are able to recognize and move within what is, the more courageous we become by aligning with a flow state that serves us, that allows us to shine.
As you may notice, by Day 23, I start to have a little more fun in my leadership here. I hope you take it as a great reminder that this is a training designed to improve your quality of life. I find softness in yoga is a discipline. It at times feels almost like a lost art form in popular western asana. Today’s practice invites us to have fun, to notice how you feel, and soften to the present moment on the journey to find balance in opposition. If you want to get stronger and feel more secure, implement softness.
The world has changed. We have changed. For me, the 30 Day Yoga Journey is an acknowledgment of our shared deep presence and of the moment we are all in together. This session highlights that and addresses our individual and collective need for processing mode. This powerful layer of the practice is about healing. It is about honoring our growth. Create space to allow for PROCESSING. So that you can see and be safe and held in the moment, not avoid it. We are in this together.
Through daily yoga and breath practice, we develop a deeper awareness of where we are holding tension and trauma. No doubt you have at least once walked off the mat feeling as though you were carrying less stress than when you stepped on. This session utilizes movement and breath technique to highlight the powerful ways in which we can use the practice of mindful awareness to lovingly and safely tend to what triggers. We are in the home stretch of this journey. Lean in. Let go of that which no longer serves. I got your back.
Today’s strength practice is vital as we near the end of our journey. It is an opportunity for you to experience and even celebrate your WILLPOWER. This session is about recruitment of deep muscles to not only tone muscle mass but to improve brain function. It’s true! Movement and especially core work can change the structure of our gray matter. In my mind you are ready for this level of understanding and ultimately a new level of motivation. Do not be intimidated by today’s session. It is designed to carry you to a new level of understanding, and to assist you in CELEBRATING how miraculous your body is. Here we are highlighting strength based practice that helps you feel amazing. So thus far, and on into our next days of practice, keep moving, my darling. When you want to throw in the towel, don’t. Stay with it and you may have your own delightful secretion of chemicals that travel to your brain to make you feel happier, energized, and less stressed out.
Today’s session provides a little tender loving care, a little TLC, for your brain, your body and your heart. Yoga works. I have built this practice to equip you with the tools to feel empowered in the many moons of your life. Daily practice isn’t always about maximizing. It is about meeting yourself where you are. Ask, how am I feeling?*** And then ask… How do I want to feel?*** The way you respond to this question with breath and through movement is what this journey is all about. Two more days and then we will engage in our final MOVE session together, which will signify something special. Heads up, tomorrow will be our last day of guided sessions as you know them thus far - we have a purposeful surprise awaiting us on Day 30! Stay open. Show up. If you are already wondering what will happen after the 30 days is complete, don’t worry, I have us covered.
While many move to look good, we move to feel good. My loving advice for you today is to think about your yoga practice as a training for how you want to move through your life. I hope you have felt a sense of belonging on this journey. It is the foundation for the offering, and where I build from. Trust, this experience is meant to be. If you are ever in a tight spot, at a crossroads, or unsure how or where to move next… Find your breath. HEAR IT. Trust it. Trust your awareness. Your gut. Heads up, we have a purposeful surprise awaiting tomorrow for Day 30! Today’s session is a perfect set up. Do you trust me?
In our day thirty tradition, I am taking off the mic and inviting you to practice alongside me, and thousands of others in the same moment. What does that mean? It means, you won’t follow my verbal instruction today, nor should you feel the need to match my moves. You are the leader today. I am your friend practicing at my own pace alongside. This session is different - and yet, in my mind, the perfect way to seal our journey. Use the vocabulary you have to create stability and softness. Listen to your breath for cues on when and how to uplift, snuggle, savor, and explore. Cultivate love and courage with curiosity and focus. The goal of this session is not for our practice to match - but for us to celebrate our connectedness through our individuality and truth. This is the last session of our journey, choose how you want to feel. Rest when you like, breathe like you love yourself, and trust me, trust yourself, trust the process, trust it all. In every end is a new beginning.
Find your Center. Today is orientation day! Let’s call this Day 0. A clean slate. Are you ready? This is the day to get yourself oriented. Set yourself up for the next 30 days. Soak in your intentions and prepare for this journey designed to support whole body mental health! It’s also a chance to gather any props (nothing fancy, you can get creative!) and invite any friends or family to join you.
**The most valuable part of a centering practice is the courageous act of showing up.** This series may look like a lot of core strengthening exercises, moves for a healthy spine, good lymphatic flow, releasing tension and decreasing chronic pain. But, it is truly about learning and knowing who you are. And perhaps you will never know the power of this 30 days of centering with me, unless that is you show up. Happy day 1! Check it off on your calendar when complete and I will see you again tomorrow!
In this practice we embrace a key element to the centering practice. How to listen is such an important part of this journey both on and off the mat. When you wake up each day, when you arrive on the mat, what are you lending your ear to? When we tune in to what brings us life on the yoga mat, we start to notice this spill into other areas of our life. It becomes not just about what is capturing our attention, and what (or who) is the loudest. But rather it becomes about what serves you and what feels right for your mind and body.
In this session we continue to build the juicy foundation of a centering yoga practice that promotes whole body mental health. If it is all connected, tend to the root. This video is designed to help balance the energy center that supports you in feeling home in your own body. This grounding practice nurtures the foundation that will carry you to new places.
My practice has shown me and continues to teach me all the ways in which I can absorb my own care for myself. And my journey in neuroscience has helped me to back up all the reasons why hugging your self matters. Meditate on this as you move today. High fives all around! Seriously. We are doing this! For some, today’s theme may seem a little cheeky. But have you ever stopped to ponder the power of what it is like to feel your own embrace?
Day six is spicy, it’s shorter, and it is one of my favorite moments in this journey. Yoga is poetry. And what many perceive as “core work” is in reality a deep layer of the centering journey. One that really highlights the questions: Where am I moving from? Where do my gestures come from? **Why do these questions matter!?**
The thing about integrating flow into your practice is you really get right back to the very foundation which is allowing the breath to fuel the action. Begin to be disciplined about this on the mat and watch the myriad of ways in which your breath will show up to serve and guide you off the mat. Hop into something comfy and let’s flow. Today’s offering is all about brain, body, and spirit connection.
A day to soften, find stillness, and keep up with the practice of using your breath to tell your brain that it is okay to shift gears. Bring some props if you like! A pillow, a blanket or two. This practice reminds you that these moments on the mat, however they may look and feel each day, are for you to be with YOU. This session has a lot of gems in it, so get cozy, *notice how you feel today* and let them wash over you.
Your Day 9 practice is a heart centering practice. The journey progresses as we continue to add fresh vocabulary to our asana (physical poses) and breath, as well as go deeper into the philosophy of yoga. In this session we consider the mat and our daily practice as a safe place to merge the conscious with the unconscious. This yoga practice is one that invites you to move from the energy center of the heart.
Yes, this is an energizing sequence. No, you don’t have to have the energy to do it. That is precisely the most beautiful thing about true yoga. The practice will show you how to shift your energy. Trust me, all you have to do is show up and listen. This is the way I like to guide all of my yoga offerings. Both for myself and for others. This is the practice of listening and responding your way back to center. Consider this practice a check in with the energetic body. Only 18 minutes, you got this. Thank you for letting me be your guide.
This 24 minute session is yummy and will fly by. I understand that it is difficult to get motivated to the mat each day. And that some days are way harder than others to carve out the proper time to practice. I acknowledge all of this and yet - this journey is about making a good habit of centering the whole body and the whole spirit for mental health. It works when you show up. Let’s get started!!!
In this 21 min practice we immerse ourselves in the art of tempo. We offer up space for ourselves to be seen, to feel and to work-it-out. See what happens when you slow it down. This session and the week of classes to come offer a great opportunity to practice returning to the role of the observer. Remember the hardest part is showing up. You can and you will!
One of the biggest practices that my relationship with yoga has shined such a light on is the practice of learning and embodying trust. I believe it is at this point in the 30 day journey where it is valuable to shine a little light on how powerful our relationship with trust is. And perhaps maybe take a little stock in a safe space to do so. Are you able to relax your shoulders, your drive to accomplish, your habit of self judgment today - and trust the process more? Today we will play with some fun breathwork and for the rest of the journey you will see practices that average 20 min in length - with shorter practices in the coming days to support you in keeping up this good work, a new habit perhaps that will serve you for the rest of your days.
In my 9 years of guiding this style of yoga series, I have learned that Day 15 marks the perfect moment in the journey to practice checking in which allows us to evoke a very helpful and real mind-body reset. Through breathwork and movement technique we remain loyal to the process, in a sincere effort to live in the present. Oh my is the next week of this journey fun! Don’t miss it. Today will set you up nicely, but remember… You have to show up!
You are worthy of loving kindness. Especially your own. Today’s practice is a love note in action. Our Day 16 session asks us to move however we need to be moved and to remember that the more loving kindness we can implement during this time on the mat with ourselves, the more we will notice it start to trickle out into our relationships and the world. You may make some new discoveries today and in the coming week. Pay attention to your self talk. And remember - I am genuinely here for you, in your corner.
These practices are designed to help you learn and experience the way in which everything is connected. While this practice targets the shoulders, chest, neck and upper back body - continue to see the body as one moving part. Research has proven that daily movement can be powerful medicine for anxiety and depression. We have the science to back up the myriad of benefits of mindful breath work, especially when practiced with consistency. And, I have said it before but I will share again that strength training with less pain and more joy has provided me with a relationship with my body that I never ever thought possible. Remember, this is a come as you are situation. Get out of your head and into your body, let’s move!
Ground in your gaze. This practice allows us to reconnect and balance our mental, physical and emotional energy states through a training of the gaze. I have learned first hand that training your gaze to serve your nervous system so that you feel that the world is working for you instead of against you - is one of the amazing benefits of regular yoga practice. What are you choosing to give your focus to? Remember, where attention goes, energy flows.
Using your time on the mat to tap into your intuitive and creative side is medicine for the mind, the body and most certainly the soul. I am honored to be your guide. This practice invites you into a safe space to practice, play and nurture a deep listening to your creative expression. Learn to do this on the mat and you will learn how to dance with life off the mat. It is not about perfection, it is about keeping all possibilities open!
This 17 minute low to-the ground practice is a perfectly timed restorative session. It is short, it is so very sweet and it offers a chance for you to ease in and out of practice no matter how your day or your life is going on right now. Bring a blanket and or a pillow to the mat today if you have them. No worries if not.
Today is about celebrating the physical, mental and emotional conditioning you have cultivated and experienced thus far. By now you may have noticed the ways in which some of the poses are starting to feel different. There are days where your body is tired. Those days will exist and it is on those days we ask the mind to focus and be strong. On other days you will notice poses that were once unstable and shall we say humbling - are now sturdier, engaged with a greater sense of ease. The body feels stronger. The strength may also come from having the courage to know when to rest. This is when our emotional state takes priority and is considered. It is important to remember the strength comes from showing up. Not from any one singular approach but from a commitment to cultivate a regular or daily practice of centering.
Each time I invite you to align your attention to the present moment, I am aiming to show you that you are indeed an adaptable creature. On the mat we move, we shift, we make adjustments. So it goes with life. The more we learn to trust ourselves, the more pathways we open up to move through life in alignment with our true self. If you are feeling a little lost, don’t worry, I got your back. Just make it your plan to align with what is. Play with what feels good today (not yesterday) and use the vocabulary we have learned thus far. Every time you show up on the mat makes an impact, big or small.
This is a shorter practice that invites you to connect to courage on the mat. Through my yoga I have learned how to make courage a daily practice. This feels like utmost importance for me and the way I want to show up for myself, my community and the world. This session builds strength throughout the backside of the body, as well as tones and strengthens the abdomen. It’s also practices like these that are designed to support you in not just surviving, but to support you in the belief of yourself. Remember this is a come as you are situation. No need to have the energy or be in the mood. Get to the mat and together we will move through it.
Notice what emotions have been stirring within you lately. We come to the mat, we learn the poses, we remember the breath. As we start moving our bodies in new ways we notice a stirring. We are curious, we explore. As we stir things up on the mat, we create new pathways that can lead to new habits. Keep coming back to the breath. Hear it. Listen. Feel it. For it will guide you to make the most incredible discoveries.
It’s Day 25! A practice that celebrates the power of love. What does it look like to do things with love? What does it feel like? This session is a schooling in loving awareness. Each cycle of breath is, “ I love you.” This is not a practice to give up on. You mustn’t! The journey continues. Only 5 days more after this! Dive back in. The practice is love. Love is the practice.
The connection that may occur in these last five days will be special and truly unique to you. Don’t forget, showing up for yourself in this way does have an impact. Big or small, the impact it has on your health and happiness is transformational. We will ask some questions today to support you in your contemplation on your journey. So come along dear one, as we move from unconscious breathing patterns to conscious ones. This is a session to connect to your heart’s song.
Yin represents softness. It embodies a contemplative energy, one that is nurturing sensitive, quiet, slow and introverted. This may be the most valuable practice of your journey. For it is not always the hardest, fastest, strongest practice that pays off. Today we invite slow, we welcome smooth and we remember the power of ease with each calm nourishing breath. Let’s tap into what home feels like? This is the home stretch!!
In this session, I celebrate you for arriving at the mat with the courage to be who you are and to come with whatever you are carrying. Find the freedom in the form and remember, the invitation here is for you to fully be you. As we near the end I would like to take a moment to thank you for your trust. It is not something I take for granted. Secondly, I want to lift you up and send you my utter respect and love because you are doing this. Whether you do this in 30 days for 365 - it does not matter. What matters is that you make the commitment to find your center.
Today is the second to final practice of this journey, and it is all about pleasure! My advice to you is this, “don’t decide where it ends.” Whatever that means to you, take it to the mat! **I want to give you the heads up that tomorrow we will be meeting as usual, but you can expect something new. You can expect a fresh opportunity to let your practice be a true culmination that is emblematic of what I feel yoga is all about - and why it is the most wonderful tool for a meaningful life of centered living. In other words, expect tomorrow’s final practice to be different!
Here we are, at the end of the journey. For our final CENTER session - I invite you to practice alongside me, and thousands of others in the same moment in a new way. What does that mean? It means, you won’t follow my verbal instruction today, nor should you feel the need to match my moves. *You are the leader today. I am your friend practicing at my own pace alongside. This session is different - and yet, in my mind, the perfect way to seal our journey. Use the vocabulary you have to show up, to shift, to root, to flow and find a big hug. Use this session to listen, to rinse, unwind, stretch, be kind. Enjoy the opportunity to connect to your heart, your corazón. Find your gaze, cultivate play, explore and restore! And with pleasure, find freedom, melt, move and align with what matters most. The goal of this session is not for our practice to match - but for us to celebrate our connectedness through our individuality and truth. Set the intention to return to center.
It’s GET READY day! A little moment to get yourself organized, take stock of your energy, and prepare for our next 30 days together on the mat. (Consider this Day 0. Your first movement practice kicks off with Day 1.) I hope this multi-layered series will serve as a daily practice to help you feel your worth as you build a strong and flexible body. It is also my goal to help you learn how to access different energetic states for sustainable expansion and growth. While yoga is and remains a good workout for many, it was originally crafted to allow our souls to experience embodiment. Surrender to the FLOW of life that moves through your practice. Discover your own unique flow state, and drop in, my friend. I believe in the power and science of these practices, and I am honored to be your guide.
We kick off our first practice of our 30 Days of Yoga today! A session designed to set you up for success and help you set the tone for your experiences here as we grow through practice and understanding of our relationship to our Self. Set YOUR intention for the journey! Set your sails to - come as you are - for there is no other expectation. Learn how to use your breath to enhance and support your experience on the mat. You are ready, get set, let’s flow!
It’s Day 2 and with an important theme, a call to action, an invitation to drop the doing of yoga and reside in the role of the observer. When we practice in this way on the mat - we create an opportunity to move into a new presence. Get ready to stretch, to twist, and to listen to your breath, as you move your spine and connect with your body.
Day 5, oh baby! Our Day 5 practice is such a beauty. This practice reminds us how the way we carry our body can resemble or represent our innermost feelings. This session is also a guided invitation to make it your own, be intentional about the way you show up to move and breathe. Can you be gentle? Can you trust the wisdom of your body? The physical branch of yoga offers us the chance to better understand and get to know ourselves. Continue to show up for practice and focus on how you do so. It’s all happening. ✨ Represent you, on the mat. Represent!
CORE WORK for the win! Do you trust me? Join me for an 18 minute, core centering session designed to help you connect to the full spectrum of your core muscles holistically, as well focus the mind for optimal mental health. Check in with your center. Day six is my favorite. Who said core work had to be a hard hot mess? I love this approach. It’s efficient and impactful and leaves your nervous system feeling cared for. This practice is active, intricate and invites discipline of your breath. Don’t miss it.
Welcome to Day 7. One full week of tapping into the energetic body through regular movement, breath and yoga asana. This is a practice of synchronizing breath with the movement and movement with the breath in order to discover your flow. You are one week in and doing great. Remember there are no rules and you can drop any limiting expectations. The most important thing is that you show up. Even if it’s only to sync up with your breath and check in with your energy for the day. You got this.
The journey continues! With our day 10 practice we continue to develop a vocabulary in which we are able to use the breath to cultivate a more beautiful conversation between the mind and body. Today is all about moving any stagnant energy to allow the opportunity to align with something bigger than yourself and drop into FLOW.
This 16 minute session is a balm for the soul. Get ready to tap into conscious breath, stretch, and practice self massage. Yoga doesn’t only restore the physical body but the emotional and spiritual body as well. Take your practice to the depth that it wants to go. I am honored to practice alongside you.
Welcome steadiness and ease. In this session we bring our focus back to the stability of the center line while embracing yogic principles as stated in the Yoga Sutras and yogic philosophy. Here we are reminded to tap into the inner world and continue to let go of the drive to perfect the exterior of fancy yoga poses. Be prepared to flow in this session and find steadiness and ease from within.
Today’s BALANCE session invites you to dig deep into the subtle layers of your practice. This journey is about meeting yourself, your sensations and observations, and through regular practice - finding your flow. In this session we begin with a right/left hemisphere balance and move on to continue to use the asana to learn about ourselves and how we experience our bodies.
Day 20. This is huge. You made it to Day 20! And perfectly timed, we take this session to continue the journey inward. This session asks a lot of good questions and continues to cultivate and add new vocabulary to the physical practice. This is time well spent with yourself. (Thank you for letting me be a part of it!) Let’s go!
On day 21 we recognize a natural curiosity that grows about ourselves and others. Pay attention to sensations in your physical body and heart space - both - and the practice will communicate a lot back to you. This session is an invitation to observe and investigate without judgment. (Oh - and it's certainly okay to have fun too.)
With a free spirited entry, this heart-led session challenges you to practice being open. Listen and respond to what the body is sharing today as we bring awareness to the heart center. Get ready for heart-led warriors, cobras, and bow pose! Perhaps some alligator breathing too? Four more practices await after this! Stick with your commitment, you can do it!! The hardest part is showing up to begin. Let’s do it!
As we near the end of the journey we enter into a beautiful practice of deep listening and trust. One that guides you toward cultivating a relationship with your inner voice with more opportunities to improvise and play and connect with something bigger than yourself. I am honored to be on this journey with you!
Building on the whole journey and especially the past 5 practices, today we use the vocabulary to find sensations through moments of movement that feel individual to you. We have worked with focus, rigor, softness, kindness and balance to develop a practice for finding FLOW. This session is all about the power of TRUST. Trust your intuition and keep an open mind. Learn rabbit pose (bunny posture) or maybe fly in crow! Heads up! Tomorrow’s practice is going to be a little different than the rest. Trust.
You made it. I am so proud of you, in awe of you. Thank you for sharing your valuable time and energy with me and this incredible worldwide community. Today’s session is our final yoga practice of the journey. This video will be a little different from the rest, as it asks you to create your own practice in culmination of everything we have learned and practiced together. You have everything you need! You have your vocabulary, your action, your awareness and your alignment. You know how to tap into intuitive movement and trust. Connect to your inner voice and stay open, you may just feel a connection to something bigger as well. You are your best guide. I am, however, always here to help, to bolster, to ask questions with you and support your growth. This session is a celebration. Remember, in every end - is a new beginning.
You did it. We did it. Felicidades! This is my life’s passion and I see a world that is better for having people who are in true touch with themselves, brain, body and energy. Heart and soul. THANK YOU for taking this journey with me. Thank you for sharing your valuable time and energy with me, Benji and with the Yoga With Adriene community across the globe. My hope is that we keep learning and practicing how to show up well.
Okay you made it to the beginning, if you are reading this you are in the right place. X marks the spot. You Are Here. This session is a soft hand reaching out to help you befriend you. Prana as a series is about aligning with the wisdom of your body and being. On Day 1 you will get a taste for holistic yoga practice that takes a therapeutic approach to physical strength, joint health, nervous system resilience, and your mental wellness. Our primary focus is on the breath. Day 1 practice time, 27 minutes. This is the longest session in the series. Slow down and use it to check in with your body, your breathing patterns, and your whole self fully. This practice sets you up so nicely for the rest of the series! It’s soft, it’s inquisitive, it has foundations for subtle body awareness as well as gross body work. Day 1 asks you to be curious about what it feels like to move in this current season of your life.
This is a mental health wellness practice. Full stop. So, while we utilize familiar asana, allow yourself to focus on sensation more than what you think the poses should look like. This might be particularly challenging not to the beginner but to an experienced yogi who perhaps has been practicing asana in the Western world for many years. Remember, the focus on this series is on the prana body. The energetic aspects that help make up who we are. Have you ever met someone that just had “good energy” or have you ever been around someone who had “bad energy” maybe? I am not here to call one thing good or bad but simply to point out that we often respond to energy because it can affect how we feel. From the yoga perspective we are all all connected through this life force, and so tending to our own energy through practice does inevitably have a ripple effect. This mindful practice is 23 minutes long and packed with beneficial moves for the spine, a strong, stable center, healthy digesti
Connection. It is so important to our total well being. This centering practice is all about cultivating an inner landscape for positive and healthy connection. As this experiential series rolls on, our breath inspired movement continues with gentle rigor and focus. Bring a blanket if you like as we will start in a seat for gentle neck and shoulder release and pranayama to build tapas or heat. This 18-minute session includes low back relief, foot massage with pressure points, satisfying stretches, and mudra.
We start standing today in Tadasana, Mountain Pose. With a rooted awareness from foot to crown, our journey continues as we cultivate happy feet and happy joints with footwork and a mobility flow. This session reminds us of the infinite possibilities that arise when we take time for ourselves and true mind body practice. It also reminds us of the power of letting go. This sweet practice is 23 minutes long and builds strength and resilience with an awareness of directional flows of energy in the body. This type of work can reveal when you tend to rush or be stuck in a certain need for speed, shall we say. Slow down your breath, slow down your body. There is no need to blast your nervous system for results you can see and feel.
It’s okay to have fun! High fives all around for this Day 5 session that may begin to reveal the shifts in state that one can feel when you show up for regular consistent practice. Little by little we have honored the body and tapped into our unique beautiful energies while holding regard for our connection to each other. This session offers the opportunity to build strength through poses like forearm plank, and to surrender in poses like heart to earth pose. This therapeutic practice is 19 minutes long and is a hug for body and soul. Drop me a line in the comments, I want to know you are here!
Reimagine your relationship with your core! This Day 6 yoga practice is influenced by hatha yoga as well as pilates. In this class we continue to guide you in developing a connection with your breath and your deep abdominal muscles. Core work does not have to suck. In fact, I love core work so much, it actually feels good now that I know how to use my breath to effectively and efficiently control my muscles. Remember, little by little. This session is only 17 minutes - you got this! Remember your mantra; I am connected with all things with love and kindness.
The state of relaxed attention is our aim for our final and post precious practice. The main goal of PRANA is to guide you to have more awareness of the subtle body. You matter. The world needs you. Let’s make sure that the ripple that you are sending out into the world is a conscious one. Our final Prana practice is 24 minutes long and plays with directional energy techniques to help align your posture and cultivate a deeper connection with your self/Self. This yoga is a practice of loving yourself and self study.
Day 8, Meditate. A Yoga With Adriene tradition. In this video we take time to reflect on the Prana practice series through a softening to stillness. This soft practice asks, “What connections do you want to strengthen?” “Can you allow the experience and wisdom you experienced to stay with you?” Perhaps in your experience with Prana you have learned to trust your inner wisdom and your body a bit more. As our journey comes to an official loving close, there is opportunity to find a fresh commitment to your practice and to show up for this necessary and valuable time with - you. Again, making sure that the ripple you are sending you into the world is a conscious one! This session is a 10 minute bija or seed practice. A little quiet nugget to mindfully wrap up our experience here together, and one you can come back to again and again - whenever you need some solace and subtle body connection.