Continuum is an hour long Canadian science fiction series created by Simon Barry currently...
Inspector Kiera Cameron loses everything she has and finds herself on a new mission when she and eight dangerous terrorists are transported from their time in 2077 back to 2012 during the terrorist’s attempt to escape execution. She takes on a new identity and joins the Vancouver Police Department in order to stop the terrorists’ reign of violence. Along the way, she befriends Alec Sadler, the 17 year old who will one day grow up to create the technology her world is built upon.
Kiera tries to find the members of Liber8 before they do more damage. Her attempts are hindered when her cover is blown and her partner on the VPD, Carlos Fonnegra, arrests her. But when she discovers Liber8’s plan to attempt to get back to 2077, she has to escape and possibly ally herself with her sworn enemies to get back home.
Kiera and Carlos investigate a series of mysterious murders in which victims have been drained of endocrine fluid only to discover that the crimes were committed by Liber8 in an effort to save Travis, their leader. Kellog tries to make a truce with Kiera by delivering her a gift, one that could cost her and Carlos their lives and will lead to Kellog’s expulsion from Liber8.
Kagame's return begins with a reset of Liber8’s agenda, away from violence and towards blending into the community. But there may be a glitch – there is the possibility that if their ancestors living in this time are murdered, they might cease to exist. A test of this theory is devised with Kiera and her grandmother as the guinea pigs.
Kiera must race against the clock when she realizes that in her timeline, today is the day that terrorists bomb a building killing hundreds of innocent people. As she tries to stop the imminent bombing, Liber8 kidnaps her trusty sidekick Alec after he realizes his stepbrother Julian is under their sway.
Alec is injured in a car accident while joyriding with his friends who are intoxicated on a dangerous new drug sweeping the streets. Kiera recognizes this new poison as a drug from her future and deduces that Liber8 is responsible for putting it on the streets. Julian’s mother visits him in prison, awakening his desire to take the fight in a new direction.
Sam's Birthday puts Kiera on the path to an emotional meltdown which triggers an internal diagnostic within Kiera's CMR that forces her to deal with her loss or lose her tech abilities. Meanwhile, Kiera becomes the target of a department mole hunt, when Dillon is ousted and Escher installs Nora Masters as his puppet.
Kiera, injured during her and Brad's escape from the future soldiers, has a renewed desire to return to her son in the future. Brad reunites with the future soldiers in a bid to gain their trust and work from the inside. Alec gets revenge on Kellog by hacking into Piron which causes unexpected consequences and revelations.