A space explorer, previously thought lost, returns to Earth and brings together four teenage exploration recruits to find a giant robot lion from an alien civilization
The Blue Lion selects Lance. Princess Allura appoints the Voltron Paladins.
They find the other four lions. The Black Lion selects Shiro.
The Paladins work together to form Voltron.
The Paladins fight and defeat the Robeast.
The castle is bombed and a crystal is destroyed. A replacement is located.
Pidge's backstory is revealed.
The Blue Lion is stolen, but is recovered.
The Galran fleet is destroyed, but another Robeast appears.
The Paladins evacuate Balmera while also fighting the Robeast.
Allura says goodbye to her dad's AI.
Allura is captured by the Galra.
Zarkon steals the Black Lion. The lions are separated.