Ein Paladin droht das Team zu verlassen. Daraufhin stürmen Eindringlinge das Schloss und zerstören dessen Kristall, um Voltron in ihren Besitz zu bringen.
The team and Arusians celebrate Voltron's victory in the castle, but the festivities come to a halt when Pidge reveals his intentions to leave the team and search for his missing father and brother. As the team tries to convince Pidge to stay, Haxus, one of Sendak's soldiers, is able to sneak a bomb drone into the castle, causing it to destroy the crystal that powers the entire castle and severely injure Lance in the process.
Alors qu'un des paladins menace de quitter l'équipe, des envahisseurs désireux de voler Voltron prennent le Château d'assaut et détruisent son cristal d'alimentation.
Los invasores atacan el castillo y destruyen el cristal de energía para robar a Voltron. Mientras tanto, uno de los paladines amenaza con dejar el equipo.
Quando um Paladino ameaça deixar a equipe, invasores atacam o castelo na tentativa de roubar o robô Voltron.
한 명의 팔라딘이 팀을 떠나려고 한다. 이때를 틈타, 아루스에 잠입했던 센다크는 성을 작동시키는 크리스털을 망가뜨린다. 볼트론까지 빼앗길 위기, 센다크를 막아라!
Als een van de paladijnen uit het team wil treden, wordt het kasteel bestormd. In een poging om Voltron te stelen, vernielen de indringers de kristallen krachtbron.