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Season 2010

  • S2010E01 Returning the Stolen

    • July 18, 2010
    • SBS

    Children stolen by their parents' killers during Argentina's dictatorship are finally being reunited with their families. Imagine being told your parents are not your real parents. Even worse, the people who raised you had in fact helped to kidnap, torture and murder your real mum and dad. It's the truth facing as many as 500 people born during the late 1970s in Argentina, when the country's military dictatorship detained and killed thousands of political opponents. After their parents 'disappeared', the children were given away to supporters of the dictatorship to raise as their own. Video journalist David O'Shea has been to meet a group of determined grandmothers leading the fight to reunite those children with what's left of their families, and he hears the stories of some of the 101 stolen babies reunited so far.

  • S2010E02 Toppling Tehran

    • July 25, 2010
    • SBS

    The images of brutaility on Iran’s streets made headlines around the world a year ago, as huge protests took place in Tehran over the disputed election of President Ahmadinejad. But a new investigation shows that all was not well within the country’s leadership too… three members of Iran’s military elite, who have since fled the country, have told of deep rifts and open dissent in the ranks. They also describe the measures used to crush the protesters, including rape and torture, and the leaders with a plane on standby to get them out of the country if their regime collapsed. The men were tracked down in Turkey and Thailand by UK-based Guardian Films and The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Click here to see their report by Angus Stickler and click here to replay our live online chat with Producer Chavala Madlena.

  • S2010E03 Spy vs Spy

    • July 25, 2010
    • SBS

    The Middle East Peace Crisis has played out very publicly over the years, but the details of a behind-the-scenes world of spying and secrecy are also coming to light. As video journalist Sophie McNeill reports, it’s a tale of undercover assassinations, bugged cars and clandestine meetings. Experts say the disclosures are the unravelling of a huge Israeli spy network in neighbouring countries like Lebanon and Syria. But exactly what can be traced back to the Israeli Government and its Mossad intelligence agency? And what’s their response?

  • S2010E04 Inside WikiLeaks

    • August 1, 2010
    • SBS

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange stunned the world this week when he leaked more than 90,000 secret Afghan war files. Dateline's Mark Davis was filming as Assange prepared to release his massive cache of highly classified US documents and as he weathered the media storm that followed. The documents reveal hundreds of civilian casualties, secret hit squads to track and kill Taliban leaders, a steep increase in Taliban attacks, and collusion between Pakistan's intelligence service and the Taliban leadership. Davis first connected with the mysterious whistleblower in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Australia for a story broadcast in May, called The Whistleblower. This time he has been filming in London where Assange was working with journalists from The Guardian, The New York Times and Germany's Der Spiegel. The release of the documents has rocked the White House and drawn comment from Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Some of the classified reports refer to Australia's military operations in Afghanistan. In a move that will further shake governments and top military brass around the world, WikiLeaks says they have delayed the release of a further 15,000 reports, but these will eventually be released in full.

  • S2010E05 The Living Dead

    • August 1, 2010
    • SBS

    They’re known as Argentina’s ‘living dead’… people who’ve become addicted to the drug, paco. They wander the slums of Buenos Aires desperately looking for money and their next fix. Paco is made from the impure waste of cocaine production and sells for less than a dollar a packet. Some addicts need up to a hundred hits a day, with devastating consequences for them and their families. Video journalist David O’Shea meets some of the Mothers Against Paco, who’ve joined forces to try and save their children from the drug and the violent culture that goes with it. And he talks to the director of the film, Paco, about how the problem is moving from the slums to Argentina’s middle classes. But there is also some hope amid the desperation.

  • S2010E06 White Revenge

    • August 8, 2010
    • SBS

    The murder of South African white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche has reignited divisions between white and black in a reminder of the country’s bitter struggle over apartheid. Zoé de Bussière reports from Terreblanche's home town of Ventersdorp in the aftermath of the killing, as two black men appear in court charged with his murder. She sees first-hand the hatred between the two communities, which frequently threatens to turn violent.

  • S2010E07 Iraq's Deadly Legacy

    • August 15, 2010
    • SBS

    The number of babies born with severe deformities and children developing leukaemia is rising dramatically in parts of Iraq. US forces used depleted uranium weapons to attack the city in the war, which locals say has left them with this devastating legacy. One report even says the number of such illnesses in Falluja is higher than that recorded after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Walkley Award winning video journalist Fouad Hady returns to his home country to see some of the deformed and desperately ill children, and meets some of the people battling against the odds to rebuild their lives, and their city.

  • S2010E08 Behind Enemy Lines

    • August 22, 2010
    • SBS

    Norwegian journalist Paul Refsdal risked his life to become the first Westerner to film behind Taliban lines in Afghanistan, and see the war between the allied forces and the insurgency from the Taliban’s viewpoint. Now Dateline brings you his remarkable story, as Paul witnesses several ambushes of US troops on the Khyber Pass, and films celebrations over the death of a US soldier. But he also captures a human side of the Taliban, as insurgents relax, pray, eat together, and look after the children of Taliban commander, Dawran. Paul comes under threat himself too, as a US gunship attacks and he’s kidnapped by one of the Taliban group which took him in.

  • S2010E09 Mr Controversial

    • August 29, 2010
    • SBS

    Many people would probably dismiss Dutch politician Geert Wilders as a right-wing extremist for his anti-Islam manifesto, in which he says Islam is retarded and vows to ban the Koran. But his ‘Freedom Party’ has come from the fringe of politics to gain significant support in the Dutch Parliament, increasing its seats to 24, placing him in a position where he could now decide the future of Holland’s government. Like Australia, the Netherlands has a hung parliament. At first the parties said they wouldn’t negotiate with Wilders, but after two months of failed talks, he may now have the deciding vote on who rules the country. Video journalist Mark Davis tries to get inside the mind of this controversial politician as he works under 24 hour protection to spread his word in the Netherlands, and prepares to travel to the United States to pass on his anti-Islam message at the September 11th anniversary in New York.

  • S2010E10 Crude Reality

    • August 29, 2010
    • SBS

  • S2010E11 Toxic Legacy

    • August 29, 2010
    • SBS

  • S2010E12 Poverty Games

    • September 5, 2010
    • SBS

    As India prepares a show of wealth at the Commonwealth Games, Dateline reports on the poor who say they're missing out in the race for riches. India is preparing to welcome the world to the Commonwealth Games in Delhi, but behind the show of wealth, at what's being dubbed the most expensive games in history, Dateline's Yalda Hakim discovers a different story. Thousands of slums have been demolished and the residents moved to outside the city, while the poor earn a few dollars a day building luxurious apartments for competitors, which will eventually sell for up to a million dollars. Out in the slums of Mumbai, Yalda finds children as young as five combing polluted rivers and dirty alleyways for junk they can sell to survive, amid claims that money has been diverted away from schemes to fight poverty to pay for the games.

  • S2010E13 Tunnel Vision Gaza

    • September 12, 2010
    • SBS

    It has to be one of the world’s worst jobs… digging the tunnels under the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt to smuggle supplies across the border into the Palestinian enclave. With the constant threat of bombs and collapse, French filmmaker Alexis Monchovet follows Palestinian tunnel workers as they work in the dead of night to move bag after bag of goods through the narrow winding passageways. The trade continues even though the Israeli blockade has been partially lifted and the crossing from Egypt into Gaza opened since nine activists were killed on a recent peace flotilla. Israel often bombs and destroys the tunnels, but the workers somehow manage to smile through as they build more and keep the goods and their own black market economy moving.

  • S2010E14 Future Fear

    • September 12, 2010
    • SBS

    Killer comets, global tsunamis and super volcanoes might sound like the stuff of science fiction, but some people in the United States are taking such threats to the planet extremely seriously. Video journalist David Brill has been to meet the Kramer family in California, who've already bought space in an underground shelter, ready for the 'cataclysmic disaster' they believe could happen when a 'galactic alignment' takes place in 2012. He also meets shelter owner, Robert Vicino, whose website counts down the seconds to the end of the world, and offers space in his hotel-style solution to survival for tens of thousands of dollars per person. Others are approaching the future differently, believing the biggest threats we're facing are problems that we've caused ourselves. Richard Heinberg is one of the world's foremost peak oil experts, who warns that we're addicted to fossil fuels and must adapt before they run out. David takes us to a Los Angeles suburb to meet the Dervaes family of so-called 'urban homesteaders'. They've already adapted and are living self-sufficiently and almost entirely off-grid. But are they all being over cautious, or will the rest of us be under prepared?

  • S2010E15 Reds Return

    • September 19, 2010
    • SBS

  • S2010E16 Guardian Angels

    • September 26, 2010
    • SBS

    Meet the parajumpers risking their lives to rescue seriously wounded soldiers from the Afghan battlefield. When soldiers are injured on the frontline in Afghanistan, it's the para jumpers that have to go in by helicopter and rescue them from the battlefield. It's a nightmare job - retrieving horribly injured colleagues, while coming under more attack themselves. Sean Smith from The Guardian spent a month and a half in Afghanistan, seeing first-hand what they have to go through and getting a no holds barred look at life on the frontline. He also followed United States marines on foot patrol, in 55 degree heat and under frequent attack; they're trying to reach Pakistan to secure the border, but it's taken them a year to move just 20 kilometres.

  • S2010E17 Justice in Exile

    • October 3, 2010
    • SBS

    Meet the Iranian lawyer, forced into exileafter defendinga womansentenced todeath by stoning. The most well-known political exile in the world right now has to be Mohammad Mostafaei, the Iranian lawyer who spoke out against Tehran's plans to stone an allegedly adulterous woman to death. But as he fought for Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani's life, he found himself forced to flee his beloved Iran and President Ahmadinejad's regime in an effort to save himself and his young family. Now exiled in Norway, he speaks to video journalist Yalda Hakim about saving scores of people from execution in Iran, his journey of survival and his plans to continue fighting for the rights of Iranian women and children.

  • S2010E18 Learning Liberty

    • October 10, 2010
    • SBS

    Dateline gets unique access to a school for young defectors from repressive North Korea, who arrive without the skills needed to survive in the modern world. There are 20,000 defectors from North Korea in South Korea, but escape from the repressive communist regime in the North is only the start of their battle for a better life. As video journalist Amos Roberts discovers, defectors arrive without the skills they need to survive in one of the world's most technologically advanced and competitive societies. Amos was given unique access to a special school set up for young defectors to help them adjust. They talk about their old lives in North Korea - stories of famine, public executions and dramatic escapes; and the challenges of their new lives - relentless study and an uncertain future. We also revisit one of Dateline's most celebrated stories, a report 10 years ago about defectors living in hiding in China, and catch up with a woman who has now made it to South Korea. Her family is reunited and she feels safe for the first time - but is life in the South all she hoped it would be?

  • S2010E19 Power Struggle

    • October 17, 2010
    • SBS

    The Sydney Morning Herald's Paul McGeoughasksif Iraq's oil reserves will shape its future for the better, orcause more problems for the fragile country. Can the huge reservoirs of oil under Iraq bring it prosperity and security at last? Or will it further divide the country between those who have the oil and wealth, and those that don't? Sydney Morning Herald Chief Correspondent Paul McGeough tries to find the answers in a special guest report for Dateline. He's been speaking to those in charge of turning round the country and its oil industry, and meeting the ordinary Iraqis struggling with chronic electricity, gas and water shortages, all in scorching 50 degree heat. They all tell of a crumbling infrastructure, security concerns, corruption and still no government at the top to get things moving - locals describe themselves as 'powerless' in every sense.

  • S2010E20 Muddy Hell

    • October 24, 2010
    • SBS

    A dozen villages have been swallowed up by a volcano of mud in Indonesia, but four years on from the start of the eruption, the dispute over what's causing it bubbles on. Some experts say a drilling accident at a nearby gas site has caused gas to constantly push mud to the surface from a depth of 3,000 metres, but the energy giant Lapindo Brantas blames an earthquake. The company was cleared of responsibility by Indonesia's Supreme Court last year, but was still ordered to pay compensation. People in East Java though say they've seen little help. Video journalist Adrian Brown visits the vast lake of mud, which can even be seen from space, to hear the blame game that's left villagers living in makeshift huts and an ecological disaster that seems to be growing bigger by the day.

  • S2010E21 Burma´s Betrayal

    • October 31, 2010
    • SBS

    Burma's election on 7th November has been described by world leaders as a 'sham', 'deeply flawed' and 'lacking credibility', and Dateline has arranged for hidden cameras in Burma to capture vision and interviews to prove it. Over two months, the Democratic Voice of Burma gathered evidence of elaborate election rigging to ensure the military maintains power; strict controls and surveillance of political parties and meetings; and punishment for anyone speaking out in opposition. This is on top of the ban on foreign journalists entering Burma, which meant video journalist Evan Williams had to meet his contacts in Thailand to put together his report. He also follows the efforts by human rights groups to broadcast to people inside Burma to try and break the military's control of information and ultimately its 50 year rule.

  • S2010E22 Kyrgyzstan in Crisis

    • November 7, 2010
    • SBS

    In June this year, hundreds of people were killed and thousands were displaced in ethnic clashes in the Central Asian region of Kyrgyzstan. The violence prompted Kuranda Seyit, an Australian with Uzbek heritage, to travel to Kyrgyzstan to find out more about the killings. He discovered burned-out buildings, scores of fresh graves, and obtained secretly-filmed video of violent attacks, which he smuggled back to Australia. Kuranda spoke to Dateline about his journey, and provided us with the hidden-camera footage for a view of what happened.

  • S2010E23 Congo - War and Peace

    • November 7, 2010
    • SBS

    As UN peacekeepers begin preparations for leaving their largest and most expensive mission - in the Democratic Republic of Congo - there are sharply differing views on how well-equipped that African nation is to fend for itself against violent militia groups there. The Congolese government has requested that United Nations peacekeepers withdraw in 2011, but many fear that the withdrawal of the 'Blue Helmets' will lead to an escalation of fighting in a conflict that has already led to the deaths of more than five million people. Reporter Sam Benstead, from the UK-based ORTV, travelled to Congo to see for himself how well prepared the country is for the UN's departure. His report raises the question: can Congo really stand alone or could the UN's departure push the country towards a new humanitarian catastrophe?

  • S2010E24 The Condemned

    • November 14, 2010
    • SBS

    Replay Dateline's 2010 interview with two of the Bali Nine, as they speak publicly for the first time about their crimes and facing the death penalty Two of the Bali Nine have been speaking publicly for the first time; just days ahead of final hearings on whether their death sentences for drug trafficking will be carried out. Dateline reporter Mark Davis gained exclusive access to Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan in the 'death tower' at Indonesia's Kerobokan Prison. They talk openly about their lives then and now, what they think of their crimes, and the prospect of facing death by firing squad. Mark also hears first-hand of the heartache for their families back in Australia, as they wait to hear if their pleas for clemency will be granted. Mark's report was one of the finalists in the 2011 Logie Awards, in the category of Most Outstanding Public Affairs Report.

  • S2010E25 The Unwanted

    • November 21, 2010
    • SBS

    Just a few kilometres from the gleaming centre of Paris, live some of France's 400,000 Roma people, or gypsies, but for how much longer? French President Nicolas Sarkozy wants to clear them off the streets and out of the country - they're being forcibly removed from their illegal campsites and paid to return to their native Romania or Bulgaria. But the move has prompted worldwide criticism and accusations of ethnic cleansing. 95% of them hold French citizenship, but are excluded from working and claiming benefits, and they ask where they're supposed to go and how they're supposed to survive. Filmmaker Alexis Monchovet has been out on the streets of Paris to capture their struggle against poverty and persecution, in a story narrated by Victoria Strobl.

  • S2010E26 Ghost Ship

    • November 21, 2010
    • SBS

    Dateline video journalist Nick Lazaredes has an international tale of intrigue that's worthy of a spy novel; It concerns a nondescript Maltese cargo vessel called the MV Arctic Sea, which was reportedly hijacked off Sweden and later disappeared. But if it was really carrying nothing more than a load of Finnish timber, why was the Russian Navy sent to find it? Could Israeli forces have intercepted it, concerned that weapons on board were being taken from Russia to the Middle East to be used against them? And how did it end up off Cape Verde in West Africa, when it should have been heading for Algeria?

Season 2011

  • S2011E01 Assange Speaks

    • February 13, 2011
    • SBS

    Video journalist Mark Davis’s unprecedented access to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange continues, with an exclusive interview for Dateline with the Australian whistleblower. He tells Mark he believes the Gillard Government is secretly providing the United States with information about Australians working with the whistleblowing group. WikiLeaks' role in sparking the turmoil in Egypt and Tunisia and his soured relations with The New York Times and The Guardian also come under scrutiny. And he speaks about this week’s extradition hearing in London, over Sweden’s request to question him over sexual assault allegations, which he strenuously denies. So what’s next for the man who’s become the face of WikiLeaks?

Season 2013

  • S2013E01 Unknown

    • February 12, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E02 Unknown

    • February 19, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E03 Unknown

    • February 26, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E04 Unknown

    • March 5, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E05 Unknown

    • March 12, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E06 Unknown

    • March 19, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E07 Unknown

    • March 26, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E08 Unknown

    • April 2, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E09 Unknown

    • April 9, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E10 Unknown

    • April 16, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E11 Unknown

    • April 23, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E12 Unknown

    • April 30, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E13 Unknown

    • May 7, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E14 Unknown

    • May 14, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E15 The Curse of Khat

    • May 21, 2013
    • SBS

    Yemen is addicted to chewing the narcotic leaf khat, but is it having too much influence on the country's economy, environment and future? Is Yemen a nation under the influence of drugs? Narcotic khat leaves are part of everyday life; the entire country slows down each afternoon as people young and old chew the leaves to gain a legal high. In the markets of the capital Sana'a, Fouad Hady finds rows of stalls selling bags of the leaves, while in the countryside entire farms have been given over to growing them. According to some estimates, the amount of locally grown food has dropped from 95% to just 8% in recent decades, alongside a worrying drop in the water table to irrigate the growing plants. As well as economic and environmental concerns, opponents are also highlighting the social effects, with increased illness and dependence even among children. But in a country so hooked on khat, will anyone be able to turn the concerns into action? Or will it end up being a plant that sends Yemen into more turmoil?

  • S2013E16 Unknown

    • May 28, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E17 Unknown

    • June 4, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E18 Unknown

    • June 11, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E19 Unknown

    • June 18, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E20 Unknown

    • June 25, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E21 Unknown

    • July 2, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E22 Unknown

    • July 9, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E23 Unknown

    • July 16, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E24 Unknown

    • July 23, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E25 Unknown

    • July 30, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E26 Unknown

    • August 6, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E27 Unknown

    • August 13, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E28 Unknown

    • August 20, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E29 Unknown

    • August 27, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E30 Unknown

    • September 3, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E31 Unknown

    • September 10, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E32 Unknown

    • September 17, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E33 Unknown

    • September 24, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E34 Unknown

    • October 1, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E35 Unknown

    • October 8, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E36 Unknown

    • October 15, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E37 Unknown

    • October 22, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E38 Unknown

    • October 29, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E39 Unknown

    • November 5, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E40 Unknown

    • November 12, 2013
    • SBS

  • S2013E41 Unknown

    • November 19, 2013
    • SBS

Season 2014

  • S2014E01 Snowden Speaks/The Falcon Lands

    • February 18, 2014
    • SBS

    Did the CIA interfere in 1970s Australian politics? Former spy Christopher Boyce speaks out in an explosive new Dateline interview. Plus whistleblower Edward Snowden's first full TV interview.

  • S2014E02 Manus Insider/A Brother's Plea/Thailand in Turmoil/Return to Christchurch

    • February 25, 2014
    • SBS

    A Manus Island migration agent turned whistleblower speaks exclusively to Dateline, saying the asylum seeker processing there is 'fake'. Plus the latest on Thailand's unrest and Peter Greste's arrest in Egypt.

  • S2014E03 Living with Wolves

    • March 4, 2014
    • SBS

    After becoming virtually extinct in the US, wolves have been reintroduced, but while some are celebrating, others are outraged.

  • S2014E04 Fighting Chance

    • March 11, 2014
    • SBS

    Zack Lamb has one of the most severe cases of Tourette Syndrome in the US - can drastic surgery help relieve his violent involuntary tics?

  • S2014E05 Tales of the Unexpected

    • March 18, 2014
    • SBS

    The recent spate of rapes in India has shocked the world, but it’s been the subsequent reaction of authorities that’s proved just as shocking for many. Plus the tomb raiders stealing Egypt's ancient treasures.

  • S2014E06 Off the Radar?

    • March 25, 2014
    • SBS

    If MH370 did crash off Australia, how did it fly so far without detection? Dateline analyses our radar and satellite surveillance capabilities.

  • S2014E07 Italy's Toxic Secret/In the Driver's Seat

    • April 1, 2014
    • SBS

    As child cancer cases in part of Italy rise, a former mafia boss turned informant reveals details of the tonnes of toxic waste that the mafia illegally dumped there. Plus meet the taboo-busting woman at Bangladesh's female driving school.

  • S2014E08 Shark!

    • April 8, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E09 Unknown

    • April 15, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E10 Unknown

    • April 22, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E11 Unknown

    • April 29, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E12 Unknown

    • May 6, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E13 Unknown

    • May 13, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E14 Unknown

    • May 20, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E15 Unknown

    • May 27, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E16 Unknown

    • June 3, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E17 Unknown

    • June 10, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E18 Unknown

    • June 17, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E19 Unknown

    • June 24, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E20 Unknown

    • July 1, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E21 Unknown

    • July 8, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E22 Unknown

    • July 15, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E23 Unknown

    • July 22, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E24 Unknown

    • July 29, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E25 Unknown

    • August 5, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E26 Unknown

    • August 12, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E27 Unknown

    • August 19, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E28 Unknown

    • August 26, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E29 Celebrity Defector

    • September 2, 2014
    • SBS

    This remarkable story tracks a young woman's harrowing escape with her family from North Korea. Now living in South Korea, Yeon-mi Park has found celebrity and infamy through her anti-North Korea TV show.

  • S2014E30 Unknown

    • September 9, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E31 Unknown

    • September 16, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E32 The Poorest President

    • September 23, 2014
    • SBS

    When Dateline normally interviews world leaders, the setting is a grand presidential palace or imposing parliament building, but not for David O'Shea's profile of Uruguayan President José Mujica. The 79-year-old still lives in the ramshackle one bedroom farmhouse he's shared with his wife for 30 years, and as chickens peck round the garden chairs, he gives his very progressive take on world affairs. The former guerrilla leader, who spent 13 years in prison, has legalised gay marriage and marijuana, and courted controversy by agreeing with Barack Obama to accept prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. He and his wife, Senator Lucia Topolansky, have become a formidable force in Uruguyan politics, but after donating 90% of his salary to charity, he's happy to drive home in his trusty old VW Beetle to tend to his animals. In a world where politicians aren't always held in high esteem, could this man of the people be showing the way forward? And when his term ends in March 2015, will his successor be following in his footsteps? A few weeks after this story was broadcast, an Arab sheikh reportedly offered President Mujica $1 million for his old Volkswagen. The president is said to have indicated that he will sell it, but would give all the money to charity.

  • S2014E33 Unknown

    • September 30, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E34 Unknown

    • October 7, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E35 Unknown

    • October 14, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E36 Unknown

    • October 21, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E37 Unknown

    • October 28, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E38 Unknown

    • November 4, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E39 Unknown

    • November 11, 2014
    • SBS

  • S2014E40 Unknown

    • November 18, 2014
    • SBS

Season 2015

  • S2015E01 Unknown

    • February 17, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E02 Unknown

    • February 24, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E03 Unknown

    • March 3, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E04 Unknown

    • March 10, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E05 Gunned Down

    • March 17, 2015
    • SBS

    In December 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut and killed 26 children and adults with a Bushmaster rifle before taking his own life with a handgun. The tragedy shocked the United States, sparking an outpouring of grief and widespread calls from the public for politicians to ‘do something’ about guns. The moment, it seemed, was ready for gun control advocates to seize, but like many times before, they ran into intense opposition from a powerful political force: the National Rifle Association (NRA). Drawing on interviews with leading voices on both sides of the gun regulation debate, Gunned Down goes inside one of the country’s greatest divides to illuminate how the NRA reinvented itself from a group of gun enthusiasts and sportsmen with minimal political focus, to a powerful lobbying force opposing any perceived infringement of the constitutional right to bear arms. It traces the emergence of one of the NRA’s top leaders, Wayne LaPierre, and explores how he has activated the group’s influential base in the wake of mass shootings. And with firsthand accounts of school killings in Newtown and Columbine, as well as the shooting of Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, Gunned Down examines why Washington hasn’t acted.

  • S2015E06 Unknown

    • March 24, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E07 Unknown

    • March 31, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E08 Human Harvest

    • April 7, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E09 Unknown

    • April 14, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E10 Unknown

    • April 21, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E11 Chasing the Dragon - Return to Vietnam

    • April 28, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E12 Nepal's Nightmare: Tales of grief and survival

    • May 5, 2015
    • SBS

    Could Nepal have done more to prepare for the predicted earthquake? Dateline hears the personal stories amid the devastation and looks at the political faultlines that the disaster has opened up. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/nepals-nightmare-tales-grief-and-survival

  • S2015E13 Vaccination Vigilantes: Fighting Polio and the Taliban

    • May 12, 2015
    • SBS

    The subject of whether children should be vaccinated is controversial in Australia and around the world, but in Pakistan health workers are being killed for carrying out immunisations. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/vaccination-vigilantes-fighting-polio-and-taliban

  • S2015E14 Cora's Pet Project: Healing South Africa, one animal at a time

    • May 19, 2015
    • SBS

    Cora Bailey ventures into some of South Africa’s most deprived townships to treat people’s animals, but she also has to confront the even more urgent needs of their owners. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/coras-pet-project-healing-south-africa-one-animal-time

  • S2015E15 Khmer Rouge Reality TV

    • May 26, 2015
    • SBS

    Separated by genocide, reunited by reality TV. Dateline meets the determined young TV producer finding answers the Cambodian government struggles to. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/khmer-rouge-reality-tv

  • S2015E16 Unwelcome Everywhere: The Rohingya Story

    • June 2, 2015
    • SBS

    Shunned by their home Myanmar, and facing an increasingly hostile reception elsewhere, Dateline hears the personal stories of the outcast Rohingya Muslims. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/unwelcome-everywhere-rohingya-story

  • S2015E17 The Death of Ageing: Will we soon be living forever?

    • June 9, 2015
    • SBS

    Is the secret to living forever about to be found? Dateline explores the secretive research centres trying to cheat death and asks what is the real price of this possibility. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/death-ageing-will-we-soon-be-living-forever

  • S2015E18 Children of the Dirty Gold

    • June 16, 2015
    • SBS

    It’s called Dirty Gold, because it’s not just shoppers who are paying a high price for it. Dateline gets rare access to film the children forced underground and even underwater to mine the precious metal. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/children-dirty-gold

  • S2015E19 Unknown

    • June 23, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E20 Rhino Angels: World’s first female anti-poaching unit

    • June 30, 2015
    • SBS

    These women were so appalled by the mutilation and killing of rhinos that they decided to fight back - they call themselves the Black Mambas. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/rhino-angels-worlds-first-female-anti-poaching-unit

  • S2015E21 Shades of Bad? The changing face of NZ gang culture

    • July 7, 2015
    • SBS

    Can New Zealand’s notorious gangs be a positive force in their communities? From making sandwiches for needy children to having an older and wiser view of life, Dateline asks if they’re now coming of age. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/shades-bad-changing-face-nz-gang-culture

  • S2015E22 Deal or No Deal: Greece’s impossible choice

    • July 14, 2015
    • SBS

    As Greece reaches a crucial point in deciding its economic future, Dateline meets three generations of its people to ask what it means for them. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/deal-or-no-deal-greeces-impossible-choice

  • S2015E23 Lycra in Africa: A cycling dream come true

    • July 21, 2015
    • SBS

    Ten years ago, having an African cycling team was just a dream. Now, they’ve reached their first ever Tour de France. Dateline follows the trials and triumphs on their remarkable journey. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/lycra-africa-cycling-dream-come-true

  • S2015E24 Meet the Terrorists: The Bali bereaved search for answers

    • July 28, 2015
    • SBS

    In part one of Dateline's Meet the Terrorists special, three people who lost loved ones in Bali face the man who trained the bombers, Nasir Abbas. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/meet-terrorists-bali-bereaved-search-answers

  • S2015E25 Meet the Terrorists: Bali bomber says sorry and offers to come to Australia

    • August 4, 2015
    • SBS

    Bali bomber Ali Imron says sorry during his first ever meeting with the victims’ loved ones and offers to come to Australia, in the concluding part of Dateline’s Meet the Terrorists special. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/meet-terrorists-bali-bomber-says-sorry-and-offers-come-australia

  • S2015E26 Italy’s Human Tide: Where next?

    • August 11, 2015
    • SBS

    From the sea of faces arriving on boats in Italy, Dateline hears the refugees’ personal stories, as they realise their journey to a new life in Europe has only just begun. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/italys-human-tide-where-next

  • S2015E27 15 and Learning to Speak

    • August 18, 2015
    • SBS

    Patrick Otema was born deaf in remote Uganda and at 15-years-old has never had a conversation. Can a determined group of sign language teachers help youngsters like him break their silence? sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/15-and-learning-speak

  • S2015E28 Thailand's Moment of Truth

    • August 25, 2015
    • SBS

    Australian journalist Alan Morison and his Thai colleague Chutima Sidasathian exposed the plight of the Rohingya, so why are they now on trial and facing seven years in a Thai jail for reporting the truth? sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/thailands-moment-truth

  • S2015E29 Death In Plain Sight

    • September 1, 2015
    • SBS

    Every day in the US, at least three women are murdered by their partners - most are shot. Dateline examines the domestic violence epidemic and asks if weak laws are putting lives at risk. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/death-plain-sight

  • S2015E30 Cuba's Key Change

    • September 8, 2015
    • SBS

    Cuba is undergoing a new revolution, but what does it mean for its people? Dateline explores a country on the cusp of great political change through one of its greatest exports – music. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/cubas-key-change

  • S2015E31 Allow Me To Die

    • September 15, 2015
    • SBS

    Imagine choosing to die when you don’t have a terminal illness. Is it a choice we should have? A powerful Dateline special gets rare access to film the journeys of two people in Belgium – going behind the most liberal euthanasia laws in the world. http://sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/allow-me-die

  • S2015E32 China's Supermums

    • September 22, 2015
    • SBS

    Imagine giving birth, then relaxing while someone else does all the hard work. Staying indoors for the first month is a tradition for Chinese mums, but now hiring supermums is big business and taking it to a whole new level. sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/chinas-supermums

  • S2015E33 Last Resort Rehab

    • September 29, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E34 Web warzone

    • October 6, 2015
    • SBS

  • S2015E35 Kimchi Crazy

    • October 20, 2015
    • SBS

    Meet South Korea's binge eating broadcasters, who share meals with hundreds of fans over webcam. But is the country’s new food obsession just a recipe for modern loneliness?

Season 2016

  • S2016E01 Polar Patrol

    • SBS

  • S2016E02 Childhood Lost and Found

    • SBS

  • S2016E03 Unjust Justice?

    • SBS

    Children in New York can be jailed as adults and held in solitary confinement for years at a time. Dateline investigates the impact and asks if it’s effectively a life sentence.

  • S2016E04 India’s Love Detectives

    • March 8, 2016
    • SBS

    Is the partner you met online really who they say they are? Dateline finds that hiring private detectives to investigate lovers is big business in India, as modern technology challenges age-old tradition.

  • S2016E05 Kicked Back To Cambodia

    • SBS

    Should immigrants who commit crimes be deported? Dateline meets Cambodians from Australia and the US being sent to a country their parents fled, but which they’ve never called home.

  • S2016E06 Love in the Time of Zika

    • SBS

    Danielle, Leticia and Cleane are all new mothers, but their children have birth defects. Dateline follows the devastating impact of the Zika virus in Brazil through their eyes.

  • S2016E08 I'm Mr Trump

    • SBS

    What can we learn from Donald Trump’s past? Dateline follows the path from his millionaire upbringing to business successes, and failures. Who is this ‘apprentice president' and what is it about him that has everyone’s attention?

  • S2016E09 Korea's Internet Addicts

    • SBS

    “I play for 20 hours per day”: some teenagers in South Korea are so addicted to gaming, they're being sent to intense internet rehab to kick their habit. Does it work?

  • S2016E10 Rebuilding Nepal

    • SBS

    A year on on from Nepal’s earthquake, there’s little progress in rebuilding physically or politically. Dateline meets the people trying to move on, in a country more vulnerable than ever.

  • S2016E11 Find My Kid Drugs

    • SBS

    A critical shortage of drugs and medical equipment in Venezuela is seeing the country's most vulnerable - children - suffer. Dateline looks at the life or death impact of the country’s economic crisis.

  • S2016E12 My 93-year-old Flatmate

    • SBS

    Drinking games, sex talk and jigsaws - this is life in a unique Dutch retirement home. Young and old live side-by-side sharing the joys of life, and the sadness of death, together

  • S2016E13 Mexico's Leading Ladies

    • SBS

    A group of Mexican women haven’t seen their husbands and sons for years. Can an ingenious plan involving a touring theatre show finally get them into the US to be reunited with their loved ones?

  • S2016E14 Enemy Of The State?

    • SBS

    Turkish journalist Can Dündar has recently been shot at, then sentenced to six years in prison for revealing state secrets. Dateline speaks to him about what he describes as an attack on freedom of speech in Turkey.

  • S2016E15 Korea's Fake Funerals

    • SBS

    Imagine having a fake funeral where you write your own eulogy or a vending machine which pops out messages of hope. Behind South Korea’s high tech and K-Pop culture, Dateline finds extreme and unexpected ways of fighting one of the world’s highest suicide rates.

  • S2016E16 The Donald Trump of the Philippines?

    • SBS

    Philippines President has pledged to slaughter every drug dealer and addict in the country, making way for death squads and encouraging vigilante killings. Dateline investigates what his tough justice really looks like and talks to assassins who say they work for the police.

  • S2016E17 China's Millionaire Migration

    • June 7, 2016
    • SBS

    Over 100,000 Chinese millionaires have moved to Vancouver, sparking everything from a reality show to a property boom making housing unaffordable. Dateline asks if the millionaire migrants are a blessing or curse.

  • S2016E18 Married at 13

    • SBS

  • S2016E19 Growing Pains

    • June 21, 2016
    • SBS

    Should parents have the right to stunt the growth of their severely disabled child to make them more physically manageable? Dateline explores the controversial debate in New Zealand and beyond.

  • S2016E20 Pride Under Fire

    • June 28, 2016
    • SBS

    The Orlando shootings left 49 dead and a country divided over its attitude towards guns, the gay community and Muslims. Dateline reports from Louisville, Kentucky, where all those contradictions of America now collide.

  • S2016E21 Irans Dating Revolution

    • July 5, 2016
    • SBS

    It’s online dating as you’ve never seen it before – no profile photos, matches are chosen for you, and parents must also go on the first date, but is Iran’s government-controlled dating service fighting a losing battle against Western desires?

  • S2016E22 The Survivors Guide to Gaza

    • July 12, 2016
    • SBS

    Gaza will be unliveable by 2020 according to the UN, with daily life already a struggle to find food and shelter, but Dateline finds the people bringing innovation and inspiration to the fight for survival.

  • S2016E23 Don't Mention the Mafia

    • July 19, 2016
    • SBS

    Sicilians are breaking the mafia’s culture of silence - and standing up to intimidation. Dateline joins the anti-mafia fight, but finds that not everything is as it seems.

  • S2016E24 Norways Stolen Children

    • July 26, 2016
    • SBS

    Why are so many parents in Norway claiming that the state is kidnapping their children? With a spike in cases in recent years and accusations of racial intolerance, Dateline asks whether these children are being saved, or stolen.

  • S2016E25 The Betrayal of Kenya's Athletes

    • SBS

    More than 40 Kenyan athletes have failed doping tests in the past four years. On the eve of the Olympics, Dateline asks if the country has been able to win the race against cheating and corruption.

  • S2016E26 The Secret Lives of Call Centre Workers

    • August 9, 2016
    • SBS

    Who’s at the receiving end of Australian calls to Filipino call centres? Dateline dials in to a world of round-the-clock working in return for abuse and racism, but also the reward of being part of a Philippines’ success story.

  • S2016E27 Growing Old Disgracefully

    • August 9, 2016
    • SBS

    Meet the world’s oldest hip-hop crew. They’re called Hip Op-eration, the average age is 79, and they’re New Zealand’s most unlikely celebrities. Now they just have to convince their families that they won’t be growing old gracefully.

  • S2016E28 China’s Family Planning Army

    • August 16, 2016
    • SBS

    85 million people were employed as population police to enforce China’s one-child policy. Now it’s finally been abolished, what will become of these despised family planners and the imbalanced population they created?

  • S2016E29 Racist Britain?

    • August 23, 2016
    • SBS

    British Muslims say they feel increasingly under threat in their own country, after a spike in racism following the UK’s vote to leave the European Union. Dateline examines the rising tide of hate crime - online and on the streets.

  • S2016E30 Bulldozing Tibet's Past?

    • August 30, 2016
    • SBS

    Is Beijing trying to consign Tibet’s ancient culture to history? Traditional houses are being replaced with new, concrete buildings in an effort to ‘modernise’ these earthquake-prone areas. Dateline finds Tibetans in fear of losing their architectural and cultural identity.

  • S2016E31 Muslim, Trans and Banned

    • September 6, 2016
    • SBS

    Malaysia is cracking down on transgender Muslims, declaring them to be against Islam. Dateline joins the country’s religious police as they carry out night-time raids and arrest people in the streets, finding a community living in fear in a country described as one of the world’s worst places to be transgender.

  • S2016E32 The World’s Most Dangerous Journey? (Part 1)

    • September 14, 2016
    • SBS

    What would you risk for a better life? Dateline journeys through one of the world’s most dangerous jungles, a route populated by drug traffickers, bandits and migrants searching for a new beginning.

  • S2016E33 The World’s Most Dangerous Journey? (Part2)

    • September 20, 2016
    • SBS

    WORLD EXCLUSIVE: What would you risk for a better life? Dateline journeys through one of the world’s most dangerous jungles, a route populated by drug traffickers, bandits and migrants searching for a new beginning.

  • S2016E34 Canada’s Open House

    • September 27, 2016
    • SBS

    While Australia has been slow to resettle refugees fleeing war in Syria, Canada has not only opened its borders but also its homes. Dateline visits two communities where locals are helping Syrian families integrate – but is their good will and compassion enough?

  • S2016E35 Love, Sex and Science

    • October 4, 2016
    • SBS

    Can brain scans and DNA tests really help you find the person you should marry? Dateline looks into the role that science is playing in modern dating.

  • S2016E36 Who’s Still With Trump?

    • October 11, 2016
    • SBS

    Dateline travels to the Rust Belt of middle America, where old industries are dying, jobs are vanishing, and people feel cheated out of the great American dream. Could their anger still carry Donald Trump to the White House?

  • S2016E37 Hong Kong’s Unsolved Mystery

    • October 18, 2016
    • SBS

    Five men linked to an anti-establishment bookstore in Hong Kong disappeared last year, with many suspecting Chinese involvement. Dateline investigates their case and talks to the daughter of one of the disappeared men, who is speaking out for truth and justice.

  • S2016E38 Getting Away with Murder?

    • October 25, 2016
    • SBS

    The Philippines President has pledged to slaughter every drug dealer and addict in the country, making way for death squads and encouraging vigilante killings. Dateline investigates what his tough justice really looks like and talks to assassins who say they work for the police, as well as the families of their victims.

  • S2016E39 Europe's Refugee Orphans

    • November 1, 2016
    • SBS

    What happens to refugee children when their parents die? Dateline talks to migrant kids dealing with the daily struggle of survival, including two young siblings living in a derelict petrol station in Greece. They are among tens of thousands of refugee children stranded in Europe without their parents.

  • S2016E40 From Miscarriage to Murder

    • November 8, 2016
    • SBS

    Why are mothers in El Salvador being charged with homicide or manslaughter after losing a child? Dateline investigates the country’s extreme anti-abortion laws and finds local women fighting to have their cases heard.

  • S2016E41 India's Blind Daters

    • November 15, 2016
    • SBS

    Indians living with a disability often find themselves shut out of the marriage market. Dateline reports on a new matchmaking industry trying to solve this problem, and follows three Mumbai locals as they navigate caste, religion and their family’s wishes.

  • S2016E42 Unknown

    • SBS

  • S2016E99 Unknown

    • SBS

Season 2017

  • S2017E01 India’s Wushu Warrior

    • February 14, 2017
    • SBS

    What happens when cultural tradition clashes with a young person’s dream? Dateline meets a Muslim girl whose passion for martial arts is raising difficult questions for her family.

  • S2017E02 Lawyer For The Dead

    • February 21, 2017
    • SBS

    In El Salvador, home of the bloodiest gang violence in the world, we follow one man’s gruesome struggle to bring dignity and closure to the families of the victims.

  • S2017E03 South Africa's Skin Bleaching Scandal

    • February 28, 2017
    • SBS

    A shocking number of black South Africans are using dangerous skin bleaching products to whiten their skin. We talk to young people who believe being whiter will help them get ahead in life.

  • S2017E04 Daughter of Sierra Leone

    • March 7, 2017
    • SBS

    She survived months as a sex slave and escaped to Australia as a refugee. Aminata Conteh-Biger can’t change the past but now she’s ready to help the future of her homeland, which has become the world’s most dangerous place to give birth.

  • S2017E05 Coming Home to a Nuclear Wasteland

    • March 14, 2017
    • SBS

    After a radioactive disaster destroys your hometown, when is the right time to return? We meet residents of Fukushima grappling with a choice; return and rebuild their broken community, or stay away.

  • S2017E06 India's Beautiful Minds

    • March 21, 2017
    • SBS

    It’s believed 5 million children in India have genius IQs but are never discovered. We follow two children from the slums who are as smart as Neil Armstrong fighting to achieve their dreams.

  • S2017E07 Trump’s Big Fail

    • March 28, 2017
    • SBS

    Following the weekend rejection of his healthcare plan, Donald Trump is licking his wounds after failing to deliver on his first big promise – to fix America’s health care system. Some are celebrating, but many Americans are now even more unsure about the future. (An SBS Production) CC

  • S2017E08 Haiti’s Prison from Hell

    • April 4, 2017
    • SBS

    Go inside one of the world’s most infamous prisons, where 80 per cent of inmates are locked up without a conviction, in conditions described as ‘sub-human’.

  • S2017E09 Robot Love in Japan

    • April 11, 2017
    • SBS

    In Japan, robots are used for companionship, household tasks, sex. But can they be the remedy for something deeper and more human; loneliness?

  • S2017E10 Europe Special: Will France Trump Brexit? - Part 1

    • April 18, 2017
    • SBS

    In part 1 of a special Europe investigation, Dateline looks at why French voters are shifting to the right and what hope the National Front party gives them of a new France.

  • S2017E11 Europe Special: Young Hip and Far Right - Part 2

    • April 25, 2017
    • SBS

    In part 2 of our far right special in Europe, Dateline goes to Vienna to meet a secretive group of young hipsters, whose headline-grabbing stunts are appealing to a new breed of far right nationalists.

  • S2017E12 Peru's Monkey Business

    • May 2, 2017
    • SBS

    In the Amazon jungle criminal groups are illegally trafficking thousands of endangered monkeys, crocodiles and big cats every year with impunity.

  • S2017E13 Putin’s Family Values

    • May 9, 2017
    • SBS
  • S2017E14 Burma’s Broken Dream

    • May 16, 2017
    • SBS

    A year into its fledgling democracy, many in Burma fear the political freedoms and peace Aung San Suu Kyi brought to the country are already under attack.

  • S2017E15 The Most Divided Town in Britain

    • May 23, 2017
    • SBS

    The Brexit vote has driven a wedge between migrants and British-born citizens. In a small town that voted overwhelmingly to leave the EU, one Brexit voter is trying to bring these communities together.

  • S2017E16 Children of Chinese Prisoners: Part 1

    • May 30, 2017
    • SBS

    When parents go to prison who takes care of their children? Part 1 of this story goes inside a unique orphanage in China, sheltering the kids of murderers and domestic violence victims and abusers.

  • S2017E17 Lost Children of China: Part 2

    • June 6, 2017
    • SBS

    When parents are in jail they don’t stop loving their children. In part 2 we look at how kids adapt to life at the orphanage when parents are locked away, and how their relationships are impacted by separation.

  • S2017E18 India's Slumdog Press

    • June 13, 2017
    • SBS

    In the slums of Delhi, a group of impoverished Indian children are making their voices heard and their stories told; by publishing their own newspaper, which is now being read from London to the USA.

  • S2017E19 Mums Selling Their Kids for Sex

    • June 20, 2017
    • SBS

    Filipino kids as young as 7 are being sexually abused by their parents and sold for sex to paedophiles from the West. We follow an undercover team trying to infiltrate this murky world and stop the abuse of children.

  • S2017E20 Tiny Home Rebel

    • June 27, 2017
    • SBS

    The mayor of Los Angeles has declared a homelessness crisis. As the city struggles to respond, one man has his own unique solution. But can he evade authorities to get people off the streets?

  • S2017E21 Goodbye Pad Thai

    • July 4, 2017
    • SBS

    Food vendors have been a constant presence in Bangkok – but thousands of them are now being chased off the streets thanks to a move by Thailand’s military government to ‘clean up’ the country.

  • S2017E22 I.S. Kids

    • July 11, 2017
    • SBS

    A shocking look inside the I.S. caliphate and its disturbing system of indoctrination and abuse that begins with children.

  • S2017E23 Outlaw Farmer

    • July 25, 2017
    • SBS

    This week we meet the French farmer rebelling against authorities to help refugees find a better life in Europe. Is he a good Samaritan helping those in desperate need, or a dangerous people smuggler?

  • S2017E24 Les Murray's Mission

    • August 1, 2017
    • SBS

    SBS broadcaster Les Murray has passed away at the age of 71. In tribute Dateline is running a story from 2011, following Murray’s journey to Hungary to find the man who helped his family escape the communist nation.

  • S2017E25 Hug a Jihadi

    • August 8, 2017
    • SBS

    Can extremists be rehabilitated? In Denmark, a controversial new program is trying to change the minds of radicalised young people, by supporting rather than outcasting them – but does it work?

  • S2017E26 California’s Water Wars

    • August 15, 2017
    • SBS

    After 5 years of drought, California has finally had a deluge of rain. But with much of the state’s water supply being sent to LA, people in drought-affected areas feel they’ve been left high and dry.

  • S2017E27 Robbed of a Homeland

    • August 22, 2017
    • SBS

    Why are so many Syrian refugees dying of treatable diseases? We hear shocking stories from Lebanon’s refugee camps where 1.5 million Syrians have little or no healthcare.

  • S2017E28 Speed Sisters of Palestine

    • August 29, 2017
    • SBS

    Dateline meets the first all-women car racing team in the Middle East, as they swerve through the cities of the West Bank and break down cultural barriers.

  • S2017E29 Cheerleading Grannies / Not Dead Yet

    • September 5, 2017
    • SBS

    What is the secret to living large in old age? This week Dateline meets a squad of octogenerian Japanese cheerleaders and a famous TV writer challenging assumptions about people in their 90s.

  • S2017E30 Yes or No?

    • September 12, 2017
    • SBS

    As Australia decides which way to vote on same-sex marriage, we visit Ireland, where it was legalised by public vote two years ago. What lessons we can learn from their experience?

  • S2017E31 Obesity in Paradise

    • September 19, 2017
    • SBS

    American Samoa has one of the highest obesity rates in the world and almost one third of the population has diabetes. This week we investigate this epidemic, and ask how it got so bad?

  • S2017E32 China's Web Celebs

    • September 26, 2017
    • SBS

    China’s live streaming craze is creating a new kind of celebrity and challenging censored media. We go to China to meet these unlikely stars and ask; why are people watching?

  • S2017E33 Teachers Breaking Trust

    • October 3, 2017
    • SBS

    We meet girls in Mozambique, some as young as 13, who are being subjected to horrific sexual abuse and threats by their school teachers.

  • S2017E34 Sex, Lies and Soap Operas

    • October 10, 2017
    • SBS

    We go behind the scenes of controversial Indian shows which are breaking down cultural barriers by tackling on some of the country’s biggest taboos.

  • S2017E35 Africa's European Dream

    • October 17, 2017
    • SBS

    An inside look at the extraordinary scale of people smuggling in sub-Saharan Africa, which has been described by some as the new ‘slave trade’.

  • S2017E36 America’s First Climate Change Refugees

    • October 24, 2017
    • SBS

    As the Trump administration pulls America out of international meetings on climate change, we visit communities who are already feeling its effects, and being forced to leave their homes.

  • S2017E37 Living with the Dead

    • November 1, 2017
    • SBS

    Could you live and work with the dead? Dateline travels to the Philippines to meet the unique communities who live in cemeteries and care for its dead.

  • S2017E38 Race Against Trump’s Wall

    • November 7, 2017
    • SBS

    As Trump pushes forward with his Mexican wall, Dateline meets those still desperate to cross the border and chase the American dream. But what awaits them, if they make it through alive?

  • S2017E39 Mosul: Life After I.S.

    • November 14, 2017
    • SBS

    The city of Mosul is adjusting to life after I.S. rule. This week Dateline meets people trying to revive the city, its culture and its monuments, in a place that's faced so much devastation.

  • S2017E40 Vanished: Canada’s Missing Women

    • November 21, 2017
    • SBS

    Canada and Australia share a dark secret: in recent decades thousands of Indigenous women have been murdered or gone missing. What can Australia learn from Canada’s attempts to address the problem?

Season 2018

  • S2018E01 Internet Love in a Strange Land

    • February 13, 2018
    • SBS

    In the remote Faroe Islands there is a shortage of women. Dateline reporter Bernadine Lim looks at how online dating is transforming the old Viking settlement into a new multicultural society. She dives in to the strange, cold, impenetrable Faroe culture to see if love can endure such an extreme culture clash.

  • S2018E02 Swapped from Manus to Missouri

    • February 20, 2018
    • SBS

    Swapped from Manus to Missouri - Dateline meets the refugees swapped in a deal between Australia and the United States. Dateline takes a look at what it’s like arriving in Trump’s America after four years on Manus Island.

  • S2018E03 Sunny with a Chance of Gunfire

    • February 27, 2018
    • SBS

    Can one Australian woman make a difference in South Sudan’s brutal civil war? We meet the frontline aid worker who ‘thinks like a General’, in order to save lives.

  • S2018E04 Officer Ilona Reporting For Duty

    • March 6, 2018
    • SBS

    Women were banned from 450 jobs in Ukraine, but now the police force is leading the way on gender reform. They’re recruiting frontline female officers in a bid to change their brutal and bloody reputation.

  • S2018E05 Mexico’s Beach Wars

    • March 13, 2018
    • SBS

    Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists travel to the white sand and aqua blue water of Cancún – but with increasing gang violence scaring locals and tourists alike, will people stop going?

  • S2018E06 Russia's 'Fake' Election

    • March 20, 2018
    • SBS

    Only one person had a chance at winning the Russian election – so why did a former reality TV star challenge Vladimir Putin? And was she a Kremlin plant? We follow Ksenia Sobchak on the campaign trail.

  • S2018E07 Youth In Revolt

    • March 27, 2018
    • SBS

    Millennials across America are rising up against President Trump and taking over city hall. Can two millennial mayors beat old politics to save their struggling cities or will youth let them down?

  • S2018E08 The Children Of Agent Orange

    • April 3, 2018
    • SBS

    The Vietnam War ended more than 40 years ago, but for many locals the effects of the conflict are felt every day. We investigate how the use of Agent Orange by American forces continues to impact Vietnamese children.

  • S2018E09 Princess and the Sex Slaves

    • April 10, 2018
    • SBS

    Thousands of African women are trafficked to Italy and forced into sex work. How does a former sex slave who married one of her clients now rescue women from the clutches of human trafficking gangs?

  • S2018E10 China's Family Sacrifice

    • April 17, 2018
    • SBS

    Chinese New Year isn’t just a holiday - it's the largest annual human migration on Earth. We follow two workers as they travel across the country to their home town, the only time all year they’ll see their children.

  • S2018E11 City Without Water

    • April 24, 2018
    • SBS

    This year, Cape Town has been on the verge of becoming the first major city to run out of water. Incredibly, they've managed to more than halve the amount of water they use – but will it be enough to save their city?

  • S2018E12 Yemen's Children of War

    • May 1, 2018
    • SBS

    What happens when three Yemeni kids under constant bombing attacks, are asked to report on the warzone they’re living in? An intimate and horrifying portrait of a community struggling to cope with the violence around them.

  • S2018E13 Exploring the Abyss

    • May 8, 2018
    • SBS

    As the world competes to explore the resource rich depths of the ocean, we’re given rare access to a team of Chinese scientists and four trailblazing women as they go on a perilous mission deep underwater.

  • S2018E14 Myanmar's Killing Fields

    • May 15, 2018
    • SBS

    A special investigation into the mass exodus of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar. The film examines evidence that Myanmar’s security forces used systematic rape and terror tactics to expel hundreds of thousands of Rohingya from the country.

  • S2018E15 Ireland's Abortion Debate

    • May 22, 2018
    • SBS

    In Ireland women can go to jail for getting an abortion, even in cases of rape. As the country votes on whether to change its conservative abortion laws, we take the pulse of a nation divided down the middle.

  • S2018E16 The Vegan Wars

    • May 29, 2018
    • SBS

    What’s behind the rise of extreme vegan activists? This week we meet a third-generation dairy farmer who’s been called a rapist and a murderer and the Australian vegan activist kicking up a storm in the UK.

  • S2018E17 Made In China

    • June 5, 2018
    • SBS

    Chinese copy artist Zhao Xiaoyong has sold more than 90,000 Van Gogh reproductions. We follow him to the Netherlands see the real works of an artist who's consumed his life for decades.

  • S2018E18 How To Catch A Pimp

    • June 12, 2018
    • SBS

    An estimated 100,000 children in the Philippines are involved in prostitution. We go undercover with a Queensland dad who’s working with local police to track down the underground pimps of this criminal world.

  • S2018E19 The Beautiful Game For Girls

    • June 26, 2018
    • SBS

    All eyes are on the men’s football World Cup, but what about women who play the game? This week we go to three continents, and hear firsthand stories of their passion and struggle for the beautiful game.

  • S2018E20 Defending Gender: Part 1 - Proud Boys

    • July 3, 2018
    • SBS

    In part one of Dateline’s two-part gender special meet the Proud Boys, a group of men who say they are speaking up for a new class of minority: the disenfranchised young male.

  • S2018E21 Defending Gender: Part 2 - The Best Place to be a Woman

    • July 10, 2018
    • SBS

    The Viking nation of Iceland has become a feminist utopia. We look at how the island country became the best place on earth to be a woman, and why that also means it’s the best place to be a man.

  • S2018E22 Saving China's Pandas

    • July 31, 2018
    • SBS

    China’s dwindling panda population has come back from the brink of extinction. Dateline embeds with conservation groups to find out how their furriest celebrities are faring in the limelight.

  • S2018E23 Children Caught in the Crossfire

    • August 7, 2018
    • SBS

    This week on Dateline, we meet the young journalists trying to unite Rio de Janeiro’s favelas through a news site, started by a local when he was just 11 years old

  • S2018E24 Trump's Zero Tolerance

    • August 14, 2018
    • SBS

    Is Trump’s ‘zero-tolerance’ immigration policy violating human rights? In the days following Trump’s U-turn, Dateline follows one family’s fight to get their 7-year-old son back, after he was taken away at the border.

  • S2018E25 From Pariah to Messiah

    • August 21, 2018
    • SBS

    Dateline travels to Kenya to meet an intersex preacher making ripples among a conservative Christian population. How has he overcome the stigma surrounding his sex to give voice to the ‘third gender’?

  • S2018E26 India's Hospital Train

    • August 28, 2018
    • SBS

    All aboard the Lifeline Express - the hospital train using India's railway network to deliver medical care and life changing operations to the country's most vulnerable.

  • S2018E27 What the FARC?

    • September 4, 2018
    • SBS

    How do some of the world's most notorious guerrilla fighters integrate back into society after putting down their guns? Colombia's FARC rebels are attempting to make their hills a tourist haven, and using a YouTube channel to tell their stories.

  • S2018E28 Un Sex Abuse Scandal

    • September 11, 2018
    • SBS

    What happens when the peacekeepers meant to protect people, become the most feared? This week Dateline follows the trail of sex abuse left behind by UN peacekeepers, and hears from their victims.

  • S2018E29 The World's Dirtiest Air

    • September 18, 2018
    • SBS

    In Mongolia’s capital, people are literally dying to breathe. This week we visit a city with some of the dirtiest air in the world.

  • S2018E30 The Kids Are Not Alright

    • September 25, 2018
    • SBS

    New Zealand’s Maoris are famed the world over for their warrior culture. But in a country with the highest teen suicide rate in the world, why are Maori boys barely holding on?

  • S2018E31 Korea's Dog Fight

    • October 2, 2018
    • SBS

    Do dogs belong on the dinner plate? South Korea is in the midst of a war over a cultural practice as the younger generation defends canines in a battle against customs and tradition.

  • S2018E32 It's A Match

    • October 9, 2018
    • SBS

    Tinder has turned the dating game on its head. But for one young woman, a simple swipe right would go on to save her life.

  • S2018E33 Prison With No Locks

    • October 16, 2018
    • SBS

    Last year, 138 prison inmates were killed in Brazil’s overcrowded and violent system. But could those on the inside be trusted to keep law and order if they were handed the keys?

  • S2018E34 Evil In Paradise

    • October 23, 2018
    • SBS

    How has the Dominican Republic, famed for its Caribbean lifestyle, become a hotbed for sex tourism with underage boys and girls, and what is being done to stop it?

  • S2018E35 From Melbourne To Mati

    • October 30, 2018
    • SBS

    Melbourne’s Greek community leapt to action when wildfires killed 99 people in the Greek seaside town of Mati. Dateline follows their search for answers and their quest to help the fire ravaged town.

  • S2018E36 US Midterms: Voters Verdict

    • November 6, 2018
    • SBS

    As voters hit the polls for the US mid-term elections Dateline heads to Iowa, a swing state that could stall President Trump’s agenda.

  • S2018E37 India's Beautiful Minds (Rpt)

    • November 13, 2018
    • SBS

    It’s believed 5 million children in India have genius IQs, but are never discovered. We follow two children from the slums who are as smart as Neil Armstrong and are fighting to achieve their dreams.

  • S2018E38 Saudi's Freedom Test Drive

    • November 20, 2018
    • SBS

    As news of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder breaks, Dateline is on the ground in Saudi Arabia investigating the Kingdom’s new reforms for women. But are the reforms genuine? And do they go far enough?

Season 2019

  • S2019E01 Denmark's Dementia Village

    • March 12, 2019
    • SBS

    The emotional story of Greg Kelly's struggle with early onset dementia. Before Greg passed away, this program followed him to Denmark to experience a unique care alternative: a dementia village.

  • S2019E02 New Zealand’s Darkest Day

    • March 19, 2019
    • SBS

    As Christchurch mourns the loss of 50 lives in the brutal mosque shootings, Dateline meets the families of the close knit Islamic community to hear their harrowing stories?

  • S2019E03 Brazil's President Vs The Amazon

    • March 26, 2019
    • SBS

    He’s called the Trump of the Tropics. But will President Bolsonaro sacrifice the Amazon, and its indigenous people, in order to ‘make Brazil great again’?

  • S2019E04 Brexit's Irish Border Troubles

    • April 2, 2019
    • SBS

    Brexit is threatening a precarious peace in Northern Ireland. Dateline is on the Irish border as the deadline passes to see what the future holds.

  • S2019E05 Hong Kong's Crazy Rich And Mega Poor

    • April 9, 2019
    • SBS

    Hong Kong has more ultra-rich people than any other country, yet 1 in 5 people still live in poverty. Dateline asks - why is the gap between rich and poor is so extreme?

  • S2019E06 Forced To Be Fat

    • April 16, 2019
    • SBS

    Big is beautiful in Mauritania, but at what cost? Young girls are being force fed more than 10,000 calories a day, more than five times the recommended amount, to fatten them up for marriage.

  • S2019E07 The Best Place To Be A Woman (2018 Rpt)

    • April 23, 2019
    • SBS

    The Viking nation of Iceland has become a feminist utopia. SBS World News' Janice Petersen looks at how the island country became the best place on earth to be a woman, and why that also means it’s the best place to be a man.

  • S2019E08 Malaysia's Fish Bombers

    • April 30, 2019
    • SBS

    In Malaysia, fishermen are bombing one of the world’s most valuable coral reefs, risking both the environment and their lives to put food on the table.

  • S2019E09 Sulawesi's Extinction Business

    • May 7, 2019
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates the illegal wildlife trade in Sulawesi and how it’s wiping out rare and endemic species. Once dubbed the Galapagos of Asia - can it be saved before it’s too late?

  • S2019E10 Japan's Secret Shame

    • May 14, 2019
    • SBS

    In a country where sexual assault is considered a taboo subject, one woman shocked Japan by going public with allegations she was raped by a well-known TV journalist.

  • S2019E11 Thailand's Child Fighters

    • May 21, 2019
    • SBS

    Muay Thai is one of the toughest martial arts in the world. But after the death of a child boxer, Thailand debates the future of its national sport. Is Muay Thai an ancient art form or child abuse?

  • S2019E12 Sweden's Crisis Preppers

    • May 28, 2019
    • SBS
  • S2019E13 Trump's Poverty Line

    • June 4, 2019
    • SBS

    In Trump’s America, unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years – but 1 in 10 people still live below the poverty line. What happens when a job no longer guarantees a roof over your head?

  • S2019E14 Mafia Showdown

    • June 11, 2019
    • SBS

    Meet the daredevil television star taking on Italy's mafia, risking his life to expose drug dealers and gangsters, and armed with only his bicycle.

  • S2019E15 America's War On Abortion

    • June 18, 2019
    • SBS

    As more US states move to ban abortion whilst others push for laxer laws, Dateline investigates the battle over women?s bodies and whether the issue could help determine the next Presidential election.

  • S2019E16 How To Catch A Witch Doctor

    • June 25, 2019
    • SBS

    After surviving a child sacrifice attack, will 16-year-old Allan finally see his attacker brought to justice? Meet the team of Australian and Ugandans fighting this disturbing modern crime.

  • S2019E17 America's Measles Comeback

    • September 3, 2019
    • SBS

    New York state has become ground zero for the anti-vax movement. Dateline goes inside the close-knit Orthodox Jewish community being torn apart by vaccine fear and a measles outbreak.

  • S2019E18 Can Love Save Spain

    • September 10, 2019
    • SBS

    Spain's rural population is decreasing at an alarming rate and as the government and locals scramble to stop the exodus, can a bus load of single ladies save the day?

  • S2019E19 Behind The Frontline

    • September 17, 2019
    • SBS

    What does it take to stage the most coordinated mass protests in history? Dateline looks at how Hong Kongers are orchestrating civil unrest, and find out why the protest movement is taking a new turn.

  • S2019E20 Return To Timor-Leste

    • September 24, 2019
    • SBS

    Dateline follows Australian veterans back to Timor-Leste 20 years after the violent struggle for freedom. We look at the country?s progress and struggles, and ask if Australia?s been a good neighbour.

  • S2019E21 When The Immigrants Leave

    • October 1, 2019
    • SBS

    As Boris Johnson vows to meet the October 31 Brexit deadline, Dateline explores what will happen to the 3.5 million EU nationals in Britain. Will they stay, and if not, who will fill the labour gaps?

  • S2019E22 Florida's Mental Health Crisis

    • October 8, 2019
    • SBS

    With a dramatic spike in the number of teens committed to emergency mental health care in Florida, Dateline meets families struggling to find long-term help. We go inside a system at breaking point, and ask how it failed to catch Florida’s Parkland shooter.

  • S2019E23 Why Singapore is Top Of The Class

    • October 15, 2019
    • SBS

    Dateline travels to Singapore to find out why its education system tops the global leader board. We look at high-stakes testing, and ask if the culture of competition puts too much pressure on kids. Janice Petersen follows some of Australia’s top teachers to Singapore, to find out how its education system, and culture, creates the world’s smartest students.

  • S2019E24 30 Lost Years

    • October 22, 2019
    • SBS

    Amar was a victim of Saddam Hussein’s 1991 napalm attacks. Raised in the UK, his life in Iraq was all but forgotten, until 30 years later a mysterious message arrives. Could his family still be alive?

  • S2019E25 Italy's Migrant Boot Camp

    • October 29, 2019
    • SBS

    In Italy’s nationalist right-wing heartland, one town is tackling anti-immigrant sentiment with a unique approach - an integration camp. But not everyone agrees with the camp’s prison-style tactics.

  • S2019E26 Human Cargo

    • November 5, 2019
    • SBS

    With unprecedented access aboard MSF’s new migrant rescue ship, we meet the volunteers on a perilous search and rescue mission off the coast of Libya. Can they navigate the difficult waters of changing migrant policy in Europe?

  • S2019E27 Restoration Mosul

    • November 12, 2019
    • SBS

    Dateline meets the families, estate agents, and heritage activists living in the ruins of Mosul two years after the defeat of IS. With renewed instability in the region can life in the once thriving cultural city ever return to normal?

  • S2019E28 Dying For Medicine In America

    • November 19, 2019
    • SBS

    In the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, the US is caught in a ferocious battle over prescription drug prices. With some life-saving medications rising in cost by more than 5000%, Dateline meets the Americans begging and borrowing to stay alive and turning to Australia for help.

Season 2020

  • S2020E01 Vietnam's Hard Knocks Kitchen

    • February 25, 2020
    • SBS

    Adam Liaw reports from Vietnam to see if a love of food can help the country’s street kids and orphans find a brighter future. An Australian-run cooking school in Hanoi is training some of Vietnam’s most disadvantaged young people to become five-star chefs. But can the students Adam meets handle the heat in the kitchen? Adam also ventures into Hanoi’s underbelly to meet the 'Children of the Dust' - kids living on the streets in conditions that leave him shocked.

  • S2020E02 Who Will Take On Trump

    • March 3, 2020
    • SBS

    Dateline goes inside the Iowa caucus at the start of the Democratic race to the White House. We ask why this sleepy state is given so much political power, and whether it represents wider America.

  • S2020E03 Fiji's High Tide

    • March 10, 2020
    • SBS

    In Fiji, reporter Evan Williams gains exclusive access to law enforcement officials, drug dealers and social workers on the frontline of Fiji’s drug war, exploring the devastating impact from this multi-billion-dollar illegal trade.

  • S2020E04 Sweden's Crisis Preppers (2019 Rpt)

    • March 17, 2020
    • SBS
  • S2020E05 What Happened To The New Zealand Dream?

    • March 24, 2020
    • SBS

    New Zealand is in the grip of a housing crisis. Dateline meets the struggling families living in one of the world’s most unaffordable cities, and the man helping the homeless become home owners.

  • S2020E06 Where Chocolate Comes From

    • March 31, 2020
    • SBS

    At Easter Australians spend around $200 million on chocolate. Dateline meets cocoa farmers in the Ivory Coast to see if are they getting a fair deal

  • S2020E07 Saving LA's Homeless

    • April 7, 2020
    • SBS

    Dateline follows a reverend and his crew as they endeavour to help the homeless community in LA cope with COVID-19. Reverend Andy Bales is getting them off the streets and into shelters, implementing social distancing inside the shelter, setting up santisation stations, and enlisting volunteers to feed the homeless and provide medical care. Andy and his team of staff and volunteers are risking their own health to try and prevent the virus spreading amongst the homeless.

  • S2020E08 How Italy Has Changed

    • April 14, 2020
    • SBS

    Tourist hotspot Venice is now a ghost town. The water’s clearer, but businesses are going bust. We go inside northern Italy's COVID-19 crisis to see how the area has changed and how locals are coping.

  • S2020E09 The People's Peace Talks

    • April 21, 2020
    • SBS

    Can ordinary Israeli's and Palestinians succeed where politicians have failed by negotiating a solution for Middle East peace? Will COVID-19 bring solidarity instead of division to the table?

  • S2020E10 Machu Picchu: When The Tourists Left

    • April 28, 2020
    • SBS

    Over half a million tourists visit Machu Picchu in Peru each year. What happens when COVID 19 locks them out? Dateline meets the locals adapting to isolation and a tourist drought.

  • S2020E11 How Coronavirus Overwhelmed Spain

    • May 5, 2020
    • SBS

    Spain has had more than 25,000 COVID-19 deaths and endured one of the harshest lockdowns in the world. Dateline looks at how the nation has coped and whether it’s really ready to ease restrictions.

  • S2020E12 Paris: A Tale of Two Cities

    • May 12, 2020
    • SBS

    As Paris starts to emerge from a COVID-19 lockdown, Dateline looks at how the pandemic has amplified divisions between the rich and poor.

  • S2020E13 Birmingham Under The Knife

    • May 19, 2020
    • SBS

    Before the world went into lockdown, the UK was swamped by a knife crime epidemic. Dateline investigates why Birmingham has seen a 20% rise in fatal stabbings over the last year.

  • S2020E14 China's Obesity Crisis

    • May 26, 2020
    • SBS

    China's other health crisis is obesity, with one in five children severely overweight. Dateline meets the kids battling the bulge at military style weight loss camps.

  • S2020E15 China's Grey Race

    • June 2, 2020
    • SBS
  • S2020E16 From Russia With No Immunity

    • June 9, 2020
    • SBS

    As COVID-19 shuts borders, one Australian with MS is trying to get to Russia for a stem cell transplant, another has just had treatment and can't get home. Dateline follows their remarkable journeys.

  • S2020E17 Pandemic Farming: Apples and Oranges

    • June 16, 2020
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates how COVID-19 is disrupting food production in Australia, the UK, and Germany. Are there enough workers to ensure crops are harvested and food makes it the table?

  • S2020E18 Zoo Troubles

    • September 1, 2020
    • SBS

    Zoos have been forced to close during COVID 19 with many on the brink of collapse. Dateline meets UK zookeepers fighting to protect animals locked up during lockdown and asks if zoos have a future.

  • S2020E19 Welcome to Lesbos

    • September 8, 2020
    • SBS

    The Greek island of Lesbos needs summer tourists for its COVID-19 recovery, but it's also home to Europe's biggest refugee camp. Dateline meets the locals torn between welcoming tourists, or refugees.

  • S2020E20 Schools Under Siege

    • September 15, 2020
    • SBS

    In 2019, 300 children were shot and killed on the streets of Cape Town thanks to escalating gang violence. Dateline meets the teachers and students from a primary school caught in the crossfire.

  • S2020E21 Finland's Climate Warriors

    • September 22, 2020
    • SBS

    Finland has pledged to do what Australia says it can’t; become carbon neutral by 2035. Dateline meets the climate warriors working towards this ambitious goal.

  • S2020E22 Nirvana For Sale

    • September 29, 2020
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates Thailand's most controversial Buddhist sect: the Dhammakaya. Followers say it's Buddhism for the modern age, but critics say it's a money obsessed cult.

  • S2020E23 Trump's Deterrence Strategy

    • October 6, 2020
    • SBS

    An investigation by Britain’s Channel 4 News alleges Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign targeted 3.5 million Black Americans in battleground states to deter them from voting.

  • S2020E24 Deadly Trip Of A Lifetime (Part 1)

    • October 13, 2020
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates how 128 passengers and crew aboard the Australian Greg Mortimer cruise ship became infected with COVID-19, and how Uruguay came to their rescue.

  • S2020E25 Deadly Trip Of A Lifetime (Part 2)

    • October 20, 2020
    • SBS

    It started out as the holiday of a lifetime and quickly turned into a ship in lockdown, searching for a port in a COVID-19 storm. Dateline charts the story of the MV Greg Mortimer cruise ship that left Argentina three days after coronavirus was declared a pandemic.

  • S2020E26 Thailand On The Brink

    • October 27, 2020
    • SBS

    With unprecedented access to the leaders of Thailand's protest movement, Dateline follows their risky campaign for change. Why are thousands challenging the King, and why are some risking jail time?

  • S2020E27 Asian Americans Decide

    • November 3, 2020
    • SBS

    Dateline travels to Republican heartland Texas to meet Asian American voters. Can the fastest growing ethnic group in the US swing the election by flipping Texas for the Democrats?

  • S2020E28 Alaskan Cold War Family Reunion

    • November 10, 2020
    • SBS

    When two Inupiat communities in the Bering Strait come together, they find they have a remarkable connection, despite decades of separation under the so-called 'Ice Curtain' of the Cold War.

  • S2020E29 Internet Love In A Strange Land 2018 Rpt

    • November 17, 2020
    • SBS

    There's a shortage of women in the Faroe Islands. Dateline looks at how internet dating has boosted the population and brought multiculturalism to this remote community.

Season 2021

  • S2021E01 Digital Predators

    • March 16, 2021
    • SBS

    This is a story no parent can afford to miss. During global COVID-19 lockdowns police reported a huge increase in the number of people viewing and sharing child sexual abuse images online.

  • S2021E02 The People vs. Agent Orange

    • March 23, 2021
    • SBS

    More than 40 years after the end of the Vietnam war, one brave grandmother is suing the US chemical companies that produced Agent Orange, including Dow Chemical and Monsanto now owned by Bayer.

  • S2021E03 London's Cabbie Crisis

    • March 30, 2021
    • SBS

    London’s iconic black cabs and their chatty drivers are hurting from the pandemic, and waging war in a battle for the city’s streets.

  • S2021E04 China's Grey Race

    • April 6, 2021
    • SBS

  • S2021E05 Covid-19: Fashion's Great Unravelling

    • April 13, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates the impacts of the pandemic on the global fashion industry. We meet the factory owners and garment workers in Bangladesh who've been left high and dry by retailers.

  • S2021E06 Born Small

    • April 20, 2021
    • SBS

    Australian researchers are leading a global drug trial aimed at boosting growth in children born with​ a form of dwarfism. But some people of short stature are scared it will eradicate their community.

  • S2021E07 Japan's Junior Idols and Their Adult Male Fans

    • April 27, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline meets Japan's junior pop stars. Pre-teen girls who perform concerts for a large fanbase of mostly middle-aged men. Is it a quirky sub-culture or something more sinister?

  • S2021E08 Dying to Divorce

    • May 4, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline takes viewers into the heart of Turkey's gender-based violence crisis and the recent political events that have eroded democratic freedoms and women's rights.

  • S2021E09 The Fight for America's Soul

    • May 11, 2021
    • SBS

    America is on its knees thanks to the global pandemic, and a year marred by division and uncertainty. Dateline investigates why so many are now turning to religion and seeking solace in the spiritual world.

  • S2021E10 Escape Through the Alps

    • May 18, 2021
    • SBS

    Amid the ski slopes of the French-Italian Alps asylum seekers are risking their lives as they attempt to cross the mountainous border on foot, and in the depths of winter.

  • S2021E11 Battle for the Vaccine Hesitant

    • May 25, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline meets the people tackling antivax misinformation as the world races to convince the vaccine hesitant to take the COVID-19 jab.

  • S2021E12 Winning the War on Drugs

    • June 1, 2021
    • SBS

    Portugal decriminalised drugs twenty years ago and went from the ‘heroin capital of Europe’ to a global leader in the war on drugs. What can Australia learn from Portugal's radical approach?

  • S2021E13 Myanmar's Spring Revolution

    • June 8, 2021
    • SBS

    When Myanmar's military ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi millions took to the streets. With over 800 civilians killed since the coup, Dateline meets young protesters risking everything for their future.

  • S2021E14 The World's Happiest Country

    • June 15, 2021
    • SBS

    Finland has ranked first in the UN's Happiness Report for the fourth year in a row. Dateline explores why Finland is such a cheery place, especially after one of the toughest years in living memory.

  • S2021E15 Going Off-Grid

    • June 22, 2021
    • SBS
  • S2021E16 Eritrea: The Secret State

    • July 20, 2021
    • SBS

    Reporter Evan Williams investigates one of the world’s most repressive regimes. Secret footage along with testimony, reveal human rights abuses in the country known as the ‘North Korea of Africa’.

  • S2021E17 Poles Apart

    • July 27, 2021
    • SBS

    When Poland introduced a near-total ban on abortion it divided the nation, sparking mass protests. Dateline explores how church and state are impacting women's rights.

  • S2021E18 Sumo Nation

    • August 3, 2021
    • SBS

    With Tokyo hosting the Olympics, Dateline investigates Japan's national sport. Sumo wrestlers dedicate their lives to rigorous training and discipline, but female wrestlers are still largely excluded.

  • S2021E19 Korea's Online Gaming Addicts

    • August 10, 2021
    • SBS

    With a surge in online gaming during COVID lockdowns many parents are worried about their kids screentime. We report from a rehab centre in Korea that helps teenagers overcome their gaming addictions..

  • S2021E20 Paralympics: the Fight for Fairness

    • August 17, 2021
    • SBS

    With the Tokyo Paralympics just weeks away we investigate how athlete's disabilities are assessed and whether the quest for gold can drive some competitors to bend and even break the rules.

  • S2021E21 Russia's Military Kids

    • August 24, 2021
    • SBS

    Putin’s supporters are champions of conservative values and of military might. With elections now looming Dateline visits a Russian bootcamp to meet an army of kids preparing to defend their country.

  • S2021E22 The China Dream: Tensions With Australia (Part One)

    • August 31, 2021
    • SBS

    In this two-part special, Jennifer Wong reports on the rise of China and its changing approach to the world. This part explores China and Australia’s ongoing spat and its impact on ordinary people.

  • S2021E23 The China Dream - Tensions with Taiwan (Part 2)

    • September 7, 2021
    • SBS

    In this two-part special Jennifer Wong reports on China's rise in power. This second part looks at China's increasing threats against Taiwan, and how the Taiwanese feel about their identity and future.

  • S2021E24 Escape from Afghanistan

    • September 14, 2021
    • SBS

    As Kabul falls to the Taliban, Dateline follows former Australian Defence Force contractors through the turmoil. We show their desperate attempts to flee Afghanistan and find out what happens to those left behind.

  • S2021E25 Germany's Neo-Nazis and the Far Right

    • September 21, 2021
    • SBS

    With Germany's federal election coming up, Evan Williams investigates the rise of far-right violence and antisemitism, and reveals how extremists have infiltrated security services.

  • S2021E26 Women of Everest

    • October 5, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline reports from Nepal where we meet the Sherpa women defying traditional gender roles to conquer the world's highest mountain.

  • S2021E27 Scottish Independence: Union In Trouble

    • October 12, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline travels from Edinburgh to the Highlands and meets the Scottish nationalists pushing for independence. But is leaving the United Kingdom, or Scexit, the best option for Scotland's future?

  • S2021E28 Sex, Drugs and Bad Tourists

    • October 19, 2021
    • SBS

    Amsterdam is re-branding, with plans to move the famous red-light district out-of-town, and crackdown on cannabis cafes. Dateline meets the city's sex workers who are fighting back.

  • S2021E29 Back to School With Delta

    • October 26, 2021
    • SBS

    COVID-19 has disrupted the education of millions of students. Dateline reports from Florida, where schools are battling against a Delta surge and the state's Governor to keep kids safe and in class.

  • S2021E30 Desperately Seeking Sperm

    • November 2, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline meets an American super sperm donor, fast approaching his 100th child, and investigates what the lack of regulation means for a generation of donor-conceived kids.

  • S2021E31 China's Rainbow Families

    • November 9, 2021
    • SBS

    Dateline meets same sex couples from China who are navigating the complicated world of surrogacy and social acceptance.

  • S2021E32 TBA

    • November 16, 2021
    • SBS

Season 2022

  • S2022E01 Missing in China

    • March 15, 2022

    Dateline presents a story about the tens of thousands of ethnic Kazakhs caught up in China's Muslim repression.

  • S2022E02 Murder in Malta

    • March 22, 2022

    Darren Mara returns to the country of his heritage to unravel a dark chapter in the history of Malta - the murder of the country's most famous journalist, Daphne Caruana Galizia.

  • S2022E03 Moldova: Putin's Next Target?

    • March 29, 2022

    Dateline travels to Moldova, one of the main crossing points for Ukrainians fleeing the war. With conflict on their doorstep, Moldovans fear they could be next in Putin's firing line.

  • S2022E04 India's Street Kids: Telling Their Own Story

    • April 5, 2022

    Dateline catches up with Delhi's tenacious street kid reporters. Five years ago, we met teenagers learning to read and write by running a newspaper. Now we've returned to see how things have changed.

  • S2022E05 Butterflies v. Cartels

    • April 12, 2022

    Dateline travels to Mexico's spectacular butterfly forest and meets its brave defenders. But as global demand for avocados surges, cartels are looking for quick profits.

  • S2022E06 Italy's 1 Euro Homes

    • April 19, 2022

    Soaring property prices have made home ownership seem impossible for many, so imagine a place where you can buy a house for just 1 Euro. Dateline travels to Italy to investigate the scheme.

  • S2022E07 Surviving Terror In Norway

    • April 26, 2022

    Ten years after the far-right extremist terror attack in Norway that killed 77 people, we meet survivors who've transformed their lives.

  • S2022E08 South Korea's Musical Prodigies

    • May 3, 2022

    Dateline meets South Korea's young classical music superstars, and finds out what it takes to succeed on the international stage.

  • S2022E09 Putin's Child Soldiers

    • May 10, 2022

    Filmed in the lead up to the war in Ukraine, Dateline investigates the Russian military and patriotic education programs turning children into soldiers.

  • S2022E10 Sri Lanka's Organic Dream

    • May 17, 2022

    Dateline investigates the fallout from Sri Lanka's decision to go 100 per cent organic. We visit tea plantations and meet organic gurus to see what Australia can learn from this green revolution.

  • S2022E11 Japan's Wartime Sex Slaves

    • May 24, 2022

    Dateline meets some of the last survivors of World War II sexual slavery, and follows their fight for justice, and an apology, before it's too late.

  • S2022E12 Going Off-Grid

    • May 31, 2022
  • S2022E13 Bangla Surf Girls

    • June 7, 2022

    Dateline meets Bangladesh's young female surf stars. Can these young women realise their dreams and compete on the international stage, or will family duty hold them back?

  • S2022E14 Waiting for a God

    • June 14, 2022

    Dateline investigates the growing loneliness epidemic in Japan and meets one young entrepreneur helping people escape their isolation.

  • S2022E15 Sweden's Gun Problem

    • June 21, 2022

    Dateline investigates how Sweden has become the unlikely gun violence capital of Europe. With gangs and drugs driving the bloodshed, we explore the radical solutions proposed that could change Sweden.

  • S2022E16 Storm Chasers

    • June 28, 2022

    Violent storms claim lives and cost billions in damage in the US each year. Dateline travels with tornado-chasing scientists as they try to understand and predict these extreme weather events.

  • S2022E17 Plan B: Abortion In America

    • August 2, 2022

    Dateline travels to the Republican stronghold States to meet the authors of the state's new abortion ban and those risking everything to protect a woman's right to choose.

  • S2022E18 Afghan Athletes On The Run

    • August 9, 2022

    Follows a group of Afghans that have been working to make change in sport and life, keeping the dream alive under the rule of the Taliban.

  • S2022E19 Surviving The Circus

    • August 16, 2022

    Inside Nepal’s only circus troupe, Dateline meets the children rescued from an illegal Indian circus. These performers now share their skills and stories to flip the reputation of the big top.

  • S2022E20 Love And Race In South Africa

    • August 23, 2022

    Janice Peterson travels to South Africa to see if love can conquer all in a country still divided by race.

  • S2022E21 Thailand Drugs Tourists And Prison Time

    • August 30, 2022

    Desperate to revive tourism, Thailand has relaxed its drug laws. But will visitors on a high, deepen the nation’s drug problems?

  • S2022E22 Mexicos Deadly Coca-Cola Addiction

    • September 6, 2022

    Mexicans are the biggest consumers of sugary drinks in the world. For one small town Coca-Cola is king, but its obsession with the fizzy drink is having dire health consequences.

  • S2022E23 Born Small

    • September 13, 2022

    A controversial drug that increases growth in children with a common form of dwarfism has recently been approved for use in Australia. Daisy’s son Casper has achondroplasia and was faced with the decision to be part of the vosoritide drug trial, which could change his expected height.

  • S2022E24 Footballs Racist Reputation

    • September 20, 2022

    As countries rally for the World Cup, football struggles to shake its racist reputation. Dateline travels around England to uncover the impact of racism on the beautiful game. Presented by Darren Mara.

  • S2022E25 Catching Scammers

    • September 27, 2022

    Australians lose millions of dollars each year in online scams. Dateline meets the digital crusaders trying to catch and stop India’s call centre scammers.

  • S2022E26 Senior Sex And The City

    • October 4, 2022

    Dating and sex is not just for young adults. Dateline meets the seniors searching for love and lust after two years of isolation in New York City.

  • S2022E27 Japans Taken Children

    • October 11, 2022

    Karla Grant reports from Japan on the controversial sole custody system that’s snared 82 Australian children in parental abduction and custody cases, preventing some parents from seeing their kids.

  • S2022E28 The World’s Oldest Influencers

    • October 18, 2022

    Dateline meets South Korea's senior influencers revolutionising what it means to grow old in an aging society.

  • S2022E29 The World's Happiest Country

    • October 25, 2022

    Dateline explores why Finland is such a cheery place after it ranks first in the UN's World Happiness Report yet again.

Season 2023

  • S2023E01 The Church and the Assassin

    • March 7, 2023

    Kumi Taguchi goes inside the world of a controversial church some call a 'cult'. This church is under investigation for its role in Japanese politics since the assassination of Prime Minister Abe.

  • S2023E02 Breaking Up With Britain

    • March 14, 2023

    Ahead of King Charles' coronation, reporter Darren Mara heads to Jamaica, where the country is confronting a history of colonisation and considering whether it's time to cut ties with the crown.

  • S2023E03 Welcome Back to Syria

    • March 21, 2023

    The Awad sisters fled Syria 10 years ago as children, now they could be sent back. Dateline investigates whether Denmark's deportation programs are a death sentence for thousands of Syrians.

  • S2023E04 Miracle Birth

    • March 28, 2023

    Dateline follows France's first uterus transplant. Deborah was told she would never carry her own child, but a medical breakthrough made it possible for her own mother to donate her womb.

  • S2023E05 Scotland's Airbnb Crackdown

    • April 4, 2023

    Holiday rental apps like Airbnb are accused of causing residential rental costs to soar. Dateline travels to Scotland with some of the harshest policies against short term lets in the world.

  • S2023E06 Love And Race In South Africa

    • April 11, 2023

    Janice Petersen travels to South Africa to see if love can conquer all in a country still divided by race.

  • S2023E07 Children For Sale

    • April 18, 2023

    Dateline follows a mother, private detective and armed bounty hunters trying to rescue teenagers from a sex trafficking underworld in Texas.

  • S2023E08 Teens, Love And War

    • April 25, 2023

    Dateline meets the teenagers coming of age in Ukraine. We follow them as they fall in love, deal with grief, and head off to war.

  • S2023E09 Rat Hunters

    • May 2, 2023

    The Mayor of New York has declared a war on rats. Dateline follows a group of local vigilantes and their dogs tackling the city's rat problem.

  • S2023E10 Bank Robbers

    • May 9, 2023

    There has been a spate of bank robberies across Beirut. Dateline investigates why one woman held up a bank to get her own cash back.

  • S2023E11 Teen Mums: Pregnant And Trapped

    • May 16, 2023

    Guatemala is facing a child pregnancy crisis. Dateline meets the young indigenous girls who have been forced into motherhood after sexual assault and the people fighting against this cycle of abuse.

  • S2023E12 China's Underground Tutors

    • May 23, 2023

    Dateline investigates why the Chinese government banned the after-school tutoring industry and how families are finding new ways to give their kids a head start.

  • S2023E13 Canada's Fentanyl Warning

    • May 30, 2023

    What can Australia learn from Canada's overdose epidemic? Dateline meets the doctors and dealers giving hard drugs to users to fix a fentanyl crisis.

  • S2023E14 Dealing With Debt

    • June 6, 2023

    Britain is facing a cost-of-living crisis. Dateline meets the families struggling to stay afloat and the people helping them deal with rising debt.

  • S2023E15 Italy's 1 Euro Homes

    • June 13, 2023

    Property prices and rising interest rates have made home ownership in Australia seem impossible. Dateline travels to a rural town in Italy where you can buy a house for 1 Euro.

  • S2023E16 The School For Macho Men

    • June 20, 2023

    Dateline visits a Colombian school teaching men to do domestic duties and connect with their emotions. Can this experiment help tackle gender-based violence and culture of toxic masculinity?

  • S2023E17 The Best Place To Have A Baby?

    • June 27, 2023

    Janice Petersen meets the new parents spending a month in a luxury post-natal hotel in Taiwan. Do these centres and the tradition of confinement give mum and baby a better start?

  • S2023E18 Combat Medics

    • July 25, 2023

    With rare access inside a frontline field hospital, we meet the Ukrainian medics putting their lives on the line to save wounded soldiers, including Russian POWs.

  • S2023E19 Beauty Kings

    • August 1, 2023
    • SBS

    Dateline goes inside the world of male beauty pageants in the Philippines to see who will be crowned Man of the World. But is this growing industry perpetuating unhealthy male body image?

  • S2023E20 Being Queer In Putin's Shadow

    • August 8, 2023
    • SBS

    Dateline meets the Russian exiles who have fled Putin's harsh anti-LGBTQI+ laws. But will they find a safe haven in neighbouring Georgia? Or will Putin's conservative crackdown follow them?

  • S2023E21 Indonesia's Vaping Addicts

    • August 15, 2023
    • SBS

    With Australia cracking down on e-cigarettes, Dateline looks at why Indonesia has gone the other way. With over six million vapers and lax regulation, are they headed for a new addiction crisis?

  • S2023E22 Inside Little North Korea

    • August 22, 2023
    • SBS

    Dateline meets a community of Koreans who live in Japan but feel a close bond with one of the world's most repressive states, North Korea. Will rising regional tensions put their way of life at risk?

  • S2023E23 Sex, Drugs And Bad Tourists

    • August 29, 2023
    • SBS

    Amsterdam is re-branding, with plans to move the famous red-light district out-of-town in an attempt to lure a better type of tourist. Dateline meets the sex workers who are fighting back.

  • S2023E24 Japan's Cheap Homes

    • September 5, 2023
    • SBS

    As homeownership becomes increasingly expensive, we travel to Japan, where millions of abandoned houses are being sold cheaply or given away. Can foreign buyers help solve Japan's empty house problem?

  • S2023E25 India's Population Explosion

    • September 12, 2023

    India is now the world's most populous country. Dateline investigates how they are grappling with rising unemployment and introducing a raft of family planning measures to curb population growth.

  • S2023E26 The Sámi Voice

    • September 19, 2023

    As Australia heads towards the referendum, Karla Grant travels to Norway to understand how their Indigenous parliament works. She investigates if the Sámi Parliament is being heard in the halls of power?

  • S2023E27 Sex Tourism: Predators In Paradise

    • September 26, 2023

    Dateline investigates Colombia's booming sex tourism trade and the foreigners who come to prey on minors. We join police raids on brothels, hear from survivors and meet the accused now behind bars.

  • S2023E28 Japan's Taken Children

    • October 3, 2023

    Karla Grant reports from Japan on the controversial sole custody system that's snared Australian children in parental abduction and custody cases, preventing some parents from seeing their kids.

  • S2023E29 Adrift In Australian Waters

    • October 10, 2023

    People smugglers are preying on Sri Lanka's vulnerable with lies of safe passage to places like Australia. Dateline investigates the new wave of boats and how Australia is trying to stop them.

  • S2023E30 Making a Militant

    • October 17, 2023
    • SBS

    Dateline reports from the West Bank where a new militant network The Lion's Den has triggered a wave of violence and is weaponizing social media to recruit young Palestinians.

Season 2024

  • S2024E01 Camp Coda: Children of Deaf Adults

    • March 5, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline reporter Jodee Mundy travels to Pennsylvania to join the first Asian-American Coda camp for Deaf parents and their kids. Can an immersive experience in sign language and Asian family-values help these pre-teens connect with their Deaf parents? Jodee Mundy OAM is an Australian theatre performer and a proud Coda (child of deaf adult). Her parents and older brothers are Deaf, and she was raised with Auslan as her first language.

  • S2024E02 A Child Of Gaza

    • March 12, 2024
    • SBS

    Nine-year-old Elaf reveals what life is like during the war in Gaza. When an airstrike hits her street, the family relocates. Then a brief ceasefire brings respite, and reconnection with friends.

  • S2024E03 Over Sharenting

    • March 19, 2024
    • SBS

    The average child has 1300 photos and videos of themself online. We meet the influencers who make a living by sharing content of their kids and explore issues of childhood consent and exploitation.

  • S2024E04 Finding Yusuf - Part 1

    • March 26, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline travels to Syria to find Australian Yusuf Zahab who was taken into IS territory aged 12 and later imprisoned without charge. Once declared dead, now rumoured to be alive, we reveal his story.

  • S2024E05 Finding Yusuf - Part 2

    • April 2, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates why Australian Yusuf Zahab, and at least 34 Australian women and children are still in detention without charge in northeast Syria, a region wracked with instability.

  • S2024E06 The Kid's Gambit

    • April 9, 2024
    • SBS

    Chess is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world and Australian kids are making big moves. Follows a child prodigy to the Netherlands for the world's biggest junior chess tournament.

  • S2024E07 Country of Lost Children

    • April 16, 2024
    • SBS

    Venezuela was once the richest country in South America, but economic crisis has left one million children alone, as parents move abroad for work. For some, joining a gang is the only way to survive.

  • S2024E08 Japan's Cheap Homes

    • April 23, 2024
    • SBS

    As homeownership becomes increasingly expensive, we travel to Japan, where millions of abandoned houses are being sold cheaply or given away. Can foreign buyers help solve Japan’s empty house problem?

  • S2024E09 Born Big

    • April 30, 2024
    • SBS

    Nearly 1 in 5 children in America are obese and parents are being urged to pursue radical treatment options. Kumi Taguchi meets the kids who have had life altering bariatric surgery at age 12.

  • S2024E10 China: Secrets and Power

    • May 7, 2024
    • SBS

    According to British intelligence, China has been spying on an 'epic scale'. We lift the lid on allegations of intimidation and infiltration across organisations and politics, reaching as far as Australia.

  • S2024E11 Activist Or Extremist?

    • May 14, 2024
    • SBS

    How far would you go to protect the planet? Dateline meets the climate crusaders in Australia and Germany responding to a harsh crackdown they claim risks undoing years of climate action.

  • S2024E12 Romania's Webcam Girls

    • May 21, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates Romania’s booming adult camgirl industry. We meet the studio owners, successful camgirls and uncover a wild west of 'ghost studios' with few rules and even less oversight.

  • S2024E13 Bears Gone Wild

    • May 28, 2024
    • SBS

    After a year of gruesome bear attacks in Japan left 6 dead and more than 200 injured, Dateline investigates why bear encounters are on the rise and what Japan's doing to protect both humans and bears.

  • S2024E14 Timor-Leste's Paedophile Priest Scandal

    • June 4, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates alleged paedophilia scandals involving high profile Catholic clergymen in Timor-Leste. Why are the men behind the crimes supported by the country’s most powerful politicians?

  • S2024E15 Canada’s Fentanyl Warning

    • June 11, 2024
    • SBS

    What can Australia learn from Canada's overdose epidemic? Dateline meets the doctors and dealers giving hard drugs to users to fix a fentanyl crisis.

  • S2024E16 Breaking Good: Mafia Kids

    • June 18, 2024
    • SBS

    Italy’s powerful mafias are built on blood ties, but a radical program is hoping to destroy organised crime dynasties by taking away their most precious assets - their children.

  • S2024E17 Alzheimer's: A Turning Point?

    • June 25, 2024
    • SBS

    Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia. Dateline meets Alzheimer's patients in the UK trialling drugs that could offer new hope by slowing down the progressions of the disease.

  • S2024E18 Sleuths of Seoul

    • July 23, 2024
    • SBS

    In South Korea, gruesome stories have become everyday entertainment on a mass scale. Reporter Darren Mara meets superfans, citizen sleuths and detectives to investigate the obsession with true crime.

  • S2024E19 Cambodia's Surrogacy Crackdown

    • July 30, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline meets the Australian parents who risked it all to build a family through overseas surrogacy. We investigate how Cambodia's crackdown left women raising children they never wanted.

  • S2024E20 The American-Mexican Abortion Network

    • August 6, 2024
    • SBS

    The right to an abortion is no longer guaranteed in the US, but just across the border it has been decriminalised. Dateline meets the Mexican women helping Americans access illegal abortions.

  • S2024E21 Venice's Tourist Overload

    • August 13, 2024
    • SBS

    Venice is one of Europe's top tourist destinations, but this iconic city is under threat. Kumi Taguchi meets the locals who say over-tourism is destroying the city they love.

  • S2024E22 The Best Place To Have A Baby?

    • August 20, 2024
    • SBS

    Janice Petersen meets the new parents spending a month in a luxury post natal hotel in Taiwan. Do these centres and the tradition of confinement give mum and baby a better start?

  • S2024E23 The K-Pop Dream Factory

    • August 27, 2024
    • SBS

    K-pop is an $8 billion global industry. Dateline goes inside the dance schools of South Korea training future stars. We investigate if there is a hidden cost of becoming the next big idol.

  • S2024E24 India's Virginity Test

    • September 3, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates India's obsession with virginity and the archaic practice of virginity tests. We reveal how some women are seeking ways to fake their virginity to avoid exile and abuse.

  • S2024E25 A New Sheriff in Town

    • September 10, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline investigates the far-right Sheriffs infiltrating US policing. What does this mean for a country on the cusp of a historic election, and could this influence the outcome?

  • S2024E26 The Beast: Mexico's Deadliest Train

    • September 17, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline takes a dangerous journey through Mexico aboard "The Beast" - a freight train used by thousands of migrants desperate to reach the United States.

  • S2024E27 Vietnam Veterans Reunited

    • September 24, 2024
    • SBS

    Fifty years on from the Vietnam War, a Japanese American veteran searches for the soldier who saved his life when US army soldiers mistook him for the enemy.

  • S2024E28 Murder in Afghanistan

    • October 1, 2024
    • SBS

    Dateline travels to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to investigate how the murders of three Australian soldiers sparked alleged war crimes that tarnished the Anzac legacy.

  • S2024E29 Murder In Afghanistan: Trouble With The Taliban

    • October 8, 2024
    • SBS

    Reporter Ben Lewis is on the road to Darwan to investigate alleged war crimes in Afghanistan. But Taliban officials try to shut him down when questions are asked.

Season 2025

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 The Surgery Ship

    • December 10, 2014
    • SBS

    One ship. Thousands of people suffering life-threatening illness. A team of Australian medics facing life and death decisions. A team of volunteer Australian medics are sailing to the poorest nations on earth. This year they will face the most severe of medical issues, not seen in other parts of the world. Huge tumours left to grow unchecked, massive deformities and more. But the medical challenges are only half of the story. They will confront ethical decisions as they decide who will be helped and who will not. This is a searing, complex journey for the volunteer medics, as they deal with life and death cases - and balance the fates of these patients in their hands.