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Liste des seris diffusée pendant l'emission des Minikeums

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 14662
  • Created By sylvain.grossetsqi
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created November 23, 2022 by
  • Modified December 5, 2022 by

Martin Mystère


Martin Mystère, 16 ans, travaille comme agent spécial dans le « Centre », une organisation secrète spécialisée dans les phénomènes paranormaux. Il enquète souvent, en compagnie de sa demi-sœur Diana Lombard et de Java des Cavernes, dans les endroits très étranges, mystérieux et effrayants où se trouvent des créatures inimaginables.

Les Sisters


Pour Marine, 8 ans, avoir une grande soeur comme Wendy, c'est l'occasion rêvée d'observer une "adonaissante" dans son milieu naturel, d'imiter son attitude trop classe, de lire son journal intime en cachette. Et quand Wendy le découvre, Marine peut admirer la colère noire d'une grande sister en furie. Pour Wendy, Marine est un enfer au quotidien capable de lui coller la honte devant tous ses amis. Le pire, c'est qu'elle sait se faire pardonner avec un simple sourire et des larmes dans les yeux. Ensemble, Marine et Wendy sont deux tornades toujours prêtes à exploser, capables de se faire des déclarations d'amour et de guerre dans la même seconde. Et quand les hostilités sont déclenchées, rien ne peut plus les arrêter !

Petit Potam


L’histoire de Petit Potam se déroule au village de Barbotam, qui se trouve près des rives du fleuve Potamazone, au cœur de la jungle où les animaux sauvages vivent en parfaite harmonie. Parmi eux, il y a Petit Potam, le benjamin d’une famille d’hippopotames, qui est très pressé de grandir. Sa famille se constitue de parents plutôt indulgents, Pa Potam et Ma Potam, de deux frères casses-cou, Tim et Tam, qui sont toujours là pour ennuyer Petit Potam (il faut dire qu'il est très naïf), d’une sœur complice, Tessie, qui est un véritable modèle de sagesse et de grands-parents, Grand Pa Potam, qui connaît tout sur tout, et Grand Ma Potam, qui se montre toujours très chaleureuse... Pour notre petit héros en herbe, rien n'est plus merveilleux que d'explorer le monde et de vivre de nouvelles aventures !



Pingu finds himself in tricky and comical situations, but he always learns a lesson. Pingu spends his days with his parents and baby sister, Pinga. Everyone in his town speaks "Penguinese." Laugh along and find out what happens.






原作はフランシス・ホジソン・バーネット(バーネット夫人)の児童文学『小公女』(A Little Princess)。それまで全体にソフト路線だった「世界名作劇場」シリーズの中にあって、いじめを扱うなど異彩を放つ作品となっている。原作ではセーラが7歳でミンチン学院に入学してから、およそ6年間の話であるのに対し、10歳で入学してからの1年間程度の話になっているなど、本作品でも各キャラクターの設定やストーリーに原作との相違点が見られる。登場人物ではベッキーやラビニアの扱いが大きくなっている他、セーラの味方としてオリジナルキャラクターのピーターが配置された。登場人物の年齢差も異なり、原作ではセーラとラビニアの年齢差は6歳(本作品では3歳)、セーラとベッキーの年齢差は5歳(本作品では同い年)で、いずれもセーラよりも年上である。 本作品より、ハウス食品の単独提供となり、これに伴ってシリーズ名も前述の通り表記されるようになった。本作品では「世界名作劇場」のアバンタイトルの「ハウス食品」ロゴはテロップで別乗せしていたため(これとは別にブルーバックで提供クレジットも表示)、前述のノンスポンサー期間や系列外局での番組販売扱いの遅れ放送(ハウス食品と地元企業の複数社提供を含む)でもそのまま流用できる形になっていた。

Princesse Sissi


Sissi, jeune et modeste duchesse bavaroise vivant avec sa famille dans le château de Possi, est fiancée à Franz, le jeune prince d'Autriche. Cependant, sa mère, l’impératrice Sophie ne voit pas cette liaison d'un bon œil. Sissi, sa famille et ses amis devront faire face à plusieurs ennemis tels que la jalouse Hélèna, le brutal Comte Arkas qui veut s'emparer du château de Possi ainsi que le machiavélique Zottornic, conseiller de l’impératrice Sophie. Sissi va d'abord devoir faire accepter sa relation avec Franz à son père, qui est contre le gouvernement autrichien, et à l’impératrice Sophia. Puis, au palais, elle va devoir accepter les dures conditions de princesse et apprendre un protocole auquel elle n'est pas habituée.

Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders


The series takes place after a thousand years passed since Merlin's initial victory over Morgana. Mentored by the ageless Merlin, the Jewel Riders are the young female champions of goodness and magical guardians of New Camelot, who uphold the laws of the peaceful kingdom of Avalon and defend its people for generations. But with Merlin suddenly gone, the current trio of Jewel Riders, aided by their animal friends, get tasked with saving Avalon from evil.



19世紀半ば、 南北戦争が続くアメリカのゲティスバーグ近郊に暮らす、 マーチ夫妻とその四人の娘たち。 激しさを増す戦争の中で、 家族は互いに支えあい、 助け台って生きていきます。 そして、 さまざまな困難やすばらしい体験を経て、 姉妹は美しく、 立派なレディへと成長するのです



Rahan, un chasseur courageux et solitaire, poursuit un rêve : vivre ensemble en paix. Sa seule arme est un collier de cinq vertus : courage, persévérance, loyauté, sagesse et générosité.



The tranquil Abbey of Redwall basks in The Summer of The Late Rose. It is a haven of harmony and peace that is abruptly threatened by a mercilessly savage bilge-rat Cluny the Scourge intent on destroying it. He is a demented rat haunted by nightmare visions of a mystical mouse warrior, and his destiny - or some mystical force - has lead him and his verminous horde to Redwall. Ill equipped to defend themselves the villagers of Redwall find in their midst a young orphin mouse who will grow into a great warrior and leader. His name is Matthias. This hopeless dreamer's own hero is Martin the Warrior, a legendary mouse who once upon a time defended the same abbey. Matthias longs to emulate the heroism and valour of Martin the Warrior whose exploits are well-known to all through the cherished and detailed tapestry that hangs in the Grand Hall of Redwall. Matthias is about to get his chance. Redwall is the story of how Matthias finds himself and his destiny in the long siege mounted by Cluny.

家なき子, Ie naki ko



Reporter Blues


Reporter Blues est l'histoire d'une jeune femme, Tony, reporter dans le journal "la voix de Paris" au début du siècle dernier. Les différentes enquêtes inhérentes à son travail vont plonger notre journaliste dans des aventures plus palpitantes les unes que les autres. Entre deux enquêtes, Tony retrouve son petit chat Filippon (qui porte une casquette jaune) et les joies de jouer du saxophone. Ses escapades en compagnie de son collègue photographe Alain nous permettent d'apprécier le Paris du début du XXème siècle. Ensemble, ils devront déjouer les complots de la riche aristocrate madame Ralin et de son fidèle serviteur Igor.

Kimba the White Lion


This is the classic tale of Kimba, the white lion, destined to be the King of the African jungle. Orphaned shortly after his birth, Kimba quickly shows his potential to be one of the greatest leaders the jungle has ever seen. Striving to accomplish the goals of his great father, Caesar, he dreams of convincing the animal kingdom to become just as civilized as the human world. Ultimately, he desires to bring the two cultures together in peace.

Back to the Future


The time travelling adventures of Doc Brown, his family, and his friend, Marty McFly.

Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends


The truth isn't out there. It walks among us. The Roswell Conspiracies unravel when a group of allied intelligence agents discover that extraterrestrial beings are roaming the earth, stalking humans for food, sport, or even more sinister agendas. To combat the aliens, the agents form an underground, multi-national movement called The Global Alliance. Operating from a bunker in the small town of Roswell, they recruit from the elite ranks of science, law enforcement, military, and intelligence agencies, setting off on a mission to protect the Earth and its inhabitants from the alien creatures that walk among them.



Rupert is an animated television series based on the Mary Tourtel character Rupert Bear, produced by Nelvana, Ellipse Programmé and TVS for the first season, with Scottish Television (now STV Central) taken over control when TVS closed. Aired from 1991 to 1997 with 65 half-hour episodes produced. It was broadcast in syndication on YTV in Canada. In the United States, the show first aired on Nickelodeon before moving to CBS; repeats of the series came to Disney Channel on the Playhouse Disney block, Toon Disney, and on Qubo's digital service in January 2007, until May 2013. The show was broadcast in the UK on CITV and has recently been re-airing on the satellite and cable channels Tiny Pop and KidsCo. In Australia, the show was broadcast on the ABC public broadcasting network and on TV2 in New Zealand as part of the Jason Gunn Show.

The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police


Sam and Max is about a dog and a rabbity thing. That's what you would think when you first see it. Then you would notice that the dog is six feet tall and dresses like a Canine Columbo. You would also take note that the rabbit is 3 feet tall and wears nothing but a manic grin. These bizarre creatures are Sam and Max, the Freelance Police. Getting their orders in the form of brief, cryptic phone calls from the Commissioner, a man who they have never met but is the duo's only contact with any real government agency, Sam and Max battle evil villains everywhere from the moon to the past to their back yard. They are assisted by The Geek, a teenage genius who lives in Sam and Max's Sub-Basement of Solitude. Throughout all of their battles and quests, Sam and Max's own style of humor, although zany and weird, allows them to make it in what they do.



Adaptada de la novela de Emilio Salgari, narra las aventuras de un noble pirata en su intento de recuperar su trono perdido y su amor por Lady Mariana.



The Snorks are a race of small, colorful beings that live happily in the (saltwater) underwater world of Snorkland. They have snorkels on their heads, which are used to propel them swiftly through the water. As evidenced by the cartoon series, when a Snork becomes excited their tube makes a "snork" sound. They have much of the same technology as contemporary humans, adapted to their own aquatic environment. The Snorks use clams as currency ("clams" is also a slang term for money).



キャッツアイは謎の女怪盗集団。犬鳴警察署の刑事・内海俊夫は、いつもキャッツアイの逮捕に失敗し、上司に怒鳴られ、左遷の危機にもあった。そんな俊夫の恋人で、俊夫の勤務する署の前でこの怪盗と全く同じ店名の喫茶店を営む来生瞳は、いつも俊夫の愚痴を聞いては叱咤激励している。だが、瞳ら来生三姉妹こそ、キャッツアイの正体だった。 キャッツアイのターゲットはミケール・ハインツというヨーロッパの画家の作品や遺物ばかりなのだが、そのハインツとキャッツアイとの間にはある接点があった。

The Simpsons


Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventures of the Simpson family; Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, as well as a virtual cast of thousands. Since the beginning, the series has been a pop culture icon, attracting hundreds of celebrities to guest star. The show has also made name for itself in its fearless satirical take on politics, media and American life in general.

Sister, Sister


Tia and Tamera Mowry play twins who were separated at birth and by chance meet each other in a shopping mall. Ray Campbell, Tamera's adopted father, is very different from Tia's adopted mother, Lisa Landry, but the twins don't want to be separated so Ray and Lisa end up living together. The series often focuses on the trouble the twins get into due to their identical appearance and the love-hate relationship between Lisa and Ray.



Titeuf est un gamin turbulent. Il est amoureux d'une camarade de classe, Nadia. Bien évidemment, Titeuf est le stéréotype du cancre. Il ne travaille pas, chahute sans cesse et ne pense qu'à se faire remarquer par Nadia. Son meilleur ami est Manu, il est entrainé par Titeuf dans d'incroyables situations. Contrairement à son ami Manu est très timide. Parmi les autres protagonistes, on peut citer Dumbo, Vomito, Jean-Claude, Hugo ou encore Zizie la petite soeur de Titeuf.

The Sylvester & Tweety Mysteries


Sylvester Cat, Tweety Bird, and Hector the Bulldog are the pets of Granny, a gingerly matron with a penchant for solving mysteries. Granny is a Jessica Fletcher-like traveling detective who investigates disappearing objects and bizarre events at the four corners of the globe, while Sylvester constantly tries to grab and eat Tweety and is stopped by ever dutiful Hector, appointed Tweety's guardian by Granny.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Distinctly different from the grim, violent, and dark MIRAGE comics from which the Turtles originated, this version of the franchise has remained the longest running, and most memorable, version of all. Four turtles fall into the sewers and are befriended by Hamato Yoshi a Japanese man sent to New York who was forced to live in the sewers. One day he sees a strange green glow which transforms the four turtles into human-like creatures. Hamato (now Master Splinter) changes into a giant rat from the green glow and teaches the turtles the skills of the ninja as they team up with Channel 6 news reporter April O'Neil to battle against Yoshi's arch enemy Shredder and Krang, an alien warlord from Dimension X.




Tom-Tom et Nana


Tom-Tom et Nana sont deux jeunes enfants qui ne font que des bêtises. Ils vivent dans le restaurant de leurs parents "A la bonne fourchette". Ils sèment la pagaille, renversent plats et carafes, au grand désespoir de leurs parents : Adrien et Yvonne Dubouchon.

D'Artacan y los tres mosqueperros


D'Artacan y los tres mosqueperros, o Wanwan Sanjushi en Japón, es una serie de dibujos animados basada en la obra Los Tres Mosqueteros de Alejandro Dumas pero con un estilo cómico. Los personajes son representados por animales (casi todos perros). La serie fue producida en 1981 por los estudios de la BRB Internacional (España) y por la Nippon Animation (Japón). Siguiendo la obra de Dumas, adaptada para una audiencia infantil, es la historia de Dartacan (D'artagnan) desde su infancia en Gascuña. Dartacan parte a París para convertirse en un "mosqueperro", allí conoce a los tres mosqueperros Amis, Dogos y Pontos y con ellos vive sus aventuras luchando contra los malvados planes del cardenal Richelieu. Se enamora de Juliette, sobrina del señor Bonancieux y doncella de confianza de la reina. Cuando consigue un hogar encuentra un ratón llamado Pom.

Ulysse 31


Au 31ème siècle, Ulysse quitte la base de Troie à bord de l'Odysséus, fantastique vaisseau spatial en route pour la Terre. Alors que l'Odysseus passe au large d'une planète inconnue, son fils Télémaque est enlevé et se retrouve prêt à être sacrifié par le Cyclope! Ulysse et ses compagnons parviennent à le sauver, ainsi que deux Zotriens, Thémis et Noumaïos. Mais le Cyclope est détruit, déchaînant la colère de Poséidon. Les dieux décident alors de punir Ulysse: "Quiconque ose défier la puissance de Zeus doit être puni. Tu erreras désormais dans un monde inconnu, jusqu'au royaume d'Hadès, vos corps resteront inertes...". Le chemin menant jusqu'à la Terre a été effacé de la mémoire de l'ordinateur de l'Odysséus. Nos amis se retrouvent perdus dans un monde inconnu...



Auf Titiwu wird ein Eisberg angespült. Im Eis steckt ein Ei und im Ei steckt das Urmel, ein bisher ausgestorbener Urzeit-Saurier. Nachdem Urmel aus seinem Ei ausgeschlüpft ist, sind die ruhigen Zeiten auf Titiwu vorbei. Urmel ist einmalig - einmalig neugierig, frech und unternehmungslustig. Schnell gewinnt Urmel die Zuneigung der anderen Inselbewohner. Doch leider erfahren auch Museumsdirektor Zwengelmann und Zoodirektor Solmeyer aus Winkelberg von Urmels Existenz. Die beiden hinterlistigen Bösewichte wittern ihre Chance, das große Geld zu machen...



American series of children's computer animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables in stories conveying moral themes based on Christianity. They frequently retell Biblical stories, sometimes anachronistically reframed, and include humorous references to pop culture in many different eras by putting Veggie spins on them.

Wallace & Gromit


Wallace and Gromit are the main characters in a series of four British animated short films, several series of short interstitials, and a feature-length film by Nick Park of Aardman Animations. All the characters were made from moulded plasticine modelling clay on metal armatures, and filmed with stop motion clay animation. Wallace, an absent-minded inventor from Wigan, Lancashire, is a cheese enthusiast (especially for Wensleydale cheese). His companion, Gromit, appears to be rather more intelligent than his master. Wallace is voiced by veteran actor Peter Sallis; Gromit remains silent, communicating only through facial expressions and body language.

Widget, the World Watcher


The show focused on a 4-foot-tall (1.2 m), purple alien from the Horsehead Nebula named Widget who could shapeshift (usually by spinning like a top into different forms, in early episodes he seems to still be getting used to his power). He and a group of young, human friends; brothers, Kevin, Brian and their teenage sister Kristine, would go through a number of adventures to protect the natural environment from those who wish to plunder or harm it. Later on they were joined by (fellow shapeshifter) Half-Pint, Widget's mischievous, overly-curious, hyperactive cousin. Widget is frequently accompanied by the Mega Brain, an extremely intelligent but somewhat clumsy being who appears as a floating head (with a transparent cranium) and floating hands.

Les Zinzins de l'espace


Coincés sur Terre après s'être écrasés en soucoupe volante, cinq extra-terrestres emménagent dans le grenier d'une maison à louer. Seulement, les locataires humains rendent la cohabitation difficile. Aidés de leur SMTV (Super-Mega-Trans-Volteur), machine pouvant leur donner une apparence humaine, nos héros feront tout leur possible pour faire fuir les locataires et trouver un moyen de rentrer chez eux.

Little Bear


Little Bear is the story of, what else, than a little bear (voice of Kristin Fairlie). He has many adventures with all his friends, including Duck, Cat, Owl, Hen, Emily, Emily's doll, Lucy, No Feet the Snake, and Tutu the Dog! Little Bear is always getting into trouble and adventure! He has emotional feelings - he is sad, bad, mad, etc. The show is a nice way to teach children about feelings of life. It will give them courage, pride, honor and more in their life. For nearly the last decade this delightful show has entertained children of all ages including their parents. This animated series is based on the popular childrens books illustrated by Maurice Sendak and written by Else Holmelund Minarik.

The Prince of Atlantis


In the heart of the ocean, in the mysterious waters of the Bermuda Triangle, is a beautiful city built by the legendary people of Atlantis. Its sole inhabitant is a child, the prince Akata, the last of the Atlanteans. With him in the underwater city lies all the knowledge, technology and the extraordinary powers accumulated by the people for 5000 years. But modern technologies threaten the city: men with sophisticated machinery plumb the depths of the ocean in order to extract its riches. Akata, with the help of the hologram of his master, Shum, must protect the Atlantean heritage, particularly the Blue Ray, this power must never fall into human hands.

The Pink Panther (1993)


The 1993 incarnation of The Pink Panther starred the legendary hip feline in series of brand new adventures, in which he dealt with different situations in a manner similar to the original Looney Tunes shorts, ranging from modern day situations such as working as a delivery boy to outlandish situations like living in caveman days. Unlike previous television series and almost the entire theatrical run, the series was produced with the Panther capable of speaking throughout the episodes, to allow more interaction with other characters. Voiced by Matt Frewer, he was given a humorous American accent in order to appeal to younger children, which was in sharp contrast to the sophisticated British accent supplied by impressionist Rich Little who voiced the Panther briefly in two 1965 cartoon shorts, "Sink Pink" and "Pink Ice."

Noddy's Toyland Adventures


It follows the adventures of Noddy, a little wooden doll who lives in Toyland with his red and yellow taxi often trying to make sixpence or getting himself in trouble. His best friends Big Ears, Mr Plod and Tessie Bear are always ready to lend a hand, especially when he gets tricked by Gobbo and Sly the wicked Goblins. Whatever the situation the episode mostly ends with Noddy laughing and nodding his head which makes the bell on his hat ring.

Where's Waldo?


Wally and his dog Woof travel to distant lands, solving mysteries and lending a helping hand wherever they could. With the help of his magic walking stick, Wally could travel through space and time or travel to far off magical lands. Often sent by Wizard Whitebeard to help solve a puzzle, or various mysteries.

Oscar's Orchestra


Set in the Vienna of the future, a time where the evil Emperor Thaddeus Vent has banned all music from the home of Johann Strauss, and any instruments found are to be removed from the city forthwith. But the Emperor's old piano, Oscar, is on the run and teams up with a set of other rogue instruments (a triangle, a harp, a violin etc) and a human friend in the battle to bring the sounds of music back to Vienna.

Oggy et les cafards


La série relate les aventures déjantées d'un chat bleu anthropomorphe nommé Oggy, vivant au état-unis dans une immense maison pas comme les autres (beaucoups de maisons sont identiques, d'un toit rouge bordeaux très vif, alors que la seul maison d'où habite Oggy a un toit de couleur violet) et qui est sans cesse harcelé par un trio de cafards : Joey, Dee-Dee et Marky. Oggy est cependant et souvent accompagné de son cousin Jack, un chat vert kaki. Oggy et les Cafards est très axé dans le gestuel et les onomatopées car aucun des personnages ne prononce un mot. Le dessin-animé en lui-même relate un humour slapstick, plus comme son "ancêtre", Tom et Jerry, amplifiant les gags à un niveau parfois surréaliste ; alors que les personnages de dessins-animés "traditionnels" à humour slapstick préfèrent jeter des enclumes ou des pianos sur la tête d'autres personnages, cette émission utilise même des bus et sous-marins. Cependant, la majorité des gags de l'émission est facilement accessible aux plus jeunes téléspectateurs. Bien que le dialogue est minime, l'humour reste entièrement visuel.

Nos plus belles vacances


Un groupe d'enfant âgés de dix à douze ans se retrouve dans un camp de vacances situé dans une abbaye. Bruno le mono doit partir d'urgence à cause de problèmes familiaux et Léo, un des enfants, s'arrange pour qu'il n'y ait pas de remplaçant, et ils se retrouvent ainsi seuls. Les enfants se retrouvent chaque jour dans une grotte située derrière l'abbaye et échangent leur fameux: "Je jure de garder le secret de l'abbaye, de ne dire à personne que Bruno est parti, on est ici pour s'amuser, rigoler, et que tous ensemble réuni on passe les plus belles vacances de notre vie !" .

フランダースの犬 ぼくのパトラッシュ


ネロという名前の少年は、母親が亡くなると2歳で孤児になります。 小さな村に住む彼の祖父は彼を連れて行きます。ある日、ネロはほとんど殴られて死ぬ犬を見つけ、彼をパトラッシュと名付けました。 祖父の世話のおかげで犬は回復し、それ以降、ネロとパトラッシュは切っても切れない関係にあります。 彼らはとても貧しいので、ネロはミルクを売って祖父を助けなければなりません。 Patrascheは、Nelloが町でミルクを販売するために使用するミルクカートを引っ張るのを手伝っています。

Magic Adventures of Mumfie


The amazing, magical adventures of a special little elephant and his friends.



Lorsque Mot débarque par l'intermédiaire des placards dans la maison de Léo, la vie pour ce jeune ado ne ressemblera plus pour longtemps à un long fleuve tranquille. Car Mot (prononciation Motte) grâce à son pouvoir magique, peut se trimbaler à travers le temps (ou à travers toute la galaxie) en passant par des portes de placards. Comment ? Si vous le croisez un jour dans votre placard, vous pourrez le lui demander. C'est ainsi que Mot et Léo se baladeront à travers le temps parfois au grand dam de ce dernier, parfois bien content d'échapper au train-train quotidien.



In the remote and mysterious Moomin Valley live the Moomin trolls, gentle and peaceful creatures. Young Moomin and his family experience many strange adventures, both magical and mundane. Based on the children's stories by Tove Jansson.

Jim Henson's The Storyteller


An old storyteller tells European folk tales to his sarcastic dog.

Le Monde Secret du Père Noël


Le Père Noël et ses trois lutins, Thoren, Folki et Guilfi, habitent au Pôle Nord et fabriquent avec leur machines des jouets pour les enfants. Mais cela tourne mal souvent à cause de Père Fouettard et de son assistant Géniar. Ceux-là cherchent à empêcher de distribuer les cadeaux du Père Noël, mais le Père Noël a ses trois lutins magiques qui peuvent l'aider.

Les mille et une prouesses de Pépin Troispommes


À l'époque médiévale, Pépin Troispommes est un petit chevalier qui parcourt le monde en compagnie de Grosbec son fidèle cuisinier et de Picanier, le fou du roi.

The Busy World of Richard Scarry


The characters that inhabit Richard Scarry's "Busytown" books are successfully brought to television, in this clever cartoon adaptation, produced by CINAR FILMS in Canada. The series shows us the lives of the many residents of Busytown, but the focus is mainly the Cat family - Mother and Father Cat, and Huckle and Sally, the kids. Also living with the Cats is a worm named Lowly, who goes to school with Huckle. The assortment of other characters, including Sgt. Murphy (patient peacekeeper of the Busytown Police Dept.), Mr. Fixit (the trash-is-treasure town repairman), and Bananas Gorilla (a clumsy jobless gorilla, who would do anything for a banana) all keep the city humming with activity. The half-hour program is made up of three 7-minute stories per episode, with two short musical interstitials inbetween.

Mona the Vampire


Mona the Vampire is a Canadian/French animated television series based on the series Robyn le Vampire, directed by Louis Piché and Jean Caillon, originally based on the short stories created and written Sonia Holleyman and later written by Hiawyn Oram. The series follows the extraordinary adventures of 10-year-old Mona Parker (a.k.a. Mona the Vampire) and her friends as they battle a new foe of the supernatural in every episode.

Moi Renart


Pour la débrouille, Renart s'y connaît. Il s'installe dans une vieille maison abandonnée, la retape en un rien de temps grace à quelques subtiles tours de passe passe... et la grande entourloupe peut commencer ! Accompagné d'un petit singe, Marmouzé, aussi rusé et malicieux que lui, il roule sans vergogne les gens pour notre plus grand plaisir. Toujours prêt pour ridiculiser le commissaire Chanteclair, séduire la belle Hermeline, escroquer son oncle Ysengrin, il se la coule douce et accomplit à la fois exploit après exploit ! Bref, si vous croisez son regard dans la rue, vérifiez si vos lunettes n'ont pas disparu.

Mission Top Secret


A series about a group of kids who are actually spies conected in an orgainsation around the world. Each story covers four episodes.



The life and times of a cat and a dog with a unique twist: they're connected, literally. They share one body with a Dog's head at one end and Cat's head on the other. Adding to their dilemma is Cat's annoyance with Dog, mainly caused by Dog's stupidity and Cat's up-tight personality. Characters: Cat - Cat is the smarter one of the two brothers, and is always hatching some kind of plot to get his brother to calm down, so that Cat doesn't get beat around and hurt. Even though most of these plots involve messing with Dog's feeble mind, they often backfire on Cat, much to his dismay. It may not show all the time but, he deeply loves, and cares for his brother Dog. Dog - Dog is the more lovable of the two brothers, Dog loves to play and party and play some more, he loves baseball and playing fetch with frisbees, balls, sticks, etc, He is very friendly, and happy, but does have a breaking point. He's very sensitive, and if he fails at something he feels horrible, and worthless



Disney's version of the marsupilami first appeared on television in Raw Toonage in 1992, and was then spun off into his own eponymous show on the NBC network. Marsupilami is a fast talking marsupial who is like half-cheetah/half-monkey with a long tail. His supporting characters included Maurice the Gorilla, Stuie the Elephant, Eduardo the Jaguar, Norman the Poacher, and other characters. The original Marsupilami stories by Franquin never encountered a gorilla or elephant, since these species are native to Africa, while the marsupilami originates from South America. There were thirteen episodes in the series, and the series lasted one season. Reruns of the show were aired on both Disney Channel (1995-1998) and Toon Disney (1998-2009).

Eerie, Indiana


Eerie, Indiana, a place where nothing is quite what it seems. The series, revolves around 13 year-old Marshall Teller and his friend Simon encountering all the weirdness Eerie has to offer. From Tupperware that will keep anything fresh to braces that translate what dogs say into English, Eerie is the "center of weirdness" for the entire world.

Maniac Mansion


Maniac Mansion is about the everyday adventures of Dr. Fred Edison and his family, who inherited a mansion with an active meteor in the basement. Thanks to the meteor, Fred's brother-in-law Harry was transformed into a fly with a human head and his four-year-old son Turner was transformed into a hulking six-footer.

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?


The world-famous thief, Carmen Sandiego, plays an intricate game of cat and mouse with teen ACME detectives, Zack and Ivy. Based on the award-winning line of educational computer games, this energizing series is rich in both excitement and education as Carmen Sandiego attempts to steal the most valuable objects in the world. It's up to our detectives and the audience to figure out where in the world she is.

Les malheurs de Sophie


Sophie de Réan est une petite fille qui n’est jamais à court d’idées dès qu’il s’agit de faire des bêtises (thé au trèfles et à l’eau de chien, coiffure de poupée brûlée...). C’est pourquoi elle doit souvent mentir à sa mère pour les cacher. Et bien que Madame de Réan veille, Sophie incite ses amies, Madeleine et Camille à faire les quatre cents coups. Tout va bien jusqu’au jour où notre petite héroïne perd ses parents et se retrouve entre les mains de sa terrible belle-mère, Madame Fichini, qui elle, n’est pas aussi calme que pouvait l’être Madame de Réan face aux bêtises de sa fille...

Le magicien (1998)


À l'aube du troisième millénaire, les avancées technologiques sont telles que les rêves les plus inimaginables deviennent possibles. Mais l'organisation criminelle de Black Jack compte tirer profit de ces avancées pour son propre compte. C'est alors que le célèbre magicien Ace Cooper décide de lutter contre cette menace...

Lucky Luke


Série adaptée de la célèbre bande dessinée homonyme, le poor lonesome cowboy est une légende solitaire qui traverse le Far West en sauvant la veuve et l’orphelin avec son fidèle cheval, Jolly Jumper. Son adresse et sa chance sont ses meilleures armes face aux fourberies de tous les bandits, dont les frères Dalton : Averell, William, Jack et le petit dernier, Joe !



A band of three musicians sing about the things they learn.

Les Contes du Chat Perché


Deux petites sœurs, Delphine et Marinette, vivent dans une ferme entourées d’animaux pouvant parler. Bien qu’elles soient très intelligentes, elles désespèrent leurs parents qui ne comprennent pas pourquoi elles sont si désobéissantes et pourquoi elles passent leurs temps à jouer avec les animaux...



Based on the Fairy tales by international authors.

Dennis the Menace (1986)


Based on Hank Ketcham's popular comic-strip, Dennis the Menace became a staple in countless households throughout the mid-'80s. With the help of his precocious pals and his shaggy dog Ruff, Dennis uses his curiosity and imagination to keep his pleasant Midwestern neighborhood in a constant state of confusion and chaos.

100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd


Schoolyard bully, Eddie McDowd (Jason Dohring), is punished by a man called The Drifter because of his behavior. He finds himself very attractive and powerful and so he bullies others without mercy. The Drifter plans to make him pay for his wrongdoings and turns him into an Australian Shepherd/Siberian Husky mix, informing him that he has to do 100 good deeds before he can be changed back. Besides The Drifter, the only one who can hear him talk is Justin Taylor, who was the last kid he bullied. Now he must work alongside Justin and his family to finish his good deeds and become human once again.

Dragon Tales


Two Hispanic children, Max and Emmy, move into a new home. Like any young children, they're not quite happy at first about moving. Then, Emmy finds a secret drawer and inside is box containing a magical, shimmering dragon scale. Hmmm... there's some words on the box. What do they say? "I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons, in a land apart." The magical decorations fly around them, transporting them (and us) to Dragon Land. Brought to you by Sesame Workshop (formerly Children's Television Workshop), the company that brings you Sesame Street it's Dragon Tales! Join Cassie, Ord, Zak & Wheezie, Quetzal, and their human friends, Max and Emmy in two daily adventures, each separated by a musical interstitial, "Dragon Tunes." Dragon Tales has enjoyed two seasons and many years of success on PBS Kids. The show's popularity has spawned book, video, DVD and CD releases and even a live stage show. Now, the show's popularity has prompted its return. The third season is no



Created by former Nickelodeon artist Jim Jinkins in 1990 and produced through Jinkins' production company, Jumbo Pictures Inc., Doug follows the life of an average kid named Doug Funnie. Doug and his family have just moved from their former residence in Bloatsburg, to the new town of Bluffington. There he meets Skeeter, Patti, Roger and Beebe, and his new life in a new town begins! Doug writes in his journal and sometimes even imagines himself as a superhero named Quailman to help him out with situations and decisions.

Dragon Flyz


In a future decimated by war, only a small band of humans survive. The radiation from the war has created many new species, including huge, semi-intelligent dragons and evil mutants. The only source of power is the volcanic stone amber, but locating it is a constant problem, with the mutants and other species laying claim to their finds. Without the amber, their floating city cannot stay afloat. Protecting the city is an elite group using the dragons as transport, the Dragon Flyz.

Elliot Moose


A moose learns important values of life while being with his friends.




Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats


Heathcliff was a big orange striped cat who went around his neighborhood playing practical jokes on a lot of people. He tormented his owner, Grandpa, but was friendly to Grandma, and Iggy Nutmeg. When he wasn't stealing fish from the fish market, he was out on a romantic evening with his girlfriend Sonja, or outsmarting the neighbor's bulldog Spike.

Extreme Dinosaurs


Extreme Dinosaurs is an American animated series from 1997 based on a 1996 toy line from Mattel starring a Tyrannosggaurus Rex, a Triceratops, a Stegosaurus and a Pteranodon that were transformed into super warriors by an interdimensional criminal. They rebelled against the alien criminal and do battle with his second group of warriors, the evil Raptors. Eventually, the Raptors' objective is to cause global warming by increasing the Earth's temperature, which will make life on Earth more comfortable for dinosaurs.

Extreme Ghostbusters


"Who ya gonna call?" There's been a lull in ghost activity in New York City and the Ghostbusters have long been out of business. Only Egon Spengler and ghostly sidekick Slimer remain. Egon has begun teaching a college paranormal course when ghosts emerge from the New York underground. The torch is thus passed to a new team of Ghostbusters: Roland, Garrett, Eduardo and Kylie. Guided by Egon and with advanced equipment, the Extreme Ghostbusters face off against nastier and meaner ghosts.

Fantômette (2000)


Furtive-ville est une jolie petite ville en proie aux manipulations du Masque d'argent. Ce dernier se présente comme le bienfaiteur de la ville mais ce n'est qu'une façade pour mieux commettre ses crimes. La police est évidement impuissante face à une telle couverture. Le sort de Furtive-ville repose donc entre les mains de Françoise Dupont, une jeune adolescente de 14 ans. Collégienne d'apparence, elle se transforme en justicière dès que les évènements le nécessitent. Son nom : Fantômette. Elle va devoir lutter contre celui que la ville considère comme son héros, le masque d'argent. Ce dernier est assisté d'une armée d'hommes de main et de trois lieutenants (le furet, Véra Vérabova et Söze). Contre cette formidable organisation du crime, Fantômette ne peut compter que sur elle-même puisque le commissaire Filloire semble dépassé par les évènements.

Are You Afraid of the Dark?


A group of kids (the Midnight Society) get together in the woods, and tell ghost stories.

Famille Pirate


Le travail d'un pirate est déjà très compliqué mais cela devient quasiment impossible quand il faut gérer une famille par dessus le marché. Victor Mc Bernik est un pirate tout ce qu'il y a de plus 'honnête' qui doit affronter ses ennemis habituels, sa redoutable belle-mère ou bien encore l'institutrice de ses enfants. Notre sympathique gaillard n'est pas très futé et un peu maladroit mais il fait de son mieux pour le bien de sa femme Lucille et de ces enfants Scampi et Bigorneau.

Phantom 2040


Phantom 2040 is a half hour cartoon based on Lee Falk's original character, but in the year 2040. This animation is produced by the Hearst Entertainment, Inc . Co. It is the 24th Phantom who is, of course, Kit Walker a descendant of the original Kit Walker whose ship was attacked by pirates, and on that day swore vengeance to uphold & protect the innocent & and the jungle (which loosely translates to the world's environment or nature). In this version Kit (18 Yrs old) is the reluctant recipient of the phantom lore and mantle. Each Phantom is trained from the age of 2 yrs. to adulthood. Unfortunately the 23rd Phantom died before the current Kit started his training. This Phantom has more than a couple of colt .45's at hand and his suit can render him invisible to biot's (robots) and to humans as well and has genetically enhanced plants that he uses as a kind of web-shooter a-la Spiderman style as well as many gadgets of the 22nd century.

Flash Gordon (1996)


In this animated space adventure, Flash Gordon takes on the evil Ming the Merciless.

Gullah Gullah Island


A sing-along series for preschoolers set on an island off the South Carolina coast, where hosts Ron and Natalie Daise turn everyday activities into fun exercises through storytelling and game-playing.



Perhaps the world’s only animated sketch comedy educational series, Histeria delivers lessons that stick – to your funny bone. Hosted by Father Time (voice of Frank Welker), the cartoon cast careens through time to deliver historical facts from Siberia to Sumeria, despite the efforts of Miss Information (voice of Laraine Newman), the claims of The World’s Oldest Woman (voice of Tress MacNeille) and the perpetually poopy diapers of the egg shaped Big Fat Baby (Luke Ruegger). Histeria comes complete with its own Kid Chorus to underscore the history lessons and often provide the impetus for some most unusual interactions with some of history’s most famous and infamous characters (and more opening theme songs than you can shake a Greek javelin at!). Among the voices of the recurring cast can be heard vocal luminaries like James Wickline, Rob Paulsen, Billy West, Paul Rugg and Nora Dunn. So get set for 52 fact-music-and-mirth-filled history lessons!

The Neverending Story


The Neverending Story is a whimsical fantasy series based on the movie trilogy. Bastian Balthazar Buz is a lonely boy, who escapes the real world through a magical book, The Neverending Story. He makes several visits to Fantasia, each time embarking on a wonderful adventure. The Neverending Story is a show that the whole family will love, young and old.

Les Histoires du Père Castor


Père Castor est un grand-père qui aime raconter de belles et charmantes histoires éducatives à de petits castors (Câline, Grignote et Benjamin). Les histoires, souvent adaptées de nouvelles, parlent d'univers, de pays, de traditions et de personnages très variés pour la joie des petits...

Les intrépides


Claire, Québécoise et mère d'une jeune fille d'environ 12 ans, est tombée amoureuse de Robert le père de Tom, un jeune Français d'environ 12 ans aussi. Julie est donc obligée d'aller vivre en France avec sa mère et son nouvel amoureux. Dès son arrivée elle fait la connaissance de Tom le fils de Robert et ça ne marche pas fort entre eux. Au cours d'une visite de sa nouvelle maison Julie, des plus curieuses, tombe sur Tom animant une émission pirate de radio. Tom lui confie que le seul au courant de tout cela est Tran, un ami fidèle de la famille, et lui demande alors de se taire mais Julie donne ses conditions. Julie et Tom commenceront alors à animer l'émission en duo, au départ ce n'est qu'une simple ligne ouverte jusqu'à ce qu'ils reçoivent leur premier appel à l'aide ! C'est seulement après cette première aventure que la relation de Julie et Tom deviendra plus forte et plus soudée et de là naîtront les Intrépides.

Il était une fois... la vie


Cette série est destinée aux enfants et aux adultes curieux du fonctionnement de leur corps. Elle raconte de façon vulgarisée l'architecture et la composition des différents types cellulaires, des tissus biologiques et des organes ainsi que leurs fonctions respectives. De plus, ces descriptions microscopiques des composants du corps s'intègrent dans des scénarios pédagogiques traitant plus globalement du développement du corps humain, de ses fonctions physiologiques principales, du cycle de la vie et de l'éducation à la santé.

Il était une fois... les Amériques


L'histoire du continent américain, des tous premiers habitants jusqu'à nos jours en passant par les Aztèques et les Incas, les conquistadors, la guerre d'indépendance ou la ruée vers l'or.

Il était une fois... les découvreurs


"Il était une fois... les Découvreurs" raconte l’histoire passionnante des grandes découvertes et de ceux qui les ont faites, façonnant ainsi le monde pour en faire ce qu’il est aujourd’hui. De l’écriture chinoise à l’invention de l’automobile en passant par l’électricité, les vaccins, les mesures, etc, Maestro nous guide à travers les siècles à la rencontre des plus grands savants...

Il était une fois... les explorateurs


Il était une fois... les Explorateurs" est un volet complémentaire des “Découvreurs”. Car si ces derniers nous ont menés avec eux à la découverte du monde de la connaissance scientifique, les “Explorateurs”, eux, vont nous emporter vers des terres, des horizons inconnus. Ils vont nous démontrer comment nous nous sommes familiarisés avec notre planète qui, ne l’oublions pas, était voilà de cela quelques petits siècles une terre encore inconnue...

Il était une fois... l'espace


Dans le futur, des hommes partent à la conquête de l'espace. La planète Oméga est un poste avancé de diverses civilisations galactiques. Les gens d'Oméga qui y travaillent cherchent à entrer en contact avec d'autres formes de vie. Quelques planètes refusent d'adhérer à la Confédération d'Oméga et l'une de ces planètes, la constellation de Cassiopée, est dirigée par Leteigneux. Il reste responsable de la plupart des délits et infractions commis devant les gens d'Oméga. Pierrot, Psi et le fidèle robot Métro travaillent pour la police spatiale et vont de mission en mission. L'équipage d'un des Astronefs de la police spatiale décèle la présence d'une planète pouvant abriter la vie. Pierrot et Petit-Gros sont chargés de vérifier ces informations... Mystères et conflits s'intensifient...

Il était une fois… l'homme


Il était une fois… l'homme raconte l'histoire de l'humanité, des origines de la vie jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle. Les principales étapes historiques sont abordées en mettant en scène une cellule familiale, mélangeant les grands points de l'histoire et de la vie quotidienne. Outre les commentaires hors-champ, une horloge, dotée de deux yeux, de deux bras et parfois d'une bouche, permet de se repérer dans la chronologie en indiquant la date correspondant aux événements évoqués.



Sur la planète Karbone vivent deux peuples d'insectes rivaux : d'un côté les Joyces, peuple joyeux vivant dans un paradis fleuri et dirigé par le Grand Artificier, de l'autre les Beurks, installés dans une souche humide au milieu d'un marais et détestant la couleur et la musique. La terrible reine Bakrakra flanquée de son Premier Ministre Krabo ne rêve que d'une chose : écraser le peuple Joyce pour le réduire en esclavage et récupérer le bois de fleur comme source d'énergie pour la Cité Troglogyte. Projet voué à l'échec si l'on compte son fils Acylius, jeune romantique ne rêvant que de couleurs et de joie de vivre, les inventions de l'ingénieur Teknokratus qui se retournent souvent contre lui et surtout Fulgor, le fils adoptif du Grand Artificier armé de sa guitare à couleurs qui sera par ailleurs aidé par Aelia et Daltonio respectivement la fille et l'assistant sur le terrain du Grand Artificier. Commence alors une série de batailles du noir contre la couleur...

Inspector Gadget


A cyborg police detective works criminal cases for the Chief of Police, fighting (with help from his genius niece Penny and her pet dog Brain) against his arch-nemesis Dr. Claw, who is the leader of an evil organization, known as "M.A.D.".

大草原の小さな天使 ブッシュベイビー


時は1965年のケニア。ナイロビ近郊に住むイギリス人の少女・ジャッキーは、動物保護官アーサーの娘であり、兄のアンドルー共々幼い頃から動物に親しんできた。 あるとき、アーサーとアンドルーは、パトロール中に親を亡くしたブッシュベイビーの赤ん坊を発見、保護し家に連れて帰った。なかなかミルクを飲まず困り果ているところへ、ジャッキーが遭遇。ジャッキーはこのブッシュベイビーに「マーフィー」と名付け、育てることにした。 しかし、1963年にケニアが独立したことにより、イギリス人は本国に引き揚げることになる。ジャッキーは一度はマーフィーをイギリスにつれて帰ろうとしたが、ひょんないきさつから、マーフィーを内陸の生息できる場所に戻すことになり、ジャッキーの冒険が始まる。

The Famous Jett Jackson


The Famous Jett Jackson was the first fictional Disney Channel Original Series. It premiered in 1998. It's stars Lee Thompson Young as Jett Jackson, a kid actor who has his own show called "Silverstone". Seeking out a normal life, he moves back to his hometown of Wilsted, and works on the show there. He and his two best friends, J.B. and Kayla, have all sorts of cool adventures along with his other friends Cubby, and Riley. And maybe a bit of Nigel. Silverstone is a spy who works for Mission Omega Matrix(M.O.M), and goes on individual missions with his partner, Hawk, and his mentor, Artemus, and saves the world from villians like Dr. Hippnoto and The Rat.



Based on the hit 1995 Robin Williams film, Jumanji told the story of a board game gone horribly, horribly wrong. The cartoon series twisted the film's premise around, but most of the characters remained the same. As in the film, young Peter and Judy Shepherd came to live with their Aunt Nora. Exploring the house, they found in the attic a dusty old board game called Jumanji. Kids will be kids, and soon enough Peter and Judy had the game out and ready for play, little knowing that the game had a life of its own. When they rolled the dice, a rhymed message appeared on the board, and Peter and Judy were sucked inside a strange jungle world. Lost and alone in this frightening new land, Peter and Judy ran across long-haired jungle man Alan Parrish (the Robin Williams character in the film), who had been sucked in by Jumanji many years earlier. The three joined forces, looking for a way out.

Two of a Kind


A show about a single father who has his hands full raising twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley.

You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's School Dance Party


In You're Invited to Mary-Kate and Ashley's School Dance Party, Mary-Kate and Ashley help set up for the school's dance, which is Spring Fling.com. Ashley worries if her boyfriend and her will be the Prom King and Queen while Mary-Kate struggles with trying to ask her crush out. Mary-Kate asks him and he says yes. Ashley doesn't win Prom Queen while her boyfriend gets to be King but he reassures her that he still loves her the best.

Problem Child


Problem Child follows the misadventures of Junior Healy. The show continues from the first two movies in which Junior (Diskin) and everybody else including Ben (Harris) and Mr. Peabody (Gottifried) in wild episodes.

The Why Why Family


Quickie children's cartoon series about the inquisitive Why Why family, whose father is a scientist. In each episode, one member of the family asks another a question regarding some scientific, medical or geographical situation or word that they don't understand, and someone then explains it to them.



Kissyfur was a cartoon about a circus bear (Kissyfur) and his dad (Gus) who escaped to live in a swamp. The cartoon series centered around the cubs of the swamp and their misadventures which mostly included the gators that were trying to eat them; however, Gus always came to the rescue just in time.




The Legend of Snow White


A wealthy retired farmer and his wife deeply regret that they have no child to cheer them in their old age. They are attracted by the sounds of happy children playing in the snow outside and go to the window to watch them.




The Legend of Prince Valiant


The Legend of Prince Valiant is an American animated television series based on the Prince Valiant comic strip created by Hal Foster. Set in the time of King Arthur, it's a family-oriented adventure show about an exiled prince who goes on a quest to become one of the Knights of the Round Table. He begins his quest after having a dream about Camelot and its idealistic New Order. This television series originally aired on The Family Channel from 1991 to 1994 for a total run of 65 episodes.

Wimzie's House


Wimzie's House, an educationally entertaining series for preschool kids, premiered on YTV Canada 11 September 1995. Its PBS debut occurred 1 September 1997, after the series' production ended. The series presented the delightful adventures of Wimzie, a playful five-year-old puppet monster; her baby brother, Bo; her parents, Gratziella and Rouso-a bird/airplane pilot and dragon/firefighter, respectively; her lively 150-year-old grandmother Yaya, and her adorable puppet monster friends. Together, they learned skills of caring and sharing at Wimzie's House-a home daycare center unlike any other. Through unforgetable learning adventures and original toe-tapping sing-along songs, young viewers were introduced to topics like friendship, generosity, jealousy, diversity, and sibling rivalry, all from a preschooler's point of view. The award-winning series was created with a renowned team of educational advisors and designed to nurture children's sense of identity, expand their relationships, stimulate their curiousity, and encourage self-expression and self-esteem.

Les Voyages de Corentin


Corentin, c'est l'histoire d'un jeune marin à la chevelure blonde qui vit au 18ème siècle. Il parcourt les océans à bord de la Destinée où il s'est embarqué clandestinement pour faire route vers les Indes à la recherche de son père disparu en mer. Outre les dangers inhérents à la mer et aux difficiles conditions climatiques, notre jeune ami va devoir se méfier de Loïc, son cousin, qui fera tout pour lui mettre des bâtons dans les roues. Heureusement Corentin est aidé par Marie et Kim (un petit indien) ses deux fidèles compagnons. Il peut également compter sur le soutien de deux animaux, Belzebuth le gorille et Moloch le tigre.

Les Contes de la rue Broca


Les Contes de la rue Broca est un recueil de contes de fées pour enfants écrit par Pierre Gripari et illustré par Claude Lapointe, publié pour la première fois aux éditions de la Table Ronde en 1967, puis réédité chez Grasset-Jeunesse. Composé de treize contes, il a connu un certain succès et a également été adapté en dessins animés.

Cow and Chicken


The series follows the surreal adventures of a cow, named Cow, and her chicken brother, named Chicken. They are often antagonized by "The Red Guy", who poses as various characters to scam them.

Clémentine (1985)


Dans les années 1920, Clémentine, dix ans, se retrouve en fauteuil roulant après un accident d'avion avec son père, causé par le démon Malmoth qui a juré sa perte. Constatant qu'il avait échoué, le démon envoie tour à tour ses sbires pour tuer Clémentine. Heureusement, la fée Héméra intervient, protégeant Clémentine grâce à sa bulle bleue, lui redonnant l'usage de ses jambes pendant ses rêves et l'entraînant dans de fabuleux voyages à travers le temps et le monde.

Chris Colorado


Dans un futur post-apocalyptique, un jeune homme, Chris Colorado, se met au service de la « Fédération Mondiale », qui regroupe les survivants du Grand Crash, et plus particulièrement sous les ordres de son commandeur, Richard Julian. Il lutte contre le mystérieux groupe 666, les thanors et leur chef suprême, le Grand Protecteur Thanatos. Mais il est aussi à la recherche de son passé, à travers les secrets, les trahisons, ainsi que des membres de sa famille qui, selon la version officielle, auraient disparu dans un accident d'avion...

Les bons conseils de Célestin


Cette série pédagogique contre les accidents domestiques met en scène Célestin, un petit fantôme, qui veille à la sécurité de Lucas, un petit garçon de 8 ans. Véritable ange gardien, pédagogue, Célestin intervient lorsque Lucas est en danger. Lucas va ainsi prendre conscience du danger (appareils électriques, parquet glissant, bain trop chaud, etc.)



Cédric, un jeune garçon de 8 ans impulsif, voit sa vie basculer par l'arrivée à l'école de Chen, une petite Chinoise dont il tombe amoureux. Sous les conseils de son pépé et de son meilleur ami Christian, il essayera de gagner son cœur, mais aussi d'avoir de meilleurs bulletins scolaires pour faire plaisir à ses parents. Pour lui, tous les moyens sont bons pour ridiculiser Nicolas d'Aulnay des Charentes du Ventou, son ennemi juré, qui drague toujours Chen.

Casper the Friendly Ghost


Casper the Friendly Ghost is the protagonist of the Famous Studios theatrical animated cartoons of the same name. He is a pleasant, personable and translucent ghost, but often criticized by his three wicked uncles, the Ghostly Trio. The character was featured in 55 theatrical cartoons titled "The Friendly Ghost" from 1945 to 1959.

Bob Morane


Bob Morane, spécialiste des arts martiaux, est un véritable casse-cou. En lutte contre des savants fous, des espions sans scrupules ou des créatures démoniaques, il part à l'aventure aux quatre coins du monde, accompagné de son meilleur ami, Bill Ballantine, et suivi de près par une séduisante journaliste avide de scoops, Sophia Paramount. Mais Bob devra surtout neutraliser son ennemi juré, Ming, l'Ombre Jaune!

The Magic School Bus


A classroom taught by Ms. Valerie Frizzle is always fun and exciting. The colorful teacher owns a Magic School Bus which can transform into different things like a spaceship, a battery, or even an alligator! These things can help Ms. Frizzle with visual teaching methods as she reveals information about anything in science. The students include Carlos, Phoebe, Keesha, Dorothy Ann, Tim, Ralphie, Arnold, and Wanda. Originally, The Magic School Bus aired on PBS. But when production ceased after four years, The Magic School Bus's run on PBS ended with it.

Blake et Mortimer


Dans les années suivant la seconde guerre mondiale, les aventures d'un intrépide duo composé du Professeur Mortimer, génial inventeur, et du Colonel Blake (de l'Intelligence Service)... Devenus inséparables suite à leur première aventure mouvementée, ils vont désormais résoudre les mystères les plus divers, et être régulièrement opposés au colonel Olrik, leur ennemi de toujours. Sauver les plans d'une arme formidable, démasquer un criminel audacieux, résoudre les mystères d'un trésor enfoui au cœur de l'Égypte ou encore déterminer la cause de fluctuations météorologiques seront maintenant autant d'énigmes et d'aventures que nos deux compères devront résoudre...

Billy the Cat, dans la peau d'un chat


Billy Colas est un enfant humain odieux, qui passe son temps à faire des bêtises et maltraiter les animaux. Un jour, il est accidentellement tué par une voiture dans un accident de la route. Arrivé dans l'Au-delà, il apparaît évident que ses chances d'atteindre le Paradis sont très minces, mais, à la suite d'un incident, il se voit offrir une seconde chance : il est ramené à la vie, dans le corps d'un chaton, tout en conservant sa mémoire d'auparavant.



Dans les rues de Paris sévit un criminel redoutable qui nargue les forces de police impuissantes face à cet être insaisissable. Ce personnage mystérieux n'est autre que Belphégor. Caché derrière son masque et drapé d'une longue cape noire, il hante toute la ville. Cependant, trois personnes ont le courage d'affronter ce vil individu: le journaliste radiophonique Jacques Bellegarde, la journaliste d'investigation Sarah, et le commissaire Ménardier.

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm


A young Bruce Wayne meets Andrea Beaumont while visiting his parents' grave, and they form a deep mutual attraction. That night, in one of his first crime-fighting attempts, Bruce foils an armored car robbery, but is discouraged because the criminals did not fear him. Eventually, Bruce decides to abandon his plans to become a vigilante and proposes marriage to Andrea. However, Andrea mysteriously leaves Gotham with her father, businessman Carl Beaumont, ending her engagement in a Dear John letter. Believing he has lost his last chance of having a normal life, Bruce becomes Batman.



Based on the movie, created by Tim Burton, this series is focused on Beetlejuice and Lydia teamed up to carry on multiple exciting adventures. Beetlejuice is a liar who cheats at everything. The deceased maniacal and energetic transformer always goes around having fun, breaking every rule and law. Lydia Deetz is a social outcast and a goth. Always dressed in black, she loves horror movies, and is Beetlejuice's best friend. She is calm and level-headed.



In the original "Big Bad Beetleborgs", three average pre-teen kids entered a haunted house and encountered a crazy blue phasm named Flabber, who gaves them a wish for freeing him from a pipe organ. Their wish: to be their favorite superheroes - the Beetleborgs! But in doing so, Flabber accidentally released the Beetleborgs' enemies, the evil Magnavores, from the comic books as well. Now the kids, as the Beetleborgs, must defend their city from the Magnavores, which include Noxic, Jara, Typhus and their boss, Vexor, as they release evil creatures also out of any issue of the comics. Hiding out at the Hillhurst Mansion, which includes Flabber's child-hungry roommates, known as the House Monsters (which include Count Fangula, Mums, Frankenbeans, Wolfgang, and later Little Ghoul), the action never stops. Then in "BeetleBorgs Metallix", Art Fortunes, creator of the Beetleborgs comics, creates better and more powerful armor for the heroes, to combat a new line of evil which are created

Batman Beyond


It's been years since Batman was last seen and Bruce Wayne secludes himself away from the resurgence of crime in Gotham. After discovering Bruce's secret identity, troubled teenager Terry McGinnis dons the mantle of Batman. With Bruce supervising him, Terry battles criminals in a futuristic Gotham and brings hope to its citizens.

Batman: The Animated Series


The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.



The adventures of a beloved elephant king and his family come to life in this delightful animated series based on the children's books by Jean and Laurent de Brunhoff. Living in a huge mansion with his whole family of elephants, Babar has entertained over millions of toddlers, and even older children nation-wide.

Les aventures d'une mouche


Les Aventures d'une mouche est une série télévisée d'animation franco-canadienne en 65 épisodes de 5 minutes, créée par Lewis Trondheim et Samuel Kaminka d'après la bande dessinée La Mouche de Lewis Trondheim et diffusée en France à partir du 3 septembre 2000 sur France 3 et au Québec sur Télétoon, puis sur VRAK.TV quelques années plus tard.

Les aventures de Tintin


Grand reporter, Tintin, accompagné de son fidèle ami à 4 pattes Milou, enquête sur divers évènements de par le monde. Ses reportages lui vaudront de rencontrer de fidèles amis : le colérique Capitaine Haddock, le talentueux (mais sourd) professeur Tournesol et les maladroits détectives Dupont et Dupond, qui l'accompagneront ensuite dans ses aventures...

Pocket Dragon Adventures


Great adventures abound, as a group of tiny little dragons, who live with a kindly old wizard, embark on all sorts of fun and heroic quests.



ハック・フィンは、1年以上村を去った父親に見捨てられたため、ホームレスの少年です。 彼は樽の中に住んでいて、彼の小さな友人のトム・ソーヤーの母親は子供たちが彼と遊ぶことを望んでいませんが、彼はいつも多くの友人に囲まれています。 そして、これらのゲームの1つで、「海賊の宝物」を探して洞窟を探索しているときに、ハックが村を略奪したばかりの2人の泥棒を発見しました。

Fievel's American Tails


A spin-off of the 1991 movie "An American Tail: Fievel Goes West" (sequel to 1986's "An American Tail"). Fievel and his family were living in the old west. All may seem good for the Mousekewitzs, but Cat R. Wual and his gang of cats, including his spider sidekick Chula, are plotting schemes to capture the mice in the town. It is up to Fievel and his cat friend Tiger to protect the mice from Cat R. Wual. The series aired Saturday mornings on CBS which has feature captions for the Hearing Impaired. Although it only lasted for one season, fans haven't lost interest in Fievel. Two more feature films were made years later: "An American Tail: Treasure of Manhattan" and "An American Tail: Mystery of the Midnight Monster."

The Adventures of Blinky Bill


Life is never peaceful when Blinky Bill, the mischievous koala, is around. Sporting a hobo knapsack, a pair of red overalls and a wandering soul, Blinky is always on the search for adventure.

Les Ailes du dragon


Après la Première Guerre mondiale, Yves Saint-Clair, un pilote expérimenté, décide de rejoindre Paul Blanchard, un ami qui a le projet de créer une compagnie d'aviation en Chine.

Mirror, Mirror


When Jo Tiegan is given an oval-shaped mirror as a gift by the elderly owner of an antique shop, she is amazed to see another girl's image in the mirror instead of her own reflection. It is also quite obvious that the other girl can see her just as clearly. Jo (from the 1990's) and the girl in the mirror, Louisa Iredale (from 1919), later accidently find that they can also travel to each other's times through the mirror - following upon this discovery, a relentless sequence of events is set in motion.

Angela Anaconda


Angela Anaconda and her three best friends Gordy, Gina, and Johnny are all a bunch of outcast individuals. The series focuses on the adventures that the friends have. Angela is the leader of the group who also has a vivid imagination. Gina is the stereotypical chubby girl. Johnny is the blue haired Elvis wannabe, and Gordy is the token nerd of the group. They assist Angela in her battles with her older brothers, and finding any way that they can stand up to the rich, French, teacher's pet, Nanette.



The two Warner Brothers Yakko and Wakko and their Warner sister Dot had been created in the 1930's, but their cartoons were too screwy for the general public to handle. The three Warners were locked up in the studio water tower until they escaped in the 90's. There, they run wild, causing chaos everywhere!

The Animals of Farthing Wood


This animated series is based on the books by Colin Dann. It follows a group of animals who are forced to leave their home in Farthing Wood as it is being destroyed by humans and journey to a wildlife sanctuary called White Deer Park. With the long and dangerous journey ahead of them the animals take the Oath of Protection. This means that they must protect and help one another and most importantly not eat one another. Following their guide Toad and their leader Fox, the animals consisting of predators like Owl, Kestrel, Badger and Adder and smaller animals like Rabbits, Hares and Mice take off on a journey that will not only make them legends but friends as well.

Pinky and the Brain


Pinky and the Brain are two genetically engineered lab mice living at Acme Labs. The Brain is a genius, while Pinky is somewhat insane. The two mice initiate creative and hilarious schemes for world domination, only to have them ultimately fail. However, with great persistence, they continue working each night to "try to take over the world!" Pinky and the Brain first appeared as supporting characters on Animaniacs, then becoming popular enough to get their own series. In the Fall of 1998, this series ended and a short lived spin off, Pinky, Elmyra & the Brain, was created.

Alvin and the Chipmunks


Animated series about three chipmunk brothers, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. The trio have been adopted by and are living with Dave (human). Each show finds the boys getting into trouble and new and unusual situations. Alvin, Simon, and Theodore were not the only chipmunks in the series. The series also involved The Chipettes who were a girl band. Alvin and The Chipmunks was a reprise of the 1961 series The Alvin Show.



les aventures d'Alix, un jeune homme d'origine gauloise adopté à la mort de son père par Honorus Galla, un riche Romain gouverneur de Rhodes.



The adventures of Arthur, an 8-year-old aardvark, and his family and friends as they grow up and learn how to be good neighbors to one another.

Alice in Wonderland


A young girl named Alice, follows a white rabbit into a hole, only to find herself in Wonderland, where she meets many interesting characters, including the mysterious Cheshire Cat and the terrible Queen of Hearts. The beginning of the series adheres more similarly to the original story, whereas later episodes adapt the sequel book of Alice in Wonderland "Through the Looking-Glass", starting with episode 26. One departure from the books is that Alice returns to the real world at the end of each episode, and goes back to Wonderland at the beginning of the next episode. These transitions between the two worlds are depicted as dream-like, and it usually takes Alice a moment to notice her surroundings have changed.

Albert, le cinquième mousquetaire


Alexandre Dumas s'est trompé. Les trois mousquetaires n'étaient pas quatre mais bien cinq. Il a vingt ans. Albert de Parmagnan est le plus petit mousquetaire de l'armée du Roi (105 cm plume comprise). Son intelligence vive et son énergie débordante le pourvoient d'une force incroyable et d'une arme secrète très efficace qu'est le tromblon chargé de spaghettis à la sauce bolognaise. Jusqu'ici, personne ne connaissait l'existence de ce cinquième mousquetaire et il est temps de réparer cette injustice. Elle est d'autant plus grave, que, sans lui, d'Artagnan, Porthos, Athos et Aramis n'auraient été que d'ordinaires mousquetaires sans envergure, incapables à eux quatre de vaincre un seul garde du Cardinal.




Action Man (1995)


This animated series features a live action segment of Action Man.



Rugrats reveals the world from a baby's point of view. Everything looks bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable. Angelica, the oldest, likes to terrorize her cousin, Tommy, and his friends, and is famous for screaming, "You stupid babies!" The adults in the series are often clueless.