In the backdrop of oppressive Roman rule, a Jewish fisherman, saddled with enormous debt agrees to spy on his fellow Jews in a deal to settle his debt with Roman authorities. A Jewish tax collector, deals with the turmoil and fallout from being considered a traitor by his fellow countrymen. A woman known as "Lilith" suffers from severe emotional, mental and spiritual torment that a Jewish religious leader is powerless to help her overcome.
Simon's deal with the Romans goes from bad to worse and Matthew secretly meets with Roman authorities to discuss spying on Simon. Mary of Magdala (formerly Lilith) is seen in public completely healed and her transformation stuns Nicodemus who was powerless to help her. A restored and reformed Mary nervously hosts a traditional Jewish meal with a surprise and welcome guest.
Jesus makes plans to leave Capernaum because his actions are considered disruptive and he is now wanted for questioning by Roman authorities. Nicodemus is faced with a decision to follow Jesus and become one of his followers or stay in his current lifestyle of wealth and privilege. Jesus prepares to publicly reveal himself as the Messiah.
Thousands arrive to first argue with, then listen to Jesus as he preaches. Shmuel and Atticus hear what’s happening and journey toward the Decapolis to catch Jesus in the act of a possible revolt. Meanwhile, as the preaching extends to the next day, the disciples realize they have a significant problem: the thousands are hungry, and there’s no food.