Zapped back in time to 1837 England, the Ghostbusters unknowingly trap the ghosts of Christmas, thereby saving Ebenezer Scrooge from his scheduled rehabilitation. The future is changed, and they must go back in time to change it back, while Egon makes an even more frightening trip... into the Containment Unit!
After a near-death experience atop the World Trade Center towers, Egon's fear inadvertently releases the Boogieman from his dimensional prison. The Ghostbusters follow him to a hideously converted amusement park, where he traps them with their own fear, leaving Slimer and the Junior Ghostbusters to save the day.
The Chairman of Citizens United Against Halloween, a man named Crowley, wishes to hire the Ghostbusters to assist him in his crusade. When they refuse, Crowley mistakenly opens up the Halloween Door and breaks the underworld's ancient contract of imprisonment! The Ghostbusters must now battle Boogaloo and save the world!
In flashback, the Ghostbusters recount their most dangerous exploit: the time they spent the night in Heck House, the most haunted house on the planet, inhabited by thousands of ghosts! For their troubles they are to receive a million dollars apiece, provided they survive the evening until dawn, without their Proton Packs!
The Mean Green Teen Machine, three reptilian-like surfing ghosts, catch a wave into New York City in order to satisfy their unquenchable craving for pizza. After a day of battling the three ghosts, the Ghostbusters decide to test Egon's latest machine which can provide any desired dream... or nightmare!