After the murder of his father, and a chance encounter with a mysterious Confessor named Kahlan, Richard Cypher learns of an ancient prophecy that has named him the first true Seeker in over a millennium. Along with an old wizard named Zedd, Richard and Kahlan must stop the ruthless tyrant Darken Rahl from unleashing an ancient evil.
Richard, Kahlan and Chase are headed to the D'haran fortress where Chase's family is kept prisoner, and Darken Rahl's archwizard is conducting magical experiments on them. As they manage to infiltrate the fortress the Seeker comes face to face with his sinister opponent for the first time, while a terrible, unexpected force is unleashed.
A call to return to Aydindril and a desire to stay with Richard results in two Kahlans, one representing Kahlan's rational mind and the other her irrational heart. Richard realizes the mistake and must reconcile the elements of Kahlan's soul before Zedd, captured by the rational Kahlan, is put to death.
Get to know the unlikely intruder as actress Tabrett Bethell and filmmakers dish on the character's (and Tabrett's) amazing journey through the season.
Producers, directors, writers and conceptual artists reveal the incredible mythology and machinations of the Underworld.
Go behind the scenes of "Wizard's First Rule" on the New Zealand set to see how the show's fantasy world is brought to life.
Take an intimate journey with author Terry Goodkind to see where the series was created.