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All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 A Bad Case of the Pricklethorns

    • March 23, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc diagnoses Boppy when he suddenly gets popped after landing in a rose bush. Song: Bop, Bop, Bop (Don't Wanna Pop)

  • S01E01 Knight Time

    • March 23, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc discovers that Donny's toy knight, Sir Kirby, is dirty. Song: Ba-Ba Bubbles!

  • S01E02 Out of the Box

    • March 23, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Little Jack, a jack in the box, can't pop, but he's scared of getting a check-up, so his dad, Big Jack, goes first. Song: Pop Up

  • S01E02 Run Down Race Car

    • March 23, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Ricardo Racecar loses his energy during a race. Song: Get Your Sleep On

  • S01E03 Blast Off!

    • March 26, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Carlos' toy space alien, Star Blazer Zero after his arms and legs falls off after a ride in his toy rocket. Song: Be Safe! Sickness: Broken parts

  • S01E03 Tea Party Tantrum

    • March 26, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc wonders why Susie Sunshine is acting very cranky. Song: Close Your Eyes

  • S01E04 Engine Nine, Feelin' Fine!

    • March 27, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Donny's toy fire engine Lenny, aka Engine 9, runs out of water, so Doc fixes him by refilling him. Song: Water, Water Sickness: Dehydration (Dry-out)

  • S01E04 The Right Stuff

    • March 27, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Stuffy's tail gets ripped, but he won't ask for help and he loses more stuffing from his tail.

  • S01E05 Gulpy, Gulpy Gators!

    • March 28, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc fixes Gustave, the green gator on Donny's Gulpy Gulpy Gators game after he eats too many marbles. Song: Be Good To Your Tummy

  • S01E05 One Note Wonder

    • March 28, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Alma's xylophone toy, Xyla, loses a key by accident. Song: Rocking The Right Note

  • S01E06 Starry, Starry Night

    • March 29, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Henry's Telescope Aurora when she suffers from blurry vision. Song: Stars, Stars (Planets, Stars And Galaxies)

  • S01E06 Arcade Escapade

    • March 29, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps a stuffed toy Giraffe called Gaby after her leg was torn in a accident in the claw crane machine at the arcade. Song: Nobody Wants A Broken Toy

  • S01E07 Ben/Anna Split

    • March 30, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Ben and Anna, Alma's "Hugging Monkeys" need to be separated after one of them suffered a torn Velcro "hug" patch and needed to recover overnight at the clinic. Song: We're Ben-Anna Sickness: Torn Velcro patch

  • S01E07 That's Just Claw-ful

    • March 30, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Hermie, her toy crab after his arm was torn out by Emmie & Alma's new puppy Rudi. Song: You Can Do It! Sickness: Torn arm

  • S01E08 A Good Case of the Hiccups

    • April 2, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc tries to fix Millie the Microphone when she can't stop repeating words. Song: If You Got The Hiccups Sickness: Repeatitis

  • S01E08 Stuck Up

    • April 2, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    When Doc gets sand in her eye, she finds out what's wrong with Will's toy digger, Riggo, when his scoop gets stuck. Song: Dig, Dig, Dig Sickness: Stuck Scooper

  • S01E09 Rescue Ronda, Ready for Take-off!

    • April 3, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc has to fix Luca's helicopter, Rescue Ronda, when she can't fly, due to getting a little twig from a bush in her propeller. Song: When You Need A Friend

  • S01E09 All Washed Up

    • April 3, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Donny's toy robot, Robot Ray, learns the importance of following doctor's orders when he gets wet playing a game. Song: Do What The Doctor Says

  • S01E10 Wrap It Up

    • April 4, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Niles, Donny's toy crane, refuses to have his bandage removed. Song: In A Flash Sickness: Y.O.B. Itis (Yucky Old Bandage Itis)

  • S01E10 The New Girl

    • April 4, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc gets a doll from Japan called Kiko, and she wonders why her legs are so weak. Song: Ready For Action

  • S01E11 Rest Your Rotors, Ronda!

    • April 5, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Rescue Ronda learns how good it is to rest when her propeller is broken. Song: Rest Your Rotors, Ronda!

  • S01E11 Keep on Truckin'

    • April 5, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Donny's truck, Tremaine, learns how to keep still to get repainted. Song: Keep Still

  • S01E12 Busted Boomer

    • April 6, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Boomer, Emmie's deflated Soccer ball refuses to be reinflated due to having a fear of needles. Song: Here For You

  • S01E12 Blame It on the Rain

    • April 6, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Alma accidentally leaves her stuffed cow Moo Moo outside during a downpour and Doc fixes her, but she refuses to go home when she believes her owner doesn't like her. Song: Nobody's Perfect (Forgive And Forget)

  • S01E13 Hallie Gets an Earful

    • April 9, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Hallie hear better after she has trouble hearing. Song: Have You Heard?

  • S01E13 Dark Knight

    • April 9, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    During a sleepover party, Doc discovers that Sir Kirby is afraid of the dark and cures him of his fear of the dark. Song: We Can Light The Night

  • S01E14 Break Dancer

    • April 11, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Bella, Doc's Ballerina doll, breaks her leg, and finds a lot to do while she waits for it to heal. Song: Blast In A Cast

  • S01E14 Bubble Monkey

    • April 11, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc examines Emmie and Alma's bubble monkey after she stops blowing bubbles. Song: Eat Good Food

  • S01E15 A Whale of a Time

    • April 13, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Lula, the sponge Beluga Whale grow. Song: You're Gonna Grow

  • S01E15 Out in the Wild

    • April 13, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Robot Ray after he injures his arm during a camping trip. Song: Camping's Great

  • S01E16 The Rip Heard Round the World

    • April 20, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Lambie accidentally gets ripped while dancing with Doc. Song: A Lambie Like You

  • S01E16 Walkie-Talkie Time

    • April 20, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc reunites a walkie-talkie couple by finding a missing antenna. Song: My Better Half

  • S01E17 Un-Bur-Able

    • May 3, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    While playing Astronautball, Stuffy falls into a bush and get burrs all over his body. Song: The Things You Love

  • S01E17 Righty-on-Lefty

    • May 3, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Awesome Guy after she discovers that he couldn't walk correctly. Song: Tell The Doc

  • S01E18 Shark-Style Toothache

    • May 18, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Mr Chomp, Donny's toy shark, has a broken tooth that needs to repaired, but everyone (except for Doc and Hallie) are afraid of him. Song: My Shark's Tale

  • S01E18 Hallie's Happy Birthday

    • May 18, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    It's Hallie's birthday and Doc and the gang throw a surprise party in her honor. Song: It's Your Birthday (Happy Birthday Hallie)

  • S01E19 Awesome Possums

    • June 1, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    A baby toy possum is lost and Doc frantically searches for the baby toy possum and reunites it with its mother. Song: Stick With Me

  • S01E19 The Bunny Blues

    • June 1, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc discovers Alma's stuffed bunny in a box at a yard sale. Song: Because You're You

  • S01E20 Get Set to Get Wet

    • June 22, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc finds a mermaid doll and teaches her how to swim. Song: Everybody In The Pool

  • S01E20 Loud Louie

    • June 22, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    A toy cellphone has a slight problem with its volume switch, causing him to talk real loud. Song: Loud, Loud Louie

  • S01E21 To Squeak, or Not to Squeak

    • July 20, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Marvin the Duck lost his squeaker at the water park and its up to Doc, Lambie and Stuffy to find it. Song: Clap, Clap, A-OK Sickness: Can't-squeak-osis (Laryngitis)

  • S01E21 Caught Blue-Handed

    • July 20, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    After Donny and Glo-Bo finish finger-painting, a mysterious blue rash infects all the toys in the clinic. Song: Wash Your Hands Sickness: Mystery Pox

  • S01E22 Doctoring the Doc

    • August 17, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc gets the flu and is cared for by the toys.

  • S01E22 Hot Pursuit

    • August 17, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    A toy police car loses energy after being in the hot sun all day.

  • S01E23 Boo-Hoo to You!

    • October 5, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps a toy ghost, Sebastian, learn not to be scared on Halloween. Song: On Halloween

  • S01E23 It's Glow Time

    • October 12, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Glo-Bo is very tired and weak, and unable to glow. Song: Let's Play Outside

  • S01E24 Chilly Gets Chilly

    • December 7, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Chilly decides to hang out with the snowman that the gang built but nearly freezes in the cold. Song: Chilling In The Snow

  • S01E24 Through the Reading Glasses

    • December 7, 2012
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc receives a stuffed toy owl from her older cousin, but she can't read properly because of her poor eyesight. Can Doc and her toy friends find her the right glasses so she can anything better? Song: Look Great In Glasses

  • S01E25 Dusty Bear

    • February 1, 2013
    • Disney Jr.

    A teddy bear discovers why Donny doesn't want to play with him. Song: Blue Skies

  • S01E25 My Huggy Valentine

    • February 1, 2013
    • Disney Jr.

    Lambie becomes jealous and brokenhearted when a new toy steals the spotlight from her during Valentine's Day. Song: Shine

  • S01E26 Brontosaurus Breath

    • May 3, 2013
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the gang wonder why Bronty has a bad case of bad breath so she can brush his teeth to make it smell nice. Song: Brush 'Em!

  • S01E26 Bronto Boo-Boos

    • May 3, 2013
    • Disney Jr.

    When Bronty arrives to the McStuffins household a mysterious outbreak of the Bronto-boo boos breaks out and infected the toys. Song: Dinosaur Stomp

Season 2

Season 3

  • S03E01 Let the Nightingale Sing

    • November 2, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the toys time travel back to 19th century England and they meet a young Florence Nightingale (who is also Hallie's favorite idol) and help her accomplish her dream to be a nurse and assist her in repairing her toys.

  • S03E02 Hazel Has a Sleepover

    • November 7, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    Before a sleepover at Doc's house Hazel, Emmie's new water toy has a slight Wetting problem (leaky trunk) and Doc tries to solve her problem.

  • S03E02 My Breakfast with Bronty

    • November 7, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    During breakfast Bronty accidentally knocks over and stomps on a bottle of syrup which splashed onto his rear legs and caused his rear legs to be stuck onto his tail, but Bronty was reluctant to tell Doc about his situation.

  • S03E03 Training Army Al

    • November 11, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc tells her friends including a worrisome Bronty to feel their emotions when Army Al, an action figure, is separated from them after being called for duty, even if it's a trip to the forest with Donny and his Turtle Scouts troop. Doc and the toys support each other and help prepare Al to be his best because they are afraid that something bad might happen to him.

  • S03E03 Sproingo Boingo Takes the Leap

    • November 11, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    A fox shaped Slinky toy named Sproingo Boingo accidentally twists his spring after doing a dangerous leap from a tall block tower for the Wicked King during a rainy day competition. So it was up to Doc to fix Sproingo Boingo but the Wicked King felt bad for causing his injury and daring him to do a dangerous leap but Sproingo Boingo said that it was okay and accepted his apology.

  • S03E04 Shell Shy

    • November 21, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    A wind up toy Sea Turtle named Theodore is extremely shy after that discovering that Hermie who was a old friend from the aquarium (and the most popular toy at the aquarium) was living at Doc's and is the grand Splash Dance champion. So Doc and Company helps Theodore overcome his shyness.

  • S03E04 Commander No

    • November 21, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    During a game of Tickle with Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Commander Crush starts to malfunction and couldn't stop transforming. Doc discovers that Commander Crush had a stuck button that caused him to malfunction but now Commander Crush refuses to play the Tickle Game fearing that he'll malfunction again.

  • S03E05 The Flimsy Grumpy Bat

    • December 5, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    The toys teach Count Clarence the Magnificent a cardboard bat who thinks he could fly like a kite about good positive attitudes after he becomes grumpy from getting caught in a gust of wind and crashing into the wading pool at the park.

  • S03E05 Rockstar Ruby and the Toys

    • December 5, 2014
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc purchase a used Rock Star doll named Rockstar Ruby at a Yard Sale but as dirt and gunk builds up over time while being played at and eventually causes Rockstar Ruby's microphone button to get stuck forcing her to quit singing. But Doc and the crew has a plan to bring back Rockstar Ruby back on stage.

  • S03E06 Collide-o-scope

    • February 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Kiara, Doc's new Kaleidoscope suffered from a severe dizzy spell after Chilly accidentally fell causing her to crash on the floor.

  • S03E06 A Day Without Cuddles!

    • February 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    It's International Cuddle Day at the clinic but Lambie suffered from a mysterious sneezing fit. Doc discovered that Lambie was covered with flour and ordered Lambie to be quarantined and not to give out any cuddles.

  • S03E07 Crash Course

    • March 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps a toy taxi cab learn the importance of paying attention to where you are going after he crashes and loses his wheels.

  • S03E07 Luna on the Moon-a

    • March 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Doc's new space doll, Luna, keeps slipping as she tries to climb her moon rock set, Doc discovers that the grip on Luna's shoe is missing and replaces it for her.

  • S03E08 Fully in Focus

    • March 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc gives her viewmaster toy Viewy Stewie an eye exam and discovers that two of his discs are jammed causing him to see images incorrectly.

  • S03E08 Picky Nikki

    • March 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the toys help Nikki, a piggybank who only likes coins, see that trying something new can be fun after Doc tries to put a dollar bill into the bank and Nikki refuses.

  • S03E09 Toy in the Sun

    • March 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the toys learn an important lesson about sun exposure after Donny leaves Bronty outside in the sun and his plastic becomes discolored.

  • S03E09 Getting to the Heart of Things

    • March 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    After Doc discovers that Coach Kay, a small plastic doll in a track suit, has a crack in her whistle valve, she takes her to the clinic to perform "surgery" to replace the valve.

  • S03E10 Slip 'N Slide

    • July 2, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    At the park's wading pool Stuffy wishes he could go in the wading pool with the other pool toys but while playing "Splash N' Dodge with Bronty, Stuffy slips and fell into the wading pool causing his plush to get all soggy.

  • S03E10 A Big Pain in Teddy's Tummy

    • July 9, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    While Donny playing the Rose bushes with Lambie, Chilly and Teddy B, Donny gets prickled by accident by Teddy B and as Doc investigates of what happened Teddy B. fears that he has hurt Donny and that Donny didn't want to play with him again and runs away Teddy B later reviled that he has a sharp pain in his tummy resulting of a Rose thorn that was stuck on Teddy B's Tummy that prickled both Donny and Doc.

  • S03E11 Boxed In

    • July 16, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Flora a Flamenco dancing doll that Doc received as a gift from her Grandmother who was visiting Spain is being thrown a ball in her honor by Doc and company but for some unknown reason didn't want to come out the box. Doc soon discovered that Flora had a fear of getting messy and tries to have her overcome her fear of getting messy.

  • S03E11 Itty Bitty Bess Takes Flight

    • July 23, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Itty Bitty Bees and her airplane Queenie (a antique tinytype airplane pilot which Doc's mom got a Flea Market/Swap Meet who was based on "Queen" Bessie Coleman a famous African American aviatior who was the first African American woman to receive a international pilot license ) has trouble flying due to rust. So Doc and her crew must help Bess get back into the Wild Blue Yonder.

  • S03E12 Top Lamb

    • July 29, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Lambie plays with Doc’s new pink kitchen playset without permission and accidently breaks it and injures herself in the process.

  • S03E12 Molly Molly Mouthful

    • July 30, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc’s toy “Molly Molly Mouthful” loves to have flapjacks flipped into her mouth, nevertheless when Molly comes to life and keeps talking while eating, one of her plastic flapjacks gets stuck.

  • S03E13 Filling Chilly

    • August 4, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    While playing Buccaneers with Doc and the crew Chilly accidentally rips himself and loses half his stuffing, so Doc has to replace Chilly's stuffing with cotton balls.

  • S03E13 Doc's Dream Team

    • August 6, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E14 A Dragon's Best Friend

    • August 14, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E15 Take Your Pet to the Vet

    • August 14, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E15 Master and Commander

    • August 14, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E16 Stuffy & Squibbles

    • August 21, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    On Stuffy’s first day of being a pet owner, he forgets that Squibbles needs to be plugged in to charge, so Doc must remind him that pets need special care and attention every day.

  • S03E16 Queen of Thrones

    • August 21, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E17 Swimmer's Belly

    • August 21, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E17 Three Goats A'Cuddlin'

    • August 21, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E18 Pop-up Paulo

    • August 28, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E18 Huggable Hallie

    • August 28, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E19 Nurse's Office

    • September 18, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When the toys decide to play school, Chilly keeps making excuses to visit the nurse's office, so Doc gives him a check-up and realizes that he's nervous to start a new school.

  • S03E19 A Case of the Glitters

    • September 18, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    The toys all get a case of the glitters after they share a hat worn by Dress-Up Daisy, who had glitter sprinkled in her hair to match her dress.

  • S03E20 Twin Tweaks

    • September 12, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    In a rush to perform a show for Doc and the toys, one of the Twirly Twins accidentally puts on her magnetic boots upside-down and isn't able to perform her tricks correctly.

  • S03E20 Fetchin' Findo

    • September 12, 2015
    • Disney Jr.
  • S03E21 Doc McStuffins Goes to Washington

    • October 5, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama invites Doc and other kids who are making a difference in their community to the White House to be honored in a special ceremony.

  • S03E21 Winded Winnie

    • October 5, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    It's Donny's birthday as Doc helps a new toy named Winnie, a small tiger who blows up balloons, who has dust in her air tube preventing her from blowing up balloons all the way.

  • S03E22 Don't Fence Me In

    • October 9, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When the marbles from Doc's Gulpy Gulpy Gators game fly across the yard, Gustav Gator tries to catch them and gets his head stuck in a fence.

  • S03E22 Hallie Halloween

    • October 9, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    While trick-or-treating with Doc and her toys, Hallie wanders off and gets separated from the rest of the group, imparting an important lesson about staying safe on Halloween.

  • S03E23 Demitri the Dazzling!

    • November 2, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Demetri's sidekick Carrots, runs amuck and botches up his magic tricks, he decides to hold auditions for a new sidekick.

  • S03E23 Smitten with a Kitten

    • November 2, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Doc brings home a new toy kitten, the other toys can't understand why she is scared of her new surroundings until Doc reminds them that sometimes it takes a while for a pet to warm up to their new family.

  • S03E24 The Search for Squibbles

    • November 2, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Squibbles goes missing during his pet training, a distraught Stuffy leads a search with Doc and the rest of the toys and learns a valuable lesson about giving your pet an ID tag so you can always locate them if they get lost.

  • S03E24 Factory Fabulous

    • November 2, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    One of Doc's new toy lemurs, Wyatt, is missing an arm and when Doc performs a check-up on him, he reveals that he never had one when he left the factory, leading Doc to remind all of the other toys that some toys are made a little differently from others, and there's nothing wrong with that.

  • S03E25 Moo-Moo's Tutu Boo-Boo

    • November 6, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Emmie and Alma accidentally leave Moo-Moo at Doc's house, she treats the rest of the toys to a ballet lesson and accidentally gets ripped.

  • S03E25 Lambie Gets the Linties

    • November 6, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc must help Lambie remove the lint from her plush in time for her to be a part of Professor Hootsburgh's plush portrait painting.

  • S03E26 The New Nurse

    • November 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Dress-Up Declan steps in as Doc's nurse after Hallie gets injured.

  • S03E26 Chilly's Loose Button

    • November 13, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Lambie accidentally snags Chilly's button and leaves it hanging by a thread.

  • S03E27 Say It Again, Sadie

    • November 20, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Emmie's new talking toy Sadie won't talk, Doc gives her a check-up and realizes that the other toys must first talk to her so that she can increase her vocabulary.

  • S03E27 Mind Over Matter

    • November 20, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Saltwater Serge discover how to use his imagination.

  • S03E28 Snowy Gablooey

    • December 4, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc treats a frozen Oooey Gablooey after Donny accidently leaves him out in the snow.

  • S03E28 Goooooal!

    • December 4, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Sir Kirby realize the importance of reporting an injury right away after he injures his arm during a game of ice hockey.

  • S03E29 Space Buddies Forever!

    • December 11, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    When Commander Crush hurts his wing and loses one of his screws, Star Blazer Zero offers one of his extra screws so Doc can fix him.

  • S03E29 Liv Long and Pawsper

    • December 11, 2015
    • Disney Jr.

    Luna’s new rover accessory, Liv, keeps breaking her antenna while out exploring, so Doc decides to give Liv a cone to wear over her head, just like some pets need when they have injuries.

  • S03E30 Kirby's Derby

    • January 2, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps Sir Kirby realize the importance of reporting your pet's injury right away after Bonnie Blue's wheel comes off during the big derby.

  • S03E30 Ticklish Truck

    • January 2, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc discovers a feather in Lenny's tummy which is causing him to giggle incessantly.

  • S03E31 Blast Off to the Unknown!

    • January 9, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Star Blazer Zero is nervous about moving away and leaving his friend Commander Crush behind.

  • S03E31 Bust a Move

    • January 9, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    When a new toy named Ferris moves into the neighborhood, he can't wait to show his new toy neighbors his dance moves.

  • S03E32 Baby McStuffins

    • March 4, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Mom and Dad announce that they are adopting a baby and give Doc a new baby doll to practice her babysitting skills as the Doc names her Cece McStuffins.

  • S03E32 Selfless Snowman

    • March 4, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the toys hold a stuffing drive for a toy in need of a rare “cotton ball white” fluff.

  • S03E33 St. Patrick's Day Dilemma

    • March 9, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc’s new Irish paper doll, Fiona, gets her dress dirty on St. Patrick’s Day and refuses to change until Doc explains that an important part of staying healthy is staying clean.

  • S03E33 A Giant Save

    • March 9, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc’s new doll, Gillian the Giant, feels like she doesn’t fit in with the other toys because she’s so big.

  • S03E34 Tour De McStuffins

    • March 11, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc gets a new toy named Stella that doesn’t follow bike safety rules.

  • S03E34 Runaway Love

    • March 11, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc's little brother Donny worries that the arrival of the new baby will take attention away from him so he hatches a plan to run away. Meanwhile, Doc is so busy helping her parents prepare for the new baby that Lambie also starts to feel left out.

  • S03E35 Hooty's Duty

    • March 19, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    When Doc realizes that the arrival of a new baby means a new group of baby toys will also be coming home, she seeks to put one of her own toys in charge of them, and Professor Hootsburgh proudly volunteers for the job.

  • S03E35 A Cure For a King

    • March 19, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    When the Wicked King’s crown falls off, Doc has to write a prescription for stronger glue to reattach it to his head.

  • S03E36 Bringing Home Baby

    • March 25, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Mom and Dad get the call that the new baby is on the way, so Grandma McStuffins arrives to take care of Doc and Donny.

  • S03E37 Baby Names

    • April 1, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    The McStuffins family finally settles on a name for the newborn baby.

  • S03E37 Night Night, Lala

    • April 1, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    New baby toy Lala has a difficult time getting used to her new home.

  • S03E38 The Lady in the Lake

    • April 4, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Dress-Up Daisy does not want to wear a life vest while boating on the lake because she is worried it will ruin her outfit.

  • S03E38 Black Belt Kangaroos

    • April 4, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    When toy kangaroo Sydney struggles focusing during his karate lesson, Doc explains the importance of concentration.

  • S03E39 Joni the Pony

    • April 18, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Joni the pony trips over her long mane and the other toys suggest that she get a haircut.

  • S03E39 Sleepless in Stuffyland

    • April 18, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Stuff gets so excited to go with Doc to school that he can't fall asleep.

  • S03E40 The Scrapiest Dragon

    • April 25, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Stuffy scrapes his belly on the ground while playing table tennis with Hallie.

  • S03E40 Going for Broke

    • April 25, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Awesome Guy decides to compete in every event of the McStuffins Toyathalon.

Season 4

  • S04E01 Welcome to McStuffinsville (1)

    • July 29, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc’s grandmother transports Doc to the magical world of McStuffinsville where she will carry on a family tradition by expanding her practice to the McStuffins Toy Hospital. There, on her first day as chief resident, Doc must tend to Stanley, a lonely, brokenhearted toy.

  • S04E02 Stuffy Gets His Scrubs

    • August 5, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Stuffy tries to find his place at McStuffinsville.

  • S04E02 First Day of Med School

    • August 5, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc enlists Lambie, Stuffy, and Chilly as Toy Med Students to help her take care of all of the patients at McStuffins Toy Hospital; Doc appoints Stuffy head of the Vet Clinic at The McStuffinsville Toy Hospital.

  • S04E03 Night Shift

    • August 12, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    On their first night shift, Lambie is in charge of the Hospital Nursery but cannot get the babies to sleep.

  • S04E03 Check-Up Chilly

    • August 12, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Chilly schedules too many appointments for himself.

  • S04E04 Project Nursery Makeover

    • August 19, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the toys receive 4 identical toy babies as Lambie has a problem telling the babies apart.

  • S04E04 Stuffy's Ambulance Ride

    • August 19, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    As Stuffy hurts himself playing a jousting match, he fears his first ambulance ride to the hospital.

  • S04E05 Made to Be a Nurse

    • August 26, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    A new nurse upstages Hallie and she no longer feels needed.

  • S04E05 Rescue at the Ranch

    • August 26, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc responds to an emergency call during an accident at Southwest Sal's Ranch. It teaches you the importance of staying calm and following directions.

  • S04E06 CeCe's First Bath

    • September 16, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    When baby toy Cece gets dirty, Doc and her toys have to get her clean, and they have to do it fast. Doc's baby sister Maya has just woken up from her nap and wants Cece, but she's too dirty to play with, and that makes Maya cry. Doc tries to give Cece a bath, but every time she tries to get her in the water, Cece cries.

  • S04E06 The Most Impatient Patient

    • September 16, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    After getting a crown-cussion, the Wicked King turns into a difficult patient.

  • S04E07 Chilly's Snow Globe Shakeup

    • September 23, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and her toys travel to the Giant Snow Globe outside McStuffinsville to help one of the Snow Peeps.

  • S04E07 Hoarse Hallie

    • September 23, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Hallie is so excited after being chosen to sing the opening song for the Foosball Game, she over-practices and loses her voice.

  • S04E08 A Lesson in Diagnosis

    • September 30, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    The Toy Med students must learn how to diagnose a patient without Doc's help.

  • S04E08 Karaoke Katie's Opening Night

    • September 30, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    The toys learn about bedside manner as they take care of Karaoke Katie, a doll who is disappointed about having to cancel her show because her batteries won't hold a charge.

  • S04E09 Nikki's Night in the E.R.

    • October 7, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    After her bank gets a crack in it, Nikki Nickel needs to stay at the hospital overnight.

  • S04E09 Royal Buddies

    • October 7, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    While exploring the Royal Lands, Sir Kirby loses his buddy and gets hurt.

  • S04E10 The Best Therapy Pet Yet

    • November 4, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Stuffy tries to cheer up Hazel.

  • S04E10 Bouncy House Boo Boos

    • November 4, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    It's Boppy's birthday.

  • S04E11 The Mayor's Speech

    • November 11, 2016
    • Disney Jr.
  • S04E11 The Lake Monster

    • November 11, 2016
    • Disney Jr.
  • S04E12 Chuck Learns to Look!

    • November 18, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Why did Chuck cross the road?

  • S04E12 Birthday Party Emergency

    • November 18, 2016
    • Disney Jr.

    Birthday toy emergency!

  • S04E13 Willow's Wonky Whiskers

    • January 13, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    When Doc is unable to see inside a toy’s fluffy cheek, she decides to do a CAT scan to figure out the problem.

  • S04E13 Camille Gets Over the Hump

    • January 13, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    When Camille, a toy camel, gets hurt, it’s up to Doc and the other Med Students to convince her to go to the hospital.

  • S04E14 Into the Hundred Acre Wood

    • January 18, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc McStuffins and her toys meet Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

  • S04E15 Mole Money, Mole Problems

    • February 3, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    When a toy mole is having trouble getting around without bumping into everything, Doc diagnoses her and calls on Stuffy to find her a guide pet.

  • S04E15 Yip, Yip, Boom!

    • February 3, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    During the light show finale, Squibbles gets scared and runs amok through McStuffinsville.

  • S04E16 Get-Well Gus Gets Well

    • April 7, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    When flying Pegasus toy Get-Well Gus crashes and breaks off one of his wings, Doc outfits him with a prosthetic.

  • S04E16 Triceratops Trouble

    • April 7, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc and the toys have trouble diagnosing a triceratops train that can’t get enough traction to move.

  • S04E17 Hannah the Brave

    • June 4, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    When Hannah the doll gets gum stuck in her hair, she needs Doc's help

  • S04E17 Waddly's Huggy Overload

    • June 4, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc is selected to lead the rescue workers parade.

  • S04E18 Lambie Stuffy Switcharoo

    • June 17, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    When Stuffy claims that Lambie's job taking care of the babies in the Toy Nursery is easy, Lambie challenges him to switch jobs with her for the day.

  • S04E18 The Sleepwalking King

    • June 17, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    During a sleepover at the Royal Castle, Doc discovers the Wicked King has been sleepwalking.

  • S04E19 Count Clarence's Daytime Adventure

    • July 1, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Count Clarence decides to stay up past his bedtime and learns that becoming over-tired is not good for him

  • S04E19 Dixie Gets Glued

    • July 1, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    A new baby doll toy named Dixie creates a mess after getting into some art supplies and covering herself with glue.

  • S04E20 Lambie and the McStuffins Babies

    • July 15, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Lambie and the other toys visit Baby Doll Headquarters where they help deliver some new baby toys to the Nursery.

  • S04E21 What a Quack

    • August 5, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    A toy duck tries fixing other toys without the proper training.

  • S04E21 The Emergency Plan

    • August 5, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc helps reunite members of a doll family and shows them how to make emergency kits after they get separated during an earthquake caused by Dragon-Bot jumping up and down

  • S04E22 First Responders to the Rescue (1)

    • September 23, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    After a sudden storm hits McStuffinsville, a young boy named Dev finds himself transported to the town along with his toys who come together to form the First Responders team.

  • S04E23 Stuffy's Wild Pet

    • January 12, 2018
    • Disney Jr.

    Stuffy adopts a toy zebra while on a safari.

  • S04E23 On Call Ball

    • January 12, 2018
    • Disney Jr.

    Lambie gets an invitation to the Wicked King's "Ball-a-Thon," an all-night dance competition.

  • S04E24 Daisy Makes the Call

    • November 4, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Dress-Up Daisy keeps calling the emergency number with fashion emergencies.

  • S04E24 Visiting Hours

    • November 4, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Commander Crush gets in a bike accident, but Star Blazer Zero is afraid to visit him in the hospital.

  • S04E25 Mermaid in the Midfield

    • October 21, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Doc teaches the toys about toy sports medicine during a foosball championship game.

  • S04E25 Whole Lotta Hula

    • October 21, 2017
    • Disney Jr.

    Leilani gets homesick for Hawaii, so Doc and the toys throw her a luau at Bathtub Lake.

  • S04E26 On a Roll

    • March 2, 2018
    • Disney Jr.

    Wildlife Will keeps getting hurt while trying to explore McStuffinsville.

  • S04E26 Home Is Where the Fruit Is

    • March 2, 2018
    • Disney Jr.

    A wooden porcupine wanders away from home and can't remember her way back.

Season 5

  • S05E01 Pet Rescue: The Pet Rescue Team!

    • October 27, 2018
    • Disney Jr.

    When Stuffy wants to join the First Responders after seeing them save the day, Doc suggests they start a rescue team to save pets while the First Responders are busy.

  • S05E02 Pet Rescue: A Pet for Everyone

    • November 23, 2018
    • Disney Jr.

    Hallie must decide between making a perfect pet at the Wicked King's Perfectly Royal Perfect Pet Pavilion or choosing to take in a scraggly toy pup without a home.

  • S05E04 Toys in Space

    • January 4, 2019
    • Disney Jr.

    After Chilly accidentally blasts off on Luna's rocket to an unexplored planet, it's up to Doc and her friends to bring him and Luna's robot dog, Liv, back home to McStuffinsville.