In the near future, during a war with a race of invading aliens called the Votan, alien terra-forming technology is accidentally unleashed on Earth, creating a new planet dangerous to both humans and the aliens. where they eventually realise that they must learn to live together to survive.
The arrival of the mysterious Nolan and his charge Irisa to the town of Defiance marks a threat to the fragile peace that exists between the residents in the premiere of this futuristic drama, which is set in the year 2046, more than 30 years following a war between humans and aliens that left Earth forever changed.
A live action / motion comic chronicling one ark hunter's efforts to stop Melak, a Castithan terrorist bent on destroying San Francisco.
Nolan and Irisa are mysteriously rescued from their underground confinement just in time to discover that enemy forces are marching on the town of Defiance, which has fallen on hard times following the collapse of the gulanite mines. Meanwhile, Datak, Stahma and Rafe run into deadly complications on their quest to reunite their family; and Alak comes to realize just how unstable her mother-in-law is during their journey through the woods.
Amanda negotiates with the Omec, a new alien race, for the future of Defiance; and the Tarrs return to find much changed and their loyalties tested between the humans, the Omec, and the Votanis Collective. Meanwhile, Nolan and Irisa encounter a survivor of Votanis Collective atrocities that can aid their first strike against Gen. Rahm Tak's oncoming army.
A visiting arms dealer changes Defiance's fortunes, and divides Amanda, Nolan and Berlin; at the same time, Nolan encounters difficulty recruiting a militia to fight the oncoming Votanis Collective army. Elsewhere, Stahma's presence causes strife among the mysterious Omec; and Datak and Alak have a reckoning.