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Season 7

  • S07E01 Chair Stand Test for Lower Body Strengthening

    Following the demonstration of the chair stand test by C. Jessie Jones, PhD, FACSM, California State University, Mary Ann Wilson RN creates a workout that is both whimsical and functional. She incorporates exercises specifically designed to strengthen the legs throughout the workout.

  • S07E02 Arm Curl Testing for Upper Body Strength

    Arm strength and endurance are needed for every day activities like carrying groceries, lifting grandchildren and doing household and yard chores. C. Jessie Jones, PhD, FACSM, California State University demonstrates the Arm Curl Test for upper body strength and lays out the goals. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick include a routine using exercise bands to accomplish those goals.

  • S07E03 Chair Sit and Reach Test for Lower Body Flexibility

    Lower body flexibility is needed for dressing, bending and getting in and out of the bathtub. C. Jessie Jones, PhD, FACSM, California State University, shows viewers how to measure their lower body flexibility using a ruler. Mary Ann Wilson, RN uses a towel and a variety of exercises to improve the ability to reach.

  • S07E04 Eight Foot Up And Go Test for Balance, Speed and Agility

    Reduce the risk of falls by improving agility and balance. There are other activities of daily living that depend on physical mobility and speed. C. Jessie Jones, California State University, outlines the test and Mary Ann Wilson, RN designs routines to improve test scores.

  • S07E05 Scratch Test for Upper Body Flexibility

    Reaching over the shoulder to scratch your back or to bathe and dress is limited by poor upper body flexibility. C. Jessie Jones, PhD, FACSM, California State University, explains how to measure upper body flexibility and why it is important. Mary Ann Wilson, RN creates some unusual exercises, using a towel, to restore flexibility. Inspired by music that is reminiscent of James Bond, this episode is most refreshing and enjoyable.

  • S07E06 Growing Young Not Old with Dr. Karl Knopf

    Recognized expert in the field of senior fitness, Dr. Karl Knopf examines the relationship between growing older and the value of strength training. Mary Ann Wilson, RN introduces viewers to exercises using weights while Lori McCormick, PT modifies the exercises for those with limited flexibility.

  • S07E07 Calcium and Strong Bones with Dr. Jill Gronholz

    Dr. Jill Gronholz discusses the current guidelines for adequate calcium intake. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT works on exercises using a small ball.

  • S07E08 Growing Young Not Old part #2 with Dr. Karl Knopf

    Dr. Karl Knopf discusses a condition called sarcopenia, which is “age-related muscle loss.” He explains how a proper dose of strength training can restore muscles. Inspired by his advice, Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT, include the use of weights in this episode.

  • S07E09 Be Positive with Dr. Karl Knopf

    Dr. Karl Knopf provides new insights on the link between a positive attitude and general health. He cites a recent study showing that positive people are less likely to become frail and that optimism can be learned. He jokingly suggests that perhaps everyone should get a dose of B+ blood. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT, approach this episode with a light-hearted workout that is guaranteed to leave you with a smile on your face.

  • S07E10 Vitamin D with Dr. Jill Gronholz

    Dr. Jill Gronholz explains the importance of Vitamin D to our bone health and shares the latest information on how much we need. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT, include a routine using a small ball into this refreshing episode.

  • S07E11 Exercise Every Day with Dr. Karl Knopf

    Dr. Karl Knopf gives some healthy advice as to why exercise makes everyday living easier. To be able to do what you want, when you want takes energy. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT work side by side to provide an energizing and motivating workout.

  • S07E12 Osteoporosis and Fractures with Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier

    Osteoporosis Specialist, Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier, examines the relationship between osteoporosis and fractures and gives viewers some helpful advice on the best ways to avoid becoming an osteoporosis statistic. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT use a large ball and resistance bands to demonstrate exercises and explain why they have included them in this episode.

  • S07E13 Creative Exercises

    When it comes to creativity, Mary Ann Wilson, RN takes the prize. Best known for her ability to increase the enjoyment of exercise by her choice of music and uniquely choreographed routines, she puts that trait to work in this episode. With the help of several pieces of music, that is both whimsical and bright, Mary Ann is inspired to create a delightful combination of movements. She uses a large ball, towel and resistant band to keep the energy flowing. Lori McCormick, PT makes the appropriate modifications for those who may have some physical limitations.

  • S07E14 Lifestyle Diseases

    Dr. Karl Knopf helps us take a look at our personal lifestyle and its connection to disease. His motivating message discusses how a reasonable dose of consistent activity can improve well-being and quality of life. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT follow up with a set of routines that will entice even the most exercise resistant viewer to give exercise a try. The use of props, such as a towel and weights along with music that provides the background for some “James Bond” undercover work, makes this an especially delightful show.

  • S07E15 Diabetes and S.U.G.A.R with Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier

    Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier explains why exercising faithfully is essential in the control of diabetes and gives some important exercise guidelines. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT begin this exercise session with their shoes off and use a small ball to stimulate circulation. You won’t want to miss the relaxation segment at the end of the workout, which uses the element of color to inspire a calm and tranquil environment.

  • S07E16 Upbeat Exercises

    This episode combines energetic, upbeat music and the use of a towel to increase range of motion and exercise the fingers. The resistant band offers a chance to strengthen muscles. Mary Ann Wilson, RN works on providing creative exercises to compliment the refreshing music and Lori McCormick, PT makes all the necessary modifications.

  • S07E17 Exercise and Parkinson’s with Dr. David Greeley

    Dr. David Greeley details the primary symptoms and secondary signs of Parkinson’s disease. Regardless of how the condition manifests itself, the common ground is the need to exercise every day. Mary Ann Wilson, RN puts together her most creative choreography to demonstrate facial exercises that are critically important for Parkinson’s patients. Lori McCormick, PT coaches Mary Ann through the routine. They include a host of other exercises that specifically address Parkinson’s.

  • S07E18 The Fountain of Youth with Dr. Karl Knopf

    Dr. Karl Knopf explains why it is important to exercise every day. Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT encourage viewers to join them in a fun workout.

  • S07E19 Fibromyalgia and Exercise with Lynne Matallana

    Lynne Matallana, MA shares her fibromyalgia experience with viewers and serves as a source of encouragement to them. She describes the role of exercise in the management of this condition. Once again, Mary Ann Wilson, RN puts together a most creative way to address the special needs of fibromyalgia viewers in a gentle way. Many of the exercises are done with the assistance of a large ball. Lori McCormick, PT remains seated.

  • S07E20 Celebrate Movement

    Mary Ann Wilson, RN and Lori McCormick, PT wrap up this series sharing their favorite routines.

Season 8

  • S08E01 The Mechanics of Good Posture

    Mary Ann demonstrates several ways to improve posture and spinal alignment. A variety of breathing exercises designed to strengthen the postural muscles are introduced in unique combinations.

  • S08E02 Building Your Core

    Weak back and abdominal muscles increase the load on the spine, can cause an abnormal tilt of the pelvis and increase the strain on the back muscles. Lack of flexibility in the core muscles can also restrict movements, such as rotating and bending. This program features exercises to build a strong core.

  • S08E03 Power Up With Weights

    As we age, we lose 5 to 7 pounds of muscle tissue every 10 years, which has a negative effect on our metabolism, bone density and overall ability to carry out daily activities. Mary Ann, an advocate of slow, gradual progression, introduces the safe use of weights.

  • S08E04 Exercise Bands, Another Form of Resistance

    Mary Ann emphasizes the importance of proper technique when using elastic resistance as another way to strengthen muscles. Elastic exercise bands are used in innovative ways, incorporated into routines for both upper and lower body strengthening.

  • S08E05 Work Up To Walking; Gait Strategies

    Although walking is an activity we do every day, it’s important to learn to do it correctly. This episode will focus on increasing circulation, strengthening exercises for the knees, hips and back, proper posture, foot placement and ankle joint flexibility.

  • S08E06 Basics of Mobility, Dynamic Balance, and Agility

    The ability to maintain balance is a motor skill that needs to be practiced. Mary Ann incorporates a wide range of innovative exercises to achieve that goal.

  • S08E07 Tai Chi Movements

    Tai Chi, an ancient form of Chinese exercise, has been shown to enhance balance, posture and breathing. This episode includes the practice of Tai Chi.

  • S08E08 Learning How To Breathe Correctly

    Breathing is one of those activities that we do unconsciously and take for granted. Mary Ann provides a wide variety of breathing exercises throughout this episode. Emphasis is placed on: diaphragmatic breathing, intercostal breathing and pursed lip breathing. Methods for using the breath for relaxation and revitalization are integrated.

  • S08E09 Everyday Living Exercises

    Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is an essential element to keeping you functionally fit. By making exercise part of your lifestyle, you will maintain your quality of life and independence. This episode will demonstrate moves that help improve range of motion, upper and lower body flexibility, and strength.

  • S08E10 Arthritis and Exercise

    There are over 100 forms of Arthritis and exercise plays a key role in relieving the pain associated with these conditions. Mary Ann uses slow gentle movements, few repetitions, and demonstrates the best way to exercise during a flare-up and on good days.

  • S08E11 Lower Body Flexibility

    Lower body flexibility is needed for dressing, bending down to pick something up from the floor, and getting out of the bathtub. Mary Ann uses a towel and a variety of exercises to improve the ability perform the everyday activities that require lower body flexibility.

  • S08E12 Lower Body Strengthening

    How active you are depends on how well all the muscles in the lower torso work together. Strong lower body muscles translate into greater mobility. Mary Ann incorporates exercises specifically designed to strengthen the legs throughout the workout.

  • S08E13 Upper Body Flexibility

    Many daily activities such as bathing and dressing are limited by poor upper body flexibility. Mary Ann creates some unusual exercises, using a towel and a ball to restore or improve flexibility.

  • S08E14 Upper Body Strengthening

    Arm strength and endurance are needed for every day activities like carrying groceries, lifting grandchildren and doing household and yard chores. Shoulder range of motion exercises are followed by strengthening movements, which are performed without resistance. Exercise bands and weights are added later to the workout.

  • S08E15 Cultural Approach To Exercise

    One of the most successful, motivational approaches to exercise draws on the traditions and music from a variety of cultures. Music therapists have become a part of the rehabilitation team in many environments. They incorporate music and drumming as an important part of therapy. This episode takes advantage of Native American rhythmic steps and stomps and Middle Eastern use of hand held rhythm instruments, such as “toca shakers” for tactile stimulation.

  • S08E16 Exercising Mind and Body

    Most recently, there has been increasing evidence linking the mind and body to vibrant health. This episode will incorporate exercise movements that will revitalize the neuromuscular and cognitive pathways.

  • S08E17 Multi-sensory Training

    This episode will introduce exercises that will improve the older adult’s ability to coordinate head and eye movements, which contribute to balance training and mobility.

  • S08E18 Applying Letters, Symbols and Patterns to Movement

    Specific movement patterns help focus awareness and direction for greater range of motion and strengthening. In this episode Mary Ann introduces innovative exercise strategies to viewers.

  • S08E19 Safe Driving Skills

    A variety of innovation exercises to strengthen safe driving skills. An emphasis is placed on neck and upper body range of motion, eye/hand coordination, lower body strengthening, flexibility and exercises to strengthen peripheral vision.

  • S08E20 Small and Large Ball Exercises

    A 9-12 inch ball and a 1 ½ inch ball (about the size of a golf ball) are used in a number of exercises. These balls are especially helpful for anyone coping with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, stroke, and arthritis, but anyone will benefit from these exercises.

Season 9

  • S09E01 Tai Chi Movements

    • September 24, 2007

    Tai Chi, an ancient form of Chinese exercise, has been shown to enhance balance, posture, and breathing. Mary Ann uses Tai Chi to focus on improving balance.

  • S09E02 Towel and Band Work

    Mary Ann uses a towel and rubber band to strengthen the hands and fingers.

  • S09E03 Everyday Living Exercises

    Mary Ann demonstrates exercises you can do throughout the day to help maintain quality of life and independence.

  • S09E04 Hand Strengthening

    Mary Ann demonstrates exercises to improve mobility of fingers and hands. Hand specialist, Julie Paull, OT, also shares tips on preparing your hands for exercises.

  • S09E05 Efficient Breathing

    Mary Ann focuses on breathing more efficiently throughout her exercises to improve overall health.

  • S09E06 Power Up With Weights

    As we age, we lose five to seven pounds of muscle tissue every 10 years, which negatively affects our metabolism and bone density. This workout strengthens the entire body with fun, safe weight exercises.

  • S09E07 Back Strengthening

    Mary Ann uses a ball to improve range of motion and strengthen back muscles that provide support.

  • S09E08 Basics of Mobility, Balance and Agility

  • S09E09 Reactive Training

  • S09E10 Circulation

    Two circulation exercises make this a great workout to get blood flowing through the body and a weight routine helps to strengthen the muscles and bones.

  • S09E11 Balance and Coordination

    Balance and coordination are essential for functional fitness. A small ball is used to improve these important skills.

  • S09E12 Posture and Coordination

    Mary Ann uses a large ball to help improve posture and a small ball to help improve coordination.

  • S09E13 Core Strengthening

    This program features exercises for the back, abdominal, gluteal, and upper leg muscles to stabilize the body’s core.

  • S09E14 Multi-sensory Tactile Training

    Finger and weight exercises are used to help coordinate head-eye movements and facilitate sensory stimulation. This episode also focuses on improving balance and mobility.

  • S09E15 The Mechanics of Good Posture

    This workout focuses on a variety of exercises designed to increase postural awareness and correct poor postural habits.

  • S09E16 Leg Strengthening

    Strong lower body muscles translate into greater mobility. This episode concentrates on exercises to strengthen the legs.

  • S09E17 Exercise Bands Another Form of Resistance

    Mary Ann emphasizes the importance of proper technique when using elastic resistance bands to strengthen muscles.

  • S09E18 Focus on Arthritis

    This is a great workout for anyone, but the exercises are especially designed for those who have arthritis.

  • S09E19 Upper Body Strengthening

    Arm strength and endurance are needed for many everyday activities. Shoulder range of motion exercises are followed by strengthening movements.

  • S09E20 Upper Body Flexibility

    Many daily activities are limited by poor upper body flexibility. Mary Ann uses a towel and band to help improve upper body flexibility.

Season 10

  • S10E01 Shoulder Range of Motion

    • September 15, 2009

    This energetic workout focuses on shoulder range of motion and improving head-eye coordination. Mary Ann finishes with a calming visual relaxation.

  • S10E02 The Mambo!

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann integrates mambo steps, introducing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, engage core muscles and develop muscle awareness.

  • S10E03 Reaction Time

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann demonstrates exercises to improve reaction time. She introduces unique finger exercises and challenges viewers with balance movements.

  • S10E04 Efficient Breathing

    • September 15, 2009

    Jeff Brooks, PT, joins Mary Ann for a workout that focuses on deep breathing. A new exercise for the oblique muscles is introduced, along with exercises engaging the pelvic floor, abdominal and leg muscles.

  • S10E05 Exercise Bands

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann focuses on slow, controlled movements using exercise bands. A new exercise using a large ball is also introduced.

  • S10E06 Balance and Weights

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann practices balance exercises for fall prevention and demonstrates slow methodical movements using weights.

  • S10E07 Vestibular System

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann Sharkey, PhD, PT, joins Mary Ann to introduce exercises that focus on the vestibular system, including exercises with eyes closed, fast-slow motions, and head-turning movements. Other new exercises are introduced to improve proprioception and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

  • S10E08 Circulation

    • September 15, 2009

    Two circulation routines make this episode a high energy and fast paced workout. This show works the fingers and incorporates the exercise band.

  • S10E09 Foot Massage

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann incorporates a foot massage and finger exercises to make a fun and unique workout.

  • S10E10 Eye-Head Coordination

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann introduces exercises to improve eye-head coordination and later leads exercises to improve pelvic mobility.

  • S10E11 Tai Chi

    • September 15, 2009

    Tai chi movements are combined with brain and visualization exercises for a great warm-up to start off the workout. Isometric exercises using a towel are also demonstrated.

  • S10E12 Abdominal Exercises

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann demonstrates how to get the most out of abdominal exercises by engaging the core muscles.

  • S10E13 Improving Posture

    • September 15, 2009

    Personal trainer, Scott Totton, joins Mary Ann to demonstrate exercises to improve the posture, as well as knee strengthening. The exercise band is also used to strengthen the entire body.

  • S10E14 Engaging the Pelvic Floor

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann focuses on engaging the pelvic floor and sitting on your sitz bones for proper posture. She also adds a foot massage in the warm-up and balance exercises in the legs routine.

  • S10E15 Sensory Awareness

    • September 15, 2009

    This workout begins by stimulating sensory awareness with stroking movements. A variety of finger exercises using a small ball help increase mobility and reduce pain.

  • S10E16 Functional Fitness

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann uses functional movements while incorporating breathing and posture techniques, stretching the piraformis muscle and concluding with a tai chi stretch.

  • S10E17 Balance Challenge

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann challenges participants’ balance with fast-slow movements and seated exercises with closed eyes. She also works on proprioception, eye-head coordination, and ends with a tai chi stretch.

  • S10E18 Back Exercises

    • September 15, 2009

    Osteoporosis specialist, Dr. Lynn Kohlmeier, explains and demonstrates her favorite back exercises, including back extension exercises using a band.

  • S10E19 Visualization Exercises

    • September 15, 2009

    Mary Ann starts the exercise with weight-shifting in the seated warm-up and incorporates several visualization exercises throughout the workout.

  • S10E20 Exercising With Small And Large Balls

    • September 15, 2009

    Set to lively music, this fun-filled episode incorporates a large and small ball for range of motion and strengthening exercises.

Season 11

  • S11E01 Safe Driving

    • November 13, 2009

    Mary Ann combines a number of exercises to sharpen driving skills by working the brain, eyes and hand/eye coordination.

  • S11E02 Brain Fitness

    • November 13, 2009

    Mary Ann uses a variety of exercises to stimulate the brain including body tapping, visual tactile stimulation, and reaction time drills.

  • S11E03 Perceptual Motor Training

    • November 13, 2009

    Learn how to use rhythm to keep different processing areas of the brain sharp by practicing special exercise combinations.

  • S11E04 Strengthen Brain Processing Areas

    • November 13, 2009

    Integrating exercises from Neuronet exercise specialist, Sandra Dearman, Mary Ann shares exercises that strengthen pathways between different processing areas of the brain.

  • S11E05 Perceptual Motor Fitness

    • November 13, 2009

    This workout combines a variety of exercises that will encourage perceptual motor fitness for the purpose of strengthening communication between body and brain.

  • S11E06 Balance For Body and Brain

    • November 13, 2009

    Mary Ann incorporates body patting and other exercises that help strengthen balance and stimulate the body and mind.

  • S11E07 Coordination Exercises For Safe Driving

    • November 13, 2009

    This upbeat program combines exercises for driving, coordination, balance and brain function set to a lively variety of music.

  • S11E08 Improve Reaction Time For Safe Driving

    • November 13, 2009

    Mary Ann practices seated reaction time and peripheral vision exercises using a lemon! A variety of finger exercises are also demonstrated.

  • S11E09 Strengthen Your Brain

    • November 13, 2009

    A towel is used to assist with breathing exercises while new balance and eye exercises are introduced to challege the vestibular system.

  • S11E10 Improving Coordination

    • November 13, 2009

    Mary Ann integrates small and large balls into this workout encouraging viewers to develop their balance and coordination skills.

Season 12

  • S12E01 Core Strengthening

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann uses hand weights and a ball to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Gretchen adds some exercises to challenge the brain.

  • S12E02 Healthy Aging

    • February 14, 2011

    A variety of unique exercises are introduced which are all designed to promote healthy aging.

  • S12E03 Exercise Is Fun

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann focuses on fun and functional exercises set to some of her favorite music.

  • S12E04 Strength and Coordination

    • February 14, 2011

    This episode features a potpourri of movements to enhance strength and coordination.

  • S12E05 Reaction Time

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann shows how to use a ball to test your reaction time.

  • S12E06 Balance

    • February 14, 2011

    Improving balance through weight training, stretching and leg strengthening is the theme of this episode.

  • S12E07 March Your Way To Fitness

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann marches her way to fitness with fun routines and patriotic music.

  • S12E08 Pelvic Floor

    • February 14, 2011

    Muscles of pelvic floor are often ignored but this workout shows some easy movements to keep those important muscles strong.

  • S12E09 Posture and Breathing

    • February 14, 2011

    Posture is essential to any good workout. In this program Mary Ann demonstrates how to maintain good posture while exercising.

  • S12E10 Facial Exercises

    • February 14, 2011

    Facial exercises are important because they increase sensory awareness in mouth and encourage facial expression. These exercises are essential for anyone experiencing neurological challenges.

  • S12E11 We’ve Gone Country

    • February 14, 2011

    Country music sets the tone and pace for this fun full body workout.

  • S12E12 Don’t Forget Your Fingers

    • February 14, 2011

    Paying special attention to the finger joints is important in our quest to stay independent and keep our hands functioning well.

  • S12E13 Vestibular System

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann challenges your vestibular system with a fun ball routine and other functional movements set to jazz music.

  • S12E14 Breathing

    • February 14, 2011

    By toning and stretching muscles around the ribcage and practicing good breathing technique viewers learn how to get the most out of each breath.

  • S12E15 Stretching

    • February 14, 2011

    Strengthening should always be followed by stretching as an important component to any workout. This episode includes some great stretching exercises to improve flexibility.

  • S12E16 Relaxation

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann explores the healing touch of massage, demonstrating some effective ways to release tension and use movement to relax.

  • S12E17 Maintain Independence

    • February 14, 2011

    This episode is full of functional movements to help improve performance of the activities of daily life and help you maintain independence as you age.

  • S12E18 Resistance Exercises

    • February 14, 2011

    Mary Ann introduces some unique ways to strengthen muscles with a resistance exercise band. Emphasis is placed on maintaining proper technique to avoid injury and get the most out of the movements.

  • S12E19 Feel Your Best

    • February 14, 2011

    Feeling good is important in life, certain movements help you feel your best. Mary Ann shares exercises that will leave you feeling great

  • S12E20 Fundamental Moves

    • February 14, 2011

    In this episode Mary Ann mixes the good old standards with new moves for a fun and effective full body workout

Season 13

  • S13E01 Kinesthetic Awareness

    This Sit and Be Fit episode focuses on the importance of kinesthetic awareness and weight shifting as they relate to balance.

  • S13E02 Static Balance

    Weights are incorporated into the standing exercises to challenge static balance.

  • S13E03 Pelvic & Ribcage Mobility

    Pelvic and ribcage mobility exercises take center stage in this fun, full-body workout.

  • S13E04 Strong Back, Strong Core

    Mary Ann combines a variety of exercises to emphasize the importance of strong core muscles and their role in maintaining back health.

  • S13E05 Neuromuscular Coordination

    In this episode, Mary Ann uses heel tapping, patting, clapping and changing of rhythm patterns which contribute to improving neuromuscular coordination.

  • S13E06 Release Tension Through Exercise

    This fast-paced workout ends with a peaceful relaxation, leading viewers from a state of invigoration to a place of complete tranquility.

  • S13E07 Strengthening Muscles & Joints

    This program is devoted to strengthening muscles to stabilize our joints and preserve muscle mass.

  • S13E08 A Healthy Back

    Mary Ann focuses on the importance of maintaining a healthy back with exercises that involve back flexibility, strengthening and stretching.

  • S13E09 Better Balance

    Good balance begins with proper spinal alignment, strong core muscles and bringing awareness to our center of gravity while weight shifting.

  • S13E10 Improve Your Mood

    In this episode Mary Ann uses tactile stimulation to increase circulation and elicit a relaxed state of body and mind.

  • S13E11 Lighthearted Exercises

    Mary Ann introduces a variety of new exercises for fingers, gait and back strengthening in this fun, light-hearted episode.

  • S13E12 Back & Abdominal Strengthening

    This episode focuses on stretching and strengthening the abdominal and back muscles to protect the spine and help avoid injury.

  • S13E13 Exercising with Accessories

    Mary Ann introduces a variety of unique exercises incorporating a large ball during the warm up and a small ball for finger flexibility and strengthening.

  • S13E14 Somatosensory Work

    We rely on our somatosensory system for good balance and everyday functioning. Mary Ann helps viewers turn their awareness inward to work this system.

  • S13E15 Releasing Muscle Tightness

    Mary Ann uses a small ball, a towel and a large ball to release some of the restrictions that build up in the connective tissue that runs throughout the body.

  • S13E16 Myofacial Relief & Gait

    Mary Ann uses the large ball in this workout to loosen up the fascia around the scapula. Later in the program she focuses on exercises to improve gait.

  • S13E17 Keep the Fun in ‘Fun’ctional Fitness

    In this episode Mary Ann focuses on the fun side of exercise through the use of novelty music and imaginative choreography.

  • S13E18 Variety is the Spice of Life

    Mary Ann combines a variety of exercises that improve function including a new exercise that uses the fingers and breath to control abdominal muscles.

  • S13E19 Finger Dexterity

    This episode combines fun music of the Charleston and Cha-cha to demonstrate finger exercises using a pencil, sit to stand exercises and vestibular work.

  • S13E20 Happy Feet, Healthy Body

    Mary Ann stresses the importance of foot health. Using a small ball she shares foot exercises and massage techniques to improve circulation, range of motion and strength in the foot.

Season 14

  • S14E01 All Systems Go!

    This program incorporates exercises for the brain and several body systems including vestibular and lymphatic.

  • S14E02 Fit From Head to Toe

    This episode incorporates a variety of exercises ranging designed to improve the vestibular system, gait and functioning of the feet.

  • S14E03 Sensory Awareness and Breathing

    Mary Ann uses fun music to demonstrate breathing techniques and sensory awareness.

  • S14E04 Fun with the Large Ball

    The large ball is used in many ways from postural alignment to helping with balance in this episode.

  • S14E05 Footwork and Core

    We take our feet and core muscles for granted. In this episode Mary Ann uses a variety of new exercises to focus on the importance of your feet.

  • S14E06 Controlled Breathing

    Mary Ann experiments with several ways to control breathing to efficiently distribute oxygen throughout the body.

  • S14E07 Vestibular and Core

    Mary Ann combines a nice mix of vestibular and core work while Gretchen reinforces the importance of gait training exercises.

  • S14E08 Posture

    Mary Ann breaks down techniques to improve our posture and special guest Jeff Brooks gives us a balance exercise for the day.

  • S14E09 Breathing

    Mary Ann offers several techniques to develop healthy breathing habits.

  • S14E10 Back Health

    Mary Ann introduces new exercises to gently loosen the thoracic spine with subtle shoulder and back movements.

  • S14E11 Functional Fitness

    This episode includes exercises that promote healthy living and being able to perform daily activities with ease and without injury. Registered dietitian, Janell Buchkoski, challenges viewers with a weight management tip of the day.

  • S14E12 Good Alignment

    By doing exercises with eyes closed, Mary Ann builds an awareness of how good spinal alignment feels. Mary Ann gives a tip of the day.

  • S14E13 New Challenges

    Mary Ann introduces a new abdominal exercise called the “Ski Jump” and Gretchen gives you a new balance challenge.

  • S14E14 Coordination and Reaction Time

    This episode focuses on being aware of your body’s movements and how it contributes to coordination and reaction time.

  • S14E15 Lymphatic System

    Mary Ann uses soothing music and slow gentle movements to stimulate the lymphatic system.

  • S14E16 Mobility and Balance

    This episode highlights a variety of exercises to improve balance and concludes with stroking.

  • S14E17 Your Feet, Your Foundation

    It’s important to let your feet feel the floor. Exercising barefoot, Mary Ann emphasizes somatosensory awareness in the feet throughout the workout.

  • S14E18 Flabby Arms

    This workout focuses on exercises to tone the arm muscles. Mary Ann introduces a new way to strengthen arms using your own body as resistance.

  • S14E19 The Power of Small Movements

    This episode demonstrates what can be achieved with small gentle movements.

  • S14E20 Flexibility and Range of Motion

    All the exercises in this program highlight range of motion throughout the shoulders and back.

Season 15

  • S15E01 Brain Booster

    This program focuses on exercises that activate the brain and includes excellent movement patterns for balance and gait.

  • S15E02 Practice Perfect Posture

    This episode puts an emphasis on postural alignment and using proper form to get the most out of each exercise.

  • S15E03 Variety, the Spice of Life

    Mary Ann uses a variety of exercises and exercise accessories to help you feel and function better.

  • S15E04 Functional and Fun Exercises for the Feet

    This workout begins with a fun segment dedicated to keeping your feet happy and healthy.

  • S15E05 Yardsticks and Bands

    Opening this program is a unique warm-up routine using a yardstick. Later in the show, Mary Ann focuses on upper and lower body strengthening using bands.

  • S15E06 Shoulder and Back Strength

    Mary Ann guides viewers through a lively workout sharing exercises that help strengthen the shoulders and back.

  • S15E07 Postural Alignment and Shoulder Stability

    This program features exercises that help increase postural awareness and stabilize the shoulders.

  • S15E08 Circulation

    This upbeat episode focuses on movements designed to get the blood flowing through the body.

  • S15E09 Core Strengthening

    Mary Ann shares exercises that help build core strength which plays an important role in balance and back strength.

  • S15E10 Hip Mobility

    Maintaining flexibility in the hips is an important strategy to ensure healthy aging. Mary Ann spends time during this workout focusing on this area of functional fitness.

Season 16

  • S16E01 Music and Novelty

    Mary Ann’s love of combining novelty music and exercise is obvious by the way she matches her movements to this engaging staccato melody. Gretchen introduces a seated brain workout.

  • S16E02 Imagining Resistance

    Mary Ann demonstrates three different ways to push up from a chair and uses imaginary resistance to strengthen muscles. Gretchen combines a standing balance routine with vestibular work.

  • S16E03 A Treat For Your Feet

    In this episode Mary Ann is paying special attention for feet, shoulders and hip range of motion using a towel and band.

  • S16E04 Somatosensory and Lymphatic Systems

    Mary Ann uses a large ball to stimulate the sensory and lymphatic systems, accompanied by jazzy, New Orleans style music. Gretchen’s new cross and open pattern for a brain.

  • S16E05 Neglected Areas Of The Body

    This episode begins slow and easy with great music to accompany exercises for posture using a towel and band, a large ball for balance, in addition to exercises for hips, carpal tunnel and the pelvic floor.

  • S16E06 Diabetes and Peripheral Neuropathy

    A large and small ball is used as a way to facilitate exercises to improve conditions such as diabetes and peripheral neuropathy.

  • S16E07 Full Body Workout

    Mary Ann uses a towel to assist with neck alignment and a band for strengthening shoulders and upper back. There is a focus on core and a special tip to help balance.

  • S16E08 Brain and Balance

    This episode includes unusual exercises for brain stimulation and help with balance.

  • S16E09 Upbeat and Fun

    This energetic full body workout has a lot stomping and good hip movement for anyone confined to a wheelchair or chair.

  • S16E10 Be Happy

    Mary Ann will lift your spirits, posture, and leave you with a smile, happy feet and nimble fingers. The workout includes a brain workout with Gretchen and uses a small bell.

Season 17

  • S17E01 Heel to Toe Functional Fitness

    In this workout Mary Ann focuses on core strengthening, balance, finger dexterity, and improving range of motion. Dr. Emily shares the “short foot” exercise.

  • S17E02 Body Alignment and Core Strengthening

    In this episode Mary Ann focuses on the details of proper body alignment and core strengthening throughout the workout. Dr. Emily shows how to use “short foot” in a sit-to-stand progression.

  • S17E03 Wake Your Body With Exercise

    In this lively functional workout Mary Ann uses a towel to improve range of motion. Gretchen leads a finger segment for the brain featuring college football hand signs and Dr. Emily shares a foot release homework assignment.

  • S17E04 Exercise Interventions for Functional Fitness

    Mary Ann incorporates exercises that can be practiced daily to promote functional fitness and independence. Dr. Emily shares a pelvic floor exercise to strengthen the core.

  • S17E05 Pamper Your Feet

    This episode is packed with variety and several guest appearances. Mary Ann and Dr. Emily share exercises to stimulate your feet and keep them healthy.

  • S17E06 Lymphatic Health Special

    Physical Therapist, Diana Smith, explains the role of the lymphatic system in removing toxins from the body. Mary Ann devotes this episode to a variety of movements and exercises that stimulate healthy lymphatic flow including a self-massage relaxation segment.

  • S17E07 Tai Chi with Tino

    Tai Chi exercises are good for balance training and fall prevention. Mary Ann introduces guest Tai Chi instructor, Tino, who leads viewers in a fun “Tai Chi By The Sea” segment.

  • S17E08 Brain and Balance

    Mary Ann shares exercises that improve postural strength and finger dexterity. Gretchen leads viewers through a fun segment that challenges the brain and balance systems with reaction time and patterning exercises. Dr. Emily shares a balance tip.

  • S17E09 Tone and Stretch

    Mary Ann uses a towel, large ball, and weights to guide viewers through a full-body workout to improve strength and range of motion. A variety of fun music is used throughout. Dr. Emily shares a balance tip. The episode ends with a gentle relaxation segment.

  • S17E10 Balance Your Body

    In this episode, Mary Ann leads viewers through a workout designed to balance out the body to improve functional fitness. Dr. Emily shares an exercise to strengthen balance and help reduce fall risk.

Season 18

  • S18E01 Muscle Isolations

    Mary Ann focuses on building a strong core with muscle isolations that target the pelvic floor. She dedicates the circulation segment to her young fans. The workout progresses through movements that stretch and strengthen the entire body including exercises for the eyes. Dr. Emily closes the program with a relaxation tip to reduce anxiety and pain.

  • S18E02 Grow Strong Effortlessly

    Mary Ann begins this workout with gentle functional exercises using a ball to improve posture and strengthen the core. Slow methodical movements with weights are incorporated during the strengthening segment. Things speed up with a variety of exercises to improve circulation, range of motion, mobility, and balance. Dr. Emily shares four simple tricks to improve balance.

  • S18E03 Head To Toe

    Tone, Stretch & Strengthen: Mary Ann uses a large ball to warm up the body and a small ball to exercise the fingers. A towel is used for stretching. Gretchen leads a circulation segment incorporating brain exercises and later in the program shares balance strengthening exercises. The episode ends with a visual relaxation segment.

  • S18E04 Pulse, Press, Pull-Up

    Using small pulses, presses, and isometric contractions to strengthen muscles in a gentle way, Mary Ann introduces a variety of new movements targeting different muscle groups and joints throughout the entire body. Gretchen leads a finger segment that challenges the brain. Standing exercises focus on improving gait, balance, and mobility. Special attention is given to the pelvic girdle and pulling up on the muscles of the pelvic floor.

  • S18E05 Warm Up, Circulate, Strengthen & Stretch

    This episode begins with a warm-up dedicated to a young Sit and Be Fit fan followed by a circulation and weight segment. Mary Ann introduces new exercises using a ball to improve dexterity and proper body mechanics. Dr. Emily shares 4 balance exercises and Gretchen leads a relaxation segment.

  • S18E06 Functional Feel-Good Exercises

    Diaphragmatic breathing takes center stage for the first 5 minutes of this episode followed by a lively circulation song that will wake up your feet. Mary Ann introduces towel exercises to strengthen postural muscles and improve range of motion. Dr. Emily shares an exercise to mobilize the ribcage to improve gait and mobility. Mary Ann’s granddaughter, Maddie, leads a flamenco segment and Gretchen finishes with a brief relaxation. This workout will leave you feeling good!

  • S18E07 Breathing, Posture, and Balance

    Mary Ann begins this functional workout with an emphasis on breathing exercises. A towel is used to improve tactile stimulation, grip strength, and wrist flexibility. Guest instructor, Toni, leads a weight segment to strengthen postural muscles and Gretchen leads a balance routine. Mary Ann finishes the workout with stretching and relaxation. Dr. Emily leaves viewers with a brain game exercise for balance.

  • S18E08 Exercise Potpourri

    This workout is jam-packed with a variety of exercises to strengthen postural and core muscles; improve balance, mobility, and range of motion. Mary Ann introduces finger and wrist exercises with a small ball to improve grip strength. Tai Chi practitioner, Tino, leads a Tai Chi segment. Dr. Emily shares stretching mobilization exercises to improve gait and mobility and Mary Ann finishes the workout with feet exercises using a small ball.

  • S18E09 Core Strength and Yoga Inspired Exercises

    Yoga-inspired exercises are woven throughout this gentle workout. Mary Ann focuses on exercises that emphasize extension, stretching, and core strengthening. Dr. Emily shares a brain game exercise to help improve balance.

  • S18E10 Fun Exercises for the Core and More

    Mary Ann kicks off this lively episode with a variety of core strengthening exercises followed by a fast-paced circulation segment. A small ball is used to improve grip strength, reaction time, and finger dexterity. Weights are utilized to target muscles of the core, arms, and lower body while a large ball is used for standing balance work and pelvic mobility. Gretchen leads a stretch segment using a towel and Dr. Emily closes the episode with a balance homework exercise.