On a diplomatic trip to London, the Ambassador of Egypt's cat becomes the victim of an unexplained theft during his visit to Buckingham Palace.
Salty, one of the Royal Guard cats, is paralysed by a mysterious knight with supernatural powers.
Flash, the greyhound race champion, disappears from his ultra-secure pen in unfathomable circumstances the night before an important race.
Champollion, the parrot of the famous archeologist, Sir Arthur Bones, calls upon Clever when his master is abducted by a humanoid robot after localising the famous Templars' treasure.
A cat named Jellybean comes to consult Clever: her master, a great violinist, lost his mind and broke his violin in a tantrum, as if he'd suddenly become a baby.
A beauty contest poodle is attacked in her home one night by a tentacular creature.
Just as Agent Paxton, the Scotland Yard pigeon, is about to share an important piece of information with his boss, Detective McFlare, they are attacked by a small, elusive, mysterious adversary with Ninja combat techniques.
Detective McFlare is certain that the diamond thief who is currently terrorising London will come after the Queen's diamond next. But how can he protect the gem from an enemy described by guards' dogs as a 'shaggy-haired gnome who can teleport himself'?
Benny, the sweetest and most popular dog in the neighborhood, suddenly and radically changes personalities after seeing an enigmatic symbol engraved on a tree in the park. He snubs his friends and even bites his beloved master.
According to Alfred the pigeon, the old Buckingham Palace aviary is bewitched: a living gargoyle scares away any birds that come close. And according to Clever, Alfred might be a dreamer, but the clues on him do not lie.
In the Lexington Park, there is a hidden place behind the bridge where dogs disappear instantly, leaving no trail. When the dog of a human detective from Scotland Yard disappears, McFlare asks Clever to help him elucidate this phenomenon.
Detective McFlare and his team tolerate the outlaw "Robin of the Animals", a mysterious dog who steals humans' unsold food to distribute it to street animals from an air balloon. Until the day he sends them a message threatening the Queen.
One night, Alfred the pigeon witnesses the abduction of a hamster by a creature with an extraordinary ability to move rapidly and agilely. As Alfred attempts to follow it, the creature puts him to sleep in mid-flight with a simple glance.
Athena calls on Clever and Bro when she and her scientist master are attacked by the phantom of her master's partner who died in an accident twenty years ago and who now threatens to seek vengeance.
The Queen is on winter vacation at her Scottish residence, Balmoral. During a visit to a local museum, a mysterious magician named Barkis turns her into a statue before disappearing.