Koyama Mami, born January 17, 1955 in Nishio, Aichi Prefecture, Japan, is a veteran seiyuu who was born in Nishio, Aichi. She was once married to fellow seiyuu Furuya Tooru, her co-star in Kidou Senshi Gundam, Urusei Yatsura, Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya, and Casshern Sins. Koyama is affiliated with Aoni Production. Her best-known voice roles include Arale in Dr. Slump, Minky Momo in Mahou no Princess Minky Momo, Lunch in Dragon Ball, and Mendou Ryouko in Urusei Yatsura.
Episode |
怪 〜ayakashi〜 四谷怪談 「序の幕」 |
2006 |
Episode |
怪 〜ayakashi〜 四谷怪談 「二の幕」 |
2006 |
Episode |
怪 〜ayakashi〜 四谷怪談 「三の幕」 |
2006 |
Episode |
怪 〜ayakashi〜 四谷怪談 「大詰め」 |
2006 |