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Season 1

  • S01E01 Mom of a Croc

    • December 31, 2010
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin are determined to prove to Aviva that there's more to crocodiles than their reputation as scary brutes. They use an egg disguise, created by the young inventor, to infiltrate a crocodile nest for an insider's look at the challenging journey of the infant crocs. They also discover the importance of heat in the life cycle of the croc and that heat can even move from one object to another by a process called conduction.

  • S01E02 Whale of a Squid

    • December 31, 2010
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers are taking Aviva's submarine prototype out for a test drive when the vehicle gets sucked into a battle between a Sperm whale and Giant squid, spiraling down into the depths. Martin and Chris want to follow, but their damaged vehicle can't take that kind of pressure. So Aviva develops whale and squid Creature Power Suits and the intrepid explorers venture where no sub has gone before.

  • S01E03 Aardvark Town

    • January 5, 2011
    • PBS

    After a young aardvark accidentally becomes a stowaway in Chris's backpack, the Wild Kratts team sets off on a "door to door" search to return him to his home burrow. Along the way, they discover how aardvarks manipulate earth materials to alter landscapes and learn the incredible (and valuable) service this amazing animal provides to all the burrow-living creatures of Africa.

  • S01E04 Flight of the Draco

    • January 6, 2011
    • PBS

    While on a mission to discover the secret of the Draco lizard's gliding abilities, Martin and Chris uncover an evil plot devised by villainous fashion designer, Donita Donata, who has been capturing these amazing creatures to make them part of her new Fall collection. It's the Wild Kratts team to the rescue using what they know about gliding and gravity!

  • S01E05 Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy

    • January 7, 2011
    • PBS

    Aviva miniaturizes Chris and Martin for a fascinating underground mission to meet earthworms and "dig up" the answer to the mystery of why worms come above ground when it rains. But they have to hurry, as they soon realize that life as a worm is full of dangers at every turn. Along the way they learn that wet objects can be changed by heating and cooling and that the worm's unique environment helps them stay moist.

  • S01E06 Platypus Cafe

    • January 10, 2011
    • PBS

    On a kayaking expedition in Australia, the brothers encounter one of the world's most unusual creatures: a platypus mother with her eggs. But unscrupulous endangered animal chef, Gourmand, plans on adding the platypus eggs to his menu. Chris and Martin must harness the special electromagnetic "sixth sense" of the platypus to save the eggs. They realize that animals use their senses to find out about their surroundings and themselves, and different senses give different information.

  • S01E07 Polar Bears Don't Dance

    • January 12, 2011
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris are on a mission in the Arctic to discover just how animals move around in different environments. Their new knowledge of both buoyancy and traction comes in handy when they discover that the dastardly Zach Varmitech has kidnapped a Walrus calf and a Polar bear cub. The Wild Kratts team will do whatever it takes to return the baby animals to their mothers!

  • S01E08 Build It Beaver

    • January 13, 2011
    • PBS

    When the Wild Kratts creature adventurers accidentally break a beaver dam, they must lend a hand to help the beaver family rebuild it and restore the pond ecosystem for all the creatures who live there. They observe how the beavers make marvelous, complicated structures blocking the flow of water down a stream. Through building these dams, this remarkable animal single-handedly transforms the landscape, creating massive wetlands and homes for a huge variety of wildlife.

  • S01E09 Voyage of the Butterflier XT

    • January 17, 2011
    • PBS

    Using Aviva's newest invention, the Butterflier XT, the miniaturized Kratt Brothers embark on the most incredible insect voyage in the world Ð the Monarch butterfly's astounding 2,000 mile migration to their secret forests in Mexico. Along the way, the gang experiences harsh storms, dangerous predators, and other hardships of the insect migration as they investigate one of the most unusual animal life cycles on the planet.

  • S01E10 Honey Seekers

    • January 19, 2011
    • PBS

    While on an adventure to discover the toughest animal in Africa, Chris and Martin uncover the amazing symbiotic relationships between bees, the Honey guide bird and the Honey badger, a bond that the Wild Kratts team uses to foil the evil plans of Chef Gourmand.

  • S01E11 Bass Class

    • January 20, 2011
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris are in the middle of a friendly competition to find Smallmouth and Largemouth bass when they encounter Gavin, a "Wild Kratts Kid" who is fishing. Before they can join him, Zach Varmitech arrives and challenges them all to a fishing contest. The whole team must use their knowledge of bass biology and species diversity to win the tournament fair and square.

  • S01E12 Fireflies

    • January 24, 2011
    • PBS

    It's time for the annual Wild Kratts Firefly Picnic so the brothers head off into the forest to find some fireflies to join the fun. But evil fashion designer, Donita Donata, has been capturing all the amazing flashing insects to use for a sparkly, one-of-a-kind dress. Will the Wild Kratts team be able to save the firefly population? They'll have to use everything they know and learn about bioluminescence and fireflies to save the day!

  • S01E13 Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus

    • January 27, 2011
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin are out to investigate why the walrus looks so weird, but then find out that Zach Varmitech has kidnapped an entire herd to mine precious pearls for Donita Donata's fashion line. The Wild Kratts team figures out that walrus' have incredible powers that have a lot to do with how they look. They must employ the walrus' super suction and other amazing powers against Zach to save the herd and return them back home to their Arctic domain.

  • S01E14 Tazzy Chris

    • January 31, 2011
    • PBS

    When Martin and Chris assist the Tasmanian Wildlife Service in tagging endangered Tasmanian devils, they discover that Zach Varmitech has begun kidnapping them to create a ferocious new Zachbot. And, to make matters worse, a malfunction in Chris' Creature Power Suit has Chris transforming erratically and uncontrollably into a Tazzy Devil and back again! As the Wild Kratts team works to foil Zach's horrible plot, Chris experiences what being a Tasmanian devil is all about and the gang discovers that a healthy ecosystem contains both predators and scavengers.

  • S01E15 Octopus Wildkratticus

    • February 3, 2011
    • PBS

    When Martin accidentally knocks the Creature Power Suits into a deep Arctic trench, Aviva takes the brothers to search for them in her brand-new Octopod submarine. But after the gang encounters what seems to be a very strange new species of underwater octopus, they figure out that something has gone very wrong in the deep sea.

  • S01E16 Walk on the Wetside

    • February 21, 2011
    • PBS

    When Chris and Martin locate an amazing water-walking Basilisk lizard in Costa Rica, they try to replicate its actions in order to learn how this rare lizard is able to walk on water. They discover that by using its wide feet, churning its legs to create water pockets and keeping up a certain speed, the Basilisk is able to run on water in order to escape from predators.

  • S01E17 Elephant in the Room

    • February 22, 2011
    • PBS

    The brothers come across a lone baby elephant and bring him back to the Tortuga HQ for safety until they can find his mom. But they learn how mischievous baby elephants can be and get more than they bargained for when it almost destroys the Tortuga! As they rush to get the baby elephant home, the WildKratts team realizes that animals have different structures that serve various functions in growth and survival.

  • S01E18 Let the Rhinos Roll!

    • March 28, 2011
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts team is on an important mission to unearth why Rhinos are mysteriously disappearing from the African Savannah. They soon discover that Zach Varmitech has been kidnapping them to create a new super Rhino Dozers so the creature adventurers devise a plan to rescue them - and it just might work!

  • S01E19 Falcon City

    • April 21, 2011
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers are itching to fly with the world’s fastest animal, the Peregrine falcon, which can hit top speeds of 240 mph. But their efforts are side-tracked when the rest of the Wild Kratts team challenges them to find the falcon in the city instead of in the wild, and Chris’ Creature Power Suit is accidentally activated with Pigeon Powers ! But then they discover that Zach is sending his Zachbots to clean off a building that has a peregrine falcon nests with chicks! Martin and Chris must activate their Peregrine falcons powers and harness the force of gravity to pull off a high flying creature rescue!

  • S01E20 The Blue and the Gray

    • April 22, 2011
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris are absorbed in a hilarious competition to discover who is the best acorn planter, blue jays or gray squirrels, when a strange Creature Power Suit malfunction transforms Martin into an acorn and grows him into an Oak tree! Chris activates the squirrel powers of his Creature Power Suit, but gets waylaid by a bobcat and goshawk, and the Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy can’t find them. It’ll take some animal-loving Wild Kratts kids to get them out of this mess!

  • S01E21 Kickin’ it with the Roos

    • May 23, 2011
    • PBS

    When Chris and Martin meet up with a mob of Red kangaroos, they get their car keys stolen by a joey and have to figure out how to get them back from the tricky little guy. As they jump into the life of the roos to search for the missing keys, the brothers realize that animals live in different kinds of social groups and they have important behaviors that keep the group together and safe. But everybody wonders just how safe this search has become, when Chris and Martin get tangled up in a kickboxing match with the dominant male and caught in the middle of a dingo attack.

  • S01E22 Koala Balloon

    • July 11, 2011
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris must protect a young koala stranded in the Australian Outback, and help him get back to his Eucalyptus forest habitat. On their quest to return the adorable animal home, the brothers discover lots of interesting facts about how animals are specialized to their own environment, and with some tips from an intrepid desert dweller called the thorny devil, they must survive the desert crossing and bring the koala home.

  • S01E23 Cheetah Racer

    • September 2, 2011
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin announce that no creature or vehicle can travel as fast over the rough and tumble African savannah as the cheetah. Aviva takes the challenge and declares she will build a ground racer that can run even faster than a cheetah. Of course Zach wants to prove that he is a better inventor than Aviva and joins the race. The team, inspired by the cheetah, “revs up” to explore the different functions required for speed build a cheetah racer and win the race.

  • S01E24 Stuck on Sharks

    • October 17, 2011
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris are on a mission to uncover the secret life of the mysterious Great White Shark. They use Aviva’s incredible Remora Rocketsub to "stick with" a female shark and soon learn that the giant predator of the sea actually has lots of challenges to contend with and that she could help them discover something that no one has ever seen before - the birth of Great White shark pups. But when Gourmand sniffs around looking for ingredients for his Shark Fin Soup recipe, the Wild Kratts team must help rescue their new friend.

  • S01E25 Mimic

    • October 18, 2011
    • PBS

    While exploring why some animals mimic the looks of others, Martin and Chris encounter a cheetah cub and its mom. But before they know it, evil fashion designer, Donita Donata, ‘cat-naps’ the startled mom right in front of their eyes. The Wild Kratts team springs into action on a rescue mission before Donita adds the momma cheetah to her new fall line. Martin discovers that the cheetah cub has unexpected powers of mimicry, and it’s ability to mimic the ferocious honey badger - is the key to foiling Donita and protecting the cheetah.

  • S01E26 Little Howler

    • October 19, 2011
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin are unpacking from an adventure and are surprised when a Wolf pup pops out of their bags. They have no idea where the little guy came from and must retrace their steps in order to return him back to his pack. They experience that wolves are a very social animal with a close pack structure and frequent visual and audio communication among individual members. With this knowledge and wolf-powered Creature Power Suits the bros are able to fend off a hungry cougar and finally return the pup to his wolf pack.

  • S01E27 Raptor Roundup

    • October 20, 2011
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris challenge themselves to ID as many hawks, eagles, owls, falcons and vultures as they can. But the evil endangered species chef, Gaston Gourmand has his own plan for the raptors and has been capturing them all in his quest to find the tastiest bird wing. Will the Wild Kratts team succeed in rescuing the raptors before they become Gourmand’s next gourmet delicacy? They’ll have to use everything they know about classification and birds of prey to round up the raptors and return them to where they belong - living free and in the wild!

  • S01E28 A Bat in the Brownies

    • October 24, 2011
    • PBS

    When a little brown bat crashlands into a plate of Jimmy Z’s famous brownies, Martin and Chris out set out to convince Aviva, Jimmy Z and Koki that bats are nothing to be afraid of. With bat activated Creature Power Suits, the bros follow join their new friend on a nocturnal fly about, and the entire crew must come to the rescue when the bat colony’s roost is destroyed by a lightning bolt. In the end the Wild Kratts crew “goes batty,” as they gain a new appreciation for bat ecology, predators and insects and echolocation, and learn to love bats.

  • S01E29 Masked Bandits

    • October 25, 2011
    • PBS

    As they prepare for a creature costume party, the Wild Kratts team begins to notice all sorts of strange things happening in the Tortuga HQ. Jimmy is sure there is a ghost or monster living with them, but the Kratt brothers are convinced it’s some kind of creature. When the gang sets out to discover who is causing all the trouble, they discover that certain animals gravitate towards human habitation because it provides food and protection from predators.

  • S01E30 Ker-honk

    • December 30, 2011
    • PBS

    When Martin’s and Chris’ Creature Power Suits unexpectedly get jammed in Proboscis monkey mode and the top monkey of the troop is injured protecting a youngster from a crocodile, the Kratt brothers find themselves stepping into the injured monkey’s role. While Aviva nurses the monkey back to health, Chris and Martin must keep the troop together and soon discover the important communication function of the proboscis monkeys strangest feature – his huge, droopy, bulbous nose! They uncover some of the different methods animals utilize to communicate important information to each other.

  • S01E31 The Food Chain Game

    • January 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Aviva wants to build a food web for the African savannah, so she devises a game and Martin and Chris accept her challenge! They will each start as a blade of grass and climb to the top of the food web in a game of “Power Suit Creature Tag.” As they play, the brothers boost their knowledge of the complex relationships between predators and prey as well as the differences between herbivores and carnivores.

  • S01E32 Flight of the Pollinators

    • March 30, 2012
    • PBS

    When a miniaturized Chris gets covered with pollen and ends up sticking to a bee, he’s off into the remarkable world of the pollinators. Martin, Aviva, and the rest of the creature explorers must find Chris in an adventure that uncovers the amazing delivery system of plants and their animal partners. They learn that plants use animals to help them make their seeds through a process called pollination.

  • S01E33 Caracal-Minton

    • April 2, 2012
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts crew are playing badminton on the African savanna when a high jumping wildcat called a caracal steals the birdie. And this is no ordinary birdie – it is Aviva’s precious family heirloom. As they rush to get back the treasure from an elusive, leaping caracal cat, they learn how the caracal’s musculature is specifically designed stalking and leaping – a perfect example of the concept of "form for function." Inspired by this, Aviva perfects the caracal power for the Creature Power Suit and leaps off to retrieve Aviva’s special birdie and rescue some caracal kittens who get into trouble along the way.

  • S01E34 Zig-Zagged

    • May 14, 2012
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin get caught in the middle of a Zebra stampede, and when the dust clears, a lone baby Zebra is left behind. The Wild Kratts must find the young zebra’s herd and return him to his mom. Along the way, they learn the secrets of patterns in the creature world and how the zebra’s stripes are critical to a special defense called “confusion camouflage.”

  • S01E35 A Huge Orange Problem

    • June 4, 2012
    • PBS

    While Chris and Martin are off searching for the endangered Orangutan in the deep forests of Borneo, back at the Tortuga HQ Aviva, Koki and Jimmy get carried away swinging on vines and their muscles so get incredibly sore that they can’t do anything. The bros attempt to rush back with the first aid kit but a huge orangutan keeps tossing them back into the forest. Here they learn that orangutans use a special leaf and chew it into a lotion to ease muscle soreness, and return with this orangutan medicine to help their friends. But Zach has sent his Zachbots to fell the trees of the orangutan forest, and Martin and Chris activate the orangutan powers of the Creature Power Suit to rid the forest of saw-armed Zachbots, and save the orangutans rainforest home.

  • S01E36 Birds of a Feather

    • September 7, 2012
    • PBS

    When Aviva reveals that dancing is just not her thing, Chris and Martin set out in the New Guinea forest to inspire her to give dancing a try by uncovering some of the greatest dancers in the creature world – the Birds of Paradise. They soon find that the male birds use their showy bright feathers and extraordinary dances to display to potential female mates that they are healthy and strong. But when the gang gets caught up in Donita’s plan to capture these fashionable birds for her latest clothing line, Aviva must put her dancing skills on the line to save them.

  • S01E37 Seasquatch

    • October 22, 2012
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers’ sub loses power while they are exploring the strange landscape of the ocean depths and they are trapped on the ocean floor of the deep sea. Aviva must figure out how to harness the energy from the deep sea’s hydrothermal vents in order to save the brothers and return them to the surface. The Wild Kratts team learns all about the amazing process of chemosynthesis and how deep sea creatures transform toxic chemicals into energy. With a little help from the Yeti crab Martin and Chris are able to capture the this energy and use it to restart the amphi-sub and return to the surface.

  • S01E38 The Gecko Effect

    • October 23, 2012
    • PBS

    There’s a mystery to be solved, as the Wild Kratts team wonders how a Gecko lizard climbs up smooth surfaces and can even climb upside down. The gang uses their Miniaturizer to shrink down and discover it’s all about physics: all objects have electrical charges that attract one another and the gecko’s marvelous toe pad structure charges so much that they can walk on surfaces as smooth as glass. But in the meantime Zach has stolen their Miniaturizer and now imprisons them in a glass terrarium. Martin and Chris activate the new Gecko Powers of their Creature Power Suits and must retrieve the Miniaturizer before Zach shrinks all the animals in the creature world.

  • S01E39 Googly Eye The Night Guru

    • October 24, 2012
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers secretly “borrow” Aviva’s half finished night vision goggles to go in search of a mysterious nocturnal creature. But when the unstable goggles stop working, the brothers find themselves taken in by the nocturnal society of the tarsier. As they investigate, the Wild Kratts team discovers that nocturnal creatures only come out at night and learn that eyes help a creature see by collecting the light that comes from objects all around. But when the tarsier troop is in danger of losing one of their own, Chris and Martin must tap into their newfound understanding of nocturnal living and help the troubled tarsier family.

  • S01E40 Quillber’s Birthday Present

    • October 25, 2012
    • PBS

    It’s Aviva’s birthday, and Chris and Martin decide to collect shed porcupine quills to make a beautiful necklace as a gift. As they tag along with an African Crested Porcupine, they discover that animals have different ways and even some highly specialized features to defend themselves from predators. For example, porcupine quills are modified hairs, designed by nature into a deadly defense. The Kratt brothers must use this amazing defense to protect the porcupines from Zach’s latest animal collection scheme.

Season 2

  • S02E01 Bad Hair Day

    • October 15, 2012
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris Kratt come across a fire-breathing lion that has been separated from his pride, which is being attacked by two intruders, so they help the large feline get past a number of obstacles and back to his family.

  • S02E02 Race for the Hippo Disc

    • October 16, 2012
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin try to find a power disc that they lost on the African Savannah before it falls into the hands of Zach Varmitech.

  • S02E03 Creature Power Challenge

    • October 17, 2012
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris hold a contest to see whether Rhinos or Elephants are stronger.

  • S02E04 Termites Versus Tongues

    • October 18, 2012
    • PBS

    Aviva and Koki accidentally miniaturize themselves and get carried away by termites. Will the Kratt brothers catch up to the termites and rescue them?

  • S02E05 Secrets of the Spider's Web

    • October 31, 2012
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts team attempts to uncover the secret to spider silk while keeping Donita from including the valuable substance in her latest fashion line. Learning Goals: Humans can create new obbjects in biotechnology by studying and analyzing elements of nature. Animals Featured: Golden Orb Weaver Spider Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Super close-up of spider spinning web, spider “”ballooning”", and spider capturing bee.

  • S02E06 Happy Turkey Day

    • November 19, 2012
    • PBS

    The Kratts are on a mission to stop Gourmand who is hunting for the largest turkey in the forest.

  • S02E07 Neck and Neck

    • January 18, 2013
    • PBS

    While trying to uncover the mystery of the giraffe’s long neck, the Tortuga crew encounter a mischievous giraffe that starts stealing their supplies. Learning Goals: Animals develop in ways that keep them from competing directly with each other for food and resources. Animals Featured: Giraffe Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Giraffes engaging in neck battles, and giraffes defending themselves against lions.

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Lost At Sea

    • January 21, 2013
    • PBS

    A compilation of episodes "Speaking Dolphinese" and "Blowfish Blowout"

  • S02E08 Speaking Dolphinese

    • January 21, 2013
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts team is on a mission to decode the secret language of the dolphin with one of Aviva’s new inventions, but a hungry great white shark puts their new animal friends in harm’s way. Learning Goals: Animals that live in groups develop unique ways to “”talk”" with each other. Animals Featured: Dolphin, Great White Shark Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Dolphin defending themselves from shark attack, and dolphins cooperating to hunt fish.

  • S02E09 Blowfish Blowout

    • January 21, 2013
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers discover a beautiful coral reef and a couple of blowfish, which they then must protect from Donita. Learning Goals: Reef fish have an interesting life cycle, and some animals can manipulate hte volume in their body as part of a defense strategy. Animals Featured: Blowfish Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: The larval stage of reef fish, and a blowfish defending itself from a grouper attack.

  • S02E10 To Touch a Hummingbird

    • February 11, 2013
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris are getting cocky about all the Creature Powers they’ve collected, and Koki cautions them not to get too full of themselves because when you do, Nature always teaches you a lesson. The brothers dismiss her advice, then a hummingbird appears. Amazed by its flight capabilities, Aviva creates a hummingbird power disc while the brothers set out trying to touch the friendly little bird, which is more difficult then they think! Gourmand, meanwhile, decides to create chocolate–covered hummingbird egg snacks, prompting the brothers to utilize hummingbird powers to save the eggs before Gourmand can cook them!

  • S02E11 Rainforest Stew

    • February 12, 2013
    • PBS

    The kratts find Gourmand creating a rainforest stew,before he creates that,the bros turn into a sloth and sloth moth Learning Goals: Rainforests are rich in biodiversity and are some of the most complex ecosystems on the planet. Animals Featured: Sloth, Sloth Moth Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Life cycle relationship between sloth and sloth moth, and sloth being attacked by harpy eagle.

  • S02E12 Seahorse Rodeo

    • February 13, 2013
    • PBS

    The brothers find a herd of sea horses horsing around near a coral reef, where Donita doesn't view them as interesting creatures, but as a fashion accessory.

  • S02E13 Aqua Frog

    • February 15, 2013
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris are studying bullfrogs when Zach decides to dump his waste in the same pond, threatening the frog’s delicate lifecycle. Learning Goals: Animals depend on clean habitats to survive. Animals Featured: Bullfrog, Tadpoles, Froglets Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Male bullfrog battling over a prime spot in a pond.

  • S02E14 Snow Runners

    • February 18, 2013
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts accidentally lose three hispid hares in wintery North America, and must use the powers of the “”snow runners”" to get them back. Learning Goals: Some animals have adapted to survive a winter environment. Animals Featured: Hispid Hare, Snowshoe Hare, Lynx Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Lynx hunting snowshoe hare, and snowshoe hare using snow-diving evasive techniques.

  • S02E15 Tortuga Tune-Up

    • February 18, 2013
    • PBS

    Aviva wants to upgrade the Tortuga with swimming capabilities, and so the Kratt brothers seek out a sea turtle for inspiration. Learning Goals: There are several classifications of turtle groups, and each have different characteristics depending on their environment. Animals Featured: Hawksbill turtle, dolphin, sea turtle, tiger shark Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Inside view from sea sponge as it’s eaten by sea turtle, and hawksbill turtle defending itself from tiger shark.

  • S02E16 Road Runner

    • February 20, 2013
    • PBS

    While trying to catch an elusive lizard in the Sonoran Desert, Martin and Chris stumble upon a roadrunner and try to use its running powers to uncover the identity of the mystery lizard. Learning Goals: Roadrunners are a unique species of bird that runs to catch prey. Animals Featured: Roadrunner Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Two roadrunners working together to hunt a rattlesnake.

  • S02E17 Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef

    • February 20, 2013
    • PBS

    The bros discover a frogfish while exploring a coral reef, only to also find that Zach and Donita are stealing parts of the reef as part of their next scheme. Learning Goals: Coral reefs are a delicate habitat under threat by humans, and some animals are capable of blending into their habitats to hide and hunt. Animals Featured: Frogfish, Parrot Fish Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Coral polyp eating a plankton, and frogfish hunting prey.

  • S02E18 Attack of the Tree Eating Aliens

    • February 25, 2013
    • PBS

    The Tortuga crew gets a distress call from some WIld Kratts kids and must investigate why the forest around the kids’ clubhouse is dying. Learning Goals: Introducing a new species into an ecosystem can have disastrous results. Animals Featured: Woodpecker, Asian Longhorn Beetle, Pine Marten Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Woodpecker escaping pine marten attack, and Asian longhorn drilling into trees.

  • S02E19 Rattlesnake Crystal

    • February 26, 2013
    • PBS

    The Kratt bros must use rattlesnake powers to find rare tellurium crystal, or else the Tortuga will go offline forever! Learning Goals: Some animals have infared vision in addition to regular eyesight. Animals Featured: Rattlesnake Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Rattlesnake hunting ground squirrels in underground burrows.

  • S02E20 Skunked!

    • February 27, 2013
    • PBS

    The Tortuga is taken over by skunks, and the Wild Kratts crew must uncover the secret behind their stink to get it back. Learning Goals: Animals have unique ways of defending themselves, like the skunk’s chemical defense. Animals Featured: Spotted Skunk Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Spotted skunk defending itself from a mountain lion, skunk climbing trees, and a skunk attacking a rattlesnake.

  • S02E21 Gila Monster Under My House

    • February 28, 2013
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin set out to prove that gila monsters are misunderstood lizards, and also to protect them from becoming part of Zach’s latest invention. Learning Goals: Gila monsters are one of the most unique and misunderstood lizards in North America. Animals Featured: Gila Monster Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Gila monster eggs hatching, and gila monster prowling and defending itself against predators.

  • S02E22 Bugs or Monkeys?

    • April 1, 2013
    • PBS

    While arguing over their next adventure, Chris and Martin meet a group of spider monkeys! But when a miniaturized Martin is carried away by a baby monkey, the rest of the Tortuga crew must work to find him. Learning Goals: Certain animals have unique anatomical features adapted to maneuver in particular environments. Animals Featured: Spider Monkey Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Following brachiating spider monkeys through the treetops, and spider monkeys escaping a harping eagle attack.

  • S02E23 Shadow: The Black Jaguar

    • April 2, 2013
    • PBS

    The bros finds that Zach Varmitech has stolen a black jaguar, and they need more info to save it.

  • S02E24 Desert Elves

    • November 18, 2013
    • PBS

    When Koki and Jimmy get stranded in the Sonoran Desert, the Kratt bros must use the powers of the “”desert elves”" to track them down before it’s too late. Learning Goals: Some animals, like owls, utilize sound in different ways. Animals Featured: Burrowing Owl, Elf Owl, Jumping Bean Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Burrowing owl mimicking rattlesnake, jumping bean hatching, and burrowing owl harvesting dung beetle.

  • S02E25 Journey to the Subnivean Zone

    • January 30, 2014
    • PBS

    A miniaturized Chris and Martin get lost in a snowy field and uncover the secret underground world of the meadow vole. Learning Goals: Some animals have unique strategies for surviving the winter season, and snow requires specific environmental conditions to occur. Animals Featured: Meadow Vole, Red Fox, Weasel Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Voles living in subnivean zone winter tunnels, weasel hunting voles, and fox strategy for hunting voles.

  • S02E26 Groundhog Wakeup Call

    • January 31, 2014
    • PBS

    Aviva tries to prove that groundhogs have amazing creature powers, but instead falls into a deep sleep, leaving the Kratt bros to discover all about hibernation. Learning Goals: Some animals hibernate – storing food and slowing their metabolism – to survive the winter. Animals Featured: Groundhogs Never Before or Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: Why goundhogs poke their heads out of their burrows (whether staying up or going back down) after winter’s over.

  • SPECIAL 0x15 Back in Creature Time

    • July 7, 2014

    Using Aviva's invention, the Time Trampoline, the Wild Kratts jump back in time to visit animals that have become extinct.

Season 3

  • S03E01 Hermit Crab Shell Exchange

    • April 7, 2014
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris discover a hermit crab on the beach, and soon the Wild Kratts team is exploring the amazing world of this shell changing creature!

  • S03E02 Where the Bison Roam

    • April 8, 2014
    • PBS

    When the Wild Kratts team decides to explore the spot where explorers Lewis and Clark first laid eyes on the American frontier, they discover that prairies and the amazing bison herds of yore are much harder to find these days.

  • S03E03 Bandito: The Black-Footed Ferret

    • April 9, 2014
    • PBS

    Martin impulsively tries out Aviva’s new stone digger invention before it’s ready and flies out of control into a hidden prairie where he is stranded, but encounters a lost colony of black footed ferrets.

  • S03E04 When Fish Fly

    • April 10, 2014
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris challenge Koki and Aviva to a contest regarding who has the most challenging job. In their quest to win, the gang uncovers an unlikely animal partner that could ultimately lead either team to victory . . . or defeat.

  • S03E05 Osprey

    • April 11, 2014
    • PBS

    Jimmy accidentally drops the keys to the Tortuga into the ocean. Chris, Martin and Aviva on are a race to develop osprey creature powers to find the keys before they disappear forever!

  • S03E06 Back in Creature Time, Part 1 - Day of the Dodo

    • July 7, 2014
    • PBS

    After lamenting the extinction of different animals in recent history and how they’ll never get to adventure with them, Aviva unveils her greatest invention yet – a time trampoline! The Wild Kratts jump back to the time of the extinct dodo bird, but once there, they run into Gourmand’s ancestor, who has decided dodos are definitely on the menu! Once again, it’s Wild Kratts to the rescue!

  • S03E07 Back in Creature Time, Part 2 - Tasmanian Tiger

    • July 7, 2014
    • PBS

    After visiting the dodos, the Wild Kratts travel to another time period to visit another extinct animal – the Tasmanian tiger! Their trip doesn’t go as planned, however, and they must save the Tasmanian tigers from Dabio and Donita’s ancestors, while also saving themselves from Zach, who wants to trap them in the past forever!

  • S03E08 The Amazing Creature Race

    • July 8, 2014
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts crew decide to have a creature power race to find out who the greatest runners are in the animal world!

  • S03E09 Prairie Who?

    • July 9, 2014
    • PBS

    A twister surprises the Tortuga in flight - and all the gang abandons ship and gets separated out on the prairie. While searching for each other, the Wild Kratts Team discovers the amazing species that inhabit the Prairie.

  • S03E10 Mystery on the Prairie

    • July 10, 2014
    • PBS

    When Martin and Chris find an unusual thorn bush with “spiked” grasshoppers and beetles, they set out to uncover the identity of the mystery culprit.

  • S03E11 Crocogator Contest

    • July 21, 2014
    • PBS

    A pop Creature Quiz challenge about the the differences between crocodiles and alligators turns into a full-blown “crocogator” contest to find out what actually is different about these two similar creatures.

  • S03E12 Mosquito Dragon

    • July 21, 2014
    • PBS

    When the Wild Kratts crew get walloped by mosquitoes in the Cypress Swamp, the gang go on a fact finding adventure to find out exactly why mosquitoes try and steal our blood in the first place!

  • S03E13 Slider: The Otter

    • July 22, 2014
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts discover an otter cub. Assuming he is lost, the bros attempt to find his family, all the while introducing him to life in the Cypress Swamp of Florida.

  • S03E14 Search for the Florida Panther

    • July 23, 2014
    • PBS

    The team searches for an injured endangered Florida panther spotted off Alligator Alley highway.

  • S03E15 Opossum in My Pocket

    • July 24, 2014
    • PBS

    While on a mission to find Chris’ lost backpack in the Cypress Swamp, the brothers discover a marsupial opossum with a similar problem.

  • S03E16 Praying Mantis

    • August 12, 2014
    • PBS

    Two Wild Kratts kids wake up to find a praying mantis cocoon has hatched in their room – with over 200 babies! The Tortuga crew swoops in to help return the baby mantises safely back to the wild.

  • S03E17 Under Frozen Pond

    • January 19, 2015
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts crew and kids go on an underwater adventure to discover how pond animals survive in the winter.

  • S03E18 Chameleons on Target

    • April 20, 2015
    • PBS

    Aviva’s special ring chip invention is stolen by a mysterious lemur! Chris and Martin set off after it, with a little help from the amazing creature powers of the chameleon.

  • S03E19 Lemur Stink Fight

    • April 21, 2015
    • PBS

    While in Madagascar, the Wild Kratts hear signs of a dispute between two troops of ring-tailed lemurs. They set out to uncover just what these two lemur groups are arguing about, and end up with a rather stinky solution.

  • S03E20 Capture the Fishmobile

    • April 22, 2015
    • PBS

    When Aviva unveils her new Fishmobile invention, Chris and Martin challenge the gang to a brand new creature game.

  • S03E21 Aye Aye

    • July 8, 2015
    • PBS

    When the Wild Kratts team embarks on a pirate adventure in the Indian Ocean, they discover a very strange, other-worldly castaway.

  • S03E22 Tenrec Treasure Hunt

    • July 8, 2015
    • PBS

    When Chris sets up an elaborate treasure hunt centering on a cool and rare group of insectivores – the tenrec – the rest of the crew sets off to complete the hunt.

  • S03E23 Lemur Legs

    • July 15, 2015
    • PBS

    WK319_Lemur LegsThe Wild Kratts arrive in Madagascar for the first time, touching down in the southern region known as the Spiny Desert, where they discover a group of sifaka lemurs. They soon learn about these lemurs’ amazing vertical clinging and leaping abilities.

  • S03E24 Golden Bamboo Lemur

    • July 15, 2015
    • PBS

    While in Madagascar, the Wild Kratts learn that a baby golden bamboo lemur has been born. The team decide to learn more about this rare animal, but encounter some trouble from Donita along the way.

  • S03E25 Fossa Palooza!

    • July 22, 2015
    • PBS

    Chris, bummed about leaving Madagascar without seeing the amazing fossa, accidentally falls mid-flight out of the Tortuga! he lands back in Madagascar, surrounded by the very creatures he longed to find!

  • S03E26 Mini Madagascar

    • July 24, 2015
    • PBS

    With no big land predators, Chris realizes that Madagascar is one of the safest places in the world for miniaturized adventuring, but the “mini” Kratts soon discover they may have underestimated this unique island!

  • SPECIAL 0x11 A Creature Christmas

    • November 25, 2015

    It's Christmas time and the Wild Kratts are taking a break from creature adventuring to celebrate. But when the Wild Kratts receive an alert that their favorite creatures are suddenly disappearing around the globe, their holiday party quickly turns into a rescue mission. Our heroes must race against time to thwart their greedy archrivals' most miserly scheme yet! Will they be able to travel to the ends of the earth and return their baby animal friends to their homes in time for the holidays?

  • SPECIAL 0x16 Creatures of the Deep Sea

    • November 23, 2016

    The Wild Kratts team ventures into the deep sea aboard Aviva's newly designed Deep Sea Explorer.

Season 4

  • S04E01 The Last Largest Lobster

    • July 29, 2015
    • PBS

    A seagull drops one of Martin's Creature Power Discs into the ocean, and when the Kratt brothers dive in after the disc, they encounter an enormous lobster. Aviva programs Lobster Powers for Chris and Martin, but when the Kratt brothers try them out, only Chris's Creature Power Suit activates as an adult lobster. Martin's Power Suit malfunctions, turning Martin into a microscopic lobster larva. The Wild Kratts Kids begin a search for Martin, but Chris must protect "the last largest lobster" from Chef Gourmand.

  • S04E02 Stars of the Tides

    • July 29, 2015
    • PBS

    When the Kratt brothers argue over which of them gets to keep a beautiful seashell, Aviva organizes a contest to settle the matter. Chris and Martin will need to survive and race to the finish line in one of the harshest habitats on Earth: the intertidal zone. To do so, they must use the Creature Powers of animals that live in this constantly changing environment.

  • S04E03 Box Turtled In!

    • April 25, 2016
    • PBS

    When Jimmy Z accidentally lands the Tortuga on the Miniaturizer, the ship and the Wild Kratts crew are Miniaturized. A coyote then carries the box turtle-sized Tortuga away from the Miniaturizer, and the Wild Kratts must return to the Miniaturizer and get back to normal-size. However, predators and cars pose a threat to the Tortuga, just like they do to real turtles.

  • S04E04 The Other Martins

    • April 26, 2016
    • PBS

    When a bird called a purple martin keeps dive-bombing Chris, Chris complains to Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy Z about it. At first, the team is confused, thinking Chris is talking about his brother, Martin. When they discover Chris is talking about a bird, the Wild Kratts decide to creature adventure with both the purple martin and a member of the weasel family called the pine marten. Martin is delighted to hang out with animals that share his name, but Chris is unhappy due to a series of unfortunate events that happen to him, one of which is a squirrel stealing his Creature Power vest. Martin must save the day by using Pine Marten Power to get Chris's Creature Power vest back from the squirrel.

  • S04E05 Sea Otter Swim

    • April 27, 2016
    • PBS

    Jimmy reveals to the other Wild Kratts that he's not a very good swimmer. To help Jimmy learn to swim better, the Kratt brothers take Jimmy to meet a friend of theirs-a sea otter named Coach. While Jimmy practices swimming and diving, the Wild Kratts learn about the features that make sea otters such good swimmers.

  • S04E06 Animals Who Live to be 100 Years Old

    • April 28, 2016
    • PBS

    Martin introduces the rest of the Wild Kratts team to his pet fruit fly, Juice. However, since fruit flies only live for a few weeks, Juice soon dies, saddening the Wild Kratts.

  • S04E07 Spirit Bear

    • April 29, 2016
    • PBS

    Chris, Martin, and Aviva kayak to an island to look for black bears. When they get there, Aviva catches a glimpse of a white bear; however, the Kratt brothers don't believe Aviva and tell her that there are no polar bears on the island. But when the white bear reappears, Chris and Martin realize that the bear is no polar bear-it's a spirit bear, a variety of black bear that sometimes has white fur. Meanwhile, a new villain, Paisley Paver, arrives on the island, planning to pave it and build a mega storage facility. To stop this new enemy from destroying the bears' home, the Kratt brothers will need to use the incredible Creature Powers of the black bear.

  • S04E08 Panda Power Up!

    • July 19, 2016
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts travel to China to conduct a population survey of one of Aviva's favorite animals: the giant panda.

  • S04E09 Pangolin Rescue

    • July 20, 2016
    • PBS

    While on the African savanna, the Wild Kratts discover a ground pangolin. This animal, like other pangolin species, has one of the most incredible defenses in the creature world: overlapping keratin scales that make pangolins resemble artichokes on legs.

  • S04E10 Golden Snub Nosed Monkey Man

    • July 21, 2016
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts travel to China looking for snub-nosed monkeys: primates capable of surviving in snowy mountains. However, the team soon must search for Martin, who not only gets lost in the mountains along with a baby snub-nosed monkey, but is transformed into a Yeti-like creature when his Snub-Nosed Monkey Creature Power Suit malfunctions. The other Wild Kratts aren't the only ones looking for Martin, either-Zach Varmitech plans to capture the Yeti and show it to people in exchange for money. Unfortunately for Martin, he is the closest thing to a Yeti in the mountains.

  • S04E11 Red Panda Rescue

    • July 22, 2016
    • PBS

    Chris finds a lost red panda cub in the bamboo forest of China. The Wild Kratts wonder what taxonomic family this cute creature belongs to-Koki thinks the red panda is a bear, Jimmy Z thinks it's a canine and a type of fox, Aviva thinks it's a member of the weasel family, and Chris thinks it's related to raccoons. However, Martin reveals that the red panda is actually in a family of its own-Ailuridae. The Wild Kratts team plans to return the red panda cub to her mother, but Zach Varmitech arrives, traps Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy in an energy net, and steals the red panda cub, planning to give her to Donita Donata as a present for the fashion designer's birthday. Chris and Martin must use their Creature Powers of two Chinese animals-the snub-nosed monkey and the giant panda-to rescue the red panda cub from Zach and get her back to her mother.

  • S04E12 The Colors of China

    • July 25, 2016
    • PBS

    While Chris and Martin are looking for cool creatures in the bamboo forest of China, they encounter golden pheasants. The vivid colors of the male pheasant cause the Kratt brothers to wonder why golden pheasants-and all the other amazing animals of China-are colored the way they are.

  • S04E13 Creatures of the Deep Sea-Part 1

    • November 23, 2016
    • PBS

    The entire Wild Kratts team uses their new submarine to explore the deep sea in search of undiscovered species. However, Chef Gourmand, planning to invent new seafood dishes, is using a Varmitech Industries submarine to capture deep-sea animals.

  • S04E14 Creatures of the Deep Sea-Part 2

    • November 23, 2016
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts continue their exploration of the deep sea. Now, they have a new mission: to rescue the deep-sea fauna from Chef Gourmand's plot to make seafood out of them. A battle with Gourmand ensues, but soon everyone must quickly escape from the area when the villainous chef causes a chain of underwater volcanoes to erupt.

  • S04E15 Liturgusa Krattorum

    • January 16, 2017
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers find out that a scientist has discovered a new species of mantis in Peru and named it Liturgusa krattorum, after them. They decide to creature adventure with this unique insect.

  • S04E16 Snowy Owl Invasion

    • January 17, 2017
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts hear about snowy owls being sighted in areas far south of their usual Arctic habitat

  • S04E17 Puffin Rescue

    • January 18, 2017
    • PBS

    A rogue wave hits the Tortuga, separating the members of the Wild Kratts team from each other. When Martin is stranded on a remote island, he finds several puffins, giving him the idea to use Puffin Power to find and rescue the other Wild Kratts.

  • S04E18 Eel-lectric!

    • January 19, 2017
    • PBS

    When the Tortuga crashes in the Amazon rainforest, the ship loses power when its electrical systems are damaged. However, Chris and Martin are happy to be in one of the most biologically rich habitats on Earth, and they set out into the rainforest to creature adventure. The Kratt brothers soon find a creature that may be able to solve the Tortuga's electricity problem: the electric eel.

  • S04E19 The Mystery of the Two Horned Narwhal

    • January 20, 2017
    • PBS

    Chris and Martin are arguing with each other about which is better, horns or antlers, when they get a call from Wild Kratts Kid Nua about a whale with a unique horn-like tusk: the narwhal. The Wild Kratts travel to the Arctic to investigate the structure and purpose of the narwhal's tusk. But when the Kratt brothers find an Inuit carving depicting a narwhal with two tusks, the Wild Kratts decide to find out whether the two-tusked narwhal is real or just a myth.

  • S04E20 Archerfish School

    • April 10, 2017
    • PBS

    One day, while the Wild Kratts are in an Asian mangrove swamp, Chris is practicing archery. However, since his aim isn't very good, he and Martin decide to check out the greatest archer in the creature world: the archerfish. The Kratt brothers learn about the archerfish's creature powers that allow it to hit small prey with jets of water. Aviva programs Archerfish Powers for Chris and Martin, and just in time too-Donita Donata is capturing animals for her new line of fashion, and the Kratt brothers will need to use the Creature Powers of the archerfish to stop the evil fashion designer.

  • S04E21 This Orca Likes Sharks

    • April 11, 2017
    • PBS

    After a run-in with a dangerous bull shark in a South American river, the Kratt brothers find a bottle with an old map inside. The map shows the travels of a legendary orca that supposedly specializes in eating large sharks. To find out if the story of the shark-eating orca is true or not, Chris and Martin join a pod of orcas and use the newly upgraded Dolphin Decoder to communicate with them. The Wild Kratts soon discover that orcas are powerful, intelligent predators that can prey on almost any other animal in the sea. But when a great white shark threatens an orca calf, the shark is eaten by none other than Old Sharktooth, the legendary shark-hunting orca!

  • S04E22 Baby Tooth and Kid Musky

    • April 12, 2017
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts travel to the Arctic tundra, where two very different but interconnected creatures live: the thick-haired, sharp-horned muskox and its main predator, the pack-hunting Arctic wolf. Chris wants Aviva to make an Arctic Wolf Creature Power Suit, but Martin wants a Muskox Power Suit. Both Kratt brothers set out across the tundra to find their preferred animal, each trying to convince Aviva to program their chosen Creature Power Suit. However, when a pack of Arctic wolves threatens a muskox calf, Chris and Martin try to choose sides in the conflict, but realize that there really are no bad guys in a predator-prey relationship-the prey are trying to defend themselves, but the predators must kill or die of starvation.

  • S04E23 Cheetah Adopted

    • April 13, 2017
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts need to resupply the Tortuga, but Chris and Martin want to creature adventure on the African savanna. Before traveling to a nearby town to buy supplies, the rest of the team drops the Kratt brothers-who promise not to call for help or ask Aviva for new Creature Powers-off on the savanna. But when Chris and Martin find Spot Swat the cheetah cub living with a family of warthogs, they must use their Creature Powers of African animals to get Spot Swat back to his mother, Blur, without having to contact Aviva, Koki, and Jimmy Z.

  • S04E24 Musk Ox Mania

    • April 14, 2017
    • PBS

    While the Kratt brothers are being charged by an angry rhino on the African savanna, they decide to use a harpy eagle feather from Chris's creature souvenir collection to activate Harpy Eagle Powers and fly out of harm's way. However, Chris forgot his souvenir collection on the Arctic tundra during the events of "Baby Tooth and Kid Musky". To find the valuable collection, the Wild Kratts travel to the Arctic and search for the collection using the Creature Powers of the muskox. However, the team will have to hurry, because Zach Varmitech is also after the creature souvenirs.

  • SPECIAL 0x12 Wild Kratts Alaska: Hero's Journey

    • July 24, 2017

    Aviva announces she's one step closer to fixing the Time Trampoline with the invention of a Time Thruster. But before they can check it out, it goes overboard and attaches onto a Sockeye Salmon who is in the middle of the "Salmon Run". The Wild Kratts team is led on a wild chase, as they follow the salmon on this incredible and difficult journey - both battling the odds to reach their goals.

Season 5

  • S05E01 Mystery of the North Pole Penguins?

    • July 25, 2017
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts hear from Wild Kratts Kid, Nua, that there are penguins in the Arctic, where the birds aren't supposed to be. The team must investigate this mystery and get the "lost" penguins back to where they belong.

  • S05E02 Temple of Tigers

    • July 27, 2017
    • PBS

    After Aviva successfully sneaks up on and surprises the creature adventuring Kratt Brothers, they worry that they've somehow lost their signature 'creature sense'. Chris and Martin go off in search of the stealthiest, most powerful wildcat in the world - the tiger - on a quest to prove to themselves that they're still in tune with the creature world.

  • S05E03 The Dhole Duplicator

    • November 6, 2017
    • PBS

    While visiting India, Martin and Chris go off on a creature adventure to explore the world of the Dhole - aka "The Red Dog". With the help of Wild Kratt Kid Mala, they manage to find this elusive and endangered creature and working together with the pack, the Kratt Bros are able to defeat one very hungry tiger! Science Concept: Social groups and hunting strategy.

  • S05E04 The Cobra King

    • November 7, 2017
    • PBS

    While searching for Martin's lost Creaturepod, the Kratt brothers encounter a Spectacled cobra. In a wild adventure to recover their prized gadget, the bros learn about the dual creature powers of the cobras - venom and a hooded defense. But when they encounter a King cobra, their newfound cobra powers are put to the ultimate test. Science Concept: Venom in nature. How it works and why animals have it.

  • S05E05 Fire Salamander

    • November 8, 2017
    • PBS

    While exploring the Black Forest in Germany, Chris and Martin are amazed to discover a black and yellow salamander crawling out of the fire! They don't understand how this is possible, since salamanders need water - not fire - to live. It's a mystery that the Kratt Brothers are determined to solve and unravel the secret of the Fire Salamander. Science Concept: Salamander life cycle.

  • S05E06 Cheeks the Hamster

    • April 23, 2018
    • PBS

    Aviva loses the MicroXT Power Chips for the Creature Power Suits, prompting the gang to search a huge field in Germany to try to find them.

  • S05E07 Wild Ponies

    • April 24, 2018
    • PBS

    When the Kratt brothers find a herd of wild horses on a beach, Aviva and Koki are eager to see them. However, the Wild Kratts are forced to retreat into the Tortuga when a storm hits. After the storm, the team finds a wild horse foal who was separated from the herd by a wave. Chris and Martin set off to reunite the foal with his mother.

  • S05E08 Elephant Brains!

    • April 25, 2018
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts travel to Asia to meet the Asian elephant and investigate the differences between it and African elephants. However, Paisley Paver plans to use elephants as beasts of burden in a construction project. The Wild Kratts learn that despite their differences, African and Asian elephants have a lot in common, including feelings, emotions and intelligence.

  • S05E09 Sloth Bear Suction

    • April 26, 2018
    • PBS

    While the Wild Kratts are in India, Wild Kratts Kid Mala tells them about an Indian animal in danger: the sloth bear. Since the team does not know much about this unusual bear species, they decide to study it-but at the same time, they must rescue a sloth bear from Donita They then learn about how sloth bears use Suction power. Sloth bears have unique powers, including the ability to harness the power of suction to acquire food.

  • S05E10 City Hoppers!

    • June 15, 2018
    • PBS

    While the Kratt brothers investigate the creature powers of grasshoppers, Aviva and Koki help Wild Kratts Kids Nolan and Sani build a catapult. Meanwhile, Donita Donata and Paisley Paver visit Zach Varmitech's headquarters.

  • S05E11 Blue Heron

    • June 15, 2018
    • PBS

    While exploring marshes, the Kratt brothers find a heron, and the Wild Kratts team begins studying herons in order to make the creation of a Heron Creature Power Disc possible. However, Zach Varmitech, hoping for an opportunity to steal the Wild Kratts' technology, Miniaturizes the Tortuga.

  • S05E12 Choose Your Swordfish

    • June 15, 2018
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts study the similarities and differences between the three types of billfish: swordfish, marlin, and sailfish. They must also stop Zach Varmitech from capturing and selling all the fish in the world.

  • S05E13 Komodo Dragon

    • June 15, 2018
    • PBS

    The kratts are in Florida hanging out with brown and green anoles. Meanwhile they get a alert that Gourmand and Zach are stealing Komodo dragon eggs. The Wild Kratts travel to the island of Komodo to stop Chef Gourmand from cooking Komodo dragon eggs. To succeed, the team will need to use Komodo Dragon Powers.

  • S05E14 The Fourth Bald Eagle

    • January 21, 2019
    • PBS

    The Kratts are adventuring with bald eagles in Alaska, meanwhile Gourmand is trying to cook bald eagle eggs.

  • S05E15 The Erminator

    • January 22, 2019
    • PBS

    Martin encounters an ermine and learns what it takes to survive in a very harsh environment.

  • S05E16 Hercules - The Giant Beetle

    • January 23, 2019
    • PBS

    While investigating the exoskeletons of beetles, a Hercules beetle accidentally gets enlarged.

Season 6

  • S06E01 Mystery of the Flamingo's Pink

    • April 15, 2019
    • PBS

    When Aviva makes a flamingo power suit that turns white, the team sets out to discover how flamingos become pink.

  • S06E02 Spots in the Desert

    • April 16, 2019
    • PBS

    Manuel, who lives in the Sonoran desert, tells Chris he has seen an ocelot, a wild cat that usually lives in the rainforest.

  • S06E03 Deer Buckaroo

    • April 17, 2019
    • PBS

    The team learns about deer society and the purpose of antlers as it searches for a fawn -- Buckaroo.

  • S06E04 Wolf Hawks

    • November 4, 2019
    • PBS

    Martin takes the Wild Kratts team on a mission to discover more about a hawk he's seen in the Senoran Desert.

  • S06E05 The Real Ant Farm

    • November 5, 2019
    • PBS

    Aviva, Martin and Chris learn about agriculture in the animal world from Leafcutter ants in the Amazon Rainforest.

  • S06E06 Hammerheads

    • November 6, 2019
    • PBS

    The brothers learn about hunting mechanics from hammerhead sharks after Martin loses the Creature Power Discs.

  • S06E07 Mystery Of The Mini Monkey Models

    • November 7, 2019
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts team searches the Amazon for a strange group of mini monkeys that have elaborate hairstyles and colors.

  • S06E08 The Vanishing Stingray

    • November 8, 2019
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris search for a creature with amazing hiding powers - the stingray - for a game of Creature Hide and Seek.

  • S06E09 In Search of the Easter Bunny

    • March 30, 2020
    • PBS

    Chris goes north while Martin goes south in search of the real Easter Bunny.

  • S06E10 The Great Froggyback Ride

    • July 13, 2020
    • PBS

    The Wild Kratts are creature adventuring in the Amazon when they accidentally get miniaturized. A mischievous monkey makes off with the Miniaturizer and the team must rely on the creature powers of the poison frog, going on a wild froggyback ride to rescue the Miniaturizer, or stay mini-sized forever!

  • SPECIAL 0x14 Amazin' Amazon Adventure

    • April 20, 2020
    • PBS

    When Aviva experiences an invention slump, the Wild Kratts team is determined to help. They take her down the mysterious Amazon River in search of inspiration from amazing creatures that live there. But Aviva must reclaim her invention prowess fast, because Zach, Donita, Gourmand, Paisley, and Rex seek to mine the area's biodiversity for their own nefarious schemes.

  • S06E11 Parrot Power

    • July 14, 2020
    • PBS

    While flying over the Amazon rainforest, the gang share a bowl of colorful jelly beans. Martin tells them that the jelly beans remind him of parrots. This confuses everybody until he says it's because parrots come in almost every color. Soon the bros are off on a creature mission to find as many colorful (including macaws containing their favourite colors) parrots as they can in the Amazon. But they need to stop Donita Donata from stealing the macaw’s feathers!

  • S06E12 Iron Wolverine

    • July 15, 2020
    • PBS

    When Chris sets up a massive cross country race in the North, each Wild Kratts team member must set off across the tundra with little more than one form of transportation and a small pack of gear. Along the way, each team is both helped and hindered by the greatest northern cross country traveler of all - the wolverine. Science Concept: Territory.

  • S06E13 Adapto the Coyote

    • July 16, 2020
    • PBS

    When a coyote pup sneaks into the Tortuga, the Wild Kratts want to learn why this creature is so adaptable. They decide to split up and travel to different habitats of the coyote, so they can see its behavior in action.

  • S06E14 Tardigrade Extreme

    • October 5, 2020
    • PBS

    The gang wonder if there is life on other planets, so the Kratt Bros. decide to head to outer space to look for clues. Back on Earth, Jimmy discovers a tardigrade, a microscopic creature that seems to be able to survive in the most extreme conditions. When the guys encounter problems in space, the Wild Kratts hope that the powers of their new friend, the tardigrade, can help rescue Martin and Chris.

  • S06E15 Uh-Oh Ostrich

    • October 6, 2020
    • PBS

    While cruising across the African savanna in the Tortuga, a gust of wind blows a piece of paper out of Aviva's hand and into an ostrich nest. The bros think it's a new secret formula and they spring into action to rescue her work from one of the most protective parents on earth - the ostrich!

  • S06E16 The Great Creature Tail Fail

    • October 7, 2020
    • PBS

    When a stowaway red squirrel accidentally gets loose on the African savanna, the guys activate Cheetah Powers to catch her. Unfortunately, they run into major creature power suit malfunctions. The Tail Match Modulator is broken and producing a mismatched tail with every activation. In their quest to return the red squirrel home to North America, the gang discovers the amazing variety and diverse functions of creature tails along the way.

  • SPECIAL 0x13 Cats and Dogs

    • July 12, 2021

    Martin and Chris observe wild cats and dogs interacting with each other on the African savanna.

Season 7

  • S07E01 Outfoxed

    • May 22, 2023
    • PBS

    While in his Squirrel Creature Power Suit, Chris gets caught and carried off by a red fox.

  • S07E02 Clever the Raven

    • May 23, 2023
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris learn about the incredible intelligence and ingenuity of the raven.

  • S07E03 Race to Goat Mountain

    • May 24, 2023
    • PBS

    Chris challenges Paisley Paver to a race to decide the future of Goat Mountain.

  • S07E04 Owl Odyssey

    • May 25, 2023
    • PBS

    When the Kratts get lost far from the Tortuga, they must embark on a long journey home.

  • S07E05 Our Blue and Green World

    • April 1, 2024
    • PBS

    While doing their annual Laundry Day, the Kratt brothers disagree on what is better -- blue oceans or green forests.

  • S07E06 No Name Dream

    • April 2, 2024
    • PBS

    Martin has a dream that he's forgotten to name some baby animals and awakens in a sweat. Aviva tries to reassure him that he named them all, but Koki, after checking the data base, confirms that Martin's right!

  • S07E07 Backpack the Camel

    • April 3, 2024
    • PBS

    he gang goes on an expedition to the Gobi Desert to discover the last remaining wild camels in the world. They experience the harshness of the desert landscape and are rescued from it only by the wild Bactrian camels and their amazing survival skills.

  • S07E08 Fish Out of Water

    • April 4, 2024
    • PBS

    The Kratt brothers get stuck in the danger-filled world of a fish called the mudskipper, which can walk around on land. They need to find their creature power discs - without getting eaten.

  • S07E09 Bumblezzzz

    • November 4, 2024
    • PBS

    Martin and Chris go on a "mini" creature adventure and learn about bumblebees.

  • S07E10 Salamander Streaming

    • November 4, 2024
    • PBS

    The gang goes "salamander streaming!"

  • S07E11 Chimpanzee and Me

    • November 4, 2024
    • PBS

    The gang ventures into Uganda's tropical forest and learns about chimpanzees.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Wild Kratts Halloween: Creepy Creatures! Part 1

    • October 31, 2018
    • PBS

    The bros decide to have a creepy-cool adventure with some creepy creatures. They split up to find the Goliath birdeater, the largest spider in the world, and the vampire bat, a blood-sucking tiny bat. But with their new creature power suits, they must find and stop Zach, who has taken the Miniaturizer and teamed up with the villains to capture creepy cool creatures for a scary animal mansion.

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Wild Kratts Halloween: Creepy Creatures! Part 2

    • October 31, 2018
    • PBS

    The villains are stealing animals for a Halloween party. The Wild Kratts and the Wild Kratts kids must stop them and save their animal friends.