Radiodifusoras contra Radiocentro; cambios en el PRI; fallas en SPEI y más…
The complaint against Alemán; the answer of Julio Hernández; violence and more
Poverty in Mexico, political violence, campaigns and more
6 years of "Black Friday" by EPN and # YoSoy132; disappeared, a national tragedy, and more ...
Shock by inmates in Chihuahua; amparos against Security Law; # MesaPolítica and more
From Sinaloa: one year after the murder of Javier Valdez
Cyber attack on withdrawals via SPEI; campaigns and #Debate En Aristegui
The resignation of Zavala; next debate of the INE; the contest in CDMX and more
Detention of "El 80"; diplomatic note to Trump; Venezuela to the polls and more ...
Who won the debate ?; # Political Table, analysis in 'Reform' and more
Train robbery; the case of Ricardo Anaya in Spain; Survey on the debate and more
Meade vs. Nestora; Santiago Nieto con AMLO; el #Debate En Aristegui y más
Nestora sue Meade; purchase of votes; Grandson with AMLO; 'El Bronco' and more
Another journalist murdered; automotive industry at risk for tariffs, and more ...
Irregular payments in NAIM; falls wife of the 'Mencho'; Pegasus; Elections in Colombia and more
Pegasus, violence in SLP campaign; # MesaPolítica and more
Ethylene XXI; another journalist murdered; campaigns, surveys and #DebateEnAristegui
Entrepreneurs vs. AMLO; Nuevo Laredo; tariffs and more
Rajoy falls; Trump's trade war; # GovernmentSpy, and more
Muna Dora and the ASF; #Political Table, #Meade With Odebrecht and Guatemala
The ruling on Ayotzinapa; speaks former holder of the ASF; 26 days left for elections and more
ASF, Ayotzinapa, #Debate In Aristegui 25 days before the election and more
Calls against AMLO; Tultepec; Ayotzinapa; layoffs in ASF and more
Guerra Anaya-EPN; IACHR and Ayotzinapa; controversy in the ASF, and more ...
Violence against politicians; hurricane 'Bud'; Political Table to 20 days of the election and more
Day of the third presidential debate; the denunciation of Cordero against Anaya and more
Post-Debate Electoral Table; the World Cup in Mexico and more
Start # MundialDeRusia2018; complaint against EPN; and there are 17 days left until the elections
Ravages by the rains; Stop To Political Violence; AMLOPolis, and more ...
Historic triumph of Mexico; new president in Colombia; Deschamps and # MesaPolítica
Denounced Meade; # FalsaFilantropy of Salinas Pliego and more
Separation of children, #DebateEnAristegui and the "fraud" of Fundación TV Azteca
Trump retreated; bots in the presidential campaign; millennials table and more ...
Scope of the Aristegui-MVS ruling; Privatization of water? agreement for reconstruction and more ...
Campaigns in the final straight; Morena vs. Anaya for card sharing; Political Table and more ...
Anaya and the IBU cards; amparos against the decree of water, and more
Last electoral debate table; Mexico plays the qualification and more ...
Closing of campaigns; the contracts of the Mexican Business Council, and more ...
The ABC of the vote this Sunday; election observers, and more ...
The day after the triumph of AMLO; Political Table, and more ...
The AMLO Reconciliation Plan; the electoral dispute in Puebla, and more ...
Post-election conflict in Puebla; analysis of the EPN-AMLO meeting, and more ...
The security of AMLO; the withdrawal of the Army from the streets; Vote by vote in Puebla ?; and more…
Voices analyze triumph and challenges of AMLO; FEPADE in the Puebla case, and more ...
Political Table; the election in Puebla; judicial war for Lula, and more ...
Balance of the electoral process; the report about Enrique Alfaro and more ...
Energy policy with AMLO; report about Alfaro and the election in Puebla
AMLO legislative agenda; the future of the Educational Reform and more of Alfaro's report
The preview of the AMLO-Pompeo meeting and more of the landslide in Plaza Artz Pedregal ...
AMLO's austerity plan; Political Table; France stays with the Cup, and more ...
Consultation for the peace of AMLO; Emiliano Salinas-NXIVM; EU vs Mexico in the WTO, and more ...
AMLO's Truth Commission; EZLN says "no" to Solalinde; and the S19 trust of Morena ...
Millionaire fines from the INE; in vilo, Truth Commission for Ayotzinapa, and more ...
AMLO denounces "vile revenge" of the INE and how does the Trust "For others" operate?
AMLO's letter to Trump and Morena challenges INE fine for "For others" Trust
7 priority projects of AMLO and more of the Trust "For others"
Trump's response to AMLO; Pemex vs Black Gold, and more ...
More of the conflict Oro Negro vs Pemex and defend Truth Commission for Ayotzinapa ...
NAFTA in August ?; the execution in Uruapan and more of the murder of the journalist Rubén Pat ...
AMLO's energy plan; Mesa Política, and Marie Jo Paz, intestada
UNAM and 68; AMLO's energy policy; Trump and the wall, and more ...
Details of the plane crash in Durango; Bartlett at the CFE and more ...
Transition Prosecutor; Challenges of the PES; Lydia Cacho and more ...
Homicide, security and justice according to the CNS; teenagers and smoking to debate, and more ...
Venezuela; Political Table; And where are the resources donated by the parties because of the earthquakes?
Pacification forums begin; the governments and dependencies most indicated by the ASF and more ...
Elba Esther Gordillo, free; AMLO, President-elect; and balance of the 1st forum for pacification
The Challenges of the President-Elect; the design of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, and more ...
Agreements AMLO-EPN; Corral responds to Ortiz Pinchetti, and AMLO's foreign policy ...
The future of the PAN; the bids of the EPN compadre; Political Table and more ...
The state delegates of AMLO; proceedings for missing persons in Nuevo Laredo, and more ...
Diagnosis of NAIM; the CEAV and the disappeared in Nuevo Laredo, and more ...
The state delegates of AMLO; end of the automatic pass from prosecutor to prosecutor, and more ...
Meeting AMLO-entrepreneurs; technical opinion of the NAIM; and financing of the Mayan Train
The transfers from AHMSA to Odebrecht; Elba Esther Gordillo reappears; and Political Table ...
Unpublished Transition; the # StrangeTransferences of AHMSA; and interview with dancer Isaac Hernández ...
EPN talks about the white house; AMLO's communication policy, and more ...
Trump talks about the impeachment; Would Javier Duarte be free? and the decriminalization of marijuana ...
Fiscal Statement of Angélica Rivera; debate on the legalization of drugs, and more ...
Final stage in the renegotiation of NAFTA; Nepotism in the Judicial Power and Political Table ...
Mexico-EU trade agreement; disappeared yesterday and today, 40 years after the strike of the Eureka Committee ...
Armed forces in public security tasks with AMLO, and more than the Mexico-EU trade agreement ...
NAFTA; the millionaire earnings of OHL; Overrepresentation of Morena ?, and more ...
Alejandro Gutiérrez, exonerated ?; table over the white house; Ayotzinapa case; and ravages by the rains ...
Amparo contra exoneración a Alejandro Gutiérrez; Mesa Política, y más…
Trifulca in CU; analysis of the VI EPN Report; and IACHR on Ayotzinapa ...
Porros at the UNAM; the situation in the CCH's; Ayotzinapa according to the IACHR, and more ...
Technical observations to the NAIM; massive march against "porros" in the UNAM, and more ...
The 68, the strike of 86 and the current conflict in the UNAM; the clandestine grave in Veracruz, and more ...
Resolutives of the Interuniversity Assembly; Mesa Política, and the "Manuelitas" ...
Rosario Robles defends herself; the SCJN will define the destination of communal lands of Tepoztlán, and more ...
Legislative commission for the Robles case ?; 50th anniversary of the March of Silence, and more ...
The March of Silence 2018; approve the Remuneration Law, and more ...
Rosario Robles, scapegoat ?; lawsuits of victims to AMLO, and Mesa Politica ...
EU-China trade war; rejects IP "bankruptcy"; trailer with 157 corpses in Jalisco, and more ...
One year of # 19S; Airport in Santa Lucia ?; and more than the trailer of the 157 corpses ...
Vote by vote in Puebla; falls fiscal of Jalisco; Mexico bankrupt or in crisis ?, and more ...
Labor and salary policy of AMLO; Commission for Ayotzinapa; Pegasus is still active; and more…
Report Global Commission on Drug Policy; Puebla election count and Mesa Politica ...
Drug policy in Mexico; ravages by the rains in Peribán; and the murder of the journalist in Chiapas ...
4 años de Ayotzinapa; cifras del crimen en 2017, y nuevo paradigma en drogas…
AMLO and the Ayotzinapa case; 9 years in prison to Javier Duarte, and more ...
Alejandro Gutiérrez, free; reactions to the sentence of Javier Duarte, and more ...
The USMCA is born; relieve Sandra Vaca in the Children's Commission; Political Table, and more ...
Former prosecutor, former student leader and historian speak of the 50 years of # 2ofOctober ...
INAI-PGR-Odebrecht Case; Tariffs on steel despite the USMCA ?; and more…
The revelation of Madrazo; the state of debt in Mexico, and more ...
Consultation on NAIM; more about Madrazo's revelation; and failures at Scotiabank ...
Revientan educational forum; Elections in Brazil and Mesa Politica ...
Debate by NAIM; feminicide in Ecatepec; and dispute in the IMSS union ...
Nepotism in the Judiciary; hiring in 3 large projects, and more ...
Rejection to the NAIM; Anti-corruption meeting in Chihuahua, and Puebla case ...
"Major surgery" to the AICM; collapsed in Monterrey, and 50 years after the start of the
Forums for peace in Tamaulipas; the Zenger Prize to Carmen Aristegui, and more ...
Consultation on NAIM; Cofece and the Law of Acquisitions of Tabasco; Black Gold and more ...
Cofece and the medicine market; Political Table; Gael García in "Museo" and more ...
Controversy over new airport; migrant caravan; EPN is protected, and more ...
Pompeo in Mexico; migrant caravan; What to do with EPN ?, and more ...
Migration crisis; Ebrard in Canada; they shoot at Cardinal's guard; Political table and more ...
10/23/18: Reopen complaint against Gutiérrez de la Torre; migratory caravan advances, and more ...
"Willa" touches the land; citizen initiative of Official Advertising; and more of the appointment in Sedena
Start NAIM consultation; conclusions Forums Listen; suspicious packages in the US, and more ...
Saint Lucia was imposed; Bolsonaro wins in Brazil; Political Table, and more ...
Judgment of "El Chapo"; SCJN accepts controversy from EPN; reactions after cancellation of the NAIM, and more ...
Reprueban Public Account 2016; A Santa Fe in the AICM ?; SCJN will discuss Interior Security Law, and more ...
Irregularities in NAIM; jurisprudence for marijuana; Chihuahua vs amparo to EPN ...
US military on the border; renewal of NAIM investments; #CasoCerao and more ...
Caravan migrant in CDMX; renew concessions to TV Azteca and Televisa; Political Table and more ...
AMLO legislative agenda; US elections; # FiscalíaQueSirva, and more ...
Resultados electorales en EU; México a examen ante la ONU; presos políticos y más…
Mariguana con fines lúdicos; creación de la Fiscalía General, y más…
Assassinate daughter of deputy; PRI and regulation of marijuana; Reelection in TSJ-CDMX? and collapse of the BMV
Conflicto en San Juanico; iniciativa contra el espionaje; caravanas migrantes, y más…
Bribes from the narco to FCH and EPN ?; Public Administration Law; bank commissions, and more ...
AMLO Peace and Security Plan; declares "Rey" Zambada in "El Chapo" trial, and more ...
Debate and opinions on the Law of Internal Security, General Prosecutor's Office and National Guard ...
Die "El H"; protests against migrants in Tijuana; Debate Table, and more ...
Segob in charge of public media ?; National Guard initiative; Controversial by logo of the CDMX, and more ...
A national consultation with former presidents, National Guard and television advisory council
The best of #AMLOenAristeguiNoticias; analysis table on the viability of judging former presidents and more ...
Judgments to former presidents, international experience; initiative for consultations, and more ...
US brakes a caravan migrant; INAI investigates PGR by #Pegasus; AMLO before military and more ...
New victims of Pegasus; Mesa Política thinks about the consultation of March 21, and more ...
Balance of the EPN sexennium; opinion on consultations; elimination of the jurisdiction, and more ...
Balance of the EPN sexennium: Ayotzinapa, Odebrecht, OHL and more ...
Signature of T-MEC; Will EPN return to Lomas de Chapultepec? and more…
Before thousands of people in the Zócalo, AMLO endorsed his commitment not to lie, not steal and not betray the people
GIEI analyzes recommendation on Ayotzinapa; the future of the NAIM; Political table, and more ...
NAIM Bonds; Commission for Ayotzinapa Case; Mexico-CA migration agreement, and more ...
Treasury and the repurchase of NAIM bonds; Nullity of election in Puebla ?, and # MesaDeDebate ...
First complaint for washing in the AMLO era; amparo to Lozoya for #Odebrecht; Free Bermúdez, and more ...
Who is AMLO's candidate for the SCJN ?; companies join 'Young people building the future', and more ...
TEPJF triumphs Alonso; Political Table; SCJN suspends the Remuneration Law, and more ...
Controversy over the reduction of salaries; AMLO's energy policy; Puebla and Moreno Valley ...
Prosecutor General's Office approves; environmental effects by refinery; #MesaDeDebate, and more ...
SEP vs INEE; the educational counter-reformation; called AMLO-Trump, and more ...
Debate on conflict between Executive and Judicial; Struggle in Senate by #MinistroCarnal
Details of the 2019 Economic Package; plan to rescue Pemex; Political Table, and more ...
Increase in the minimum wage; defense of the Economic Package 2019; National Guard; and more…
National Guard; budget of the agricultural sector; Income Law, and more ...
Budget 2019; the INAI and #Pegasus; Controversial by the National Guard, and more ...
Who is the future minister of the SCJN ?; National Guard opinion, and more ...
Budget 2019; election in Monterrey; the case of the 3 disappeared film students in Jalisco and more ...
Research on helicopter fall in Puebla; #MesaDeDebate, and more ...
Acting Governor in Puebla; vote by vote in Monterrey; 51 months of Ayotzinapa, and more ...
Agusta helicopters and accidents; Vs. 'superdelegate' controversy; Nicaragua in the OAS, and more ...
Political, economic, security and anti-corruption perspectives in 2019
25th anniversary of the EZLN; assassinate mayor of Tlaxiaco; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Zaldívar, new president of the SCJN; debate on National Guard; Advances in Tlaxiaco case, and more ...
Affidavit of AMLO; National IMSS Program; NAIM status, and more ...
Shortage of gasolines; welfare policy; Cuarón triumphs in Golden Globes; Political Table and more ...
Detects FP high-impact crimes in NAIM; How is the supply of fuel? and more…
Trump, the democrats and the wall; SFP trades on the NAIM; # Analysis Table, and more ...
More of the PF-NAIM case; How is the supply of fuels? state apology to Lydia Cacho, and more ...
More of the business in NAIM; # MesaDeAnálisis on 'huachicoleo', and Trump on the border
Fuel supply; National Guard with civil command ?; #Political Table, and more ...
Commission for the Ayotzinapa Case; the National Guard advances; Forbes comment, and more ...
Bribes from 'El Chapo' to EPN; extraordinary for National Guard; # Analysis Table, and more ...
National Guard approved; illegal financing in campaigns; new migrant caravan, and more ...
Terna for the Attorney General's Office; changes to the National Guard; attack in Colombia, and more ...
Follow-up to the explosion in Tlahuelilpan; Gertz Manero, first attorney general; #Political Table, and more ...
Interview with Alfonso Cuarón; clandestine shots in Hidalgo; new CCE president, and more ...
National Guard; 10 moments of the interview with Cuarón; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Crisis in Venezuela; CNTE paralyzes Michoacán; murder of Javier Valdez, and more ...
Mini Army of EPN against huachicol; blockade of CNTE in Michoacán; Venezuela, and more ...
Venezuela; more than the blockade of the CNTE to trains in Michoacán; Political Table and more ...
Gertz Manero in interview; SEP conditions dialogue with CNTE and Michoacán, and more ...
CNTE refuses to remove blockages; Fox and the 'marking' of gasoline; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Strike in maquiladoras in Matamoros; official advertising; situation in Venezuela, and more ...
Threat to the President; EU abandons nuclear agreement; # Analysis Table, and more ...
End of the Nuclear Disarmament Treaty; elections in El Salvador; #Political Table, and more ...
Strike at UAM; Comment by José Ramón Cossío; denunciations for kidnappings in Metro, and more ...
Summit of Montevideo; Trump insists on the wall; Daniel White case, and more ...
Summit in Montevideo; INE attracts Puebla election; #Instances, and more ...
Venezuela; CFE; the "uncomfortable prosecutor", and more ...
Blockade of CNTE in Michoacán; reparation to victims of the Dirty War; #Political Table, and more ...
CFE situation; Disney-Fox merger; # CossíoEnAristegui; strike at UAM, and more ...
'El Chapo', guilty; graves in Colima; strike at the UAM; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Illegal, the dismissal of Aristegui from MVS; Odebrecht case in the Inai, and more ...
The CRE and "leonine contracts"; Odebrecht case; rescue of Pemex, and more ...
Qualifiers respond to Pemex's rescue plan; National Guard; #Political Table, and more ...
Endorsement of the National Guard; # CossíoEnAristegui; CRE-Government conflict, and more ...
Broaden catalog of serious crimes; National Guard; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Another victory for Aristegui over MVS; INAI-Pegasus; National Guard advances, and more ...
National Guard; the letter #ElChapo's mother; Rome and the Oscar; # Analysis Table and more ...
Cuarón wins the Oscar; thermoelectric consultation; Venezuela; #Political Table, and more ...
Deported Jorge Ramos of Venezuela; # CossíoEnAristegui; rejection of the query result, and more ...
Meeting AMLO-García Alcocer; the PES and the political power of the evangelicals; # Analysis Table, and more ...
New president of the CCE; Opinion of the SAR Law; unions demand 20% increase, and more ...
Opening of the Cisen archives; #PenaSinCulpa; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Did the tax revenue fall in Mexico ?; 90th anniversary of the PRI; #Political Table, and more ...
Millionaires 2019; S & P downgrade of Pemex and CFE; apologize to victims of Tierra Blanca, and more ...
Is Mexico going to a recession ?; boos to governors; Open Government against Pegasus, and more ...
They ask to discard terna for the SCJN; operatives against 'El Marro'; strike at the UAM, and more ...
Situation of shelters for women; rejection of NL antiabortion law; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Deviations from OHL for antiAMLO campaign; approve revocation of mandate; Mexico before the UN; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Krauze operated against AMLO; Political Table, and more ...
More of the case "Krauze operated against AMLO"; the analysis of Cossío; #MesaForbes, and more ...
Tender for the Dos Bocas refinery; new victim of #Pegasus; # MesaDeAnálisis and the Krauze case ...
CNTE blocks Congress; PES without registration; 81 Banking Convention, and more ...
Dialogue SEP-Segob-CNTE; 25 years of Colosio's murder; UAM, 50 days of strike, and more ...
Trump and the #Rusiagate; National Search System; #Political Table, and more ...
Apology for Abuses in the Conquest; Another job cut in the government? Analysis of Cossío, and more ...
Opinion on Educational Reform; CREA's short lists; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Deputies will not sit for CNTE; elimination of the jurisdiction; they challenge the CRE's ternas, and more ...
Mexico responds to Trump; consultation in the Isthmus; students held in Israel; # Analysis Table, and more ...
Dirty War for the rating; Trump and the closing of the border; #Political Table, and more ...
Audit of rating companies ?; #MeTooMX; Cossío analyzes report of A19, and more ...
Census of children's stays; violence against journalists; #MeToo, and more ...
Rejects Senate ternas of the CRE; labor reform and T-MEC, and more ...
Delays at the US border; analysis table on #MeToo; strike at the UAM, and more ...
Military will lead the National Guard; new courtroom; Political Table, and more ...
Protest of resident doctors; corpses incinerated in Jalisco; analysis of Cossío, and more ...
Centennial of Zapata's murder; medical residents; Educational Reform, and more ...
Detention of Assange; Labour reform; National Guard; conflict on Channel 14, and more ...
Labor reform and T-MEC; Ssa-resident agreements; and Damián Alcázar in "The Mongol Plot" ...
Labor Reform in detail; unemployment of residents; Political Table, and more ...
Fire at Notre Dame; How much do public officials earn? Mexican millionaires, and more ...
Suicide of Alan García; AMLO Communication Policy; educational memorandum; Analysis Table, and more ...
Odebrecht; educational memorandum; AMLO Communication Policy, and more ...
Attack in Minatitlán; Photocívicas; Political Table, and more ...
Lessons from Medellín against violence; pensions; the analysis of Cossío, and more ...
Migration Policy; lessons from Colombia to face violence; bots in the 4T, and more ...
Educational Reform; conflict at the border; lessons from Colombia; Paulo Díez, and more ...
Bots in the AMLO era; Jesusa Rodríguez and the corn defense; lessons from Colombia; and more…
End of the secret game; Political Table; PSOE wins in Spain, and more ...
Crisis in Venezuela; murder in the CCH-East; bots in the AMLO era; and more…
Uncertainty in Venezuela; drop in GDP; Law of Austerity; Analysis Table, and more ...
Gómez Urrutia talks about Pasta de Conchos and Labor Reform; begins analysis of the NDP, and more ...
'Huachicoleo' in Pemex; education in the PND; Cruz Azul cooperative, and more ...
End to strike at UAM; draft of the Court on labeling; Political Table, and more ...
Gertz analyzes his 100 days in the FGR; Corral talks about Alejandro Gutiérrez; start trial by NXIVM; and more…
Sargasso, problem or opportunity ?; tariffs on tomatoes; Analysis Table, and more ...
Refinery Dos Bocas to debate; Gutierrez de la Torre reopens case; Inegi and economic contraction ...
Debate Paulo Díez-Gómez-Mont; military and huachicoleo; PGJ vs Gutiérrez de la Torre, and more ...
Refinancing of Pemex; EU-China trade war; Rebsamen case; Fonatur-sargasso, and more ...
Refinancing of Pemex; CDMX fires; Government Internet provider ?, and more ...
Mario Molina talks about the environmental contingency; How was Pemex refinanced ?; Venezuela according to AI, and more ...
Damages by PM2.5 according to the INER; fewer resources for climate change; pronouncement on Javier Valdez, and more ...
Balance of the contingency; Popo activity; Official "support" to journalists, and more ...
Miguel Barbosa vs. Enrique Cárdenas; actions against money laundering; Political Table, and more ...
Germán Martínez resigns to the IMSS; end of the cancellation; Emiliano Salinas and NXIVM, and more ...
Situation of the IMSS; trimming to Conacyt centers; air quality in the CDMX, and more ...
Vicentillo, the informer; they disable Lozoya; Muna Dora Buchahin denounces harassment, and more ...
Contracts to journalists; tax condoning; talk from Berlin with dancer Elisa Carrillo, and more ...
Six-month AMLO evaluation; Víctor Manuel Toledo to Semarnat; Political Table, and more ...
Nxivm in Mexico; Nieto and Xanic on Odebrecht; and Cossío talks about the Law of the Use of Force ...
Gertz, Coello, legal from Pemex, Raúl Olmos and Peniley Ramírez talk about the Lozoya-AHMSA-Odebrecht plot ...
Labastida talks about Peña, AMLO and the future of the PRI; Ficrea; Odebrecht according to Nahle, and more ...
CCE, AmCham, Basáñez, INM and El Poder del Consumidor talk about Trump's threats
Position of Mexico on immigration matters; election results; Political Table, and more ...
Effects of Trump tariffs; Banxico and GDP; the opinion of Cossío, and more ...
10 years of the tragedy on ABC; Corral and the SCJN; accuse Elías Beltrán of washing; "Light of the world"; and more…
No agreements in Washington; Moody's low rating; the book by Góngora Pimentel and more ...
Detention of migrant leaders; Will Mexico be a safe third country? Analysis Table, and more ...
Ebrard details the Mexico-EU agreement; mayor of LA; migrants in Tijuana; Political Table, and more ...
Are we worse off than with tariffs? Cossío and Forbes respond; Black Gold; situation of Lozoya, and more ...
Trump and the "secret agreement"; renewal in CEN of the PRI; Analysis Table, and more ...
Muñoz Ledo criticizes Mexico's submission to the EU; they slow down Santa Lucia airport, and 90 years of Spanish exile ...
Agree the IP with AMLO; citizen initiatives pro-environment; 42 years gone, and more ...
Roses Aispuro and the boos; migratory crisis in Juarez; T-MEC; Political Table, and more ...
Will AMLO be on the 2021 ballot ?; the investment to stop the migration; the opinion of Cossío, and more ...
Trump goes for re-election; AMLO and the churches; Analysis Table, and more ...
Corral vs EPN; Seade talks about the T-MEC; Narro leaves the PRI; sentence Raniere, and more ...
Kinder Nxivm; controversial by employment figures; Analysis Table, and more ...
Torture in the Ayotzinapa case; GPO vs Fertinal; Political Table, and more ...
SEP on kindergarten Nxivm; EPN in sight by Fertinal; the opinion of Cossío, and more ...
Lozoya against Peña and Videgaray; speaks Fabio Covarrubias, ex-director of Fertinal; and Analysis Table ...
More alleged torturers in Ayotzinapa case; Odebrecht reaches EPN, Moreira, Del Mazo, and more ...
Labastida responds to Tatiana Clouthier; Analysis Table; Gael García presents "Chicuarotes", and more ...
A year of the triumph of AMLO; the National Guard starts; they say "no" to fracking, and more ...
Discuss Clouthier and Labastida; the Law of Austerity according to Batres; and Cossío analyzes the year of the triumph of AMLO ...
Legal battle for the Chivas; details of the Austerity Law; Analysis Table, and more ...
Testimonials from federal police; rescue in Cancun; arbitrations by gas pipelines, and more ...
No progress, negotiations PF-SSPC; testimonies from federal police; Analysis table, and more ...
Federal police report threats and reprisals; Will the Court attract Operation Safiro ?; Political Table, and more ...
FPs, without agreements; the Conade under the magnifying glass; Juarez Initiative; Moral Primer, and more ...
Urzúa leaves and Herrera arrives at Hacienda; arrest of Collado; Media Freedom Conference, and more ...
Economic slowdown; spill of acid; extension of the mandate in BC, and more ...
Urzúa vs. Dull; raids in the US; # MesaPolítica and more
Discounts on Infonavit; Are we in recession? and restricts EU asylum
Life imprisonment to "El Chapo"; Pemex business plan and Analysis Table
Microsismos in the CdMx; go against government expansion in BC and more
Falls general in retirement by huachicol; what they confiscated from 'El Chapo'; advances in case Norberto Ronquillo
Revision of the migratory pact; accuse bribes of deputies of BC; Political Board and more
They go for Deschamps; they dismiss the head of Coneval; AMLO vs. media and more
Validate controversial reform in BC; They suspend detention of Deschamps but more complaints arise
Shooting in Plaza Artz; table on journalism before 4T; Rosselló resignation and more
Israelis killed in Plaza Artz, with a criminal record; Saint Lucia already has MIA
The accounts of Juan Collado; Mariana Boy privatized a beach; Political Board and more
Lozoya responds; “Ley Garrote” and more of the privatized beach in Nayarit
Mexico's GDP grew 0.1%; Lower interest rates ?, Analysis Table and more
Rule out recession; And how are the income of the families? Private beaches and more
The details of the trial of ‘El Chapo’; Deschamps achieves salary increase and benefits
Shootings in the US; Robles and Zebadúa accounts freeze; Political Board
Historical investigation for terrorism; poverty reduction stagnated in 10 years and more
The robbery of Casa de Moneda; What happened to the San Román machines ?; poverty figures and more
Anti-Mexican climate in the US; New agreement on tomato ?; VAT on digital platforms
‘Alito’ at the head of the PRI; Mancera speaks; Mexico's historic performance in Pan American
Preventive detention of Rosario Robles; protest for police violations; evangelicals and more
Rosario Robles dawns in Santa Martha Acatitla; police officers suspended for abuse in CdMx and more
Possible interest rate reduction; Bosque de Chapultepec wins gold medal and more
Robles vs. defense. Padierna's nephew judge; they stop Saint Lucia; Banxico surprises and lowers its rate
Release Smoked; feminist protests and the prosecutor who made Nayarit a hell
The Batres-Monreal clash; mining risks in Mexico; Javier Duarte and more
Protection for possession and use of cocaine; the "narcofiscal" of Nayarit; Odebrecht and more
Stagnant economy; Federals fall through the Apatzingán massacre; Angel restoration and more
Dialogue with self-defense groups; the massacre in Apatzingán; “Guerracruz” and more
EPN investigation; 0.0% growth; prisoners without sentence and more
Rejection of Conacyt scholarship extensions; Zebadúa operators in La Estafa Maestra and more
Attack on bar in Veracruz; pipeline pact and more
What is known of the attack on bar in Veracruz; Banxico forecasts less growth and more
So were the detours in Sedatu; the conflict in Morena and more
The analysis of the AMLO presidential report; Congress installation and more
The unknown face of Pumas; restrict alcohol sales in Xochimilco, new ticket and more
Dispute in the Congress; they remove prosecutor Winckler; the tracks of Miroslava's murder and more
Budget 2020; Uber taxes; Political Bureau and more
Aristegui Live 10/09/19: EU presses and Ebrard responds; SFP will now investigate Bartlett; and more from the 2020 budget
Mexico-EU meeting; Conacyt Fellows; Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s budget and more
SAT vs. invoicers; alleged extrajudicial executions in Tamaulipas and more
Requirements of the CNTE to deputies; another video about “executions” in Tamaulipas and more
The Cry of AMLO; Amnesty Law; Political Bureau and more
Paratrooper injured in military parade; Gender alert in CdMx ?; and more of the amnesty law
Ayotzinapa parents meeting with FGR; gender alert review; and the Sheinbaum report
Macrosimulacro; two years of the earthquakes; auction in Paris; Ayotzinapa; Nuevo Laredo and more
Educational laws progress; Rosario Robles' letter and more
PAN and Fox vs. the 4T; Angélica Rivera's other white house and more
Murillo Karam defends himself; Corn Protection Law; Greta Thunberg at the UN and more
Political trial against Donald Trump; educational laws and more
Ayotzinapa, 5 years without justice; educational laws pass to the Executive and more
Complaint against Servants of the Nation; 2 deaths in Chapultepec; And the remains of José José?
Start of the CoDi; Executive and Congress collide in Peru; clashes in Hong Kong and more
Spying on Pemex; condonations and will bring the body of José José to Mexico
The untimely resignation of Medina Mora; Gabo Award and more
Another shooting in the US; taxi drivers protest; Nobel Prize in Medicine and more
This Tuesday we follow up on the report by the journalist Ana Lilia Pérez about the Roa family. In addition, the analysis of retired minister José Ramón Cossío and Mesa Forbes.
This Wednesday from 10 am the tribute to José José is held in Fine Arts. In addition, we have the Analysis Table with Alfredo Figueroa and Gabriel Reyes Orona.
Fallen wages; decriminalization of marijuana; universities stop and goodbye to José José
This Friday we have the political table of Ana Lilia Pérez and Fabrizio Mejía. In addition, we talk about the Nobel Peace Prize.
This Monday we have the Political Bureau and we address several news issues, such as audios that come to light and reveal corruption at the highest levels of Pemex.
This Tuesday we follow up on the murder of police in Michoacán, we have the analysis of retired minister José Ramón Cossío and more news matters.
This Wednesday we follow up on the sentence against the academic Sergio Aguayo, the approval of the law to combat ghost companies and tax fraud, among other news issues.
This Thursday we discuss the implications of the resignation of the leader of the oil union, the violence in the country, the Brexit agreement and what is happening in Ecuador, as well as other news issues.
This Friday we address the criminal events in Culiacán and the failed operation of the federal government to detain the son of Chapo, who ended up releasing.
This Monday we monitor the reactions after what happened in Culiacán and the sending of the military; We have the Political Table with Denise Dresser, Sergio Aguayo and Lorenzo Meyer.
This TueThis Tuesday we also talked about the regularization of “chocolate” cars and we have the analysis of Minister José Ramón Cossío.sday we also talked about the regularization of “chocolate” cars and we have the analysis of Minister José Ramón Cossío.
This Wednesday we have the analysis table with Alfredo Figueroa and Gabriel Reyes Orona, in which we address several news issues.
This Thursday we address different news issues, such as the regularization of “chocolate” cars that would be stopped in the Senate.
This Monday we address news issues such as fires in Baja California and the search for former oil leader Carlos Romero Deschamps. In addition, the results of the elections in Argentina.
This Tuesday we address several news issues, such as Aleática's complaint against Paulo Díez, an alleged investigation against an electoral magistrate, among other issues.
This Wednesday we address several news issues, such as the release of another 3 detainees in the Tepito operation; In addition, we have an analysis table.
This Thursday we have the analysis of government disclosures of the "failed operation" in Culiacán.
The federal government revealed additional details about the failed operation in Culiacán, fueling criticism. The Deputies revived reservations to regularize "chocolate cars".
In addition, this Monday we address the death of the mayor of Valle de Chalco, the sayings of Olga Sánchez Cordero about the Bonilla Law and more.
At least seven members of the Lebarón Family were massacred in the limits of Chihuahua and Sonora, López Obrador and the president-elect of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, agree to work together, and controversy over the Native Corn Law.
While the United States offered support to Mexico to investigate the LeBarón case, the Mexican government said it is up to the nation to resolve the matter, the Senate again postpones the election of the CNDH holder.
At least three Mexican tourists and one Swiss were victims of an attack in Jordan, a fact that the Mexican government said is already under investigation. Deputies analyze a reform that would "forgive" fines to parties and UNESCO promotes ending impunity in crimes against journalists.
Among fraud claims, the majority of Morena and her allies in the Senate of the Republic elected Rosario Piedra Ibarra as the new head of the CNDH. The Chamber of Deputies postponed reforms to cut resources to parties and to give the FIU more teeth.
Follow Aristegui Live at on the internet and on radio at 88.1 in the Valley of Mexico.
The Mexican government announced Monday that it granted asylum to the former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, after the indigenous leader resigned from his position amid military pressures; Morales is expected to arrive in Mexico around 9:00 a.m. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that he will make a consultation of the Mayan Train.
Evo Morales arrived in Mexico after receiving asylum from the Mexican government after he resigned amid military and police pressure on the presidency of Bolivia. Among claims of fraud, Rosario Piedra Ibarra assumed ownership of the CNDH.
Between protests and with the support of the Bolivian Armed Forces, opposition senator Jeanine Áñez formed a new government. Evo Morales, who resigned from the Bolivian presidency amid military pressures, was named "distinguished guest" by the CDMX government after his arrival as a political asylee.
The interim government of Bolivia and authorities in Mexico yesterday clashed over the repeated political expressions of Evo Morales in Mexican territory. At least five of 10 members of the CNDH council resigned after the appointment of Rosario Piedra as head of the organization.
El expresidente boliviano Evo Morales denunció ayer que al menos 24 personas han muerto en cinco días de protestas en Bolivia. El Partido Demócrata en EU se alista para ratificar el T-MEC, tras meses de negociaciones.
Amid intense protests in Bolivia, in which more than 20 people have died, civil organizations have warned about human rights violations. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador revealed a controversial preferential system for indigenous people in the delivery of pensions.
Associations of Mayors, governors and opposition senators announced that they will not know Rosario Piedra's actions as head of the CNDH. At least 10 deaths were reported in protests in Senkata, Bolivia, against Jeanine Áñez.
Amid intense protests in Bolivia, in which at least 30 people have died, the self-proclaimed Bolivian government accused Evo Morales of stirring up mobilizations from Mexico.
With the rejection of peasant organizations and opposition parties, Morena and his allies approved the Expenditure Budget 2020. Thousands marched in Colombia in a "national strike" against the government of Iván Duque.
The Legionaries of Christ admitted that six allegations of sexual abuse of minors by the priest Fernando Martínez were true. German Group accused "abuse of authority" by a judge in the litigation against Televisa over the purchase of Radiópolis.
INEGI adjusted on Monday its data on economic growth in the first months of 2019 and revealed that the economy was in a technical recession in that period. This Tuesday the federal government will detail its National Infrastructure Plan.
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced Tuesday in an interview that he works on classifying Mexican cartels as terrorist groups. The Mexican Foreign Ministry responded that it will seek dialogue with the US to know the scope of these statements.
Following the cuts applied by Congress in the 2020 budget, the INE has argued that resource reductions put the agency at “risk”. At least 25 dead were reported in a wave of violence in Guanajuato.
The murder of April Pérez Sagaón shocked Mexico after the criteria followed by Judge Federico Mosco to release her ex-husband, who had hit her with a bat while sleeping, were revealed. HRW warned in a report about the performance of the Chilean Police in the protests.
President López Obrador said Sunday that he needs "one more year" to finish laying the foundations for the country's transformation. In Coahuila, the government reported at least 21 dead, 15 hitmen, four policemen and two civilians, after clashes.
The journalist Anabel Hernández reveals more details about the "secret newspaper" of Vicente Zamaba Niebla, the "Vicentillo", son of "El Mayo" Zambada. Jaime Bonilla's government in Baja California faces accusations of "moches" after a journalistic investigation.
The amendments proposed by the United States to the already approved Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada place the agreement in uncertainty. Although the Law against outsourcing was halted in the Senate, the IP already warns of economic risks in case it thrives.
Fundar reveals 13 more cases of tax forgiveness for more than 5mmdp in the six-year terms of Enrique Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderón. The CCE reiterates that the brake in the Senate of outsourcing reform is positive as it would have affected the economy.
With 94 votes in favor, Margarita Ríos-Farjat, head of the licensed SAT, was elected by the Senate as the new minister of the SCJN. In the United States, Nancy Pelosi, leader of the Democratic majority in the lower house, ordered the articles to be drafted against Trump for political trial.
An investigation carried out with the support of Connectas reveals the irregularities around the construction of Line 3 of the Guadalajara Light Rail. The Foreign Ministry and senators agreed to reject US proposals to the T-MEC that "violate the sovereignty" of Mexico.
Representatives from Mexico, the United States and Canada discuss agreements at the T-MEC on Tuesday at CDMX. Morena in San Lázaro announced the postponement of an initiative that would militarize the ports.
The former Secretary of Federal Security, Genaro García Luna, was arrested on Tuesday in the US accused of receiving bribes from the Sinaloa Cartel. Mexico, the US and Canada formalized agreements to ratify the T-MEC.
The Chamber of Deputies approved the Amnesty Law with 285 votes in favor, 114 against and 19 abstentions. The newspaper Reforma reveals that the FGR opened an investigation against former PRI leader Manlio Fabio Beltrones.
Former President Felipe Calderón learned about the links between his Security Secretary, Genaro García Luna, and the Sinaloa Cartel, a former federal police command revealed. The Senate ratified the T-MEC on Tuesday, with 107 votes in favor and 1 against.
The Mexican government rejects the sending of US labor aggregates through the T-MEC. Indigenous communities in various states endorsed the construction of the Mayan Train, the federal government reported.
The government approved a minimum wage increase of 20 percent as of January 1. The Undersecretary for North America, Jesús Seade, reiterated that the US will not send “labor inspectors” to Mexico, but only aggregates.
Senators from Morena are promoting an initiative that would allow churches to access the media and conduct political gatherings in congregations, among other measures. A Texas judge ordered Genaro García Luna to remain in prison in addition to his transfer to NY.
The Democratic majority of the US lower house approved to take Donald Trump to a political trial. The FIU revealed 2 mmdp deviations from the Segob to a company of former security secretary Genaro García Luna during the six-year term of Felipe Calderón.
The Ministry of Public Administration (SFP) ruled out that Manuel Bartlett, head of CFE, has incurred a conflict of interest or hidden enrichment, following complaints against the official. The US lower house endorsed the T-MEC with 385 votes in favor and 41 against.
In a report, the Legionaries of Christ admitted 175 cases of child abuse, 60 of which are attributed to the founder of the organization, Marcial Maciel. In an event this weekend, López Obrador refused to seek to create a monopoly with his CFE strategy.
Mexico filed a complaint against the de facto government of Bolivia before the OAS for "excessive vigilance" at the embassy and residence of the Mexican ambassador in La Paz. Carlos Slim asked to invest 5 percent of GDP in infrastructure.
The SRE reiterated its complaint against police and military surveillance at the Mexican diplomatic headquarters in La Paz. Authorities in Chile reported at least 200 homes consumed by fires in Valparaíso.
Mexico announced that it will go against the “harassment” of the de facto government of Bolivia before the International Court of Justice. The capital government said the fire in La Merced was caused by electrical surges.
Amid tensions between Spain and Bolivia, at least six Spanish diplomats left La Paz, according to reports. Meanwhile, Mexico reiterated that it suffers from harassment and harassment by the Bolivian de facto government.
The de facto government in Bolivia of Jeanine Áñez expelled the Mexican ambassador, Teresa Mercado, by declaring her a person “non grata”. Segob denied a break with Bolivia, despite tensions.
At least 16 dead inmates were the balance of an apparent quarrel in a Cereso de Zacatecas, the state government said. María Teresa Mercado, former Mexican ambassador to Bolivia, returned to Mexico after being declared a “non grata” person by the Bolivian de facto government.
At least three people killed were the balance of clashes between Tamaulipas authorities and alleged criminals in Nuevo Laredo. After the murder of 16 dead in the Cereso de Cieneguillas, the Zacatecas government reinforced security in the prison.
After the death of 16 inmates on December 31, this Thursday an inmate was killed in the Cieneguillas prison, Zacatecas. The United States government killed a powerful Iranian commander in an attack in Baghdad.
After the assassination of the Iranian military leader Qassem Soleimani, tensions between the United States and Iran increase. At a judicial hearing, Javier Duarte, a former Veracruz governor, reiterated that he had agreed with former President Enrique Peña Nieto his separation from the governorship and the terms of his delivery to the authorities.
Crowds in Iran mourned the death of Qassem Soleimani, killed by US orders on December 3. The Secretary of Labor, Luisa Mayor, rejected that she has endorsed the election of a new leader of the Union of Petroleum Workers of the Mexican Republic (STPRM).
Iran launched missiles against two military bases in Iraq where US forces operated. In a message on Twitter, in which he said that “everything is fine, US President Donald Trump announced that he will give a message on Wednesday.
After the US offered to de-escalate the conflict with Iran and announced new sanctions on that country, two missiles were launched in Iraq near the American embassy. US senators ready ratification of the T-MEC.
Canada accused Iran of accidentally shooting down a Ukrainian plane with a missile on Wednesday, killing 176 people. At least one dead and an injured police was the balance of a persecution and shooting that culminated in Periférico, in CDMX.
After a meeting in Bavispe, Sonora, with the LeBarón and Langford families, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered to deliver reports every two months of the investigations of the case for the murder of nine of its members. Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei called on countries in the Middle East to unite before the "corrupt presence" of the US in the region.
Following an INAI resolution, President AMLO announced that he will reveal data on Tuesday of Eduardo Medina Mora's resignation to the SCJN in October. The head of the Truth Commission of Nayarit, Rodrigo González Barrios, suffered a second attack that resulted in minor injuries.
While the opposition criticizes the Insabi operation, the federal government ensures that the new health agency operates without complications. Commissions of the US Senate get ready to endorse the T-MEC and send it to the plenary for ratification.
Members of the federal cabinet announced a package of reforms to the justice system that includes proposals such as creating a Single Criminal Code. The Prosecutor's Office of SHCP reported that it will prosecute “illegal outsourcing” as organized crime.
The full US Senate endorsed, finally, the T-MEC, so it will now be sent for signature to President Donald Trump. Business groups reject the ban on plastic bags in CDMX.
Comisiones del Senado se aprestan a avalar una iniciativa de ley que autorizaría la venta, consumo, siembra y aumento de la posesión permitida de la mariguana. La Guardia Nacional frenó el paso de una caravana migrante proveniente de Honduras.
Hundreds of Central American migrants stormed into Mexican territory but were stopped by a fence of the National Guard on the southern border. The second hearing in New York of former Secretary of Security Genaro García Luna is scheduled for Tuesday.
The federal government issued an "epidemiological warning" for the new coronavirus that emerged in China and has been extended to at least four more countries, including the US. The Secretariats of Foreign Affairs and Segob rejected that the rights of migrants were violated in the anti-immigrant operation on the border.
In Morelos, this Thursday begins the peace walk called by the poet Javier Sicilia and the LeBarón family. In Guerrero, the Regional Coordinator of Community Authorities handed out weapons to children between 5 and 16 years of age in the Chilapa area, given the high levels of crime in the region. In addition, Federal Health ruled out that there is a serious risk for Mexico due to the emergence of the Chinese coronavirus.
The National Guard retracted hundreds of migrants who entered irregularly into Mexican territory through the Suchiate River. The FGR identified Dámaso López Serrano, the “Mini Lic”, as the intellectual author of the murder of journalist Javier Valdez. Authorities reported at least five possible cases of coronavirus in Mexico.
The Peace Walk concluded with a proposal to the federal government to implement a “transitional justice plan”. The struggle for the leadership of Morena led to the election of Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar as the provisional leader of the party. At least 80 people have died from the coronavirus in China.
WHO modified the risk of coronavirus from "moderate" to "high" by admitting a "formulation error" at the first summit after the outbreak. The CCE warned that the government's update of the standard of frontal labeling for food and non-alcoholic beverages "impacts" the free market.
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, summoned leaders of the North American region for the signing of the T-MEC on Wednesday. China closed access to Wuhan and 16 other cities after the outbreak of the coronavirus, affecting 50 million people. In Mexico, AMLO insisted on its plan to raffle the presidential plane.
The WHO analyzes this Thursday if it must declare an “international emergency” due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, which has claimed more than 100 lives. Business chambers announced that they evaluate resorting to international instances for the new front labeling. This Wednesday, three high-risk prisoners escaped from the South Reclusorio.
WHO declared a health emergency of international scope for the coronavirus. The CDMX government reported that at least three custodians of the South Prison helped three high-risk inmates escape. Brexit, the process of leaving the United Kingdom from the European Union, enters into force on Friday.
Some 80 people sued Keith Raniere, leader of the Nxivm group, and members of his close circle for alleged abuses. Mexican students returned from China to Mexico, without symptoms of coronavirus. The Kansas City Chiefs triumphed 31-20 over the San Francisco 49s in the Super Bowl LIV.
The SCJN established a cap of 10 minimum wages for workers in the “transition generation” of the retirement regime. At least nine dead was the balance of an attack in Uruapan. A Chinese tourist diagnosed with the new coronavirus walked through CDMX.
There are 11 schools and faculties of the UNAM unemployed, amid complaints of sexual harassment. The IP and civil organizations maintain found positions on the frontal labeling of food and non-alcoholic beverages. Remittances broke historical records in 2019.
After almost five months of political trial, the US Senate acquitted President Donald Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Enrique Graue, rector of the UNAM, said that behind the vandalism against the institution's facilities there are "provocative" groups. A Presidency initiative would end the weekend "bridges."
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that this Friday will define the future of the presidential plane. There are 16 UNAM campuses unemployed after reports of sexual harassment. At least 636 people have died from the new coronavirus.
After his reaphension on Saturday, a judge will determine the legal status of the leader of “La Unión Tepito”. The Armed Forces declared "unconditional loyalty" to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The South Korean film "Parasites" was crowned as the great winner of the Oscars, with four statuettes.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated that the Airport in Santa Lucia will be completed in March 2022. The Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco, announced that he is preparing a proposal to create new “bridges”. More than a thousand people have died from the coronavirus.
Morena in the Senate promotes the initiative that increases penalties against illegal outsourcing. Six officials are investigated for leaking images of Ingrid, killed by her partner this Sunday. WHO stated that the coronavirus COVID-19 represents a "very serious threat" worldwide.
After his arrest for extradition purposes, Emilio Lozoya, former head of Pemex, will be made available to a judge in Spain. The SCJN presented a proposal for judicial reform, which the Presidency will send to Congress. President AMLO organized a dinner with businessmen to ask them to sell raffle tickets on September 15.
A Spanish judge issued preventive detention against Emilio Lozoya, former head of Pemex, after his arrest in the Iberian country. Banxico reduced the interest rate to 7 percent at its first meeting of the year. The Segob delivered to the Federal Judiciary Council (CJF) a document detailing irregularities in the case of Israel Vallarta.
Óscar Flores, “El Lunares”, was apprehended for the third time after being released by a judge. After Friday's protests over the murder of Ingrid "N", the alleged feminicide of a girl in Tláhuac unleashed the indignation of the villagers. The SHCP lists complaints against companies that use illegal outsourcing.
The murder of Fatima, 7 years old, was the product of a “chain of negligence,” said the CDMX government. Lorenzo Córdova, head of the INE, denounced a “hostile environment”. The SAT reported that a company paid 8.3 billion pesos to regularize its fiscal situation.
While the capital government identified the woman who stole Fatima from her school, hundreds dismissed the child. The SAT claimed Walmart payments of 10.5 billion pesos for the sale of the Vips chain in 2014. Grupo México, at the request of the Presidency, will deliver the concession where Pasta de Conchos is located, to resume the recovery of bodies of miners who died in 2006.
The two main suspects of the Fatima abduction and feminicide, under 7 years of age found dead on February 15, were captured. The Wall Street Journal revealed that former President Enrique Peña Nieto is investigated by the Mexican government. Authorities investigate the death of a baby in Coahuila.
Irma Reyes, an aunt of one of Fatima's two alleged feminicides, handed them over to the authorities. The Fifth National Search Brigade detected “kitchens” in their work in Veracruz. The call launched in networks to a National Women's Unemployment under hashtags such as #UnDiaSinNosotras has gained support in recent days.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered to review the pension system with employers and workers. This Monday begins the extradition trial hearings against the US against Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks. In one column, The Wall Street Journal accuses the AMLO government of extorting businessmen and persecuting opponents.
Tedros Adhanom, WHO director, called on countries to prepare for a potential COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The Ministry of Economy reported suspended proceedings after a cyber attack. Three university students and an Uber driver were found dead in Puebla.
The Inegi reported that the Mexican economy contracted 0.14 percent in 2019. Hundreds of medical students protested in Puebla after the murder of three residents and an Uber driver. Fifth Element Lab reveals a “mysterious investment fund” created by Emilio Lozoya after leaving the direction of Pemex.
The FIU denounced an organization that operated at least 99 billing companies with resources linked to the Panama Papers. The Trife validated the appointment of Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar as president of Morena. Banxico cut the growth expectation for 2020 at an interval of 0.5 to 1.5 percent.
The federal government reported that, in a first test, a Mexican who was recently in Italy tested positive for the coronavirus COVID-19. In a financial report, Pemex reported losses in 2019 that doubled those of 2018. Miguel Ángel Vásquez, former close associate of Miguel Ángel Mancera in the CDMX government, was arrested.
The government ruled out a health emergency for Covid-19 coronavirus, despite the five confirmed cases. From documentary chaos to internal obstacles they have hindered the sale of the presidential plane. The US publicly appointed former Nayarit governor Roberto Sandoval as corrupt and vetoed him and his family to enter the United States.
An investigation of Fair Justice and Zero Impunity revealed a deviation scheme in the health sector that left a damage to the treasury of 4.1 mmdp. The 2020 Census of INEGI, which seeks to obtain an X-ray of the Country, started on Monday. In Mexico there are five confirmed cases of Covid-19.
After rejecting a conflict of interest for anomalies in the Enerall company, Alfonso Romo, head of the Office of the Presidency, warned of a "national emergency" for the coronavirus. The SHCP said that measures are already in place to address the effects of Covid-19. President AMLO announced that the sale of “chachitos” of the raffle on the occasion of TP-01 will be the same day as 9M.
Coparmex accused the AMLO government of affecting investments by consulting projects such as the construction of a Constellation Brands brewery. The FIU blocked accounts for 390 million pesos to La Luz del Mundo. The legalization of recreational and medicinal marijuana advanced in the Senate.
Thousands of people, mostly university students, marched in Puebla to demand security. The PAN in the Senate denounced espionage. The material murderer of Abril Pérez Sagaón and an accomplice were arrested.
This Sunday, thousands of women participate in mass marches in Mexico City and across the national territory, as well as in other latitudes of the world, against the different forms of violence they suffer, heading to the National Paro A Day Without Us on March 9 .
This Monday, tens of thousands of women in the country perform a National Unemployment to demand a stop to the violence they suffer. Previously, on Sunday, mass feminist marches took place within the framework of International Women's Day.
The economy had a black Monday for the oil war and for the coronavirus. The Mexican mix dropped to $ 24.43 per barrel. Millions of women raise the national strike against gender violence. Italy declared a widespread quarantine.
While Standard & Poor’s estimated that the oil price war and the coronavirus will hit Mexico, the SHCP assured that the economy is armored. A collision in the Metro left one dead and at least 41 injured. Social programs were elevated to constitutional rank.
La OMS declaró una pandemia por la expansión del coronavirus Covid-19. Estados Unidos anunció la restricción de viajes provenientes de Europa. Los mercados resintieron el impacto del anuncio de la OMS y de EU.
The expansion of the Covid-19 impacted global markets and led to the suspension of activities worldwide. Banxico and SHCP analyze measures to face the financial effects of the coronavirus. After the death of at least six patients in a Pemex hospital in Tabasco due to a contaminated medicine, Cofepris issued an alert against that medicine.
With the spread of Covid-19 globally, countries around the world have tightened measures to prevent further spread. The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates to a range of 0 to 0.25 percent, to deal with the pandemic crisis. CDMX reported at least 16 cases of measles.
Global markets plummeted due to fears of the coronavirus and after the closure of borders to curb the spread of Covid-19. The CDMX ordered the suspension of acts of more than a thousand public and private persons.
The economic and social paralysis generated by the coronavirus pandemic deepened globally. In Mexico, the Judiciary announced the suspension of activities. The peso closed at a record low of 23.17 against the dollar. The Mexican mix fell to $ 18.78 a barrel.
Authorities reported the first death from Covid-19 in Mexico. The US announced the closure of its Canadian border for "non-essential" travel. AMLO showed its "amulets" against the coronavirus.
The Health Council recognized the coronavirus pandemic as serious and a priority. The IP urged the government to take measures to mitigate the impact of the pandemic. The currency added losses and was above 24 pesos against the dollar.
The CDMX ordered the closure of some businesses, cultural, sports and religious spaces due to the pandemic. The US announced the deployment of the National Guard to states affected by Covid-19. The CCE criticized the consultation about a brewery in Mexicali that would have had a negative result for the project.
The WHO stated that the expansion of the Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating. President AMLO presents this Tuesday a plan to protect the vulnerable population from the new virus. Mexico entered phase two, according to the WHO.
Mexico declared Phase 2 in the Covid-19 emergency. The federal government announced an extra 400 million pesos and credits to mitigate the impact of the crisis. US President Donald Trump seeks to reopen the economy.
With the exception of strategic areas, the federal government announced the suspension of activities by Covid-19. States and CDMX announced financial support for the pandemic. A wave of looting hits department stores and self-service stores amid the contingency.
Standard & Poors downgraded Mexico and Pemex's credit rating from BBB + to BBB. With more than 85 thousand Covid-19 infections, the United States became the country with the most infections. The US filed charges against Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro for narcoterrorism.
Hugo López-Gatell, undersecretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, declared that Mexico has a “last chance” to stop the expansion of the coronavirus. Federal Health has 1,283 beds to serve Covid-19 patients. The US estimates that up to 200,000 people could die from the new virus.
The General Health Council declared a health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic. By reiterating the "stay home" exhortation, Federal Health ruled out a state of emergency but tightened restrictions on non-essential activities.
The CCE reiterated to the government that companies require support in the face of the crisis. Instead, President AMLO asked for the solidarity of the businessmen. The US estimated that up to 240,000 people could die from Covid-19.
SHCP estimated a contraction of up to 3.9 percent of GDP in 2020. Due to the pandemic, the INE postponed the elections in Coahuila and Hidalgo. The US will deploy ships in the Caribbean and the Pacific against drug trafficking.
AMLO and IP agreed support for SMEs. Globally, the number of Covid-19 infections exceeded one million cases. At least 10 million people asked for unemployment support in the US in two weeks.
After President AMLO reiterated that his rescue plan for the pandemic crisis will focus on the poor, the CCE maintained that the proposal is an "incomplete response." Federal Health reported 94 deaths and 2,143 Covid-19 infections.
By adapting guidelines of a decree, the government authorized the steel, cement and glass industry to continue key AMLO works. The IP announced that it is looking for alternative ways to overcome the crisis. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of GB, was sent to intensive care by Covid-19.
By reiterating that the President "closed the door", the CCE proposed a "great national pact" against the Covid-19 crisis. AMLO said he had the backing of Carlos Slim, Alberto Bailleres and Germán Larrea. Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa was sentenced to 8 years in prison for corruption.
Health estimated 26 thousand 519 Covid-19 infections in the country. Due to the crisis, 346,878 jobs have been lost. Dozens of IMSS staff infections have been reported by the virus.
IMF warned of the worst recession since the Great Depression. Following Mexico's disagreements in OPEC, the US offered to offset the Mexican cut. The SFP ordered 50 percent cuts in agency expenses.
The main oil nations agreed to cut 9.7 million barrels a day to stabilize prices. The World Bank projected a contraction of 6% of Mexican GDP. AMLO delivers a message about measures against Covid-19.
Baja California Governor Jaime Bonilla said the doctors "are falling like flies." The General Health Council issued a guide asking to prioritize young people over older adults in critical situations. The IMSS offered companies to defer payments, with interest.
The IMF warned of the worst recession since the Great Depression of 1929 from the pandemic. Salud warned that "very few days" are missing for Phase 3. UNAM declined the CSG Bioethics Guide.
The G20 granted a moratorium on debt service payments to 76 poor nations. Fitch cut Mexico's rating to BBB-. Covid-19 infections are over 2 million worldwide.
The National Sana Distancia Day will be extended to May 30. Senators seek to pass the Amnesty Law against the risk of contagion in prisons. Univision and El Universal report that the federal government is investigating the finances of former President Peña Nieto and his close circle.
Segob issued a warning addressed to TV Azteca for comments by Javier Alatorre in the mainstream newscast. Coparmex proposes a solidary salary in the face of the crisis. Moody’s downgraded the sovereign note to Mexico to Baa1, with a negative outlook.
Due to the crisis, the WTI barrel fell to -37.63 and Mexican crude to -2.37. President Donald Trump announced the suspension of immigration due to the pandemic. The Senate endorsed the Amnesty Law.
Health declared Phase 3 of the pandemic. After reducing the interest rate to 6%, Banco de México reported measures for 750 billion pesos to alleviate the crisis. CDMX and Edomex announced that the Hoy No Circula program will be mandatory starting this Thursday, with certain exceptions.
In announcing greater austerity, President AMLO presented measures for 622.5 billion pesos in the face of the crisis. The SHCP placed bonds for 6 million dollars. The WHO warned that Mexico is about to experience the "worst moment" of the pandemic.
The Presidency enlists a team of lawyers to litigate against large taxpayers considered evaders. There are 1,069 deaths from Covid-19 in Mexico. The government concessioned the construction of the first section of the Maya Train to the consortium led by Mota-Engil.
IDB Invest and the CMN, with the backing of SHCP, will provide $ 12 billion in support to 30,000 micro, small and medium-sized companies. President AMLO listed measures to support the middle, upper middle class and large corporations in the face of the crisis. The T-MEC will take effect on July 1.
While President AMLO criticized the way in which the IDB Invest and CMN loan plan was announced, the agencies assured that the scheme will not cost the treasury. The number of contagions exceeded 3 million globally. The Secretary of the Public Function, Irma Eréndira Sandoval, tested Covid-19 positive.
Jonathan Heath, deputy governor of Banxico, declared that unemployment due to the pandemic could reach levels of the crisis of 1995. The US exceeded one million infections by Covid-19. Private hospitals like ABC in CDMX reported saturation.
The US economy contracted 4.8 percent in the first quarter. Morena seeks to amend the initiative of the Presidency that proposes to provide the SHCP with powers to reorient the budget. The ILO warned that more than 1.5 billion jobs are at risk.
Losses at Pemex in the first quarter reached 562.2 mmdp. The CSG published an official version of the Bioethical Guide for Allocation of Limited Resources. More than a million people have recovered from Covid-19 worldwide.
There are 2,154 deaths from Covid-19 in Mexico. Sedena and Semar have 124 hospitals ready due to the potential saturation of hospitals. US President Donald Trump reiterated that China was able to stop the virus and "did not."
Private sector analysts consulted by Banxico projected an economic contraction of 7.27 percent in 2020. Remittances to Mexico rose in March. The US estimated 100,000 deaths from the virus in about a month.
Authorities consider this week as the criticism of the pandemic in Mexico. Hugo López-Gatell, Health spokesperson, assured that the outbreak curve has been "flattened". President AMLO said he is preparing to reopen the economy in certain regions on May 17.
US industrialists urged his government to intervene to reactivate the chains with Mexico. The CCE, among other proposals, proposed creating an Economic Emergency Council. The WHO warned of risks by hastening the reopening.
AMLO rejected the CCE plan to apply debt increases and tax incentives. The INE filed a constitutional controversy against the decree that reduces radio and TV tax time. Health considers this Friday "peak" due to viruses.
The auto parts sector is preparing the revival between Tuesday and Wednesday. The SCJN resolves the case on "Bonilla Law" this Monday. The FIU froze the accounts of those close to García Luna.
Unanimously, the SCJN declared the "Bonilla Law" unconstitutional. President AMLO ordered by decree that the Armed Forces take on security tasks. The federal government is preparing an economic recovery plan.
The IMSS reported 555,247 lost jobs in April. Health recorded 353 deaths from Covid-19, the highest number in a day. Before complaints, Notimex denied creating false accounts to attack critics on networks.
The federal government defined the phases of the revival plan. The IMSS determined to return the fans that it had purchased from a León Manuel Bartlett Álvarez company. The JFCA ordered Notimex to stop work after the strike erupted in February.
Banxico reduced the reference interest rate to 5.5%. Bank of America estimated the loss of 1.2 million jobs in Mexico this year. Governors alerted SHCP that the crisis they face is unsustainable.
The CCE warned that it is preparing legal remedies against the Sener agreement, noting that it limits the renewable energy sector. Salud reiterated his call to stay home when faced with risks from the virus. This Monday industrial sectors start procedures for reopening.
Opposition leaders and legislators from Morena rejected Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar's proposal that INEGI verify the population's wealth. A judge granted amparos against the Cenace agreement. France and Germany announced a plan to reopen the EU for € 500 billion.
Cenace suspended 17 wind and photovoltaic plants that were in the testing phase. The prosecutor's office in the capital reported the release of 14 plagiarized doctors and nurses. Due to unemployment, workers have withdrawn more than 5 billion pesos from retirement subaccounts until April.
CDMX extended the quarantine until June 15. The number of contagions globally exceeded 5 million. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) warns of discrimination against health personnel against the virus.
The Inegi reported that the costs of corruption in 2019 increased 64 percent compared to 2017. After criticism, Morena ruled out eliminating Fidecine. CDMX reported 80 percent of hospital occupancy.
President AMLO estimated 1 million lost jobs in April and May. Manuel Bartlett, head of CFE, said it will end the "fraud" in clean energy. China accused the United States of bringing bilateral relations into a new cold war.
El comercio exterior de México se desplomó 41% en abril. El PIB mexicano se contrajo 1.2% en el primer trimestre, reportó el Inegi. Ricardo Salinas Pliego causó polémica por sus comentarios contra las restricciones por la pandemia en México.
PAHO warned of a continued rise in infections in Mexico. Cenace said it will fight resolutions that protect private individuals. The Segob reiterated that it will apply a federal reopening traffic light to avoid uncoordination.
Banxico estimated a GDP contraction of up to 8.8% and the loss of up to 1.4 million jobs. The Federation will deliver 60 mmdp to States. Segob said that although the reopening traffic light is federal, its application will be regional.
The deaths by Covid-19 in Mexico add up to 9,044. The Spanish justice authorized to extradite Alonso Ancira to Mexico. CRE endorsed raising transmission rates for self-supply plants.
With the gradual reactivation of activities, Mexico begins the so-called "new normal". Covid-19 infections exceed 90 thousand. The mining, automotive and construction industries reopen as essential.
The Inegi reported that 12.5 million workers lost their income due to the crisis. US President Donald Trump said he will apply military force against protests. Mexico exceeded 10,000 deaths from the virus.
Governors demanded clarity from the federal government on the revival. The FIU froze 1,939 accounts linked to the CJNG. The United States lived its eighth day of protests in the Floyd case.
Mexico recorded 1,092 deaths from Covid-19 in one day. The SCJN endorsed that Banxico and IFT officials earn more than the President. Morena in San Lázaro proposed making Afores retreats more flexible.
The death in Jalisco of Giovanni López, a young bricklayer who was in police custody, sparked protests. Disagreements between leaders over the reopening traffic light persist. Evidence contradicts versions of Notimex regarding dismissal of worker.
Thousands protested racism globally after the Floyd case in the US. The World Bank granted a loan of $ 1 billion to Mexico. Zoé Robledo, owner of the IMSS, contracted Covid-19
The World Bank has warned of the deepest crisis since World War II. Notimex's Governing Board ordered the agency to suspend operations. Protesters protested against police brutality in CDMX.
After revealing a supposed plan to beat Morena and AMLO, public figures and companies separated. The OECD warned that, should there be a regrowth, the national GDP would fall to 8.6. PAHO maintained that Mexico is experiencing the worst moment of the pandemic.
Morena in the Senate proposed to merge IFT, CRE and Cofece. Eu exceeded 2 million infections by Covid-19. The CFE increased renewable transmission rates by up to 775%.
Industrial production suffered a historical collapse of 29.6% in April. Sener will fight amparos against the new energy policy. AMLO endorsed the merger of IFT, Cofece and CRE, if applied for savings.
In 2018, during Enrique Peña Nieto's government, the FIU thawed 722 accounts linked to cartels. Morena announced that it would postpone the initiative to merge CRE, Cofece, and IFT. Nine PAN governors called for a "new fiscal pact".
In a letter to US authorities, the American Petroleum Institute accused discrimination in Mexico. Police in CDMX protested in demand for better conditions. General José Lira was released after being kidnapped.
Federal judge Uriel Villegas was executed together with his wife in Colima. President AMLO revealed that he will file complaints for a 48-million-dollar bill fraud. Mexico and the US agreed to extend border restrictions until July 21.
SCJN President Arturo Zaldívar described the murder of Judge Uriel Villegas as a "state crime". Mexico was elected a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. The SHCP said the T-MEC will drive growth in the face of the Covid-19 crisis.
Monica Maccise, resigned from the ownership of Conapred. The US Supreme Court ruled against Donald Trump's attempt to disappear DACA. Asa Laurell, Undersecretary for Integration and Development of the Health Sector, left the agency.
A wave of violence hit Guanajuato after operations against the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. The president of the lower house filed a controversy against the decree ordering the deployment of the armed forces in security. Lawmakers prepare the legal framework of the T-MEC.
Fuel producers in the US alerted to restrictions in Mexico. Christopher Landau, the US ambassador, warned that changes to the rules discourage investment. Morena in the Senate sees an "urgent" reform of the Afores.
Jaime Tafolla Ortega, "El Alacrán", linked to the CJNG, and one other person were arrested for the murder of the federal judge in Colima. In Guanajuato, the mother of "El Marro" was released. Seventeen people were transferred to prisons for the attack against Omar García Harfuch.
Minister Luis María Aguilar admitted the Cofece controversy against the new energy policy for processing. In Veracruz, the Rector of the University of Valladolid was assassinated. The Senate passed and sent the laws for the T-MEC to the lower house.
The Attorney General of the Republic, Alejandro Gertz Manero, declared that "the historical truth is over" raised by the previous government in the Ayotzinapa case, and reported that Emilio Lozoya agreed to collaborate with the FGR. The T-MEC takes effect this Wednesday, July 1.
At least 24 people were killed in a rehabilitation center in Irapuato. Remittances to Mexico amounted to $ 3,379 million in May, 18% more than the same month of 2019. The FGR recaptured José Casarrubias Salgado, "El Mochomo", after being released by a judge.
The FGR detected, in telephone interventions, alleged millionaire bribes to judicial personnel to free José Ángel Casarrubias, "El Mochomo", who was recaptured. Exports to the US plummeted by 53% in May. Nuevo León ordered to restrict mobility due to a spike in infections.
The Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office reported the arrest of 3 alleged perpetrators in the Irapuato massacre in which 27 people died. La Sedena intercepted and shot down a small plane with drugs in Quintana Roo. President AMLO said that with the extradition of Emilio Lozoya, former director of Pemex, to Mexico, it will be known how the Odebrecht bribes were distributed.
The SFP disqualified for 2 years and three months and fined a company of León Bartlett Álvarez, son of Manuel Bartlett, for 2 million pesos. Two days after AMLO's trip to Washington, President Donald Trump boasted about the border wall. CDMX measures to avoid crowds in the Historic Center were insufficient before a high number of people in the area.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador arrived in Washington for an official visit in which he will hold a meeting with his American counterpart, Donald Trump. The FGR reported that it identified through genetic analysis at the University of Innsbruck, in Austria, the remains of Ayotzinapa normalista Christian Alfonso Rodríguez Telumbre. The secretary of the Second District Court of Federal Criminal Processes was suspended for six months for his involvement in the bribery case to free José Ángel Casarrubias, "El Mochomo", who was recaptured.
Former Chihuahua Governor César Duarte was detained in Miami, Florida, for the purpose of extradition to Mexico. In the official visit of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the United States, the Mexican president and his American counterpart Donald Trump exchanged thanks and reiterated the friendship between the two nations. The FGR arrested two AIC officials accused of torture in the Ayotzinapa case.
The Attorney General of the Republic Alejandro Gertz Manero and the researcher from Columbia University Edgardo Buscaglia debate this Friday at, from 9:00 to 10:30. Banxico warned of a "severe deterioration" in the economy due to the crisis stemming from the pandemic. The UN estimated that 1 in 3 inhabitants in Latin America will be left in poverty before the economy slows down.
In the pandemic, 1 million 113 thousand jobs have been lost, the IMSS reported. Mexico was placed in fourth place for Covid-19 deaths, with 35 thousand 006 deaths. In a debate with Edgardo Buscaglia over Aristegui Live, Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero criticized the lack of evidence in complaints from the FIU. In addition, it revealed that, in the case against the main implicated in the arrest and torture of the journalist Lydia Cacho in 2005, the businessman Kamel Nacif, fled to Lebanon.
A video reveals that there was torture of the accused in the investigations led by Tomás Zerón, head of the AIC in the previous government, regarding the Ayotzinapa case. The Segob reported a total of 73 thousand 201 missing persons in Mexico. INAH archaeologists found vestiges of the Axayácatl Palace -father of Moctezuma II- and of the house of Hernán Cortés under the National Monte de Piedad in the Historic Center.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador declared that, with the collaboration of the former director of Pemex, Emilio Lozoya, whose extradition process is ongoing, "a great fraud" could be solved in the approval of the energy reform. The federal government enlists the purchase of medicines for about 60 billion dollars. PAHO recommended that federal and state authorities work in coordination to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Morena coordinator in the Senate, Ricardo Monreal, maintained that the revelations that Emilio Lozoya, former director of Pemex, will make about Odebrecht in Mexico; bribes given in exchange for the structural reforms of the "Pact for Mexico" in the previous government and other cases, will provoke a "political tremor". ECLAC warned of a "lost decade" in Latin America in the face of the crisis caused by the pandemic. The CFE canceled tenders for four power plants in the face of the economic slowdown.
Emilio Lozoya, former director of Pemex, a key player in the Odebrecht case and who has offered to collaborate with the FGR and deliver 18 hours on video recordings showing corruption of legislators in approval of reforms, arrived in Mexico. Amid criticism from academic John Ackerman, the INE Technical Committee defined 20 applicants for four positions of electoral advisers. President AMLO agreed to review the fiscal pact, after requests from PAN governors.
Deputies from Morena and the PT demanded to replace the selection process for finalists to fill four vacancies on the INE General Council. During a tour of Chiapas, IMSS chief Zoé Robledo suffered a car accident that caused fractures, in addition to a collaborator and the official's driver being injured. US President Donald Trump accused Mexico of not helping the United States to contain the pandemic.
WHO has made progress in testing Covid-19 vaccines in the UK and China. Femicide increased 7.7 percent from January to June compared to the same period last year. In the United States, thousands of workers stopped work in protest against racism.
Morena defined four applicants that she will support in voting among the 20 finalists to fill vacancies on the INE General Council. SHCP head Arturo Herrera said the use of face masks will be essential for economic recovery. After staying for more than a year and seven months for sale in California, the presidential plane will return to Mexico.
The federal government announced a project to reform the pension system that would benefit low-income employees. The Plenum of the Chamber of Deputies endorsed the appointment of four new INE directors. The United States government announced an agreement with Pfizer and BioNTech that set aside 100 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccines when they are produced.
Prior to his extradition from Spain to Mexico, Emilio Lozoya, former Pemex head, revealed that Odebrecht paid $ 4 million in bribes to Enrique Peña Nieto's presidential campaign, and another $ 6 million was delivered by the construction company in exchange for contracts with Peña already in government, according to a document obtained by the newspaper Reforma. Noting that the militarization of ports and customs will have "serious significance", Javier Jiménez Espriú made his resignation from the SCT official.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated in a conference from the presidential hangar his criticisms of the luxuries of the presidential plane acquired by the Felipe Calderón government and used in the six-year term of Enrique Peña Nieto. Hurricane "Hanna" hit the Texas coast, wreaking havoc on various communities, in addition to hitting the states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo León as a tropical storm. In Puerto Vallarta, about 20 people from Guanajuato were kidnapped on July 18 by a group of armed men. During the plagiarism, a shootout broke out in which one of the walkers died.
Emilio Lozoya, a former Pemex head accused of corruption, will appear for the first time before a federal judge in a virtual hearing from a hospital for the crimes attributed to him in the Agro Nitrogenados case. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reiterated his criticism against the luxuries of the presidential plane acquired by the Felipe Calderón government and used during the administration of Enrique Peña Nieto. Cities in northeast Mexico suffer the ravages of the rains caused by Hurricane Hanna that hit those areas as a tropical storm.
After the first judicial hearing for the Agro Nitrogenados case, Emilio Lozoya was linked to the process by a judge who determined that the former Pemex holder will not go to jail after the treatment he receives in a hospital ends. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that the owner of AHMSA, Alonso Ancira, co-accused in the same case of corruption, offered to return $ 200 million for the damage caused in the sale and purchase of the fertilizer plant. Pemex reported a loss of 44 billion pesos in the second quarter. Lozoya will appear before a judge on Wednesday for the corruption charges he faces in the Odebrecht case.
A federal judge linked former Pemex director Emilio Lozoya Austin to trial for using illicit resources, criminal association and bribery, but granted him probation. For his probable responsibility in organized crime and operations with resources of illicit origin, a judge ordered the arrest of Guillermo “Billy” Álvarez, president of the Cruz Azul Cooperative. The Chamber of Deputies approved the reform to the Procurement Law to grant the Federal Executive Power the power to buy medicines abroad without the need to submit it to tender.
Luis Cárdenas Palomino, former AFI head, and Ramón Eduardo Pequeño García, former head of the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police, are accused in the US of drug trafficking; GDP registered an annual drop of 18.9 in the second quarter of 2020, the worst drop in history; President Donald Trump suggested deferring the presidential elections scheduled for November on the grounds that there is a risk that they are imprecise and fraudulent.
The founder and leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel was apprehended this Sunday by the Army, with the support of the Guanajuato Prosecutor's Office; Despite having belonged to the close circle of Genaro García Luna, Felipe de Jesús Gallo and Antonio Pérez García, they were appointed as coordinator of Investigation Methods and head of the Federal Ministerial Police, respectively, during the current administration at the head of the FGR of Alejandro Gertz Manero, reveals a special investigation published in Aristegui Noticias; Opposition governors demand the resignation of the undersecretary of Health.
Considering that there are no sanitary conditions to return to classrooms, the SEP announced that the 2020-2021 cycle will be remote, with the participation of private and state television stations to broadcast school programs; in June, remittances sent to Mexico amounted to 3 thousand 536.9 million dollars, so in the first semester they totaled 19 thousand 074 million dollars, 10.6 percent more than the same period last year; The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, stated that there may never be a solution for Covid-19.
At least 78 people died and 4 thousand were wounded on Tuesday by an explosion of ammonium nitrate in the Lebanese capital; the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice ordered house arrest against Álvaro Uribe, former Colombian president, investigated for fraud and bribery of witnesses in a process against him for ties to paramilitary squads. Uribe described the measure as an injustice; The actions of Mexican television stations skyrocket after an agreement with the federal government to broadcast classes for the next school year.
Víctor Toledo, head of the Semarnat, revealed that the government of the Fourth Transformation is full of contradictions and power struggles between members of the federal cabinet; Mexico exported merchandise worth 25 thousand 803 million dollars to the United States in June; in Oaxaca, they prohibit sale, distribution and gift of junk food to minors.
The country reached 50 thousand 517 deaths from Covid-19 this Thursday, while the number of infections reached 462 thousand 690; Due to the health emergency due to coronavirus and the high levels of insecurity, the United States issued a maximum alert and recommended not to travel to 16 entities in Mexico; AMLO agreed to the Justice Plan for the Yaqui People, in Sonora, which includes land restitution and water supply.
The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic requested 19 arrest warrants against former officials of the disappeared Federal Police for their alleged participation in the crime of organized crime; The capital this Sunday exceeded 80 thousand cases of coronavirus, while in the country there are already 480 thousand 278 infections and 52 thousand 298 deaths from this disease; Following the publication of the Notimex case on the BBC in London this weekend, former agency employees denounced attacks.
Due to organized crime and diversion of resources, a federal judge granted arrest warrants against 19 former commanders of the defunct Federal Police, among them the former CDMX Secretary of Security, Jesús Orta, and the former secretary Frida Martínez; Cofece imposed fines for 626 million 457 thousand pesos to 11 companies for irregularities in tenders called by the IMSS and the ISSSTE; to provide the consumer with information about foods that pose a health risk, the new labeling begins to circulate.
Emilio Lozoya denounced that on the orders of former president Enrique Peña Nieto and former secretary Luis Videgaray, he directed part of the bribes from Odebrecht to the 2012 presidential campaign; the Ethylene XXI plant enjoyed economic benefits and privileges in the prices of inputs; Furthermore, the Church of the Light of the World responds to the victim of Nassón Joaquín García, currently a prisoner in the United States.
Supported by the Slim Foundation, Mexico and Argentina will produce the Covid-19 vaccine developed by Astra-Zeneca and Oxford University, with an initial production of up to 250 million doses; While the former director of Pemex Emilio Lozoya cooperates with the authorities, the former secretary Rosario Robles has not done so, said the prosecutor Alejandro Gertz; Furthermore, after the recent explosions, Lebanon is experiencing a political and economic crisis.
The country exceeded half a million coronavirus infections this Thursday and the death toll reached 55,293; in July, the advisers of the Federal Judiciary opposed spending more than 27 million pesos in the acquisition of 10 armored vans for the electoral magistrates, who said they were civil servants and not martyrs; the manufacture of vaccine in Mexico will cost less than 25 mmdp.
A few days into the new school year, experts analyze the expectations of the new modality, with classes on television, radio, workbook or internet; While producers defend it and the government bans it, scientists reveal risks of glyphosate and recommend other options.
In a YouTube account in the name of Juan Jesús Lozoya Austin, a video was leaked showing the delivery of cash to Rafael Jesús Caraveo and Guillermo Gutiérrez; the FGR denied that this material had been presented as evidence; After the dissemination of the same, the president of National Action, Marko Cortés, said that they will expel from the party those who participate in acts of corruption; lawyer Paulo Díez Gargari and Alonso Rivera Gaxiola, from Rivera Gaxiola, Carrasco and Kálloi, discuss the OHL case.
Politicians appointed by Emilio Lozoya distanced themselves from the accusations: Miguel Barbosa, governor of Puebla, will denounce for moral damage and Marko Cortés, leader of the PAN, said that the federal government is misusing and directed justice; former Peruvian prosecutor Julio Arvizu recounts his experience with the video scandals around Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru; 15 years after the death of Víctor Emmanuel Torres, extrajudicially executed by preventive police, Fabián Sánchez, a lawyer for the family, talks about the case.
In a 63-page document that circulated on Wednesday, the former director of Pemex made a count of diversions, bribes and influence peddling during the previous six-year term; in his complaint, he accuses figures of power, including former presidents Enrique Peña Nieto, Carlos Salinas and Felipe Calderón; While politicians denied the facts and the defense disagreed with the text, the FGR reported that it is already investigating the origin of the leak. In addition, Sergio Aguayo responds to criticism from Edgardo Buscaglia after meeting Gertz Manero.
After the diffusion of the accusations of Emilio Lozoya, politicians like Luis Videgaray, Ricardo Anaya or David Penchyna respond to him in networks, media and even in court; Luis Ernesto Derbez, rector of UDLAP, presents the Global Impunity Index, an academic initiative that places Mexico among the first 10 countries worldwide and among the first three in Latin America; Morena is forced to open an open poll to elect a leadership and the video scandals reach AMLO's party.
Mexico reached 60,480 deaths from Covid this weekend, a figure that Hugo López-Gatell saw as the most catastrophic scenario that the country could reach only in June; Juan Carlos Moreno “Larry” was sentenced to 50 years in prison for his participation in the murder of journalist Miroslava Breach; parties would face consequences for campaign financing, and renewal of Morena's leadership.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is analyzing submitting the request to submit to a citizen consultation whether the former presidents should be tried or not, which would have to be defined before September 15 for the exercise to take place in the 2021 elections; investigating extrajudicial execution after a confrontation between the military and alleged criminals in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.
The businessman Miguel Alemán Magnani took control of the board of directors of the Radiópolis System, according to versions in media such as Reforma and El Financiero; Behind Emilio Lozoya there are at least thirty other former Pemex officials and directors who participated, actively or passively, in the purchase of Agro Nitrogenados; controversy at the IACHR due to the virtual departure of Paulo Abrão as secretary.
The Bank of Mexico estimated that the economy could fall 12.8 percent in 2020, if the worst recovery scenario is fulfilled, while the GDP registered a decrease of minus 18.7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, which pushed back a decade the most important indicator of the economy; Milena Paola Quiroga, a deputy for Morena, talks about the impeachment of five local opposition legislators in Baja California Sur; Faced with the danger of being evicted, Mexican migrants struggle to pay rent in California after losing their income during the pandemic
If Altos Hornos de México does not pay the 200 million dollar surcharge it received for Agro Nitrogenados, those responsible would be prosecuted, warns President Andrés Manuel López Obrador; the peso and the BMV registered volatile movements after the US Federal Reserve announced a new economic recovery strategy to face the effects of the pandemic; Members of the Parliamentary Group of Morena in the Senate present a request for a popular consultation to prosecute former presidents who have committed crimes during their mandate.
The Secretary of the Treasury, Arturo Herrera, said that in 2021 Mexico will experience the worst economic crisis since 1932, for which there will be no "little saves" in the budget, which must be sent before September 8; Morena, chaired by Alfonso Ramírez Cuéllar, is seeking 2 million signatures to achieve a popular consultation to prosecute former presidents; Eduardo Ramírez, from Chiapas, candidate for the Senate Board of Directors.
In the midst of a double crisis, economic and health, today President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is accountable; Accused of money laundering and tax fraud, Gerardo Sosa Castelán, former rector of the Autonomous University of Hidalgo, was arrested; Argentine journalist Olga Wornat delves into the figure of former President Felipe Calderón and explores the bloodiest six-year term in Mexico.
In a message on the occasion of his Second Government Report, Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that Mexico has the best government for the worst moment, that it has faced the economic and health crisis without immoral bailouts, without contracting debt and fighting corruption; the lawyer Juan Collado is accused of embezzlement for benefiting from 13.7 million pesos in the government of César Duarte; Bertha Luján, president of the National Council of Morena, decides not to participate in the internal process by the leadership of CEN.
The Chamber of Deputies achieved a qualified majority to integrate the Board of Directors that establishes as president the PRI deputy Dulce María Sauri, despite the protests of the PT parliamentary group and Gerardo Fernández; In Wednesday's session, reforms to the Constitution were approved to end the presidential jurisdiction; While two collaborators point out a lack of autonomy, the head of the CNDH, Rosario Piedra, accuses them of treason and loss of trust.
After almost 23 years of the Acteal massacre, in Chenalhó, Chiapas, the Mexican State offered a public apology to the 45 fatalities and the 26 survivors, the community still demands justice; a federal court ordered the FGR to reopen an investigation against former attorney Marisela Morales, for alleged manipulation of witnesses in the case of Javier Herrera Valles; deny attack on Víctor Manuel Toledo, who resigned as head of Semarnat.
The INE denied the registration of Mexico Libre as a political party, led by Felipe Calderón and Margarita Zavala, because it could not determine the origin of a high percentage of contributions; in demand of justice, activists seized CNDH facilities, where they burned part of the furniture, tore documents and exhibited “luxuries” of the personnel; Unpublished documents kept in the archive of Gabriel García Márquez at the University of Texas, give an account of the Colombian Nobel's commitment to human rights.
Members of the Federalist Alliance announced their departure from the National Conference of Governors (Conago), considering that it no longer fulfills its function as an organ of dialogue; Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa was sentenced to eight years in prison for improper charges to finance campaigns, which will prevent him from running for the vice presidency in 2021; In Bolivia, the candidacy of former President Evo Morales as senator for Cochabamba was also disqualified by not complying with the residency requirement; journalist Jacinto Rodríguez Munguía presents unpublished documents by Gabriel García Márquez.
With a budget adapted to the health and economic situation, and aimed at strengthening social programs, the Secretary of the Treasury, Arturo Herrera, delivered the 2021 Economic Package to Congress; Following an adverse reaction in a study participant, AstraZeneca suspended late-stage trials of its potential anti-Covid vaccine, which would delay the arrival of the vaccine in the country; the General Archive of the Nation denounced the Morton house before the FGR for the auction of probable documentary heritage of the nation.
In Chihuahua, farmers and members of the National Guard collided during the capture of the La Boquilla dam; the conflict arises over a Mexico-US water treaty, but authorities point to politicians behind the protest; Julio Valdivia, a reporter for the newspaper El Mundo in Veracruz, was found dead this Wednesday, becoming the 25th journalist assassinated in that entity; relatives of victims and activists who took over the CNDH dialogue with representatives of the Interior.
Elements of the Mexiquense Prosecutor's Office evicted feminist protesters who seized the facilities of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Mexico in Ecatepec, in networks they report detained women; while the authorities maintain that they have addressed the legal, social and ecological issues, to reactivate the construction of the thermoelectric plant in Morelos, activists in the area declare themselves on alert; The Tax Administration Service proposes that its auditors can use recording equipment on their inspection visits to gather information on taxpayers' assets.
Considering that there were serious omissions in the investigations carried out before, the investigation against former PRI leader Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez de la Torre, as the alleged leader of a prostitution network that operated from the party's headquarters in Mexico City, will be expanded; specialists warn about the urgency of stopping the looting of documentary heritage and achieving its restitution to the historical archives; INAI against the SAT's proposal to photograph and videotape the assets and properties of taxpayers.
Today expires the deadline to collect 1,600,000 signatures to request the consultation that seeks to prosecute the former presidents. If they are not reached, AMLO will make the request to the Senate; After 14 years of the tragedy in Pasta de Conchos, relatives of the 65 deceased miners agreed with the federal government to rescue the bodies, tasks that will cost 1,700 million pesos and will be in charge of the CFE; More than 160 leaders from Latin America, including 21 former presidents, signed a call to defend democracy in the region against Covid-19.
With “long live” hope, equality, love of neighbor and universal brotherhood, and a minute of silence for the victims of Covid-19, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador commemorated the anniversary of Independence, in front of a Zócalo empty due to pandemic; this Tuesday, the Senate received the formal request for the citizen consultation to prosecute the former presidents, while the president presented the arguments of the initiative in the morning conference; the National Lottery carried out the raffle for money equivalent to the value of the presidential plane, with 100 prizes for 20 million pesos.
Given the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) expects the Mexican economy to fall 10.2 percent this year, while for 2021 a growth of 3% is projected; members of the academic community demand to investigate the whereabouts of Mayela Álvarez, postgraduate technical secretary of CIESAS, who disappeared on August 11 in Nuevo León; crisis in the CNDH, led by Rosario Piedra.
Intellectuals, academics and journalists point out in a statement that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador intends to undermine freedom of expression; the case of former PRI leader Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez de la Torre, accused of operating an alleged prostitution network at the headquarters of the PRI of the CDMX, will be reviewed by the capital's prosecutor's office, since there were serious omissions that affected the process; They question Rosario Piedra as head of the National Human Rights Commission, and activists ask for her resignation.
Despite the fact that the inefficiencies in the controls at HSBC Mexico put the money laundering prevention regime of the national financial system at risk, Ramón García Gibson, former head of the highest internal body of that bank to address the issue, occupies a high position in Q4 in anti-laundering tasks; in the report Strategy Against Domestic Cartels, the US Department of Justice points out the points where the “gringo cartels” operate and the new reality of drug trafficking; Three years after his death, Javier Valdez's career is remembered with a journalism contest.
Organized crime is the main threat to the country and only between 2016 and 2018 achieved profits of one trillion pesos, said Santiago Nieto, head of the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit; more than 38,500 unidentified bodies have entered the country's forensic medical services to end up in cold rooms, mass graves or medical schools, and not even the authorities know the magnitude of the forensic crisis; Launch awareness campaign to prevent book piracy.
In his letter of resignation as director of the Institute to Give Back to the People the Stolen, Jaime Cárdenas indicates millionaire debts, irregularities and even robberies in the dependency; in a report by Mexicanos contra la Corrupción, it is revealed how Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Marcelo Ebrard were spied on during the government of Miguel Ángel Mancera in CDMX; Among the 9.2 million loans of the banking program for deferral of payments due to the pandemic, there is a group that will not be able to meet the maturities, therefore the overdue portfolio will increase.
Due to his stance in support of the water protests in his state, the governor of Chihuahua, Javier Corral, revealed that the coordination of his administration with the federal government on security matters was broken. The Federalist Alliance asked not to politicize the issue; the Senate approved the prohibition of any type of violence, corporal punishment or humiliation, as a disciplinary method against minors; An investigation by Mexicans against Corruption shows real estate irregularities and financial corruption carried out by high-ranking officials of the government of Miguel Ángel Mancera.
For the Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice Luis María Aguilar, the consultation on whether former presidents should be prosecuted can be considered unconstitutional because it entails a restriction of the human rights of Mexicans; In the midst of doubts, complaints and an ongoing investigation, it is six years since the 43 normalistas of Ayotzinapa have disappeared; For the crime of torture, the capture of Luis Cárdenas Palomino, former director of Regional Security of the Federal Police, was ordered.
Six years after the disappearance of the 43 normalistas from Ayotzinapa, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered an apology to the parents and promised punishment to those responsible, while the prosecutor Alejandro Gertz revealed that Tomás Zerón, former head of the AIC, stole more than one billion pesos from the dependency; in Mexico, about a thousand corpses donated by prosecutors to universities do not have documents that allow their identification; the federal Executive sent a bill to Congress to cap the Afores commissions.
Mexico's unemployment rate fell two tenths in August and stood at 5.2 percent, INEGI reported yesterday; Five weeks before the US elections, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden meet today in their first debate on television; the head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, pointed out to Beatriz Gasca Acevedo, a GinGroup worker, of financing the takeover of the CNDH, while she alleged that her action is personal, the company separated her from the position.
Amid chaos, disruptions and disqualifications, the Republican President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, held the first of three debates scheduled for before the November 3 elections; the paradisiacal Holbox Island, in Quintana Roo, is threatened by tourist pressure and the real estate siege, which are already reflected in the social and environmental consequences of the area; road blockades in various entities represent severe economic damage to the country.
The federal government will make the first payments for the acquisition of vaccines against the coronavirus and it is estimated that the distribution will begin during the first quarter of 2021, according to the Secretary of the Treasury, Arturo Herrera; The INE announced Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, Mario Delgado, Adriana Menéndez, Yeidckol Polevnsky and Hilda Mirna Díaz as finalists of the poll by which the next leader of Morena will be chosen; An armed group attacked the indigenous town of Aldama, in Chiapas, with bullets. In addition, today the SCJN votes on former presidents.
With six votes in favor, the Supreme Court of Justice determined that the matter of the popular consultation proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is constitutional, but the question was restated, without the name of the ex-presidents who would be tried; The president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced that he and his wife, Melania, have tested positive for coronavirus, so they will remain in quarantine; after the survey of recognition, controversies and challenges in the fight for the leadership of Morena.
The Electoral Court of Judicial Power of the Federation proposes to revoke the process of renewal of the leadership of Morena; two women complainants explain how the prostitution network led by Cuauhtémoc Gutiérrez de la Torre operated in the PRI; The National Anti-AMLO Front gathered thousands of people in the Zócalo, and while the authorities calculated 5 thousand, FRENA indicated that there were 153 thousand; do not eat cravings, ask AMLO.
Within the infrastructure plan, the federal government and the IP will carry out 39 works, which represent an investment of 297 thousand pesos and the creation of more than 185 thousand jobs. Among the works, it is worth mentioning that the Mexico-Querétaro train is revived; The Chamber of Deputies will discuss today the disappearance of 109 federal trusts, despite the fact that various sectors ask to preserve those related to science, culture, human rights or support in natural disasters.
The states of Quintana Roo and Yucatán are on alert due to the rains and strong winds caused by Hurricane Delta, which made landfall this morning, since yesterday the hotels were evicted and 5,000 Army troops arrived to support the area; With 242 votes in favor, the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday, in general, the ruling regarding the extinction of 109 public trusts of the Federal Government; During Enrique Peña Nieto's administration, the Federal Police bought equipment to intervene communications from shell companies.
At the age of 77, Mario Molina died, the only Mexican to have won a Nobel Prize in science, an award he won in 1995 for his research on the thinning of the ozone layer; Brenda Quevedo, a prisoner since 2007 accused of participating in the kidnapping of Hugo Alberto Wallace, shares a Statement of the UN Committee on Arbitrary Detention; As it passed through the Mexican Caribbean, Hurricane Delta did not cause severe damage or human losses, but caused the fall of trees, spectacular trees, poles and roofs.
After rejecting the almost 400 reservations presented by the opposition, the Chamber of Deputies approved the disappearance of 109 public trusts; Given the prolonged economic crisis derived from the pandemic, Agustín Carstens, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements, assures that the time will come when government action will not be able to prevent the increase in bankruptcies, many sectors and businesses will not survive; The Wallace case has taken a turn with the UN ruling in favor of Brenda Quevedo, who has been in prison for 15 years.
While the INE called for a new poll to elect the president of Morena after a technical tie between the two candidates, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo announced that this Monday he will assume the leadership of the party; In a letter addressed to Pope Francis, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador insisted that the Catholic Church, the Spanish monarchy and the Mexican State must offer an apology to the native peoples; the Notimex case was revived after the broadcast of a video showing the resumption of work despite the strike.
Self-proclaimed as the legitimate president of Morena, Porfirio Muñoz Ledo assures that he will take possession of the leadership, while his opponent, Mario Delgado, asks the INE to speed up the third poll to resolve the “technical tie” and define the winner; the Nobel Prize in Economics went to Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson, who created new auction formats for the sale of goods; Article 19 reiterates their right to document attacks on freedom of expression and acts of censorship, as in the case of Notimex, in which the rights of workers have been affected.
The Ministry of Economy and Profeco prohibited the marketing of 19 cheese brands and two yogurt brands for failing to comply with official regulations; In addition, the country will have more than 100 million doses of anti-Covid vaccine; and the TEPJF is outlined to deny the registration to México Libre.
The Electoral Court confirmed the refusal to register México Libre as a party, an organization headed by Margarita Zavala and Felipe Calderón; while Encuentro Solidario, Fuerza Social por México and Redes Sociales Progresistas do obtain it; unleashes controversial suspension of dairy brands; they inaugurate the Festival of the Spirit, which this year is virtual; Furthermore, Anabel Hernández presents a special investigation.
General Salvador Cienfuegos, Secretary of Defense during Enrique Peña Nieto's administration, was arrested on Thursday at the Los Angeles Airport, at the request of the DEA, allegedly accused of criminal conspiracy, money laundering and drug trafficking; Chenalhó residents ask for the payment of 50 million pesos to end the dispute with residents of Aldama for 60 hectares of land; Jaime Raúl Durán explains what the polygraph test and the confidence control exams for security personnel consist of.
The intervention and follow-up of calls between crime leaders was the key to finding the identity of El Padrino: Salvador Cienfuegos, who allegedly collaborated with the “H2” cartel between 2015 and 2017; In 'The Three Deaths of Marisela Escobedo', Laura Woldenberg and Carlos Pérez Osorio document the story of a Ciudad Juárez woman who fought to catch her daughter's murderer; the Oaxaca International Book Fair arrives in virtual format.
In the Senate the disappearance of trusts advances despite protests. In addition, we feature special investigations from the Fifth Element Lab, as well as others from the Miami Herald and Nuevo Herald.
Senate Endorses End of 109 Trusts, Audits Announced; deputies approved this Wednesday Tax Miscellany 2021, VAT remains for sanitary napkins and the Big Brother Fiscal; Salvador Cienfuegos, former Secretary of Defense, does not get bail; Alfonso Durazo renders his last report in Security, goes for governor of Sonora; for the US, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google have become monopolies.
Elements of the CDMX prosecutor's office searched a house in San Ángel related to Luis Serna, former private secretary of Miguel Ángel Mancera; the Chamber of Deputies generally approved the Federal Income Law for the Fiscal Year of 2021; This Wednesday a decree was published that guarantees free access and transit on the country's beaches; filmmaker Paul Leduc, creator of "Reed, Insurgent Mexico" and "Frida, Living Nature", has died.
After the ruling of the SCJN that keeps the Reliability, Security, Continuity and Quality Policy in the National Electric System suspended, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador could present constitutional reform so that the dominion of the nation over natural resources prevails; Contrary to the first debate, Donald Trump and Joe Biden had a more fluid dialogue in their second meeting, but clashed on issues of migration, pandemic and corruption; In addition, the Federal Telecommunications Institute opened an investigation for a possible monopoly in online search services, networks and others.
Following the claim by US congressmen that Mexico delays or cancels permits for US companies, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that he will continue to be committed to rescuing Pemex and the CFE; The National Guard may supervise compliance with precautionary measures and conditional suspension of the process, in cases where there is no preventive detention, published the Official Gazette of the Federation; Chileans approved moving forward in the drafting of a new Constitution, which displaces that of Pinochet.
Ten governors of the Federalist Alliance held acts of protest in their entities; We report that the National Guard may supervise compliance with precautionary measures and the conditional suspension of the process; In addition, this Tuesday the sentence to the leader of Nxivm in the US will be known.
Faced with the challenge of the Federalist Alliance, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the governors should consult the citizens, so the state leaders used their social networks to ask about the continuity of the Federal Pact; at night, six governors and the Head of Government of CDMX expressed their support for AMLO; In New York, Keith Raniere, leader of the Nxivm sect, was sentenced to 120 years in prison for the crimes of sex trafficking, extortion, organized crime, threats and abuse of minors.
In the municipality of Salvatierra, Guanajuato, the National Search Commission found 59 bodies in clandestine graves; In an alleged terrorist act, a man with a knife beheaded a woman and killed two other people in a church in Nice, France, in addition to an attack in the city of Avignon and another at the French consulate in Saudi Arabia ; the position of the Federalist Alliance and other governors on the budget has sparked controversy around the issue.
The Mexican government expressed to the US its “deep discontent” for not reporting on the Salvador Cienfuegos investigation, in turn the US ambassador to Mexico, Christopher Landau, said he had known about the case since August 2019; Considering that it affects workers and evades taxes, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador intends to reform the outsourcing system; France faces terrorism again, in the midst of an atmosphere of tension with Islam.
The former senior officer of Sedatu and Sedesol, Emilio Zebadúa, offered to collaborate with the FGR to reveal the role of former president Enrique Peña Nieto and Rosario Robles in financing PRI electoral campaigns through the scheme known as “La Estafa Maestra”; The capital prosecutor's office will request the US extradition of Raymundo Collins, accused of misuse of powers and powers in his performance as director of the CDMX Housing Institute (Invi); Arturo Lona Reyes, “The Bishop of the Poor”, died in Oaxaca at the age of 94, a victim of Covid.
As a result of the declarations of Emilio Lozoya, the Attorney General's Office accuses Luis Videgaray of an electoral crime related to the illegal financing of political campaigns, bribery and treason, but no arrest warrant has been issued; In a complex electoral process, marked by a social and economic crisis, today Trump and Biden are competing for the presidency of the United States; For 16 years, Silvia Elida Ortiz has been looking for Fanny, her missing daughter in Torreón.
While Democrat Joe Biden asked his followers for patience and faith, President Donald Trump declared himself the winner of the presidential elections in the United States, despite the fact that the vote count has not finished and the process could take days; President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed that the Attorney General's Office submitted a request to arrest Luis Videgaray.
In the US, the vote count continues in the states that will define the presidency, while Democrat Joe Biden maintains an advantage, Donald Trump accuses fraud and citizens ask to count each vote; President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that former officials accused of corruption, like Luis Videgaray, can testify voluntarily, because he who owes nothing fears nothing; Sara Irene Herrerías, from the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights, talks about the progress in the Tlatlaya case.
President Donald Trump said Thursday that if the "legal votes" are counted, he won the election, but that the Democrats are operating electoral fraud; However, the US television stations decided to interrupt the transmission of the speech, considering that he was lying; Although in the case of Fanny Sánchez Viesca, who disappeared 16 years ago, there were indications of her whereabouts, the authorities refused to act; Today, the new Friday Analysis Table arrives, with the presence of Denise Dresser and Sabina Berman.
Finally, Democrat Joe Biden won the presidential election with 290 votes, the US media announced on Saturday; In his first speech as elected president, he called for the union and healing of his country; After the rains of recent days, Tabasco reports the death of five people and more than 140 thousand affected, in addition to damaged homes, road closures and eight overflowing streams.
A demonstration for the death of a young woman was dispersed by gunshots by Cancun police; William Barr, the US attorney general, authorized an investigation into allegations of fraud or irregularities in the counting of votes in the presidential election, but urged not to pursue fanciful or outlandish claims; amid accusations of corruption, the Peruvian Congress removed President Martín Vizcarra; journalist Israel Vázquez, from the El Salmantino portal, was shot to death while covering a story about the discovery of human remains in Salamanca, Guanajuato.
Due to the recent rains or due to calculation errors in the discharge of a dam, the states of Chiapas, Tabasco and Veracruz suffer floods, with thousands of affected; President Andrés Manuel López Obrador met with the governors to coordinate preventive actions against future rainfall; In cases such as Cancun, police abuse reveals the institutional precariousness in matters of security; a new era at the Analysis Table on Wednesdays, with Alfredo Figueroa, Gabriel Reyes Orona and Anabel Hernández.
The Attorney General's Office described Enrique Peña Nieto as the “head of a criminal power apparatus” that used Luis Videgaray and Emilio Lozoya to receive bribes from Odebrecht and use them for electoral crimes, publishes Reforma; In the midst of the emergency that Tabasco is experiencing due to the floods, Governor Adán Augusto López points out the responsibility of the CFE and calls for support; Veracruz faces the consequences of the recent rains and, in a context of violence, Florisel Ríos, the mayor of Jamapa, was assassinated yesterday.
In his expanded statement before the FGR, Emilio Lozoya said that Luis Videgaray used the bribes from Odebrecht to implement a strategy against Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Josefina Vázquez, adversaries of Enrique Peña Nieto in the 2012 campaign; Because it has become a form of tax fraud and a mechanism to affect workers, outsourcing will be rethought with a reform in terms of subcontracting; In the new Analysis Table, Denisse Dresser and Sabina Berman reflect on the themes of the week.
In Tabasco, the poorest were harmed, but a decision had to be made, said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on a tour of the areas affected by the floods caused by the rains, as well as by the venting of the Peñitas dam, located in Chiapas; the FGR issued an arrest warrant against former Nayarit governor Roberto Sandoval for illicit enrichment, embezzlement and bribery; Five days after assuming as interim president of Peru, Manuel Merino, left office this Sunday after the resignation of more than half of the cabinet and a wave of demonstrations.
Beyond the damage caused by hurricanes like Eta and Iota, they have had consequences for indigenous peoples in Central America; the Attorney General's Office obtained an arrest warrant against Alejandro Vera, former rector of the Autonomous University of Morelos, for a case related to the Master Fraud; A gas pipe exploded yesterday on the Tepic-Guadalajara highway, leaving 14 people dead.
The United States Department of Justice decided to request the dismissal of the criminal charges against former Secretary of National Defense Salvador Cienfuegos, so that he can be tried under Mexican law; on the eve of the National Day Against Child Sexual Abuse, an overview of the problem in Mexico; In the new era of the Analysis Table, Anabel Hernández, Gabriel Reyes Orona and Alfredo Figueroa participate.
After the charges against him were dismissed as requested by the US Department of Justice, Salvador Cienfuegos, a former Secretary of Defense, arrived in Mexico, where he was notified that he is involved in an investigation; in Chiapas, a paramilitary group from Chenalhó shot a nun from the Caritas humanitarian aid brigade and the Trust for the Health of Indigenous Children, who brought food to the displaced in Tabak; and, in the new Analysis Table, Sergio Aguayo and Ricardo Raphael discuss the topics of the week.
The Senate of the Republic approved the ruling that regulates cannabis for recreational, scientific, medical and industrial use, now it will go to the Chamber of Deputies for final approval; for illicit enrichment, embezzlement, improper exercise of functions, electoral crime, bribery, extortion, dispossession and other crimes, the FGE of Nayarit is looking for former governor Roberto Sandoval; Denise Dresser and Sabina Berman reflect on the events of the week at Table of Analysis.
This Monday the Covid-19 traffic light update comes into operation, with two entities in red (Chihuahua and Durango), 14 in orange, 14 in yellow and only two in green, Campeche and Chiapas; At the G20 meeting, in which President Andrés Manuel López Obrador participated, the leaders spoke out for guaranteeing affordable and equitable access to the vaccine; and today AstraZeneca announces 90% efficacy in its vaccine; Lorenzo Meyer, Ana Lilia Pérez and Fabrizio Mejía Madrid discuss the topics of the week at the Analysis Table.
In exchange for a reduction in her eventual sentence, the former head of Sedesol Rosario Robles Berlanga, now a prisoner in Santa Martha Acatitla, seeks to use the criteria of opportunity and, as a collaborating witness of the FGR, provide information on deviations made by Enrique's administration Peña grandson; With more than a million infections and more than 100,000 deaths from the coronavirus, Mexico works to guarantee its access to the vaccine; Today, at the Analysis Table, José Ramón Cossío reflects on the themes of the week.
Rosario Robles, former head of Sedesol and Sedatu, assured this Tuesday that he will speak the truth as a collaborating witness of the FGR, while Luis Videgaray affirms that he accuses him without support; According to Emilio Zebadúa, a former senior officer of Sedatu, the Peña Nieto government paid 400 million pesos for land adjacent to the now canceled NAICM; René Juárez is involved in these negotiations, but the federal deputy denied the allegations; At the Analysis Table, Anabel Hernández, Alfredo Figueroa and Gabriel Reyes Orona discuss the topics of the week.
Due to the allegations made against him by the former director of Pemex Emilio Lozoya, the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) is already investigating the former Secretary of Finance Luis Videgaray, who could be accused of electoral crime, bribery and others; Argentine Diego Armando Maradona, the god of soccer, dies at age 60; José Manuel Mireles, founder of the self-defense groups in Michoacán, dies of Covid.
The Senate endorsed the constitutional reform that would eliminate the presidential jurisdiction, in such a way that the executive can be tried in case of treason, corruption or electoral crimes, but the endorsement of the state legislatures is still lacking; Anamely Ramos, a doctoral student at the Universidad Iberoamericana, is among the dissidents detained in Cuba, at the headquarters of the San Isidro Movement, where they demanded the release of rapper Denis Solís.
For alleged illicit enrichment, the FGR will request the United States to extradite Genaro García Luna after issuing an arrest warrant against him; The Mexico City Attorney General's Office is investigating the murder of French businessman Baptiste Jacques Daniel Lormand and his Mexican partner, Luis Orozco Navidad, apparently robbery victims.
The head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom, asked Mexico to take the Covid seriously in the face of its bad situation, since the number of cases and deaths doubled; amid the economic and health crisis, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador reaches two years of government; Elvira Concheiro, researcher at UNAM, and analyst Jorge Suárez Vélez discuss Q4; they order the Edomex prosecutor's office to comply with the judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and deliver the Atenco case to federal authorities.
In his message for the second year of government, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that he has laid the foundations for the transformation and that he has not been overtaken by the pandemic, he also boasted the fight against corruption and savings of 1.3 billion euros. pesos, but he accepted that certain crimes have not dropped; According to declassified court documents, the US investigates a possible bribery scheme in exchange for presidential pardon or suspension of sentence; Anabel Hernández, Alfredo Figueroa and Gabriel Reyes Orona comment on the themes of the week.
The National Center for Natural Gas Control interrupted the supply of natural gas to its Ethylene XXI plant in Veracruz, forcing the production of ethylene and polyethylene to stop, reported the Braskem-Idesa company; on Tuesday the national vaccination plan will be announced. Mexico and Pfizer have already signed an agreement for 34.4 million doses and the expectation is to receive 250 thousand vaccines this month; This Friday, after years of struggle by family members and defenders to obtain justice for Ernestina Ascencio, a woman allegedly raped and murdered by the military, the IACHR will analyze in a public hearing the responsibility of the Mexican State in this case for malpractice, impunity and cover-up.
This Friday we also reported that a judge again ordered the apprehension of the sister of the former director of Pemex, Gilda Susana Lozoya. Also, the analysis table with Sabina Berman and Denise Dresser.
The Catalan police documented that Fidel Herrera, former governor of Veracruz, had contact with members of organized crime, when he was the Mexican consul in Barcelona (2015-2017), according to a report by The Cartel Project; In addition to the termination of contracts with Litoral Laboratorios Industriales, a company owned by Felipa Obrador, cousin of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Pemex is investigating those awards; CDMX is at a critical time due to the pandemic, so the authorities call to avoid leaving the house and postpone Christmas holidays.
A 90-year-old woman from the United Kingdom on Tuesday became the first person in the world to receive the Pfizer anti-Covid vaccine; while in Mexico today the vaccination plan is presented; The Ministry of Foreign Relations reported that the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic formally requested the United States to extradite former Secretary of Public Security Genaro García Luna; Mexican journalists have been targeted by cyber espionage without any person responsible having been investigated, according to a report by the Cartel Project.
Vaccination against Covid-19 in Mexico begins the third week of December in CDMX and Coahuila, with a first stage aimed at health personnel and, as of February 2021, the doses will be applied by age groups, according to the plan announced yesterday; New revelations emerge of payments made by the Brazilian firm to shell companies in Veracruz; today marks the 15th anniversary of the arrest of Florence Cassez and Israel Vallarta, while she was released after trying a montage, he remains in preventive detention without trial.
The Senate endorsed the bill to reform the Bank of Mexico Law on foreign exchange, but the deputy governor of Banxico, Gerardo Esquivel, pointed out that it puts international reserves at risk and undermines the autonomy of the Central Bank; According to a new labor regulation, those who practice home offices may disconnect at the end of their working day and the employer must collaborate with the expenses in services; Fentanyl has established itself as the drug of choice for the Mexican cartels.
In the Valley of Mexico, this Thursday the figure of 6 thousand hospitalized due to Covid-19 was exceeded, a figure that had not been seen since June; In the country, there are already one million 217 thousand 126 cases and 112 thousand 326 deaths from the pandemic; many weapons manufactured abroad and sold to the Mexican Army allegedly reached the hands of criminal networks; In order to exhaust the lines of investigation and guarantee justice, the State will reopen the investigation into the case of Ernestina Ascencio, who died after allegedly being raped by the military in 2007.
With an occupancy of 83 percent of the general hospitalization beds and 71 percent in intubation beds for the care of serious patients due to Covid-19, the CDMX is on alert and emergency, but the authorities have refused to define whether is on a red light; While the Senate approved a bill that would oblige Banxico to buy the dollars that banks cannot return to the financial system, critics point out the risks that this implies; The Deputies approved the creation of a national register of mobile phone users, but the fact has sparked controversy because it is considered an attack against technological rights and the protection of personal data.
The CDMX has broken the record of hospitalized for coronavirus, for which the authorities have declared "Emergency for Covid in Mexico City"; the reform that is intended to be made to the Bank of Mexico Law has been rejected, because it puts the entire Mexican financial system at risk, specialists point out, however today it would rise to the plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies; With 306 votes, Democrat Joe Biden won the Electoral College vote on Monday, making him formally the winner of the United States presidency, who will take office on January 20.
After the departure of Martha Bárcena, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, current head of the SEP, as Mexican ambassador to the US; After strong opposition to the reform of the Bank of Mexico Law, the Chamber of Deputies postponed the discussion of the initiative approved by the Senate and announced a bicameral commission to review it; The authorities report an increase in hospitalizations, so they are working to expand the capacity of care and call for citizen cooperation to lower the contagion curve.
Nationwide there are 16,882 people hospitalized for Covid-19, of which 6,730 are hospitalized in the Valley of Mexico, so this Wednesday 37 hospitals in the metropolitan area reported a "critical" occupation; The National Commission of Minimum Wages approved a wage increase of 15% for 2021, which reaches 141.70 pesos a day and $ 213.39 on the northern border, which has caused the discontent of the private initiative after the hard economic blow by the pandemic; federal and state congresses must legislate on gender parity in candidacies for governor.
Aristóteles Sandoval, former PRI governor of Jalisco, was assassinated at dawn this Friday in an armed attack in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta; Although the minimum wage has a greater increase, the Infonavit credit balance will only increase up to the limit determined by annual inflation; The FGR detained the PAN member Hugo Amed Schultz, former mayor of the municipality of Chínipas, Chihuahua, for his probable participation in the murder of journalist Miroslava Breach in 2017.
With about 80% of hospital occupancy in CDMX by Covid, the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico entered a red traffic light, which implies closing non-essential activities of the economy to try to stop the increase in infections; the detection of a new, more contagious strain of coronavirus in England has put the world on alert; A company of the armed forces will manage three sections of the Mayan Train, from Tulum to Palenque; as well as the airports of Tulum, Chetumal, Palenque and Santa Lucía, said President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
A report in The New York Times newspaper affirms that the Mexican Government distorted statistics of the occupation of hospital beds with ventilators and the percentage of positivity to prevent the epidemiological traffic light from turning red since December 4, the authorities deny it; what science says about the threat of a new variant of Covid in the UK; Delfina Gómez replaces Esteban Moctezuma in the SEP; yesterday the planetary conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn could be seen, a phenomenon that will not be repeated until 2080.
This Wednesday, the first shipment of Pfizer vaccines against Covid-19 arrives in Mexico City, the doses will be kept in a secret location and will begin to be applied this Thursday, December 24 to medical personnel in the capital; under the name of Va por México, the leaders of the Institutional Revolutionary, National Action and Democratic Revolution parties presented a partial coalition to contest the federal elections of 2021; At the Analysis Table, Anabel Hernández, Alfredo Figueroa and Gabriel Reyes Orona address the topics of the week.
With an initial batch of 3,000 doses of Pfizer destined for health personnel, the vaccination program against Covid-19 begins this December 24 in three locations in the country: the General Hospital of Mexico and two military units, in Toluca and in Queretaro; The Jalisco Prosecutor's Office confirmed the arrest of an alleged implicated in the murder of former PRI governor Aristóteles Sandoval and the recovery of surveillance videos; Sergio Aguayo and Ricardo Raphael debate the topics of the week.
The Mexican singer-songwriter Armando Manzanero died this Monday due to complications from the Covid; With 42,900 doses, the second batch of anti-Covid vaccines from Pfizer and Biontech arrived in Mexico, and on Sunday, the second day of vaccination began at Sedena facilities in Tlalpan for health personnel; Four people from the Rotor Flight Services company were arrested for the death in 2018 of the then governor of Puebla, Martha Erika Alonso, Senator Rafael Moreno Valle and three other people, who died after the fall of the helicopter in which they were traveling.
On Monday, a massive blackout was registered in 16 entities, including Morelos, Nuevo León, Jalisco, the State of Mexico, Tamaulipas and Mexico City, which affected 10.3 million CFE users for two hours; amid tributes and memories, they say goodbye to the Yucatecan singer-songwriter Armando Manzanero, emblem of romantic music; This Wednesday the deadline to present the seven women who will run for governorships in 2021 expires.
The Federal Electricity Commission explained that the mega blackout on Monday, December 28, was caused by the fire in some grasslands in Padilla, Tamaulipas, but the fact was denied by the government of that state; the year that is ending was deadly for journalists, as Reporters Without Borders recorded 50 murders, 8 of them in Mexico; In the country, there are already one million 401 thousand 529 cases of contagion and 123 thousand 845 deaths due to Covid-19.
The INE Complaints and Complaints Commission ordered President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to refrain from interfering from his conferences in favor or against electoral political actors; While the doctor José Rogel Romero is being investigated for using influence to vaccinate his family, the authorities announce that there will be sanctions for those who abuse the program; an account of the most relevant events of the year that is ending.
A British judge ruled that Julian Assange should not be extradited to the United States, where he would face up to 175 years in prison; in his morning conferences, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador asked the United Kingdom to release the founder of Wikileaks and offered him political asylum; the political agenda for the year 2021; Donald Trump asked Georgia's Secretary of State, Republican Brad Raffensperger, to overturn Joe Biden's victory.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated that Julian Assange's extradition to the US has not been approved, asked the United Kingdom for his release and offered political asylum to the founder of Wikileaks; for AMLO, INAI could be absorbed by the Ministry of Public Function; After being recovered by the Jalisco authorities, the videos of the place where former PRI governor Aristóteles Sandoval was assassinated were revealed.
A total of 304 medical units in the country report occupancy equal to or greater than 70 percent in general care beds for Covid-19; The CFE acknowledged that the document attributed to the Tamaulipas Civil Protection is false but insists that the fire caused the mega-blackout; amid protests from supporters of Donald Trump, today the certification of Joe Biden takes place in the US Congress.
In the early hours of Thursday, the US Congress certified the electoral victory of Democrat Joe Biden, after hundreds of supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, in what is already considered an assault on democracy; Trump today pledged to an orderly transition, but said he disagreed with the results; the impact of the pandemic on children's rights in Mexico will have a domino effect that is still difficult to measure.
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, acknowledged yesterday that he lost the elections and that his challenges were not recognized, condemned the assault on the Capitol and assured that he will focus on ensuring a smooth, orderly and uninterrupted transition; Félix Salgado Macedonio, Morena's candidate for governor of Guerrero, was accused of raping a woman in 2016, although he denies it, the state prosecutor's office is reviewing the case; opinions found on the generation of solar and wind energy in the country.
One person died, material damage, six lines out of service and chaos that has affected more than one million transport users, was the result of the fire in the offices of the CDMX Metro early Saturday morning; Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojas, son of the PRI candidate assassinated in 1994, will fight for the mayor of Monterrey; Faced with the latent threat of a definitive closure, the restaurateurs launch the "open or die" despite the red light.
The Valley of Mexico registers the highest hospital occupancy since the start of the pandemic and is only 33 patients away from exceeding the worst scenario forecast to face saturation by Covid-19; While for the presidential agenda the incorporation into the government of autonomous organizations such as the INAI and the IFT is necessary, specialists see it as a setback; With the definition of the obligations for the employer and the employee, this Monday teleworking was regulated in Federal Law.
In his final days as president, Donald Trump faces not only defeat and the abandonment of his team, but the threat of a second impeachment; This Tuesday 1,314 new deaths from Covid-19 were reported in Mexico, the highest number in a single day since the pandemic began, which already adds 1,556 thousand 28 diagnoses and 135 thousand 682 deaths in the country; Anabel Hernández, Gabriel Reyes Orona and Alfredo Figueroa at the Analysis Table.
For his role in the assault on the Capitol by his supporters and "inciting insurrection", Donald Trump became the first president in the history of the United States to be brought to impeachment twice, following the resolution of The House of Representatives; This Wednesday, 94,395 people were vaccinated against Covid in Mexico, a record number; Two months after the expiration of the complementary investigation, the file on the Emilio Lozoya-Odebrecht case remains incomplete and awaiting the information requested from seven countries.
The Mexican judicial authorities decided not to bring criminal action against General Salvador Cienfuegos, since it was determined that he never met or communicated with members of a criminal organization investigated by the United States, nor did he protect or help them; CDMX is analyzing a possible agreement with the restaurant industry, which is going through an economic crisis derived from the pandemic and which has generated a wave of closures and layoffs; The cancellation of Donald Trump's social media accounts has sparked the debate on censorship and freedom of expression.
The Ministry of Foreign Relations published the evidence against Salvador Cienfuegos sent by the US and, although the US Department of Justice condemned the incident, the FGR also released its investigation against the former Secretary of Defense; In order not to violate principles of impartiality and neutrality in the 2021 electoral contest, the INE ordered President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and other officials not to pronounce on the process; experts weigh in on Trump's closed social media accounts.
Today, 200,000 doses of Pfizer vaccine arrive in Mexico, half of what was expected. In addition, the shipment was delayed for the next three weeks, as part of the distribution mechanism proposed by the UN; the case of General Salvador Cienfuegos raised Mexico's diplomatic conflict with the United States to the highest and unusual levels; Members of the migrant caravan clash with Guatemalan security forces in their attempt to continue on their way to the US.
In the midst of an unprecedented crisis, Democrat Joe Biden assumes the presidency of the United States today; the case of Salvador Cienfuegos strained the US-Mexico diplomatic relationship, while yesterday the public prosecutor, Alejandro Gertz Manero, defended in an interview the non-exercise of criminal action against the general and said he was willing to litigate in international instances; the vaccine delivery schedule has been postponed to February, but authorities say it does not affect the announced plan.
Upon assuming the presidency of the United States, Democrat Joe Biden called for an end to "the uncivilized war" and signed 17 executive orders that seek to reverse the migration policies implemented by Trump, such as the construction of the border wall and changes in the program. DACA; the influence of Biden's green agenda on Mexico's energy policy; A protected witness in the case of the 43 normalistas places the current secretary of Citizen Security in the capital, Omar García Harfuch, among the beneficiaries of the money from Guerreros Unidos.
In a special transmission of Aristegui Noticias in alliance with CNN in Spanish, specialists in the defense of women's rights analyze the progress of this Sunday and the demand to stop feminicides and violence in Mexico.