Home / Series / Aristegui Live / Aired Order / Season 2020 / Episode 220

11/02/20: Zebadúa accuses Peña and Robles; the new analysis table and more

The former senior officer of Sedatu and Sedesol, Emilio Zebadúa, offered to collaborate with the FGR to reveal the role of former president Enrique Peña Nieto and Rosario Robles in financing PRI electoral campaigns through the scheme known as “La Estafa Maestra”; The capital prosecutor's office will request the US extradition of Raymundo Collins, accused of misuse of powers and powers in his performance as director of the CDMX Housing Institute (Invi); Arturo Lona Reyes, “The Bishop of the Poor”, died in Oaxaca at the age of 94, a victim of Covid.

English español
  • Originally Aired November 2, 2020
  • Created November 3, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified November 3, 2020 by
    Administrator admin