Home / Series / Aristegui Live / Aired Order / Season 2020 / Episode 180

09/07/20: Free Mexico, without registration; take CNDH; unpublished Gabo files and more

The INE denied the registration of Mexico Libre as a political party, led by Felipe Calderón and Margarita Zavala, because it could not determine the origin of a high percentage of contributions; in demand of justice, activists seized CNDH facilities, where they burned part of the furniture, tore documents and exhibited “luxuries” of the personnel; Unpublished documents kept in the archive of Gabriel García Márquez at the University of Texas, give an account of the Colombian Nobel's commitment to human rights.

English español
  • Originally Aired September 7, 2020
  • Created September 7, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 7, 2020 by
    Administrator admin