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  • TheTVDB.com Season ID 1891713
  • Created April 9, 2018
  • Modified April 9, 2018
When available, episode names will be translated into your preferred language. Otherwise they will be shown using the series' origin language.
Name First Aired Runtime Image
S2021E01 01/04/21: Assange's extradition is rejected ... and AMLO offers him asylum; 2021 agenda; Trump's call and more
January 4, 2021
S2021E02 01/05/21: Asylum to Assange; The INAI disappear ?; they broadcast videos of the Sandoval case and more
January 5, 2021
S2021E03 01/06/21: Covid hospitals face crisis; admits CFE document falsification; Biden certification and more
January 6, 2021
S2021E04 01/07/21: Assault on the Capitol; Biden is certified and Trump promises orderly transition
January 7, 2021
S2021E05 01/08/21: Trump promises smooth transition; They take up the case of Salgado Macedonio; renewable energy and more
January 8, 2021
S2021E06 01/11/21: Chaos by fire in the Metro; restaurants 'open or die'; accuse Trump of inciting insurrection
January 11, 2021
S2021E07 01/12/21: Hospitals at the top for Covid; disappearance of the self-employed; teleworking and INE vs. morning
January 12, 2021
S2021E08 01/13/21: Pence Refuses to Remove Trump from Office; Chamber urges to apply amendment 25; Covid deaths and more
January 13, 2021
S2021E09 01/14/21: Trump makes history ... by his double impeachment; mass vaccination; Lozoya case and more
January 14, 2021
S2021E10 01/15/21: They declare Cienfuegos free of guilt; restaurant crisis; social networks vs. censorship and more
January 15, 2021
S2021E11 01/18/21: They disseminate files from Cienfuegos; INE, AMLO and the morning; Censored Trump and More
January 18, 2021
S2021E12 01/19/21: Dosage delivery of vaccines to Mexico; interview with Gertz Manero on the Cienfuegos case; death of the son of 'El Azul' and more
January 19, 2021
S2021E13 01/20/21: End of the Trump era; Biden begins; delay in vaccines and more of the Cienfuegos case
January 20, 2021
S2021E14 01/21/21: Biden Reverses Trump's Legacy; the witness accuses García Harfuch; Analysis table and more
series finale
January 21, 2021

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