Home / Series / Aristegui Live / Aired Order / Season 2020 / Episode 154

07/31/20: They accuse in the US of drug trafficking 2 close to García Luna; they report historical collapse of the GDP; Trump and more

Luis Cárdenas Palomino, former AFI head, and Ramón Eduardo Pequeño García, former head of the Intelligence Division of the Federal Police, are accused in the US of drug trafficking; GDP registered an annual drop of 18.9 in the second quarter of 2020, the worst drop in history; President Donald Trump suggested deferring the presidential elections scheduled for November on the grounds that there is a risk that they are imprecise and fraudulent.

English español
  • Originally Aired July 31, 2020
  • Created July 31, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified July 31, 2020 by
    Administrator admin