Home / Series / Aristegui Live / Aired Order / Season 2020 / Episode 203

10/08/20: Mourning in science for the death of Mario Molina; Brenda and the Wallace Case, Hurricane Delta and more

At the age of 77, Mario Molina died, the only Mexican to have won a Nobel Prize in science, an award he won in 1995 for his research on the thinning of the ozone layer; Brenda Quevedo, a prisoner since 2007 accused of participating in the kidnapping of Hugo Alberto Wallace, shares a Statement of the UN Committee on Arbitrary Detention; As it passed through the Mexican Caribbean, Hurricane Delta did not cause severe damage or human losses, but caused the fall of trees, spectacular trees, poles and roofs.

English español
  • Originally Aired October 8, 2020
  • Created October 9, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified October 9, 2020 by
    Administrator admin