A routine flight on the airship "Tristian," turns into a nightmare when hi-jacked by a vampire, Aflred, who belongs to a radical vampire group known as Fleurs du Mal. After making a threat to the Vatican (by dropping the Tristian if his comrades were not released from Vatican custody), Alfred believes that things are going according to plan...until he meets Abel Nightroad, a traveling priest from the Vatican. Little does Alfred know that Abel is not like any ordinary priest.
Ishtvan, a city where the tenuous balance of power between the Human and Vampire worlds is threatened, is a city located between the Holy See in the West, and the Great Empire in the East which is under the rule of Count Gyula. Abel, who is sent there to find the "Star", meets a troubled Sister Esther Blanchett.
Members of A.X., the Inqusitorial Department, and the crew of The Ghetto join forces to stop Kampher and the Order of Rosen Kreuz from destroying Albion and, soon after, the world. Esther takes her responsibility as a queen. Meanwhile Abel vows to fight Cain till the end, and Ion joins him in his journey.
A Music Video released with the Viridian Collection Set