Danny and Ally make a shocking discovery and begin to wonder just what kind of a man Jesse may have become. Pru reaches a crossroad when Slade offers her an interesting proposition and a young man comes to Mark in search of help. But Mark is thrown into turmoil when he realises his closest friends have been lying to him.
The nerve-shredding penultimate episode enters a dark world of devastating secrets as the mystery surrounding Jesse takes another earth-shattering turn.Danny and Mark go it alone. But just as they think they're getting close to the truth, Mark discovers some devastating news that makes him question everything.
In a dramatic final episode, the tangled web of events unravels into a shocking conclusion that will keep viewers guessing until the very end. Mark, Danny, Pru and Slade have each endured their own personal battles as the decades old mystery has unravelled but things come to a head in a thrilling conclusion. One thing’s for sure, the lives of them and their families will never be the same again.