Learn Sukhasana or "Easy Pose" with Adriene! This basic foundational pose is for everyone and a great place to start a yoga practice, leaving you feeling calm and alert. If you are new to yoga this is a PERFECT pose to start with! Great for beginners! Check in with your body and mind and take a seat
Bound Angle Pose, Baddha Konasana, stretches the back without straining your hammies, opens the hips and stimulates your internal organs. A pose that is both grounding and soothing! *This pose has many names. You may also hear it referred to as Cobblers Pose or Butterfly pose.
Learn Cat-Cow with Adriene! The Cat-Cow yoga progression is a little dance up the spine that is perfect for beginners! It also invites experienced yogis to keep finding the depth and awareness in spinal flexion. Cat-Cow is all about integration and will leave you feeling revitalized and present! It's also great for kids and soon-to-be-mommies!
Mountain Pose is a basic standing posture that is a great foundation for many asanas. It creates space in the spine allowing the body to work more efficiently and with more ease. Try Tadasana and let me know what you think!
Learn the foundations of Tree Pose (Vrksasana) with Adriene! In this video we break down the details of the posture and work from the ground up and the inside out to find empowerment, strength, stability and balance. A special appearance by Blue the dog too!
Learn the Staff Pose as our Foundations of Yoga series continues! Staff pose (Or Stick Pose) is a great pose to check in with the alignment of the spine and the center of the body. There is definitely more that meets the eye in this posture and always room to grow- even though it might not seem like it at first. Improve your posture, give those hamstrings some love and help alleviate back pain. This version is great for beginners with the fingers up. Visit my blog for modifications and other variations along with more videos and words on the Yoga Wellness Lifestyle!
Learn Plank pose as our Foundations of Yoga series continues. This posture is in the traditional Sun Salutation Series and is common in an active Hatha Yoga class. Adriene breaks it down so that you can find proper alignment and meet the posture with integrity and ease. With practice, you will grow this posture in a strong and mindful way! You might even grow to love it ;) Plank is a full body strengthener and a great yoga pose to support the spine and improve posture.
ur Foundations of Yoga series continues with this Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) which is great stretch for the back and hamstrings. Cooling and calming, this pose is great before bed to aid insomnia and great anytime to release tension and toxic thoughts. Also a great pose to ease headaches - believe it or not! Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Learn Runner's Lunge with Adriene! (Not just for runners! For everyone!) This foundational posture is often used in Hatha Yoga sequences and is great for the hips, glutes, groin, quads and hamstrings. A great warm up for almost any exercise.
Learn Extended Child's Pose with Adriene! This basic posture is cooling, calming and a great check-in for the spine, hips, and knees. A yummy restorative stretch for the whole body. Breathe deep and sink into Utthitta Balasana!
Learn Downward Dog yoga pose with Adriene. If you learn Downward Facing Dog properly and take my tips for finding what feels good through proper alignment and staying out of your busy mind- I promise you will eventually CRAVE this posture. Also, Down Dog has a TON of benefits. I mean a TON. So so good! Give it a try and please let me know how your experience goes!
Learn how to do the Corpse Pose with Adriene! This posture is often considered the MOST IMPORTANT asana in Hatha Yoga. I believe it and treasure this posture. Here we relax and often cool down at the end of a practice but you can practice the actions of Corpse Pose anytime & anywhere! Grab a blanket or a pillow and take a rest. Let the body be still and quiet. Turn your cell phone on airplane mode. (I know, it's hard for me too.) Relax! Renew! Rejuvenate! Breathe and reduce stress by quieting the mind and resting the body. You deserve it. RIP!
Learn the Reclined Twist Yoga Pose with Adriene as part of the Foundations of Yoga Series. Great for beginners! This reclined pose has many benefits! It is so YUMMY for the spine and digestion. It is also a lovely way to release stress, tension and toxins from the body. This twist squeezes and stretches all the muscles and organs of the torso and even tones the core. Give it try and let me know what you think!
Learn Warrior I Yoga pose (Virabhadrasana I) with Adriene!This is part of our Foundations of Yoga series suitable for beginners and great for anyone attempting to get back to a practice or deepen a current practice. Warrior I builds strength, lengthens and shapes the legs. It opens the shoulders and the chest and strengthens the muscles of the back. It has a lot therapeutic benefits when practiced regularly and is a common asana in public class. More about Warrior 1 alignment as well as Adriene's chatter on being a "Spiritual Warrior"
2013 is the year of the snake! So set your intentions and learn cobra! You are likely to encounter cobra and its sister poses in a Hatha Yoga class. So learn it here or review it with fresh new year eyes! Shed that skin and rejuvenate! Check in with your back. Go slow. Take care of that sweet spine. Open your heart, dang it! You deserve it.
Learn the Warrior 2 Yoga Pose, or Virabhadrasana II, as our Foundations of Yoga series continues! Warrior II is a standing posture that encourages you to build balance and stability in the body. It has a load of benefits and is a great tool to focus the mind and connect to your center
Learn Bridge Pose (or Setu Bandhasana) in this new episode of our Foundations of Yoga Series! Bridge is a safe and rejuvenating back-bend great for beginners and experienced yogis or athletes who want to go deeper. It stretches and strengthens the front and back body, can reduce backache and headaches as well as alleviate stress. (Stress bad! Yoga good!) To read the list of benefits this pose offers along with other yoga tips please visit my blog at www.yogawithadriene.com!
Learn the Pigeon Pose (or one legged pigeon) as part of The Foundations Of Yoga Series! This happy hip opener is therapeutic and not to be rushed. Take your time as you breathe into that hip and stretch the thighs, the abdomen and open your heart! This one has many benefits and again, is not to be rushed. Take your time. Enjoy the ride. Find support and modify as needed. For more about this Yoga posture, more videos and Yoga wellness blog visit www.yogawithadriene.com.
ur first "silent" episode! This new series is from the heart. I lost my voice this summer and have been adjusting my life and my work to vocal rest for healing. Because Chris and I met on a movie set and we both have an affinity for the silent movie era we decided to get creative and have some fun. Thus- the silent yoga series was born! This video focuses on Samasthiti or Four Parts Equal Standing. An important and valuable tool for all standing postures where we ground down through the four corners of the feet but also draw energy up from the earth. Also valuable for all other postures- taking the essence of this balance, engagement and ease into all asana & movement. Find your yogi toes in time and feel that dual action of grounding and lifting! It takes practice but can be an empowering tool for asana and daily life. This may seem "easy" but there is more than meets the eye here. Connect inward and work from the ground up and the inside out creating a full body experience! Practicing this pose can improve your work out and the essence of your practice! *Check out our Mountain Pose video in the Foundations of Yoga Series for more on this posture!!! You can also connect this to the Sun Salutation video - beginning and ending with this posture like a baller. A simple pose with A LOT to offer.
Learn the Triangle Pose - or Trikonasana - in the latest video in our Foundations of Yoga series! Here Adriene breaks down the single posture from the foundation - the ground up- working with action and alignment. This is great for beginners, great for those interested in attending public classes and even great for experienced yogis who want to deepen their practice and invest in a more mindful active practice. Extended Triangle Pose is great for the whole body and can relieve stress in the system. It strengthens the legs and back and is a great pose to radiate from your center and strengthen your core.
Foundations of Yoga continues with Adriene! In this episode we learn Standing Wide-Legged Forward fold from the ground up with a strong focus on Action and Alignment.This pose is great for the whole body! Prasarita Padottanasana strengthens the legs and the back and tones the abdominal wall. It stretches the hamstrings, hips and lower back inviting the muscles to open and feel good. In fact, this is a great pose after a jog or run! It is also calming for the system and can help to relieve anxiety or jitters. This pose can also help to relieve headaches and fatigue. It can be challenging too!
In this special Halloween episode of Yoga With Adriene we learn the foundations of Crow Pose. Bakasana is a Hatha Yoga arm balance that challenges the mind body connection in the most fun way and strengthens the core. Also known as the Crane pose, this posture strengthens the arms, the wrist, the back body and the abdominal organs. This asana also teaches us and reminds us of the importance of integration in our postures. We work to create a full body experience to fly in our posture. Keep your gaze forward and rock in and out of it. Stay positive! Crow is a wonderful posture to return to again and again for inspiration and a reminder to focus on the practice. Breathe deep, take your time and enjoy the journey! The journey is the reward! Find what feels good.
In this episode of the Foundations of Yoga we learn Side Plank. Adriene offers several variations and encourages you to find what feels good, move at your own pace, build strength and get happy!
Learn the foundations of Knees, Chest and Chin pose! This pose is wonderful preparatory pose for Chaturanga Dandasana or Four Limbed Staff Pose. This preparatory transition pose takes some of the difficulty and weight out of Chaturanga so you can build strength and protect the shoulders in a mindful way. Through regular practice you will be able to grow and build a graceful, safe and strong Chaturanga Dandasana. Knees Chest and Chin has many names. It is also known as 8 limbs pose or Ashtanga Namaskar. This posture is great for the back body and spine. It nourishes the neck and spine's flexibility and strengthens the muscles of the back body. Build your way up- let it evolve and watch it grow!
Learn the Foundations of Salabhasana or Locust pose! This yoga pose is a back bend with the strong support of your foundation and the earth. It has many variations and is a great preparation for Bow Pose or deeper back bending asanas. Locust Pose is a great full body strengthener and wonderful to relieve fatigue and giving some love to the spine. Extend through the crown of your head and enjoy the balance of strength and grace in Salabhasana.
I'm not making this up. This Foundations Of Yoga Pose has many benefits and can be practiced in the comfort of your own home! Massage the internal organs, connect to your center and stretch it out. A little yoga goes a long way! Listen to your body and get your fart on with this Foundations Of Yoga episode. Connect and let go.
earn The Foundations of Warrior III Yoga Pose or Virabhadrasana III. This standing balancing posture is great for strength and focus. It tones the abdominals and the muscles of the back and we stretch and open through the neck and shoulders. Find your strong legs. Take your time - then, fly! For more free yoga videos and more YWA Lifestyle, go to http://yogawithadriene.com. Find What Feels Good
Learn Gate Pose or Parighasana as our Foundations of Yoga series continues. This pose is a great check in with the center or the core! It lengthens the side body, stretches the legs and is wonderful for a strong and healthy back body. Use your breath to grow the pose and watch it unfold. Smile and enjoy!
Learn Chair Pose or Utkatasana as our Foundations of Yoga series continues. Sit back in your fierce chair with proper alignment and action. Adriene breaks down this powerful yoga pose that tones and rejuvenate the legs. Chair pose strengthens the ankles, the hip flexors, the lower and back body and opens the front body and chest. It is also stimulates the heart and is great for the feet! Be mindful of the knees and lower back and focus ease as you grow this posture and sink in. As always, find what feels good!
Learn the foundations of Headstand pose or Sirsasana! In this video we build integrity and increase awareness for a strong supported headstand. This inversion, when practiced mindfully, has loads of benefits! It is focused and sweet. It can bring confidence and a sense of play to your life. It can relieve anxiety, remove stress energy and increase focus and self confidence. It can stimulate and cleanse the systems - including a nice assist to the metabolism. It has been referred to as "the king of all yoga poses" and can be quite fun! Headstand is a multifaceted posture and should not be rushed. Practice self love and move nice and slow. Increasing strength and moving with ease. Enjoy how this pose unfolds with regular practice. Find What Feels Good.
Learn Half Moon Pose or Ardha Chandrasana with Adriene! This yoga pose stretches and strengthens the whole body and can help improve balance and coordination. Open your chest and your hips! Relieve fatigue and reduce stress hormones by practicing this challenging posture. Return to it again and again to see how the pose evolves and how the body reacts. There are loads of opportunities and benefits! Take your time, listen to your body and enjoy the ride. Namaste!
On this episode of Yoga Tips we tackle the alignment and action of Table Top Position - per request! While we love to be soft, experiential and to focus on sensations and finding what feels good, sometimes it is helpful to focus on alignment and keep noticing what we can do to create a strong foundation for our practice. This allows us to find freedom within the form and ultimately to enjoy our yoga practice - more and more. Adriene shares tips on creating a strong and healthy foundation in Table Top Position - which will assist you in other poses and invite more integrity into your asana.
Learn the foundations of Extended Side Angle Yoga Pose with Adriene! This video is great for all levels. Adriene shares the basics of the posture as well as variations for beginners and ideas to grow the pose! Also known as Utthita Parsvakonasana, this pose is incredible for the body and has great healing opportunities too. This yoga posture can be therapeutic for headaches, cramps, cranky backs and sciatica! Strengthens lower body and connects to core line and abdominals! Stretches the waist the shoulders and opens the chest. It kinda has it all. Pay attention to your body from the ground up - grow the pose from the foot to the crown! Begin to notice and experiment with your energetic body in this pose - and you will feel GOOD. Let me know how it goes! Stay postive! Embrace where you are today. Enjoy and honor your body with no toxic thoughts! Curiosity as an act of self love! Have fun!
Learn the foundations of Garland yoga pose with Adriene! This pose is a great hip opener! Good for stretching and strengthening the feet, the ankles and the back body. Great for the the belly and increasing full body awareness and good posture. A fantastic pose for pregnant women too!
Learn the foundations of Goddess Pose or God pose - or tap into your inner power - pose with Yoga With Adriene! Goddess yoga pose, or Utkata Konasana, is fierce! By learning the foundations of this posture and aligning with the breath you can find an awesome empowerment in this asana - rather than frustration or pain. Strengthen the low body, the back body and activate your core! Tap into that power baby. Let's rock!
Yoga With Adriene gone WILD. Happy Halloween! Get in the spirit and try Wild Thing yoga pose on your yoga mat. A little spooky inspiration to get you motivated towards your mat! Open your heart. Be mindful. Enjoy!!!! Mwahahahaha! #YWAWILD
In this Yoga Tips video we talk about how to activate the muscles and connect to the energetic body to find a supportive transition from Down Dog to Lunge. Cultivate awareness in your center to shift the weight of the body in a way that feels supportive and grounded. Use this video to deepen your practice and to find more ease in transitions as the flexibility of the body evolves and your practice grows!
Yoga workshop! Learn the foundations of Hero Pose - or Virasana with Yoga With Adriene! Learn this delicate but powerful seated pose with at-home supports. No fancy yoga props needed. Learn to self adjust and use props intuitively and mindfully. Hero is a great stretch for the legs and feet. It can ground and calm the body with regular practice and help with digestion and bloating. Learn to explore a posture in a way that feels good. Avoid this posture if you have injury in the knee or ankle.
Learn the Foundations of Dolphin Pose (or Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) with Adriene! Build strength and gain stability in the shoulders to find integrity and support for inversions. This posture can help to relieve stress, anxiety and help lift you when you are feeling blue! Practice this pose to create more mobility in the entire body. More mobility, less problems.
Learn the foundations of Camel Yoga Pose or Ustrasana. Whether you are learning the basics or looking to go deeper, use this foundational yoga practice to slow it down, tune in and play. Build asana from the ground up with a strong base to explore from. Find support with the breath and commit to a practice that is safe and supported with both strength and ease. Drop the struggle! No need to push. Slow down and get strong! Back-bending is so beneficial for the body and the internal organs of the body. Use this yoga pose to minimize anxiety and gain natural energy boost!
Foundations Of Shoulder Stand, Sarvangasana, The Candle Pose for Beginners! In this Foundations Of Yoga video, Adriene guides a practice of Shoulder Stand for beginners. Though not for everybody, Shoulder Stand is known as the mother of all asanas! There are benefits to learning the prep work for this pose allowing you to work at your own pace, safely, and with controlled breathing. Inversions can seem intimidating, but done correctly, at your own pace, and with neck integration and awareness, it’s possible to enjoy the revitalizing benefits they have to offer at any stage. Benefits of this practice include, increase in immunity, healthy blood flow, healthy digestion, as well as an opportunity to soothe the nervous system and any irritation, with regular practice. For this video, you will need two blankets or towels. Remember to focus on the process and the journey rather than the endpoint as we explore the postures of bridge, plough, fish, and shoulder stand. Be mindful and remember, the breath always comes first. Hop into something comfy and let’s get inverted!
Time on your yoga mat is time well spent. Learn the Foundations of Pyramid Pose, or Parsvottanasana. Embrace the exploration and time for process in yoga. Use this foundations practice to be with your body, refocus your mind and step into your power. Parsvottanasana is a great pose to work on opposition and finding support from the deep inner core. It is great for posture and wonderful for the feet! Go deeper. Namaste.
The Foundations Of Yoga Series continues! Adriene leads a 20 min Yoga Practice to prep and practice Revolved Side Angle Pose (Parivrtta Parsvakonasana). Go deeper and learn the foundations of this fierce and powerful posture that offer's loads of benefits for the mind and body. This sequence is great for those wanting to open and strengthen the body in just 20 min of practice. This practice also offers an opportunity to calm the nervous system and relax a busy mind with conscious mindful breathing or pranayama. Cultivate a regular practice that supports you by working from your foundation. Namaste.
Crow Practice guides you through a sequence of yoga poses that will help you take flight. It's not about the yoga pose but how you get there! Stretch out, warm up and connect to the deeper muscles that will lift you up and guide you to fly in Bakasana. Check out the Foundations of Crow Practice for full Bakasana tutorial. This practice is a great one to repeat! Work to be present each time you arrive back on your mat and watch both your awareness and the asanas grow! Namaste.
Learn the foundations of Rabbit Pose or Sasangasana with this 15 min workshop practice. Lengthen the spine, stretch your back and boost immunity with this bunny posture. I love this pose because it reminds me how powerful it is to learn how to be calm, attentive and aware of our breath when we are in tight or uncomfortable situations. This video guides you through the basics and through modifications inviting you to listen to your body, breathe, deepen your practice and Find What Feels Good.