A. Following an incident at the prehistoric mammal section of the museum, Liru discovers love when she meets a man named Ryo who turns out to be another werewolf. B. Uma discovers the home shopping channel on TV, starting a shopping frenzy in the tree-house. Later, the girls discover what bills are.
A. Pachira falls in love with the young man who works on the blood donor bus. Maybe if she donates all her blood he'll return her feelings? B. The girls visit a theater and discuss their ideal boyfriends. After getting trapped in the elevator on their way out, they continue their discussion while waiting for a rescue.
A. When a typhoon ruins their day at the beach, Uma is unable to disperse it with her magic, so the girls try to invent their own beach experience at a nearby hotel. B. Following an accident with their floats, the girls are saved from drowning by Lulu, the princess of the merfolk. Lulu wants some help in return, though.
A. People are being attacked by a vampire and Liru suspects Pachira for the attacks. Pachira fights to prove herself innocent by finding the real culprit. B. Aiko orders Happy Chalk which can bring anything that's drawn to life. Since it can only work for a witch, Uma uses it to draw various things including drawing up a galactic train to take them to the Andromeda Galaxy.
A. While out buying baked yams, Liru saves a handsome young man from being beaten up, but when she accidentally transforms to her wolf form she has to flee before he notices. Later, Aiko invites the man to the tree-house so he can thank Liru, but Pachira has her own plans... B. The girls prepare for Christmas by preparing stockings and a Santa-sized chimney.
A. The girls play a "speaking English" game hosted by Keimie and a mess-up has them drinking the bad-tasting Natto drink. B. The girls see Dr. K-Ko on a TV show explaining her theory that horror movie monsters existing amongst the human race. When the co-host of the TV show ends up discovering the girls' secret thanks to footage used by Dr. K-Ko, the girls end up arguing to defending themselves against K-Ko on a TV talk show.
A. Aiko finds a VCR that contains her memories as a rerun of the girls' favorite show is airing. When they plan to use the VCR to tape it, they end up needing D/A Converter to hook it up to their Digital Television. B. When Uma ends up with an infection, she ends up getting the other girls infected with her magic. With her magic perfected, she practices it on the town. After curing herself and the other girls of their infection, they soon work on a spell to make a Cherry Blossom Tree bloom early.
In this segment, a pear-shaped capsule containing a rejected MOMO (Military convert Ops Mechanical Operative) android of the Kasuga Institute named MOMO9000 (Aiko) is lost in a road accident that caused it to fall into the river. It is later found by an old couple who mistake Aiko for MomotarÅ. After reading the story of Momotaro, Aiko begins her mission to reach Onigashima gaining allies in a dog (Liru), a monkey (Uma), and a pheasant (Pachira).