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Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    Martian meteorite - here we join scientists who discovered a piece of meteor preserved in the ice of Antarctica. Space elevator - a look at an incredible idea of building a 62,000 mile carbon elevator that could carry 13 tonnes of load into space. Space gases - researches in London have developed a detection device for dangerous gases that can disrupt satellites. Scram jets - an amazing look at the testing of these jets that would travel 8 times the speed of sound. Space wedding - here a Russian cosmonaut marries his bride from space via a special phone. Weightlessness - we get exclusive access to training for weightlessness in space. Moon development - with the search for the dollar continuing, the moon seems to be the new target for commercial enterprise. Goddard - here we meet a man who despite being laughed at made some huge advances in rocket technology. Big bang - scientists continue their research into further understanding how the universe was born. Venus - a new computer enhancement of a bird’s eye view of the surface of the mysterious planet of Venus. Space dust - scientist examine dust found on the Hubble telescope when taken in for repairs. Windows in time - here we take an amazing look at some special comets that are as old as the universe itself.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    Satellites - a look at a 300 million pound British project that has been launched to help monitor climate change patterns. Ozone hole - a better understanding of the damage this hole is causing. Pioneer 10 - here we look at a satellite launched in 1972 that has traveled an incredible 5 billion miles into space. Micro senses - technology invented to help monitor NASA’a equipment while in orbit. Space sickness - NASA continues to research into avoiding ‘motion sickness’ for its astronauts. Driving on the moon - here we join astronauts as they take their special vehicle for a lunar spin. Space travel - we look at the possibilities that lie beyond our solar system. Meteors - new research into the possibilities of Earth being hit by a passing intergalactic object. Health in space - NASA uses new technology to help monitor astronaut health while on missions. Ill fated flight - here we recount the horror of the challenger flight in 1986 and the 7 human lives that were lost due to the explosion of a hydrogen chamber.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    Space photography - here we meet Bill Taub a NASA photographer who has captured images for them since 1958. LDEF - the 'Long Duration Exposure Facility' has been returned to Earth after 6 years for examination. Mars rovers - a look at the two rovers that are currently exploring the red planet at a cost of 800 million USD. Space walk - new improvements by NASA include mobility and breathing devices to help astronaut’s suits. Moon mining - as the need for alternative fuels grows the moon’s surface could provide some huge advantages. Oldest observatory - German archaeologists find evidence of a civilization plotting the skies around 5000 BC. Moon golf - an astronaut packs his golf clubs for this moon mission. Model builder - these craftsmen have played a pivotal role for NASA over the years in constructing miniature models. Hubble - here we look at the remarkable information that the Hubble telescope can acquire and the possibilities it has for future exploration.

  • S01E04 Episode 4

    NASA robots - scientists attempt to create finger like movements in their robots to be more productive in outer space. Bone loss - NASA scientists attempt to counter measure the bone loss that occurs when in space. Voyager - we look at this remarkable project that has surpassed the expectations of everyone involved in its development. Aircraft to medicine - here we explore how NASA research is being applied to the medical world. Weather satellite - a new European satellite to help monitor the ever changing weather patterns we are experiencing. PIMS - here we look at another example of how space technology has made its way into the medical fraternity. Mars exploration - an in-depth look at this intriguing planet and how soon humans are likely to step foot onto it. Aircraft - a short trip through history tracking the developments of NASA and its aircraft developments. Rocket festival - we’re off to a famous rocket festival in Thailand that sees hundreds of rockets launched into the sky. Space burials - more and more people are choosing to send their deceased loved ones into orbit or to the moon thanks to some new companies starting to form.

  • S01E05 Episode 5

    Mars station - new developments in creating a station on the moon to make trips to Mars a whole lot easier. Gemini - a period between 1965 and 66 that saw a huge amount of space travel that paved the way to the breakthroughs that lay just around the corner. Hubble - another glimpse at this remarkable device that provides images 15 billion miles into space. Crystals - in space here we see crystals being grown in space to help with tumour and cancer research. Space school - here kids learn many factors about the mysterious galaxy and how the universe operates. ISS - here we examine in detail the make up of the incredible international space station and how it works. Virtual reality - new technologies on Earth are helping to create some useful simulations for space. Cluster satellites - here satellites provide spectacular pictures and information from the lighting display of the solar flares. Shuttle views - we look at the Starshine satellite that allows students to track it and witness the Earth from above. Space technologies - we explore the various benefits that space research has had on the everyday lives back on Earth.

  • S01E06 Episode 6

    Moon on Earth - we look at Mike Collins who was waiting above the moon in Apollo 11 while others collected samples. Magellan - a look at the satellite that was the first to venture out to map the planet of Venus. White sands - we visit a desert in new Mexico where NASA can conduct all their tests for space flights. Skylab - launched in 1972 this satellite had some problems with its meteoric shield and caused frantic panic back on land. Benefits from space - an examination of the advantages that space travel and research has had on advances back on Earth. Glenn blastoff - in 1962 astronaut John Glenn became the first man to head into space and he orbited the Earth in 88 minutes. CFD - computational fluid dynamics is the airflow around an aircraft which is such an important factor of space travel. Challenger - a look at NASA’s rocket that is lighter than Columbia and spent 5 days, 2.2 million miles and 80 orbits while in space.

  • S01E07 Episode 7

  • S01E08 Episode 8

  • S01E09 Episode 9

    Space scientists - again we look at the benefits to life on Earth from research done for space travel. NASA dart - this new automatic rendezvous system allows an object to find its way to a satellite unguided by man. Mars - amazing discoveries from the voyager missions that have taught us more about the levels of frozen water found on Mars. Rosetta - a satellite that aims to land on a comet in 2014 and gather samples to help determine how the universe began. Hubble - we look at this incredible telescope that has provided crystal clear pictures of the galaxy since 1990. Space youth - we head to the French alps where 25 young science enthusiasts are invited and conduct varied experiments. Cambridge space camera - a new camera that will penetrate the earth’s atmosphere to provide clear images of space. Titan probe - amazing pictures and intrigue for scientists as Cassini orbits Saturn and its moon of titan. Space satellite company - we visit a company in surrey that is making reliable and efficient satellites. Mice bone loss - special passengers were on the recent Endeavour launch to look further into osteoporosis

  • S01E10 Episode 10

    Surface mapping - NASA drive around cities in a van that helps to give accurate maps by using GPS technology. Earth exhibition - a look at some pictures sent into space in 1977 to show aliens what life is like on Earth. Planets - a brief overview of our solar system and the various man made devices out there exploring it. Space generation - we visit a university in Milton Keys where scientists are constantly looking out at the stars. Glass blower - we meet a man who has been blowing all sorts of glass shapes for NASA over the years. Unmasking the sun - here scientists dedicate their lives to finding out details about the sun and how it affects us. Cluster satellites - a group of satellites launched in Europe that link together to provide information about the sun and its relationship to Earth. Russia delta mission - we visit the beginnings of a space programme in Russia called the delta mission. Preparing for space - NASA look further into preparing astronauts for space especially in dealing with weightlessness and the sickness that it often leads to.

  • S01E11 Episode 11

    Meteorites - scientists are looking to meteorites found on Earth to help solve mysteries of the universe. Astronaut selection - we head back to the late 50’s and look at the strict testing processes NASA used to choose their astronauts. Lift off - we take a close look at all the things that need to go right during the lift off of a space shuttle. Images of space - a look at the incredible use that the Hubble telescope has in providing images of our and other galaxies. Cool suit - a special suit designed using NASA technology that helps to cool a patient with a rare condition. Apollo 14 and 15 - here we go back to the 70s and look at some vital samples collected on these important missions. Space phone - a look at a small multi media satellite that is providing coverage and network to a huge range of customers. Challenging the future - NASA continue to develop their new shuttles that may take off like standard aeroplanes and have the latest in heat resistant shields.

  • S01E12 Episode 12

    International space station - here we join 8 residents of the station who carry out experiments not possible on gravity rich Earth.. Goldstone tracking - here we visit the Mojave desert in California to the huge dishes that NASA has used to receive messages from space for over thirty years. Photographers in space - a look at the benefits photos can provide from space to help with research of our precious Earth. Space technology - we head back to 1962 and look at some of the tests being conducted for the new and excited space race. Moon mapping - the European satellite smart 1 has begun its mission including one of mapping the lunar surface. Hyperspace plane x30 - this new craft will take off from a runway and reach speeds of 17,000 miles per hour before entering a low Earth orbit. Experiments in space - the lack of gravity in space allows some tests that could not be carried out on Earth. Astronaut training - although a fun and inspiring job here we look at the intense procedures astronauts have to go through to ensure maximum safety is accomplished.

  • S01E13 Episode 13

    Space safety - we visit a facility designed to test re entry procedures on both the craft and astronauts. Virtual landscape - travel on an interplanetary journey is tested here by ‘virtually’ passing over Los Angeles at 300,000 mph. Astro manouvering - we head back to 1972 and look at the benefits Skylab has provided for space research today. Space shuttle aircraft - a look at a giant Russian aircraft used to transport its space shuttles to and from launch and land zones.. Heart assist pump - NASA technologies are being incorparated into helping patients lower their risks of secondary cardiac arrests. Virtual reality training - we visit a training centre where astronauts can land a space shuttle as many times as they want in a day. Advanced life support - a facility that has a crew of 4 locked in for 30 days using recycled air and water. Sputnik - it is 1957 and Russia launch the first satellite into space sparking frustration and jealousy from their American rivals. UK national space center - we look at this UK facility and here from piers sellers who describes the sheer beauty of doing a space walk.

  • S01E14 Episode 14

    • July 5, 2005

    Weightlessnes - here we examine the various effects that no gravity has on the human body, mainly a fluid shift. Sleep - hibernation researches test on animals to determine if humans can be put ‘to sleep’ during missions to deep space. Jovian system - here we join the Galileo and voyager probes as they examine the incredible world of the mighty Jupiter planet. Space scientists - again we look at the benefits of technologies developed for space for use back on Earth. Shuttle pallet satellite - a look at a German platform that is used in space for various roles including housing film crews. Mars briefing - here we learn more about Mars’ history via a meteor that crashed into it millions of years ago before ending up under an antarctic ice sheet. Kazakhstan space centre - here we join an American man who has paid 20 million dollars to the Russian space agency to be the first space tourist. This was not received very warmly by scientists at NASA.

  • S01E15 Episode 15

    • July 5, 2005

    Cobe - this cosmic background explorer is being used to find out more about how the universe became what it is today. Early warning detection system - different countries are involved in sending up small satellites to help early detection of natural disasters. Point of view - here we take a beautiful voyage around the Earth from space and point out all the major landmarks. Mission to the sun - new developments to try and capture a clear and accurate picture of the sun. Growing for air - an incredible test where a man is locked in an air tight room and air is generated in various parts to test human reactions. Space generations - scientists at Milton Keyens university spend arduous months and years studying facets of our enigmatic universe. Last Apollo - here we look at the last Apollo mission in 1975 and another launch taking place at the same time but on the other side of the world. ESA probe to titan - here we follow the excitement in Germany as they wait for the huygen satellite to enter into the titian atmosphere, one of Saturn's moons.

  • S01E16 Episode 16

    Mars orbiter - a look at the largest probe NASA has sent to the red planet since the viking of the 1970s. TEDRS - we go on board the challenger’s cargo hold to look at the Tracking And Data Relaying Satellite. Satellite tracking - technology is helping to monitor prisoners that are released into the community, it has been described as a prison without bars. Hubble launch - here we look at the detailed preparation of the launching of the world’s most powerful telescope. Space photography - a look back at the 25 years of amazing photos taken in space. Atlantis meets ISS - a glimpse at the complications involved in joining the Atlantis shuttle with the international space station. Moon rock fuel - scientists look to using fuel made from the moon’s properties to launch future space missions from. Chinese space mission - thousands flock to an exhibition in Beijing of a recent Chinese manned mission to space which forecasts a powerful entrance into this field for the Asian superpower.

  • S01E17 Episode 17

    International Space Station - here we take a close look at the various parts that make up this incredible and permanent fixture orbiting the planet. Galileo - we go aboard the Atlantis shuttle to look closely at the Galileo satellite that was sent on a mission to Jupiter in 1989. Hubble - a look at this incredibly powerful telescope that can see some 15 billion miles into the cosmos. Mir - here we take a tour of the now defunct Mir space station that was the absolute pride of Russia. Ulysses explorer - launched in 1990 this satellite has been on an enormous journey to explore the sun and used Jupiter along the way to give it an orbital boost. Robotics - we visit a NASA centre in Huston, Texas where scientists look further into the advancement of robotics to help conquer dangerous and difficult tasks in space.

  • S01E18 Episode 18

    Student design - here we look at the different ways the NASA continues its development through business ideas and student innovations. Olympic security - satellite technology is now being incorporated into security protection at high profile events such as the Olympics. Mir space station - a look back at the history of Russian exploration in space focusing on the ill fated Mir space station that was sunk in the pacific in 2002. IRAS - this infra red astronomical satellite uses a special lens to look at bodies in the galaxy in a completely different light. Pioneer 10 - launched in 1972 this satellite was the first man made object to leave our solar system and continues to provide vital data from millions of mile away. Gemini 3 - here we look at an important set of missions in the early 1960s that helped answer many vital questions for NASA and have helped it reach the level it has today.

  • S01E19 Episode 19

    Micro gravity - NASA scientists take us into their in depth study of how gravity works and the effects it has on humans. Stratellite - this invention is a strange mix between a satellite and a blimp and is helping telecommunications. Supernova - the first of these cataclysmic universe events was spotted in 1987 and here we explain just what he saw. Gravity experiment - here researches develop a new system to test Einstein’s theories of gravity and how man comes to function within it. Symphonies of light - a look at the mysteries of stars and the ways we can learn more about them despite their incredible distances from us. SALT - standing for South African Large Telescope this is the newest satellite to be launched by the us. Swedish rocket range - this remote area in Lapland is perfect for this type of testing which sees rockets launched into the air then after falling back to Earth are able to be closely analysed for various results.

  • S01E20 Episode 20

    Ham the astronaut - a look at early tests for space travel by using a chimpanzee in the place of man. UFOs - we head back to 1968 when a man working for the us military began the phenomenon that has swept the world. European space progress - we look at the year 2005 and the amazing advances that space exploration took in Europe especially with the Galileo and Huygens missions.. Disaster monitoring - here we visit the EnviroSat which orbits the Earth and reads any potential disasters impacting on humans below. Atmosphere - we take a close look at the various opponents of our fragile atmosphere and the dangers we impose to it as humans. Space debris - a look at the damage done from bits and pieces of space junk from early satellite development that are hurtling around the Earth and causing hundreds of explosions on impact. They pose a major threat on future space projects.

  • S01E21 Episode 21

    Space sniffer - here we are introduced to George Aldrich who is used by NASA as a tester of noxious smells on their spacecrafts. Apollo 16 - here we visit the 5th lunar landing and meet the astronauts who nearly didn’t make the trip. Saturn pictures - we take a look at amazing pictures of Saturn from the two successful voyager missions. Mars - launched in 1976 the Mars viking probe travelled 4oo million miles on its year long journey to the red planet. An early shuttle trip - we look at the development of the shuttle programme that was originally used to take and return satellites into space. Secrets of the sun - from the Aztecs to the Mayans to current scientists we look at the properties of the sun and its incredible power and effect on our Earth.

  • S01E22 Episode 22

    Rosetta flyby - here we look at a probe that uses the orbits of other planets to slingshot it further into space. Satellite tracking - a system developed in south Africa that uses satellites to track and monitor hijacked cars or even personal hijackings. ESA ops centre - here we head to French Guyana to visit the control centre where all the data from a European satellite is collated. Toys in space - here astronauts test the properties of space on not only highly sophisticated instruments but also on common household toys. ISS development - here we look at the incredible effort between several countries to make this orbiting livable base come to fruition. Women astronauts - here we look at the tests taking place to see how women’s bodies are affected by zero gravity. Tests include lying in a horizontal position for up to 2 months. Dante the robot - we examine an eight legged robot designed to withstand the harshest conditions on Earth including samples from the bottom of volcanoes. Euro Mars rover - British scientists have urged the European space agency to invest more money into a mission to the red planet to be launched in 2011.

  • S01E23 Episode 23

    Galileo GPS - here we investigate the components of this group of 30 cluster satellites that make up the Galileo programme. How it all began - here we look at the lengths humans are going to to learn more about the cosmos including probes that tail comets and the highly productive Cassini mission. Human life - scientists look to meteorites to help unlock clues about how life itself began. Russian robotic arm - we visit a facility outside Moscow that is exploring the new robotic device that will be a vital link on the international space station. Pictures from Titan - this Huygens probe was 7 years in the making and has landed on the moon of titan and is sending back pictures from 3.2 billion miles away. Gravitrons in space - we look at some simple experiments that take place in space to test the properties of zero gravity. Life on planets - the planet Sedna was recently the first new discovery of a body in the solar system since Pluto in 1930 and raised some amazing questions about extra-terrestial life. Robot arm wrestling - NASA uses high school arm wrestling champions to test the strength and versatility of its new robotics.

  • S01E24 Episode 24

    French astronomers - here we look at these European astronomers who believe Saturn is a frozen version of the sun and could provide us with some useful insights. Japan space programme - we visit japan’s testing grounds to witness the glum faces as a rocket has to be destroyed just minutes after being launched. Skylab laboratory - here we go on board this testing facility that sits high above our heads and makes some vital observations. 15Th anniversary of Hubble - in April of 2005 the most successful project in space science, the Hubble telescope had its 15th anniversary in orbit. Satellite Internet - on trains a company out of Paris has started offering passengers wireless Internet access on their trains by using satellite technology. Asteroids - the Spitzer telescope uses infra red technology and has identified an enormous asteroid belt some 41 light years away. Global monitoring - here the European space agency has launched a 10 year plan to monitor environment and security issues through satellite technology. Mars encounter - a look back to April 2003 when Mars was the closest to Earth that it has ever been. Shuttle discovery training - we take a dip in a giant NASA swimming pool with astronauts who are training for their weightlessness experience.

  • S01E25 Episode 25

    Views from space - scientists continue to look deeper and deeper into space to solve the plethora of questions about our universe and beyond. Space suit design - a look back at the different modifications NASA has made to its suits in order to increase astronaut safety and maneuverability. Marco Polo visit to ISS - the latest mission to the space station consisted of an Italian and a south African businessman who paid 20 million dollars for the experience. Radiation - new research into the affects of radiation on astronauts when doing work in space. Jellyfish in space - NASA send jellyfish into space to help better understand the affects of no gravity on living organisms. Mt. Etna and Mars rover - scientists believe that conditions at the mt etna volcano are ideal for testing their rovers that are heading for the hostile red planet. Space health research - scientists look to space to help with some pressing medical issues back here on Earth.

  • S01E26 Episode 26

    Skylab experiments - we visit NASA’s first laboratory in space that allows them to carry out some useful tests in space. Space tourists - ‘space adventures’ is a company which has set up that provides a service to those wealthy enough to take a holiday into space. Chile telescope - we look at an incredible new project to rival Hubble's power at looking into the cosmos. Flight of faith 7 - here we go back to 1963 when astronauts were sent into orbit for a day and a half to test how humans react to weightlessness. Ballons in space - we look back at the brave pioneers who ventured into the skies centuries ago where the risks and unknown factors were much higher than they are today. Images of man in space - just sit back an relax as we provide some beautiful images of man in space set to music.