Galileo GPS - here we investigate the components of this group of 30 cluster satellites that make up the Galileo programme. How it all began - here we look at the lengths humans are going to to learn more about the cosmos including probes that tail comets and the highly productive Cassini mission. Human life - scientists look to meteorites to help unlock clues about how life itself began. Russian robotic arm - we visit a facility outside Moscow that is exploring the new robotic device that will be a vital link on the international space station. Pictures from Titan - this Huygens probe was 7 years in the making and has landed on the moon of titan and is sending back pictures from 3.2 billion miles away. Gravitrons in space - we look at some simple experiments that take place in space to test the properties of zero gravity. Life on planets - the planet Sedna was recently the first new discovery of a body in the solar system since Pluto in 1930 and raised some amazing questions about extra-terrestial life. Robot arm wrestling - NASA uses high school arm wrestling champions to test the strength and versatility of its new robotics.