French astronomers - here we look at these European astronomers who believe Saturn is a frozen version of the sun and could provide us with some useful insights. Japan space programme - we visit japan’s testing grounds to witness the glum faces as a rocket has to be destroyed just minutes after being launched. Skylab laboratory - here we go on board this testing facility that sits high above our heads and makes some vital observations. 15Th anniversary of Hubble - in April of 2005 the most successful project in space science, the Hubble telescope had its 15th anniversary in orbit. Satellite Internet - on trains a company out of Paris has started offering passengers wireless Internet access on their trains by using satellite technology. Asteroids - the Spitzer telescope uses infra red technology and has identified an enormous asteroid belt some 41 light years away. Global monitoring - here the European space agency has launched a 10 year plan to monitor environment and security issues through satellite technology. Mars encounter - a look back to April 2003 when Mars was the closest to Earth that it has ever been. Shuttle discovery training - we take a dip in a giant NASA swimming pool with astronauts who are training for their weightlessness experience.