NASA robots - scientists attempt to create finger like movements in their robots to be more productive in outer space. Bone loss - NASA scientists attempt to counter measure the bone loss that occurs when in space. Voyager - we look at this remarkable project that has surpassed the expectations of everyone involved in its development. Aircraft to medicine - here we explore how NASA research is being applied to the medical world. Weather satellite - a new European satellite to help monitor the ever changing weather patterns we are experiencing. PIMS - here we look at another example of how space technology has made its way into the medical fraternity. Mars exploration - an in-depth look at this intriguing planet and how soon humans are likely to step foot onto it. Aircraft - a short trip through history tracking the developments of NASA and its aircraft developments. Rocket festival - we’re off to a famous rocket festival in Thailand that sees hundreds of rockets launched into the sky. Space burials - more and more people are choosing to send their deceased loved ones into orbit or to the moon thanks to some new companies starting to form.