Space safety - we visit a facility designed to test re entry procedures on both the craft and astronauts. Virtual landscape - travel on an interplanetary journey is tested here by ‘virtually’ passing over Los Angeles at 300,000 mph. Astro manouvering - we head back to 1972 and look at the benefits Skylab has provided for space research today. Space shuttle aircraft - a look at a giant Russian aircraft used to transport its space shuttles to and from launch and land zones.. Heart assist pump - NASA technologies are being incorparated into helping patients lower their risks of secondary cardiac arrests. Virtual reality training - we visit a training centre where astronauts can land a space shuttle as many times as they want in a day. Advanced life support - a facility that has a crew of 4 locked in for 30 days using recycled air and water. Sputnik - it is 1957 and Russia launch the first satellite into space sparking frustration and jealousy from their American rivals. UK national space center - we look at this UK facility and here from piers sellers who describes the sheer beauty of doing a space walk.