Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He must finish before the pope arrives and prays for assistance. Assistance arrives in the form of the Warners who first paint the ceiling completely white and then fill it with pictures of Elvis and dogs playing poker. Michelangelo convinces them to help him make the correct painting and they agree. They, however, add an interesting touch before the pope arrives.
In order to become a Goodfeather, Squit must find the Godpigeon some food. Squit sees a bagel in the street, but before he can get to it rush hour starts. Squit tries to get the bagel in a number of ways, but all of his attempts fail. Ultimately, the Godpigeon arrives eats the bagel with no trouble. He gives Squit his blessing and Squit becomes one of the Goodfeathers.
Thaddeus Plotz has invited over some very important buisness people to a buisness dinner and it's Dr. Scratchnsniff's job to train the Warners with manners so they can attend. He suceeds and the Warners are allowed to go to the party, but when they're only there for a minute and are sent back to the Water Tower they start to ruin the party, but in the end the buisness people are pleased and give the check to the Warners instead.
After Mindy receives a Lollipop, she gets into trouble when the lollipop sticks to the side of a mail truck. Buttons must keep Mindy out of danger and he follows her to the airport, where the two are loaded on a plane. After take off, Mindy jumps out of the plane still after the lollipop, Button grabs her and uses a mailbag as a parachute. They land safely in Mindy's yard but spill letters all over the place. When Mindy's mother sees the letters, she scolds Buttons for bothering the mailman.
Wally Llama who lives on top of a mountain in the Himalayas is the wisest creature in the world. After he grows sick of answering questions he vows to stop for the rest of the day. The Warners arrive and pester him to answer one question. Eventually he gives in, but when he hears the question he goes crazy because he cannot figure out the answer. The question is why do hot dogs come in packages of ten, and hot dog buns come in packages of eight?
With one of his new inventions, Brain plans to freeze all the leaders of the world when they are at an international peace conference in the Alps. Pinky and the Brain have a hard time getting to the peace conference, but when they finally do Brain's plans are foiled when someone traps them while they stand on a plate of cheese. The two mice only succeed in freezing themselves.
Yakko inherits the throne of Anvilania a small kingdom best known as the world's largest producer of anvils. Yakko promises to serve his people, but Anvilania is attacked by Dunlikus and its dictator Umlatt. The Warners must face Unlatt by himself. They manage to get the entire Dunlikus army to go to sleep and discover that Unlatt wanted Anvilania so that he can have all its anvils to himself. The Warners decide to give Unlatt the anvils: one at a time, on his head and on his castle.
In 1905, the Warners arrive at the Paris home of the famous artist Pablo Picasso. They want to help him paint and annoy him so much that he will let them paint as he relaxes. As the artist rests, the Warners begin to play a guessing game. Wakko draws surreal pictures and the rest of the Warners must guess what the picture is of. An art critic comes to Picasso's home and loves the surreal paintings. Picasso takes credit for the work, but agrees to pay the Warners money to continue to paint the pictures.
Runt escapes from the pound after having being imprisoned for stealing a bone to eat. He is tracked down by the relentless Camenbert. Rita and a number of other cats are imprisoned by a tavern owner named Tristesse. When Tristesse runs out of meat for his meat pies, he decides to use the imprisoned cats. With the help of some poodles, Runt manages to free Rita and the other cats. All the animals escape, but they are confronted by Camenbert and it is revealed that Camenbert stole the bone. Runt and the rest of the animals manage to escape when Tristesse comes into the pen and collapses the wall on himself and Camenbert. Rita, Runt, and the rest of the animals head off to Paris.
The Goodfeather are having a rivalry with a group of Sparrows when Squit falls in love with Carloota who is the sister of one of the sparrows named Noodles. Squint is so much in love that he wants to migrate with Carloota. Noodles tries to prevent the two from seeing each other and challenges the Goodfeathers to a fight. After the fight Squint meets Carloota, but her boyfriend Johnny shows up. Carloota migrates Johnny to Cleveland and leaves Squit to be consoled by the rest of the Goodfeathers.
Brain wants to take over the world by tricking people into thinking that an aliens are invading. Brain arranges a pirate broadcast with himself as a reporter and Pinky as an alien. Brain says that aliens have landed and that people should flee from the cities. Pinky, however, has trouble with his costume. They complete their fake broadcast and wait for people to flee the cities. The next day, however, they look at the newspaper and see that everyone thought that the broadcast was a hilarious fake.
Flavio and Marita head to New York in order to find a trendy new place to live. A zoologist who is pretending to be a real estate agent tries to convince them to stay in the jungle. He shows them a number of run down apartments. Ultimately, the Hip Hippos move to New York, but they move their jungle with them.
Brain wants to steal all of the gold out of Fort Knox. He develops a chemical that causes sneezing fits in people. Pinky and the Brain get to Fort Knox and use the chemical on the guards. They break into the safe and realize that they can't steal the gold because the gold bars are too heavy for the mice to lift.
When medieval kingdom of Camelot is threatened by a dragon, King Arthur asks Merlin to summon a knight. When Merlin tries to summon the knight, he gets the Warners instead. The Warners defeat the dragon by tricking it into blowing itself up. They discover that it was really a robot that was being operated by mice.
Several old-time movie stars talk about their encounters with the Warners and how Milton Berle never really liked them.
Rita and Runt are in Warsaw, Poland during the 1939 German blitzkrieg. The head of the Polish underground arranges to meet his daughter Katrina on a train that is about to leave the train station. When Katrina is discovered by a dog working for the Germans, Rita saves her. They head to the train station, and jump on when the train begins to leave. Katrina is safe, but Rita when she sees Runt being attacked by German dogs decides to stay. She leaps from the train in order to help her friend.
At a party for Celebrity Gala of the Year, the Warners sneak in from under a table and start taking food from it. When Yakko goes out to get more cheeseballs he meets an icredibly boring person nicknamed Pip who keeps babling on to them throughout the night. They try to get away but he follows them home and when he finally leaves them alone the next morning they realize it's too quiet and want him to come back.
On an airless world, Buttons must protect Mindy when she follows a ball through an airlock. They go throw a rocketship and a transporter beam. Eventually Mindy and Buttons get home, but Mindy is duplicated a number of times in a duplication machine. Buttons is scolded for letting Mindy get too close to the duplication machine.
Brain plans to take over the world with subliminal mind control. He pretends to be a country singer and injects subliminal messages into his songs. His music begins to sell and the messages begin to influence people. Unfortunately, Brain ruins his plan by yelling at Pinky during a worldwide televised concert.
Mindy's mother leaves the house and Brain develops a plan to take over the world. He develops a powerful stink bomb which he hopes to use to force the government officials out of thier jobs. As he makes the stink bomb, Mindy gets on a lawnmower and drives out of control. The lawnmower chases Brain and eventually knocks him into his stink bomb ingredients. Mindy's mother comes home and scolds Brain for letting Mindy feed him old cheese.
Lean Hiskill and Codger Eggbert are film critics who review a number of Looney Tunes cartoons. They like a number of them, but hate the ones featuring Slappy Squirrel. Slappy decides to retaliate. She destroys their houses and later at the premier of Jurassic Park she puts them into the movie where they are chased by a dinosaur. The two critics change their mind and, in heavy bandages, give Slappy a good review.
In 1918, the Goodfeathers are messenger pigeons on the western front in France. When a unit is caught behind the lines, the Goodfethaers must deliver a message telling them to retreat. They must get through a number of obstacles for delivering the message. When they finally deliver it, however, it is too late. The unit doesn't need to retreat, it has already chased off the enemy.
Chicken Boo is pretending to be General Boo-Regard, a southern Confederate general during the Civil War. When he is about to lead an attack, his hat is shot off and everyone sees that he is a chicken. Colonel Sanders thinks that the chicken is large enough to feed an army and everyone starts chasing after him.
In 1194, Pinky and the Brain are being kept in Merlin's laboratory in Camelot. When Merlin goes out for a snack. Brain tries to take over the world using a magic spell. Pinky gathers all the components but loses a dragon's toenail. Pinky and the Brain must go on a quest to get another toenail. Using a magic wand the recover the toenail, but the dragon chases them all the way back to Camelot. Brain uses the dragon's toenail in the spell but as he recites it Pinky distracts him. Brain's head is turned into cheese.
A kind old woman feeds both Rita and Runt at a restaurant. When Rita begins playing with the table cloth, the two of them are kicked out. Outside, Rita and Runt come across three starving abandoned kittens that want Rita to be their mother. Rita doesn't want the to be responsible for three kittens, but everything turns out okay when the old woman from the restaurant comes out and agrees to take care of the kittens.
Wakko plays the piano and his white gloves begin to play it by themselves. Later the two gloves go off to a dance hall. When they leave they begin to argue about going back in. They are run over by a street sweeper. The two gloves later head to a lumberyard for jobs. Since they are not work gloves, they fail to get them. Eventually one is sent to jail for robbery. When it gets out, the two gloves head back to Wakko and jump back onto his hands.
In 1954, Pinky and the Brain are kept in the home of Albert Einstein. They watch television and see a puppet show named "The Meany and Treacle Show". When the show announces that it is looking for new puppets, the two mice mail themselves to the show. They pretend to be puppets and grow enormously popular. They freeze themselves in cryogenic capsules and emerge forty years later. They arrange a pirate broadcast asking all their no adult fans to send them gifts. Unfortunately all their fans felt abandoned by them when they disappeared the show. They send Pinky and the Brain their therapy bills instead.
The Warners deliver sandwiches to a news show hosted by Mr. Dan Anchorman. When the arrive late and give him the wrong meal, he refuses to pay them. The Warners protest outside the studio and later sneak into the control room and mess with the controls. Eventually, Dan apologizes. He goes insane and is taken away to a mental hospital.
Bobby gets upset when his girlfriend Lana says that the heavyweight beaking champion of the city, Pretty Boy Robin, is good looking. Bobby challenges Pretty Boy to a fight and is trained and managed by Max. When the fight finally happens, Pretty Boy has no trouble pounding Bobby. Bobby turns the tables when he sees Pretty Boy hitting on Lana and knocks him out with one good punch. Bobby still loses in the end when the Godpigeon takes all the winnings from the fight and Bobby's girlfriend.
Charlton Woodchuck heads to Hollywood from Kansas to become a movie star. He gets the starring role in "Franklin the Friendly Woodchuck", but the production turns out to be too much for him when he is maulled by a bear, attacked by a woodpecker, and blown up with explosives. Charlton quits the show and heads back to Kansas.
When the Hip Hippos get bored they check out an activities book that suggests a number of high risk adventures. The Hippos try bungee jumping out of a balloon, running with the bulls in Spain, and swimming with sharks. As they go through these dangers they are followed by Geena Embryo who tries to protect Flavio and Marita. Unfortunately, in doing so she takes the brunt of all the dangers.
Mindy's mother gives her a new doll and throws out her old one. Mindy goes after the old doll and falls into a recycling bin. She is taken to the recycling center and Buttons follows to keep her out of danger. Mindy is put into a crate before she and Button manage to return home. After they get home, Button is scolded for getting the old doll out of the garbage.
In order to buy a birthday present for Dr. Scratchansniff, the Warners head to the Mall. They are constantly approached by two woman who want them to take a survey. The head to a number of stores and can't find the perfect gift. So, the Warners decide to give the survey ladies to Dr. Scratchansniff.
Kiki is the angriest gorilla in captivity. When it is discovered that Rita's singing pacifies Kiki, a group of researches take Rita from the alley and give her to Kiki. Kiki treats Rita like a baby, but Rita doesn't like being Kiki's cat. She escapes, but Kiki breaks out to follow her. Eventually Kiki is recaptured and given another cat.
Brain falls in love with Billie who is a female mouse that lives in another cage in the lab. Brain dresses up and tries to impress her with his intellect, but she seems more interested in Pinky's sense of humor. Pinky, however, is not interested. He already has a girlfriend named Phar FigNewton. Pinky then offers advice to Brain. Brain begins to have some success, but Billie is changed into a super-intelligent mouse by an experiment. Brain becomes worried that Billie will take over the world before he can.
John Cleese introduces a special cartoon about the restoration of Windsor Castle's banquet room after a fire in 1992. As the Queen supervises the work, the Warners arrive and offer to redecorate at a low price. The Queen takes them up on the offer. In order to pay for the restorations the Warners make the guests pay for their food. The Queen acts as cashier and opens up a string of fast food restaurants called "Queen Quisine".
Slappy is charged with assaulting Walter Wolf and tacken to court. Walter claims that Slappy attacked him when he was on his way to cheer her up. In reality, Walter was planning to catapult a beehive into her tree in order to drive Slappy out. Slappy threw the beehive back and Walter fell into his own trap. The jury finds in favor of Slappy because she planted explosives under their chair. Despite winning, she blows them up anyway.
The Pilgrims are about to celebrate the first Thanksgiving. They, however, can't decide what to eat. Miles Standish goes off to get a turkey for the dinner. He finds the Warners and their pet turkey Mr. Gobble. When he tries to shoot Mr. Gobble, the Warners and their pet turkey set about frustrating him. They drive him crazy and make him think he is a turkey. Eventually, he is served for dinner.
When a baby bird hatches, he looks up and sees a stealth fighter. The bird becomes convinced that the aircraft is his mother. He sneaks onboard the plane and grabs a bomb which he thinks is an egg. After the bomb is dropped, he heads back to his nest where he finds his real mother and his two other siblings that are just hatching.
The year is 1895 and Pinky and the Brain are being kept in the laboratory of H.G. Wells. Brain builds a time machine because he wants to go back in time to keys moment in mouse evolution in order to change them and make mice the dominant form of life on Earth. When he returns to the present he hopes to be proclaimed the leader of the planet. Brain heads back in time and after a number of problems manages to teach mice how to make fire. When he returns to the present, he discovers that mice are the dominant form of life on the planet. Unfortunately, all the mice act like Pinky.
The Warners go to an Italian restaurant for lunch. When Don Pepperoni the Godfather of the Italian Mob arrives he sees that they are sitting in his private booth. He tries to kick them out, but they refuse to go. They also insist that the Godfather is their waiter and treat him as such. Eventually he gives in to them and serves them spaghetti.
Rita and Runt come to Alaska. They meet Ross Perot who is running for president. He needs a dog to pull his sled so that he can make a fundraiser in Fairbanks. Runt becomes his sled dog and Rita joins up for the ride. Rita saves Perot from a number of dangers, but he always gives Runt the credit. Eventually, the two of them head to a boat and leave Perot behind.
The CEO of Warner Brothers Studio fires Ralph for not catching the Warners. The Warners visit the CEO as the ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Future. Yakko as the ghost of Christmas Past shows the CEO how he has always been mean. He shows the CEO firing his father when he first became CEO. Dot as the ghost of Christmas Present shows the CEO Ralph's family. He sees that they can't afford presents or Christmas dinner since he fired Ralph. Yakko as the ghost of Christmas Future shows the CEO that Ralph's son will grow up to become CEO and will fire him. The CEO has a change of heart and gives the Warners money to buy a fruitcake for Ralph and he goes and gives Ralph his job back. The CEO is then hit by the enormous fruitcake bought by the Warners.
Slappy read the poem "The Day Before Christmas" to Skippy as a bedtime story. In the poem, the Warners CEO must give presents to the Warners. He hires Ralph to do it and makes him dress like Santa. Ralph arrives on a sled pulled by pigeons, but sees that Santa has already come. He has already given presents to Rita and Runt and the other Animaniacs. Eventually, Slappy falls alseep and Skippy goes off to open up his presents.
The Warners show up in a toy shop after it closes. They begin to play around, but the noise they make wakes up the toy shop owner. He sends out a security robot, but the Warners have no problem in dealing with it. They send the robots broken parts back to the toy shop owner and tell him that it is not an approriate toy for children under three.
In this parody of The Karate Kid, Chicken Boo pretends to be a Karate student fighting in a tournament. When Chicken Boo's sensei tells him to be like a grasshopper and shows Chicken Boo a grasshopper in his hand, Chicken Boo goes after it hungrily. His costumne falls off and he is exposed as a chicken.
Slappy and Skippy want to go to her summer cottage, but when they get there the see that they are in the middle the 1960's musical festival Woodstock. Skippy marvels at the music, but Slappy wants them to go away. She doesn't have much success until she decides to play some music herself. She plays a polka and everyone runs.
Katie gets her learner's permits and is given a driving lesson by her father. Unfortunately, she grows angry as her parents try to instruct her. She turns into an angry green monster and speeds throughout the neighborhood. When they make it home, however, and Katie thanks her parents for the lesson.
The Warners view their 65th Anniversary special, but an unknown figure is plotting to destroy them with a time bomb set to their podium when they give their speech. It turns out to be Buddy, the cartoon character that they had replaced, but after hearing Yakko say that they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him and wish he was here, his thoughts of revenge vanish and he joins them on the stage. However, when Buddy is speaking at the podium, the time bomb goes off on him, blowing him up.
Maurice LaMarche hosts an in-studio interview via satellite big screen TV with Animaniacs friends (voice actors, composers, etc.) as they comment on the show.
Maurice LaMarche leads a gathering of writers on what their favorite Animaniacs episodes are that they wrote.
Meet the Character Designers, Storyboard Artists and Art Directors who give life and lunacy to Wakko, Yakko, and Dot.
The music of Animaniacs, highlighted by a tribute to the late composer.
With Ralph still acting as CEO of WB following the events of the Season 2 finale, the Warners agree to help Nora, now demoted to security guard, get her old job back in order to not get captured again and again by her. Pinky makes another "how to" video about the importance of his and Brain's friendship.
Ralph, Nora and Scratchansniff encounter alien versions of the Warners. Continuing the plot from last episode, Brain tries to break the time loop that has him and Pinky repeating the same day over and over again. The Warners find themselves on a remote island inhabited by creatures that slightly resemble them.
Pinky and Brain are the stars of a secret agent movie franchise. Yakko has to sing a song about why the Earth is worth saving. The Warners visit an amusement park and find themselves in a sticky situation. The Warners give the viewers another safety tip on how to survive a giant Adirondack chair from falling on you, all while trying to find a way to conclude their show after three seasons. In the end, while trying to think about their last lines after they "preview" their "next" safety tip on how to survive a meteor, Wakko suggests one, but is cut short when the meteor strikes, ending the episode and the series.
In the town of Acme Falls within the kingdom of Warnerstock, all the people (including the Mime) live happily together. However, upon the death of their beloved king, Sir William the Good, Warnerstock enters a state of civil war. Taking advantage of the situation, the neighboring kingdom of Ticktockia (a parody of Time Inc. at the time of its merger with Warner Communications), led by King Salazar the Pushy, takes over Warnerstock and makes all its people poor and miserable due to overtaxing (also a parody of the formation of Time Warner, now WarnerMedia, owned by telecom conglomerate AT&T). Three orphans, Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, are particularly troubled, as Dot needs an operation. Wakko finds work in another town to pay for it, but Plotz takes his pay – a halfpenny – from him, lying that it is for taxes.