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Season 1

  • S01E01 Leaf fever

    • January 1, 2018
    • TF1

    The Monchhichi are getting ready for Golden Graft, an annual ceremony that revitalizes the Dream Tree. But the Tree freezes unexpectedly! As it turns out, it’s that nasty magician Aikor’s doing!… The Glowing Fruits fall off the Tree, dull and “unglowing,” and, because Sylvus is symbiotic with the Tree, he gets sick too. The Trio must find the Stone Rose to treat both the Tree and Sylvus, and defeat Aikor!

  • S01E02 Three of a kind

    • January 1, 2018
    • TF1

    Kauri takes off to the Grasslands to escape from his friends’ “skirmishing.” But he gets captured by the Nasties. Hanae and Willow try to rescue him separately but realize they’ll only succeed if they both work together!

  • S01E03 Willow against the World!

    • January 7, 2018
    • TF1

    The Monchhichi set about harvesting new Farandolis leaves (the ones Stampy had previously collected blew away when Willow made a wrong move while fixing the Tsuru conveyor belt). Only Willow stays back in the Tree. But the lizards, Blitz and Glitz, launch an attack while the Monchhichi are out harvesting!

  • S01E04 The secrecy plant

    • July 1, 2018
    • TF1

    The Trio accidentally jolts the Secrecy Plant while playing in the Grasslands! All the secrets entrusted to it by the various Monchhichi are spilled out through the Tree and the residents hear their peers’ most embarrassing confessions! It couldn’t have come at a worse time, either: right in the middle of the Friendship Celebration! But Sylvus has an idea to make everyone friends again…

  • S01E05 Cute little Monchhibug!

    • January 13, 2018
    • TF1

    Kauri becomes fond of a blue Wild Monchhibug and decides to adopt it. But the wild bug has trouble settling in to its new life in the Tree and causes a disruption. Kauri’s Chhichichums and the rest of the community want this new resident out!

  • S01E06 Super Willow

    • January 13, 2018
    • TF1

    The Monchhilympics have begun! The smallest Monchhichi, Willow, is taking part but is afraid he’s going to let his team down. So Kauri gives him a drink to increase his strength and courage, telling him it’s a “special” concoction. But what if it isn’t “special” at all…?!

  • S01E07 A Monchhichi for a day

    • January 13, 2018
    • TF1

    Aikor kidnaps Hanae and takes on her appearance then slips into the Tree incognito to steal a Glowing Fruit. But Kauri and Willow know their Chhichichum Hanae too well – there’s something suspicious about their friend’s strange behavior...

  • S01E08 The Monchhi-Pastry of the Year

    • January 13, 2018
    • TF1

    The Monchhichi are eager to taste Bess’ new special “chubby chhinana cake!” Willow, Hanae and start to get impatient: the chubby chhinanas aren’t growing fast enough! So they decide to boost their growth. But unexpected results can occur when you fool around with Nature…

  • S01E09 The Joking Tsurus

    • January 20, 2018
    • TF1

    There’s a joker in the Tree and the Trio is determined to find out who it is! But little do they know that the guilty party is none other than a bunch of fun-loving Tsurus…!

  • S01E10 Save Bella!

    • January 20, 2018
    • TF1

    Bella and Petunia take off to the Grasslands to look for Chhiplop seeds. But Petunia returns alone, in a panic: Aikor chased them both and now Bella has disappeared! As it turns out, the lost Monchhibug is stuck in a hole and the nasty magician intends to demand a ransom in exchange for her release… in the form of Glowing Fruits…

  • S01E11 A tea for Sylvus

    • January 20, 2018
    • TF1

    The Dream Tree is sick! Blackened chhinanas are falling from it, raining down on to the Monchhichi! And Sylvus – who is symbiotic with the Tree – still hasn’t come back from his harvesting trip, out in the Grasslands! That terrible Aikor must be behind all this...

  • S01E12 Hopping hiccups!

    • January 21, 2018
    • TF1

    When Kauri goes too close to a flower, he gets uncontrollable hiccups that make him jump super high! The lizards are on the prowl around the Tree, ready to make the most of the subsequent confusion to steal some Glowing Fruits…

  • S01E13 Looking for lost memories

    • October 20, 2022
    • TF1

    Sylvus loses his memory after getting hit on the head on accident! The Trio and Leafy must find a remedy for him, fast, and get him back to his normal self – the children’s dreams depend on it!

  • S01E14 The Muddled Monchhibugs

    • January 27, 2018
    • TF1

    After being struck by one of Aikor’s spells, the Monchhibugs pounce on the Farandolis leaves and devour them! This seriously jeopardizes the making of the Tsurus and the children’s dreams! The Trio must find a way to get the magician to cancel the spell…

  • S01E15 Artus at all costs!

    • January 28, 2018
    • TF1

    Artus has hurt his hand. The Trio tries to replace him during his convalescence… in vain. But then Willow invents a Tsuru-folding machine that turns out to be even more efficient than Artus! Feeling he no longer has a purpose, the Chhichi leaves the Tree all by himself. But the machine turns out to be less efficient than they thought…

  • S01E16 Hanae gets dizzy!

    • April 16, 2022
    • TF1

    Hanae accidentally falls on Kauri, causing him to sprain his ankle – right in the middle of rehearsals for the Glowing Fruits concert! And now, she’s feeling dizzy… While she is busy taking care of her hurt Chhichichum, Aikor launches an attack on the Tree, scrambling all the other Monchhichi’s motor controls! Hanae is the only one who can save them!

  • S01E17 The Monchhisurprise Treasure Hunt

    • January 28, 2018
    • TF1

    The Monchhisurprise Treasure Hunt is about to begin. But Willow accidentally knocks over the gifts, scattering them in the Grasslands! Kauri and Hanae help him retrieve them but Glitz is lurking nearby and he takes off with Willow’s Monchhisurprise!

  • S01E18 There's a Lizard in the Tree!

    • February 3, 2018
    • TF1

    Aikor and Glitz pretend to the Monchhichi that Glitz has been banished from the Black Brambles! The lizard plays the victim, tugging at the Monchhichi’s heartstrings so that they’ll take him into the Tree – a perfect opportunity for stealing some Glowing Fruits! Unfortunately, Kauri falls for it and invites Glitz to come and live among them…

  • S01E19 Willow the hero

    • October 2, 2018
    • TF1

    Bess tells the others about a recipe for a delicious, legendary cake made with Striped Monchhisting honey. Unfortunately, harvesting this ingredient is a very hazardous affair! Willow gets upset when his friends suggest he’s scared, so he decides to go fetch the honey himself, just to prove them wrong!

  • S01E20 Pollinia loses her hearing!

    • July 9, 2022
    • TF1

    Pollinia’s hearing is impeded during an accident and now she can’t hear the sweet melodies emitted by the ripe Glowing Fruits. Because she can no longer tell the ripe ones from the rest, the Monchhichi are unable to go ahead with the harvest! Which means the children’s dreams are in danger! Worse still, a misunderstanding occurs and Pollinia leaves the Tree, upset, thinking the others want to replace her

  • S01E21 Where did Willow go?!

    • January 3, 2019
    • TF1

    Hanae asks her two Chhichichums if they want to climb the Peak of Giddiness with her but Willow must stay behind and prepare the Elixir in Leafy’s absence. He’s so disappointed that he invents an automated Elixir-making system and sets off to join his two Chhichichums at the Peak. Unfortunately, he winds up in a precarious situation on the way; meanwhile, back at the lab, his machine starts going haywire, putting the whole of the Dream Tree in danger!

  • S01E22 The prank contest

    • January 3, 2019
    • TF1

    Hanae and Willow just can’t stop playing tricks on each other! It’s a contest: whoever pulls off the biggest trick will win! But the other Monchhichi don’t appreciate it when they become unwilling victims of the tricks... Kauri steps in and (with the help of other Monchhichi) leads Hanae and Willow to believe that all their Tree friends have been enchanted by Aikor and are now under his control. Hanae and Willow rush off to the magician’s lair to remedy this situation… Woops! This isn’t a joke anymore…!

  • S01E23 The drowsy cake

    • January 3, 2019
    • TF1

    Bess is going off to fetch some Moncchiroses to make jelly, to give her cakes that extra special taste. But Aikor casts a spell on the roses, making all the Monchhichi fall asleep as soon as they taste the jelly! The only ones that are spared are our three Chhichichums: luckily, they got to Bess’ café late, after all the doughnuts were gone… It’s up to them now to thwart Aikor’s plan to get into the Tree and steal the Fruits while the Monchhichi community is fast asleep…

  • S01E24 The bad seed

    • January 3, 2019
    • TF1

    Willow brings a Giant Monchhipear Seed back to the Tree from his expedition to the Valley of the Giant Beetles. Except this “seed” actually turns out to be a giant beetle’s egg, no less! And now, there’s a huge and very hungry baby beetle, making a beeline for the Glowing Fruits…!

  • S01E25 Stop thief!

    • January 3, 2019
    • TF1

    The Monchhichi are troubled when a number of objects go missing. An investigation conducted by Willow and Capix leads them to Hanae! When she insists she’s innocent, her Chhichichums must go about finding proof that will clear her name in everybody’s eyes. Little do they know that the perpetrator of the thefts is none other than Aikor!

  • S01E26 Sylvus sees red

    • January 3, 2019
    • TF1

    When a thorn accidentally gets stuck in the back of Sylvus’ head, he starts getting cranky with everyone; he even takes it out on the Tsurus, becoming intent on destroying them! The Trio has only one solution: they must remove the thorn before nightfall - the flight of the Tsurus and the children’s dreams depend on it!

  • S01E27 A magic act

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    All the Monchhichi are getting ready for the Big Monchhishow of the Year! But Willow and Hanae, who have been planning to do a magic stunt together, get into an argument. Intent on winning the competition, Willow sneaks a peek at the Big Monchhibook to try and find a magic trick that will bowl his audience over. But in so doing, he puts the whole community at risk…

  • S01E28 Kauri the Monchhibug

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    Intent on disposing of the monchhibugs once and for all, Aikor invents a new spell capable of turning them to stone! But a mishap occurs and Kauri gets enchanted instead… and now he’s slowly turning into one big monchhibug! His Chhichichums must quickly find the antidote, the main ingredient of which is the drool of a violet beetle… which just happens to be Aikor’s own pet beetle...

  • S01E29 The Monchhibug stone

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    The Glowing Fruits are losing their glow and, being in symbiosis with the Tree, Sylvus is gradually going blind! The Fruits MUST be rekindled using the Monchhibug Stone! But Willow makes a mistake and the Stone gets taken by the lizards and robbed of its energy. The Trio must find a solution: without the Monchhibug Stone, the Glowing Fruits will lose their sparkle forever and there will be no more sweet dreams for the children!

  • S01E30 A new Capix

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    The Tree’s law enforcement officer, Capix, suddenly becomes very “chiiillled out” after breathing in some pollen from a very strange flower! Willow stands in for him while the others look for a remedy. But the little Monchhichi takes this new task way too seriously, actually putting the Tree at risk instead of protecting it!

  • S01E31 The invisible thieves

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    Following a blunder, Hanae must clean up Sylvus’ lab and place the Glowing Fruits back near the still. But using an “invisibility potion” provided by Aikor, the lizards manage to slip into the lab unnoticed and steal two Glowing Fruits!... When Hanae sees the two Fruits flying by themselves, making their way towards the bottom of the Tree, the Trio realizes the lizards must have something to do with it. Now all they have to do is find them…!

  • S01E32 The long journey (Part 1)

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    The monchhibugs have laid their eggs and the mothers are getting ready for the Long Journey all the way to the Valley of the Lotus: as soon as they're born, the baby monchhibugs must drink the nectar from these flowers in order to be strong enough to fly, just like their parents. But just before they head off, Fieldo gets hurt: the Trio must accompany the convoy on the journey instead! However, Aikor has his eye on the monchhibug eggs and he sends his lizards after our friends. They must be careful not to fall into the Nasties' traps, especially the one they've set up on Bramble Bridge, overlooking the Precipice of Eternal Mist!

  • S01E33 The long journey (part 2)

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    After a cliff-hanging experience, our friends have managed to cross the Abyss of Eternal Mist and escape from the lizards. But there’s no time to waste: Blitz and Glitz are hot on their heels! The nasty reptiles manage to catch up with them at a bad time – just as they’re entering the Jumping Cabbage Field. Our friends have no choice but to cross it, despite Fieldo’s warnings against it. Not only do the Chhichi have to contend with the lizards and the Jumping Cabbages, they also have to keep the eggs they’re carrying safe and sound… and now, they’re beginning to crack! The babies are about to be born. Our chhichi friends are going to have to act very fast…

  • S01E34 The great Monchhichi

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    It’s the night of the Great Monchhichi celebration and a huge statue has been erected in his honor, at the foot of the Dream Tree. But Aikor gives Spybeedoo a strange voice and manages to convince Twig that the statue is talking to her… and that the Great Monchhichi will appoint her to be “Great Ceremony Organizer” at tonight’s event. All she needs to do in return is give him a Glowing Fruit…

  • S01E35 An endangered dream (Part 1)

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    Glitz steals an Elixir-anointed Tsuru and gives it to Aikor! The magician turns it into a giant Tsuru and rides it over to the Dream Tree to steal some Glowing Fruits… Fortunately, our Trio manages to fend Aikor off and recover the Tsuru. But when the Monchhichi display the dream contained inside the Tsuru, using a magic technique, it shows that the Tsuru has been modified: the dream is dark and colorless! When Sylvus subsequently gets a bout of scary sleepitis, the whole Tree beings to shake! Our friends must repair the child’s dream ASAP!

  • S01E36 An endangered dream (Part 2)

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    In order to save the child’s dream and cure Sylvus’ scary sleepitis, and stop the Dream Tree from shaking in the process, our three friends set off to look for a Floralys plant. But they’re going to have to cross the dreaded Valley of the Snakes; then, once they reach the Floralys, they’ll have to bring various colors together to open the flower and retrieve some of its remediating pollen. They don’t have much time: the Tree is shaking more and more and Glowing Fruits are starting to fall down from their branch…

  • S01E37 My best friend Aikor

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    Irritated by Willow’s ingeniousness, Aikor decides to cast a “friend-catching spell” on him! From now on, Willow is going to be his best friend, working exclusively for him! Bewitched in this way, the little Chhichi doesn’t even question it when the magician asks him to invent a Glowing Fruit-stealing machine… So imagine Aikor’s surprise when Hanae and Kauri come along and break the spell! And what if the solution were simply to reside in the unconditional friendship shared by the three Chhichi…?

  • S01E38 Hands off my Monchhicar!

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    After rescuing Bella from a beetle nest in a prickly monchhipeartree, Hanae remains trapped inside a bucket seat attached to the monchhicar. Now, to make matters worse, the car goes haywire and starts speeding out of control towards the Abyss of Eternal Mist! Kauri and Willow must act fast to regain control of the monchhicar before Hanae does the “jump of a lifetime,” against her will…

  • S01E39 Aikor’s bubble

    • August 29, 2019
    • TF1

    The Monchhichi wake up only to find out that they’ve been shut up inside a giant bubble – the whole Dream Tree is encapsulated, from top to bottom! This is Aikor’s doing, of course. And the magician is adamant: if the Chhichi want him to remove his spell so that the Tsurus can take flight as usual, they must bring a Glowing Fruit to him before nightfall…

  • S01E40 The night of the twinkly Monchhibugs

    • December 5, 2019
    • TF1

    Willow is near the Forbidden Maze, in the Grasslands, when he spots a twinkling monchhibug – the first one he’s ever set eyes on! But his initial excitement soon turns to anxiety: this extremely rare species is not venturing out of its home inside the Forbidden Maze; something serious must have happened in there… The three friends must find out what’s going on! But it’s no easy feat: finding one’s way inside the hostile magic maze is easier said than done…

  • S01E41 Starry nights

    • December 5, 2019
    • TF1

    Today is special: the Monchhichi’s Birth Stars will be coming down from the sky – each Chhichi will get to make a wish, which will then come true. But just as Hanae’s Star is making its way down towards her, it suddenly fizzles out, losing its spark and energy. This transfers over to Hanae and she winds up exhausted, moving in slow mo! Her two chhichifriends must find out what’s causing this problem: oddly enough, it seems to be coming from the Black Rock Desert…

  • S01E42 The petrifix painting

    • December 5, 2019
    • TF1

    Artus paints a beautiful picture of the Monchhichi. But little does he know that Aikor previously had Spybeedoo sneak in and put “petrifix” in the paint. Now, all the Monchhichi featured in the painting are frozen in the same positions they’re portrayed in inside the picture! The only ones who weren’t represented and who are still free to move around are Hanae, Kauri and Artus. And now, the Nasties are invading The Tree, planning to steal away with a bunch of Glowing Fruits…

  • S01E43 Monchhicar gone wild!

    • December 5, 2019
    • TF1

    The monchhicar has been affected by a Control Spell, cast by Aikor. But the magician has accidentally been knocked out inside the lair and his lizard sidekicks have grabbed the scepter and are controlling the monchhicar remotely, just for fun. Willow is taken on a mad ride, unable to regain control of his remotely controlled vehicle…

  • S01E44 The secret letter

    • December 5, 2019
    • TF1

    This morning, Stampy has received a letter from the sky: it’s from a child, explaining that he’s moving house, and giving his new address so the Tsurus will be able to continue delivering him his pleasant dreams. But the letter accidentally gets sliced up and scattered! The Chhichi must go about piecing the paper slivers back together into a “big puzzle!” Only then will they be able to send the child his pleasant dream, to the right address…

  • S01E45 The magic passageway

    • December 5, 2019
    • TF1

    Kauri competes in a race with his chhichichums. But he accidentally slips and falls inside a plant, getting swallowed up and delivered right into Aikor’s lair. The magician plucks him up and puts him in prison! The Chhichi realizes that the Nasty Magician has made a magic passageway between the Lair and the Tree using two big sucker-mouth plants! While Kauri’s friends are busy searching for him in the Dream Tree, Blitz makes the most of the confusion to slip down the passageway to steal some Glowing Fruits.

  • S01E46 Irresistible twig

    • June 12, 2019
    • TF1

    Twig makes a clumsy move, accidentally spraying herself with pollen from some Adorable flowers. Result: she becomes particularly appealing. Nothing wrong with that, apparently, except all the Monchhichi start liking her a little too much, going out of their way to try and please her! All this love and attention goes to the hairdresser’s head and she starts getting some pretty comical ideas about how the Children’s Dreams should be made. Hanae is the only Chhichi who has been spared, thanks to a stuffy nose: she must find a way to prevent this pending disaster...

  • S01E47 King Willow

    • February 22, 2019
    • TF1

    After the Trio wins a battle, Willow grabs Aikor’s scepter and the magician retreats. Sylvus asks the little Chhichi to dispose of the nasty object but Willow is strangely fascinated by it and can not bring himself to get rid of it. He keeps it hidden from his fellow Monchhichi. But tension gradually rises within the community… The source seems to be Willow: he’s really not himself these days…

  • S01E48 The son of the tree

    • February 22, 2019
    • TF1

    A small sucker has appeared on one of the Dream Tree’s roots. But this young shoot must not be allowed to be influenced by the Monchhibug Stone – there can only ever be one Dream Tree at any given time! The ceremony for the Tree’s son is scheduled for the following day and unfortunately, Aikor has gotten wind of it: this rare event is a golden opportunity for the Nasty magician and he intends to jump on it!

  • S01E49 The invasion of the Stingaroos

    • June 5, 2019
    • TF1

    After picking a new wild flower and bringing it to The Tree, the Monchhichi are invaded by scratchamites – little parasites that really get under their skin! The bugs become such a problem that the community has to up and leave the Dream Tree! They must find a solution so they can get back home…

  • S01E50 The wise lizard

    • June 5, 2019
    • TF1

    Eager to know everything there is to know about anything, Willow spills a drop of Dream Elixir on the Big Monchhibook. Now, all he needs to do is place his hat down on the spell book and it will absorb all knowledge! But the Elixir sends the Big Monchhibook flying through the window, headed straight for Aikor’s lair. As a result, all the Monchhichi knowledge is transferred to… Glitz, turning him into a “super scholar!” Willow must get the Big Monchhibook back with his friends’ help. Quite a task, given Glitz new-found smartness…

  • S01E51 Cactus mission

    • June 12, 2019
    • TF1

    When Twig tries an experimental shampoo out on Willow, the little Chhichi winds up with bright violet hair! Spybeedoo is irresistibly attracted to him, much to Aikor’s disarray: those Monchhichi are about to take his beloved beetle away from him! But the magician does not intend to stand by and let this happen: he’s determined to get back at those Yucky Chhichi for this!

  • S01E52 Spybeedoo’s favorite color

    • June 12, 2019
    • TF1

    When Willow conducts a little experiment, he winds up with violet-colored hair! Spybeedoo finds this new look perfectly irresistible and can't stay away from the little Chhichi! Aikor immediately interprets this as an attempt by the Monchhichi tribe to take his darling beetle away from him. But he's determined to get him back and give those Yucky Chhichi a taste of their own medicine!

Season 2

  • S02E01 Funny Tumblekins - Part 1

    The Monchhichi take in a really cute wounded animal - a pangodil! Hanae falls in love with it right away and nurses it back to a health.

  • S02E02 Funny Tumblekins - Part 2

    The Monchhichi community wants Tumblekins to go back to his home in the wild! He's destroyed the harmonia stamens, an essential Dream Elixir ingredient, and the chhichi team must now hurry to the Rolling Rocks Maze to fetch more!

  • S02E03 The Path of Dreams - Part 1

    The Dream Tree's reporter, Scoop, tries to gather the material he needs to write his greatest article to date!

  • S02E04 The Path of Dreams - Part 2

    Scoop rides the big Tsuru to the children's world, unaware that he's about to block the path the Tsurus use nightly to deliver the dreams!

  • S02E05 Tiny Willow, Huge Hero

    In order to escape from the Nasties, who have just unleashed a "maxi numbing ball" on the entire Monchhichi community, Willow must spray himself with Monchhibonzai tree sap, making himself shrink to the size of a monchhibug!

  • S02E06 Aikor's Eyes

    Aikor uses his 'sight stones', hidden in various parts of the Dream Tree, to spy on the Monchhichi.

  • S02E07 Aikor the Star

    After being made a laughing stock on the front page of Monchhinews, Aikor takes Scoop captive, intent on making him write an article hailing the magician's conquest of the Dream Tree.

  • S02E08 The Sparkle-Language Mystery

    Out of the blue, Stampy finds herself unable to write the correct addresses on the Tsurus!

  • S02E09 Kauri The Big Guy

    When one of Aikor's spells goes wrong, Kauri winds up crazy strong!

  • S02E10 Magic Chalk

    Twig has come across a piece of magic chalk that can control the Monchhichi's actions. But Aikor manages to get his mitts on the chalk and he commands Sylvus to bring him a Glowing Fruit!

  • S02E11 My Kingdom for a Wig!

    After a scuffle with the chhichi team, Aikor winds up wig-less!

  • S02E12 It's Photo Time!

    Aikor has cast a bad spell on Scoop's camera... every time he takes a group photo of the Monchhichi, they end up imprisoned inside the snapshot!

  • S02E13 Master Leafy

    After an accident during the Dream Elixir manufacturing process, Sylvus winds up with Acute Babble-it is, making him act like a baby all over again!

  • S02E14 The Chhinana Ghost

    It's time for the great Chhinana Festival! As part of the celebration preparations, the Monchhichi Tribe heads off to harvest glowing chhinanas at night.

  • S02E15 The Colour of Dreams

    Leafy's experiment goes terribly wrong, stripping the Glowing Fruits of their colour!

  • S02E16 The New Leafy

    Leafy makes a super-confidence potion and tries it out on himself, but becomes a bit too confident!

  • S02E17 Tumblekins is Missing!

    While out on a walk in the Grasslands, Tumblekins gets captured by Glitz and spirited away to the lair in secret!

  • S02E18 A Cute Lizard

    Glitz' little nephew Zaki comes to visit! While playing in the Grasslands with his uncle, the young lizard comes across Willow and his monchhicar.

  • S02E19 Where's Twig?

    Twig fakes her disappearance to get attention from Hanae, who is now spending all of her time with Tumblekins.

  • S02E20 The Nice Aikor

    Aikor accidentally makes a double of himself from one of Glitz' drawings. But the duplicate Aikor is super sweet and nice!

  • S02E21 The Musical Crystal

    At a concert, Willow amplifies Hanae's voice too much, unintentionally smashing the crystal that makes the Glowing Fruits musical!

  • S02E22 The Machine Gone Mad!

    Willow makes an artificially intelligent robotic drinks dispenser to help Bess in the café. But when Twig asks for an "unmakable" drink, the machine spins out of control!

  • S02E23 Such Pretty Cristles!

    In a cave inside the Farandolis cliff, Willow comes across some beautiful crystals named "cristles". When he shows them to his Monchhichi friends, everyone quickly becomes obsessed with them.

  • S02E24 Capix and the New Team

    During a showdown with the lizards, Willow breaks his leg and Capix' cap gets wrecked. Twig manages to overcome the Nasties but, without his precious hat, the Tree's security guard loses his temper and starts abusing his power.

  • S02E25 Sad Tumblekins

    The chhichi team and Tumblekins have taken a sick wild pangodil named Bongo under their wing. But Hanae is so involved in nursing him back to health that she neglects Tumblekins.

  • S02E26 Nasty Sneezes

    Aikor is suffering from a bout of explosive sneezitis! Every sneeze throws him backwards, wreaking havoc inside his own lair.

  • S02E27 Kauri and the Caterpillars

    The chhichi team must help a swarm of caterpillars get to the Coral Cave so that they can undergo their transformation.

  • S02E28 The Lost Teddy Bear

    Hanae finds a damaged teddy bear lying in the Grasslands and becomes very attached to it.

  • S02E29 Hanae's Flower

    Twig asks Hanae to go fetch some pollen from a special plant. But she gets captured by a mysterious giant plant - a gondola!

  • S02E30 Playful Sylvus!

    Sylvus suddenly turns into a practical joker! Since the Dream Tree and Sylvus are intrinsically linked, the tree starts getting up to all kinds of mischief too!

  • S02E31 The Fallen Star

    Disaster strikes when the Tsurus' star gets hit by a shooting star and crashes down into the Black Rocks, right in front of Fieldo!

  • S02E32 King Aikor

    Capitalising on the fact that the Monchhichi are all gathered together for the great Dream Tree Fair, Aikor sends a "Massive Ball of Admiration" their way! Now, the community starts worshipping the magician, welcoming him like a king!

  • S02E33 Artus, My Hero

    Stampy is upset with Artus for giving her a present she doesn't like. Twig sets about helping the despairing painter to "win back" the mail chhichi's heart.

  • S02E34 Hanae and the Bouncing Pearl

    Hanae is hurt and won't be able to take part in the finale of the great acrobatics festival. Deeply disappointed, she happens to hear about a bouncing pearl, capable of making anyone who's holding it do breathtakingly impressive jumps!

  • S02E35 Secret Chhichi Day

    Curious and impatient to find out who her "secret chhichi" is for Secret Present Day, Hanae touches the Invisibility Butterfly to make herself invisible!

  • S02E36 The Birthday Thieves

    Bess has baked a huge tiered cake for Hanae's surprise birthday party! But while Willow and Capix are getting the gifts ready, the lizards numb them and steal the cake!

  • S02E37 Hungry Kauri!

    Bess makes a mistake: instead of adding Hungarine flowers to one of her cakes, she accidentally puts a Wolferine flower in there instead. If someone eats it, they will develop a crazy hunger that can never be satisfied!

  • S02E38 One Joke Too Many

    The chhichi have played a funny joke on the Nasties, incognito! But little did they know Zaki was there at the time and now he's getting blamed for it!

  • S02E39 Leafy's Dream

    Leafy wants to climb the Big Peak to get a good look at the Giant Butterfly Clearing, but Sylvus is worried it's too high and tries to talk him out of it.

  • S02E40 Too Easy!

    Capix and Fieldo decide to swap jobs temporarily to see whose is the hardest.

  • S02E41 The Robot and the Pangodils

    Willow has made a robot that looks just like a Monchhichi and is capable of harvesting all kinds of plants! But an electric beetle unleashes its energy on it, knocking it out of whack.

  • S02E42 My Best Chhichichums

    Hanae and Willow have fallen out and are not talking to each other! The community organises a party to help them be friends again.

  • S02E43 The Wish Stone - Part 1

    On the evening of the Great Reading Ceremony, Willow reads the tale of the Wish Stone to his fellow Monchhichi.

  • S02E44 The Wish Stone - Part 2

    After finally managing to get rid of the crazed flying monchhicar, the Monchhichi must now face a brand new threat - Scoop has used the Wish Stone to make several duplicates of himself!

  • S02E45 The Fun Chhi-Riders Race

    It's the annual chhi-riders race! Aboard their monchhigliders, Hanae, Willow, Kauri, Sylvus, Stampy and Twig set off on a crazy race across Monchhichi land.

  • S02E46 Stampy-Express

    Overworked, Stampy tries desperately to get all her tasks done super fast. But in her hurry she causes one disaster after another.

  • S02E47 A Night of Bad Dreams

    Willow brings some butterfly cocoons from the Mysterious Hill back to the tree, intending to study them. But that night, the cocoons release white butterflies that sprinkle a violet-coloured powder, inflicting bad dreams on the Monchhichi.

  • S02E48 Bess and the Star Thieves

    The Monchhichi prepare for the Star Festival.

  • S02E49 Whistly's House

    Kauri has to repair Whistly's house after it is destroyed by lightning, but Twig keeps getting in his way.

  • S02E50 The Play!

    The Monchhichi are very excited, because the 'Strange Nasties' play, starring Hanae, Twig, Capix and Leafy, is about to begin!

  • S02E51 The Concert Contest

    Hanae, Kauri, Pollinia and Scoop are rehearsing for the Friendship Concert, but the band splits up when they have a disagreement.

  • S02E52 Super Best Chhichifriends

    Eager to be Hanae's friend, Whistly tries to get accepted into the Sky Acrobat team, which is busy preparing a new show with Hanae.