It's almost time for the curtain to rise on Masaki's first competition - the Forest Cup in Oarai. Many surfers the same age as Masaki will be in the competition, and they will prove to be worthy, life-long rivals. It's been a year since Masaki first met Sho. A year since he started surfing. In order to prove that this last year of training hasn't been in vain, Masaki is determined to do everything he can with everything he's got. And so, he sets out to challenge the waves...
Um ano se passa desde que Masaki aprendeu a surfar, e chega a hora da sua primeira competição. Ele está determinado a vencer para enfrentar o Sho na final, mas antes terá que superar surfistas de vários estilos diferentes.
Après quasi un an de surf, Masaki se décide, avec ses amis Tanaka et Shô, de participer à la Forest Cup, une compétition de surf locale. Ils y rencontreront plein de surfeurs aussi talentueux les uns que les autres, et en profiteront à leur tour pour se faire remarquer.
Ein Jahr ist vergangen, seit Masaki mit Surfen begonnen hat. Doch wird seine harte Arbeit sich im ersten Turnier auszahlen?