For at skabe verdens mest effektive containerskib har Triple-Es designere taget den radikale beslutning, at skibet skal være udstyret med hele to enorme dieselmotorer. Motorerne bliver koblet sammen med to gigantiske propeller, der hver koster 1 million dollars. Vi følger ingeniørernes arbejde med at bygge og installere dette ”state of the art” fremdrivningssystem. På støberiet i Tyskland, hvor propellerne bliver støbt, benytter teamet en genial kemisk proces for at sikre, at der ikke dannes hydrogenbobler indeni propellerne - bobler, der kan forårsage revner. I Sydkorea testes Triple-Es to motorer, der hver er på størrelse med et lille hus, for første gang før installationen.
To create the world’s most efficient container ship, the Triple E’s designers have taken the radical step of fitting the ship with not one but two, enormous diesel engines – connected to a pair of giant propellers, each costing one million dollars. We follow the engineers as they build and install this state of the art propulsion system. At the foundry in Germany, where the propellers are being cast, the team use an ingenious chemical process to ensure that no hydrogen bubbles form inside the propellers – bubbles that could cause cracks. While in South Korea, the Triple E’s twin engines, each the size of a small house, are tested for the very first time, prior to installation.