Uzuki hat sich eine Auszeit genommen, um wieder in der Ausbildungsschule zu trainieren. Rin und Mio wollen sie unbedingt zurückhaben, aber Uzuki verschweigt ihnen die Wahrheit.
With the fall fest finished, the Cinderella Project members have ascended another stair. But when Uzuki suffers a crisis of confidence, she tells Producer that she wants to go back to the basics and subsequently returns to training school. Feeling that something is off, Producer frequently visits Uzuki at the school to keep an eye on her, but she sticks to her usual line of "I'll do my best." Producer doesn't think Uzuki is heading in the right direction, so he sets up a Christmas concert for New Generations and entreats her to re-enter the fold there. However, Uzuki doesn't show any enthusiasm for the plan.
When Producer tells Rin and Mio about Uzuki's condition, they become anxious and go to the training school to see how she really feels. They find that Uzuki has lost her former dazzling smile...
Autumn Festivalを終えまた一つ階段を登ったシンデレラプロジェクトのメンバーたち。そんな中不調な様子の卯月は、基礎からやり直したいと申し出て養成所に戻ってしまう。卯月に違和感を覚えたPは養成所に通い様子を見るが、卯月はいつもと同じように「頑張ります」としか答えず……。このままの状態はよくないと考えたPは、ニュージェネレーションズのクリスマスライブを企画する。卯月にもそこで復帰してほしいという想いをこめて。しかし卯月は乗り気ではない様子。Pから伝え聞いた卯月の様子に不安を感じた凛と未央は、彼女の気持ちを確かめに養成所に向かう。しかし、そこにいた卯月はかつての笑顔を失ってしまっていた……。
우즈키는 양성소로 돌아가 다시 기초부터 시작하겠단 뜻을 프로듀서에게 밝힌다. 그리고 린, 미오와의 만남도 거절한 채 기초 레슨에만 몰두하기 시작하는데...
Após o festival de outono o Cinderella Project foca no baile. Uzuki parece passar por uma crise. Será que conseguirão resolver isso?