At Adventurers Academy Wendelin tries to make friends but due to his lack of communications skills and high level of magic, the rest of the students are too afraid to approach him. Three students, Erwin, Louise and Iina, share a bond over being the youngest children of lower class families. Wanting to gain Wendelin's recognition, they attempt to hunt a large pack of wolves but are overwhelmed until Wendelin rescues them. Due to a misunderstanding, the three believe Wendelin sees them as a burden when in reality he wants to be friends. Their class attend a party hosted by Duke Braihiraider who takes an interest in Wendelin as Wendelin's father is a vassal of Braihiraider. Wendelin asks Erwin, Louise and Iina to join him much to their surprise. They learn Braihiraider brought them to meet his court wizard, Brantack Lyngstad, Alfred's former teacher, who confirms his suspicions that Alfred passed his knowledge to Wendelin.
Depois de anos tendo que esconder sobre sua aptidão mágica, Well finalmente foi pra Academia de Aventureiros. Agora ele precisa se enturmar ou se não será um aluno solitário.
Wendelin ist nun alt genug, die Abenteurerschule zu besuchen. Sein magisches Talent ist ihm dort aber nicht so hilfreich, wie er gehofft hat.
Después de años de tener que esconder su aptitud mágica, Well finalmente acude a la Academia de Aventureros. Ahora necesita encajar o será un estudiante solitario.
Well arrive à l’académie des aventuriers précédé d’une réputation si flatteuse qu’elle en devient lourde à porter. En effet, ses camarades n’osent pas lui parler et encore moins lui demander de faire équipe avec eux. De son côté, le jeune homme sort d’une enfance volontairement solitaire et aspire donc par-dessus tout à se faire des amis, mais ses capacités de communication se sont nettement dégradées. Qui osera briser la glace et aller vers lui ?
بعد مرور سبع سنوات، أصبح فيل يرتاد أكاديميّة المغامرين في برايخبورغ. يحاول بطلنا تشكيل صداقات لكن يبدو أنّ الجميع يحاولون إثبات جدارتهم بأحقيّة تشكيل فصيلةٍ معه لمعرفتهم بمستواه المختلف. لاحقًا، يلتقي فيل بالدّوق ومعلّم معلّمه السّابق.