Elaines Chef kauft Kramers gesammelte Lebensgeschichten, um sie als seine auszugeben. Ghostwriterin der Autobiographie ist Elaine. Als Kramer erkennt, daß sein Leben ohne eigene Geschichten nichts wert ist, will er sie zurückhaben. Zudem will George bei Kramer einen Rat bezüglich der berühmten Van Buren-Bande einholen. Doch Kramer muß schweigen – weil er auch diese Geschichte verkauft hat. Außerdem treiben die beiden ein übles Spiel mit Jerrys neuer Freundin Ellen.
Jerry's girlfriend, Ellen, seems perfect in every way, but everyone else seems to have a problem with her. George interviews candidates for the Foundation's first scholarship. The candidates seem over-qualified, until one comes in who is a lot like he was. Elaine is going to ghost write Peterman's biography. Kramer goes to Lorenzo's pizza, where he has an encounter with the Van Buren boys. He accidentally flashes their gang sign and saves himself. Peterman wants his day to day life covered in his bio; the exotic adventures are for the catalog. His day-to-day life is very boring. She tells him about Kramer's encounter with the gang and he suggests buying the story for his biography. George's scholar makes a change in his plans that causes George to disqualify him from the scholarship. Kramer sells Peterman all of his stories for $750 dollars. Elaine is put at his disposal. To Elaine, Kramer's stories aren't much more interesting. George and Kramer perform an intervention on Jerry's relationship with Ellen. George's scholar joins the Van Buren boys, who apply pressure on George to get the scholarship back. Elaine tells Kramer that he can no longer tell his stories, since they now belong to Peterman. Elaine tries to embellish Kramer's stories, but Peterman finds the rewrites "too clichéd and obvious." She tells him the real Kramer story that he finds much more interesting. He tells Kramer he can have his stories back. George tries to save himself from the Van Buren boys. Jerry flies his parents in to get their impression of Ellen. He begins to see the light.
Kramer kohtaa pelottavan Van Buren -jengin ja saa sattumalta tunnusmerkin selville. George etsii lahjakasta stipendiaattia Susan Ross -stipendin saajaksi. Kramer myy elämänsä tarinat Elainen pomolle Petermanille.
George est chargé d'attribuer une bourse d'études. Après avoir longuement réfléchi, il écarte les étudiants méritants et désigne Steven, un élément médiocre...
אלן, חברתו החדשה של ג'רי, נראית מושלמת מכל הבחינות, אלא שלכל אחד אחר ישנה בעיה איתה. ג'ורג' מראיין את המועמדים לקבלת המלגה הראשונה על שמה של סוזן. קריימר מוכר את כל הסיפורים שלו לפיטרמן בתמורה ל-750 דולר.
Jerry ha dei problemi con la sua nuova ragazza, Ellen, che non sembra avere nessun amico. George deve selezionare i candidati per la borsa di studio indetta dalla fondazione dei genitori di Susan. Elaine è incaricata di fare la "ghost writer" per scrivere l'autobiografia di Peterman.
A nova namorada de Jerry parece boa demais para ser verdade; George atribui uma bolsa de estudo a um estudante mediano; Elaine pede ajuda a Kramer para preparar a autobiografia de Peterman.
Ма́ртин Ван Бю́рен (ван — часть фамилии; англ. Martin Van Buren, 5 декабря 1782, Киндерхук, штат Нью-Йорк — 24 июля 1862, Киндерхук, штат Нью-Йорк) — восьмой президент Соединённых Штатов Америки с 1837 по 1841 г.
Вудро, Гровер, Миллард - имена президентов То́маса Ву́дро Ви́льсона, Стивена Гровера Кливленда и Милларда Фи́ллмора.
"Смит бразерс" - капли от кашля.
Ellen, la novia de Jerry, parece ser perfecta en todos los sentidos pero todos parecen tener algún problema con ella. Además, George entrevistará a varios candidatos para la Fundación. Los candidatos parecen estar demasiado bien preparados hasta que uno de ellos parecerá ser el tipo que están buscando. Y Kramer irá al local de Lorenzo a comer pizza y se encontrará con los chicos Van Buren.
A namorada de Jerry parece perfeita, mas todos têm um problema com ela. Elaine está escrevendo a biografia de Peterman. George entrevistas candidatos para uma vaga na Fundação. Todos têm ótimos currículos, mas ele prefere dar o emprego para um tipo parecido com ele. Kramer tem um encontro com a gang dos garotos de Van Buren. Quando Elaine conta o caso para seu chefe Peterman resolve comprar a história de Kramer para usar em sua biografia. O escolhido de George acaba entrando na “Gang dos Van Buren”. Elaine proíbe que Kramer conte suas histórias para os outros, pois agora elas são de Peterman.
Kramer se sukobi s uličnom bandom. George dodjeljuje stipendiju. Elaine piše Petermanovu autobiografiju. Jerryjeva djevojka djeluje presavršeno.
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