Eine Mitarbeiterin redet Elaine irrtümlich mit Susie an, was diese nicht sofort klarstellt. Das hat überraschende Folgen, denn schon bald werden der imaginären Susie wichtige Aufgaben übertragen. Als diese Susie sogar einen Posten bekommen soll, der bisher Elaine versprochen war, läßt diese die imaginäre Susie kurzerhand sterben. Außerdem möchte George mit Allison zum Ball der New York Yankees gehen, weil er sich von ihrem rückenfreien Abendkleid sehr viel verspricht.
Kramer decides that daylight saving time isn't coming fast enough, so he sets his watch ahead an hour. Mike, the guy who once referred to Jerry as "a phony," has become a bookie. Peggy, a co-worker of Elaine's calls her "Susie." George is excited about Steinbrenner's ball. He hopes to show off his tall blonde girlfriend with a grand entrance. Instead, she says she wants to talk. He runs away. "If she can't find me, she can't break up with me." He really wants to make that big entrance at the ball. Kramer tells Jerry that he owes Mike $100 for a bet he made on that night's Knicks game. Only Jerry never made the bet; Kramer did it for him. In fact, Kramer attends the game and gets into a fight with a key player that causes Jerry to win his bet. Peggy starts talking to "Susie" about Elaine's memo. Peterman hearing about the complaints demands to see Elaine, Peggy and "Susie" in his office; first thing in the morning. Mike can't pay Jerry, so he offers to help him with his trunk problem, but instead gets his thumbs broken for the trouble. Kramer breaks up with George on behalf of Allison. Elaine makes it through the morning meeting. Mike gets trapped in Jerry's trunk. Elaine and Jerry, in his car, decide it would be best to eliminate "Susie." George reconciles with Kramer. Elaine delivers the eulogy at "Susie's" wake, much to the confusion of Peggy. Kramer, with George, makes a spectacular entrance at the ball. Mike escapes from Jerry's trunk and accuses him of murder. The same fate befalls Elaine that befell George; Peterman puts her in charge of a foundation in "Susie's" honor.
Eräs Elainen työtoveri luulee Elainea Susieksi, ja siitä alkaa loputon sotku, johon ei auta muu kuin murha. George ei halua lopettaa seurusteluaan ennen Yankeesien tanssiaisia, ja Kramer toimii ihmissuhdeneuvojana.
Jerry ne pardonne toujours pas à Mike Moffit de l'avoir traité de faux-cul, il y a cinq ans. De son côté, George s'apprête à aller au bal avec une superbe blonde. Aussi, lorsque celle-ci envisage de rompre avec lui, il préfère fuir pour éviter cette rupture.
קריימר מחליט שתאריך המעבר לשעון קיץ מאוחר מדי ולכן הוא מכוון את השעון שלו שעה אחת קדימה. מייק, הבחור שהתייחס בעבר לגרי כמזייף, הפך לסוכן הימורים. פגי, חברתה לעבודה של איליין קוראת לה סוזי.
Una collega di Elaine, Peggy, pensa che lei sia un'altra persona, e si ostina a chiamarla Susie. George approfitta di una serata di gala organizzata da Steinbrenner per presentare la sua nuova, altissima, ragazza, ma i suoi piani sembrano andare storti. Kramer nel frattempo, ossessionato dal gioco d'azzardo, piazza delle scommesse sul conto di Jerry.
Enquanto Elaine passa por um caso de identidade trocada e um ex-amigo teme a retaliação de Jerry, George evita uma namorada que tenta acabar a relação.
Peggy, una compañera de trabajo de Elaine, la llamará Susie. George está muy contento porque ha conseguido entradas para un partido al que quiere ir con su novia, pero cuando la llama ella le dice que tiene que hablar con él. Así que para que no le deje él decide no presentarse a la cita.
Además, Kramer le dice a Jerry que Mike le debe 100 dólares de una apuesta que hizo éste por él. Cómo Mike no puede pagarle se ofrece para ayudarle con un problema que tiene Jerry.
Peggy, uma colega de trabalho de Elaine acha que ela chama Susie, e começa a falar sobre o memorando da tal de Elaine. Terá um grande baile e George quer fazer uma aparição com sua bela namorada loira, no mesmo instante ela diz que precisa conversar com ele. Mike, amigo de Kramer acha que está devendo dinheiro de uma aposta que Jerry nunca fez. Na verdade Kramer fez no nome dele. Peterman escuta a conversa e pede que no dia seguinte Elaine, Peggy e Susie apareçam em sua sala. Mike fica preso no porta-malas de Jerry e o acusa de tentar assassiná-lo. Elaine decide “eliminar” Susie, mas as coisas não saem como o planejado quando Peterman pede para ela tomar conta da Fundação em nome de Susie.
Kolegica misli da je Elaineino ime Susie, što dovede do različitih nesporazuma. Kramerov prijatelj kladioničar Jerryju ne može isplatiti dobivene oklade.
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