Kramer verspricht sich viel vom Verkauf von Eiern freilaufender Hühner. Er kauft sich eines, das sich als Hahn entpuppt. Trotzdem will sich Kramer nicht von "Klein-Jerry" trennen. Marcelino überredet ihn schließlich, Klein-Jerry bei Hahnenkämpfen antreten zu lassen. Weil sich der Hahn gut schlägt, will Marcelino ihn kaufen. George prophezeit Elaines neuem Freund Kurt, daß er in spätestens zehn bis 14 Monaten eine Glatze bekommt – exakt die Zeitspanne, die Kurt in den Knast muß.
Everyone makes a comment about a bad check of Jerry's that is on display at Marcelino's store. Through the Foundation, George gets the opportunity to visit a women's prison. He is disappointed when the facility doesn't meet his impression of what he thinks a women's prison is. He does however meet a convict that he decides to ask out. He enjoys the liberation that dating a convict offers. Kramer gets a new pet, a rooster that he names "Little Jerry Seinfeld"; of course he really wanted a hen for the eggs. Jerry's parents find out about the check and offer to send money. Elaine finds out her bald boyfriend once had a fine head of hair. She convinces him to start growing it back, but when he does he shows signs of hair-loss. He begins to feel despondent. George's dream relationship hangs on the brink, Celia's up for parole. Kramer enters "Little Jerry" in a cockfight that if he wins, Jerry's bad check will be taken down. George is a character witness for Celia's parole hearing; he testifies to try keeping her in. Jerry's bad check doesn't come down, because Marcelino wants Jerry to do something for him first. Kurt seeks hair-loss advice from George that causes him to propose to Elaine. Jerry and Kramer train "Little Jerry" for the big cockfight. George experiences "fugitive sex" when Celia breaks out after her parole was denied. Celia is tracked down and Kurt is mistaken for George. Marcelino brings a ringer in for the big fight; Kramer tries to save "Little Jerry" but pays the price.
George löytää täydellisen naisen vankilasta, ja Kramer sekä Jerry osallistuvat kukkotappeluun.
S'il y a quelque chose auquel Jerry tient vraiment, c'est bien sa réputation. Or, les projets de Kramer et George sont en passe de la mettre à mal. Kramer a décidé de se lancer dans l'élevage de coqs. Quant à George, il fréquente depuis peu une détenue...
ג'רי מובך כאשר הצק שלו שעליו מוטבעת דוגמת ליצן אינו מכובד ומוצג לראווה מחוץ למכולת השכונתית. איליין מתחילה לצאת עם אדם שמגלח את ראשו באופן קבוע, אבל כאשר הוא מגלה שהוא מקריח הוא נכנס לדיכאון.
Kramer e Jerry precipitano nel tunnel delle scommesse clandestine tra galli. Nel frattempo George decide di instaurare una relazione con una carcerata, mentre Elaine esce con un nuovo ragazzo che ha l'abitudine di radersi a zero.
Enquanto um cheque sem cobertura ameaça a reputação de Jerry, criar galinhas envolve Kramer na luta ilegal de galos. George namora com uma reclusa de uma prisão feminina.
Todos comentan lo feo que es un cuadro de Jerry que está a la venta en la tienda de Marcelino. Además, a través de la Fundación George tendrá la oportunidad de ir a visitar una cárcel de mujeres. Y Kramer se compra un animal de compañía, un gallo al que llamará 'El pequeño Jerry Seinfeld', aunque él realmente quería una gallina que le pusiera huevos.
Jerry passa um cheque sem fundos para uma loja. George visita uma mulher na cadeia e a convida para “sair”. Kramer compra um galo e dá a ele o nome de “Pequeno Jerry”. Elaine convence o seu namorado careca a tentar deixar o cabelo crescer. Kramer leva o “Pequeno Jerry” para uma briga de galo. Os pais de Jerry resolvem mandar dinheiro para o filho. As coisas se complicam para George quando sua namorada “ideal” está preste a conseguir a liberdade condicional.
George se viđa sa zatvorenicom. Vlasnik dućana izloži Jerryjev odbijeni ček. Kramer kupi pijetla. Elaine od svojeg dečka traži da pusti kosu.