Misao tells Kenshin what she knows, Shougo and Magdaria(Sayo) are hiding a secret, in the past Shougo was able to help cure people's illness because he had study under the field of medicine, but he can't cure his sister and she's dying. Soon after Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko and Kenshin leave and gets caught by someone. Later on, Magdaria is informed that Kaiou has her medallion so she went into his room and went looking for it. She found some more interesting things and found out that Kaiou is going to betray her and her brother. Sanosuke and Shouzo show up and were trying to stop Kaiou but got locked into the cage with Magdaria, to make matters worse an explosion occurred and rocks were falling down on them.
Os cristãos são cruelmente perseguidos no Japão. Os pais de Shogo e Sayo tentam fugir, mas acabam mortos. As crianças vão com o tio para a China, mas, na fuga, encontram cristãos crucificados. No exílio, Shogo aprende a técnica do Hiten Mitsurugi e promete se vingar e construir um país cristão.
Misao le dice a Kenshin lo que sabe, Shougo y Magdaria (Sayo) están escondiendo un secreto, en el pasado Shougo pudo ayudar a curar la enfermedad de las personas porque había estudiado en el campo de la medicina, pero no puede curar a su hermana y ella está muriendo. . Poco después de que Kenshin, Kaoru, Yahiko y Kenshin se van y alguien los atrapa.
Avec l’histoire du martyre de ses parents, Misao découvre la vérité derrière les prétendus miracles qui déifièrent Shogo Amarusa.
아마쿠사 쇼고와의 대결에서 빛을 잃어버리게 된 켄신. 한편 이런 켄신 앞에 미사오가 새로운 정보를 가지고 돌아온다. 그것은 아마쿠사 쇼고가 구세주로 나서게 된 이유. 그리고 귀왕에 관한 것이었는데…