Kenshin is caught by someone and he takes him out quickily. Meanwhile the rocks had fallen and Shouzo was trapped, Sanosuke and Magdaria managed to get out fine. Sanosuke and Magdaria worked together and got him out. Shouzo got away and went to report this to Shougo. Meanwhile someone showed up to take Sanosuke out, it was no problem and he was defeated, but he would not give up, he attacked once more time but Misao and Yahiko helped. Together they got out of the cave but Magdaria was very sick and Sanosuke ran as fast as he could to bring her to Elsten. Later on, Shouzo had overheard Kaiou's plans and tried to fight him but was defeated, as a last resort he threw some pipe bombs that Sanosuke gave him and killed Kaiou.
Madalena, Shozo e Sano descobrem que o cardeal Kaiou trama a morte de Shogo após usá-lo para ganhar simpatia e poder de luta. Desesperados, eles tentam alertar Shogo, mas caem em uma armadilha. Madalena tem um ataque de tuberculose e Sano a leva para ver o doutor Lesten. Shozo vai impedir que Kaiou seja bem-sucedido.
Kenshin es atrapado por alguien y lo saca rápidamente. Mientras tanto, las rocas cayeron y Shouzo quedó atrapado, Sanosuke y Magdaria lograron salir bien. Sanosuke y Magdaria trabajaron juntos y lo sacaron. Shouzo se escapó y fue a informarle esto a Shougo. Mientras tanto, alguien apareció para sacar a Sanosuke, no fue un problema y fue derrotado, pero no se dio por vencido, atacó una vez más, pero Misao y Yahiko ayudaron.
Sir Kaioh dévoile son plan qui n'est autre que d’utiliser les fidèles disciples de Shogo Amarusa pour renverser le gouvernement et contrôler le Japon lui-même.
마침내 귀왕의 속셈을 알게 된 사노 일행. 간신히 살아나 켄신과 합류한 사노는 막달레나를 구하기 위해 엘스턴의 저택으로 향하고 베드로는 귀왕의 음모를 전하기 위해 쇼고를 찾아 나선다. 하지만 길을 서둘던 도중 귀왕이 군대를 이용해 쇼고와 마을 사람들을 없애려는 계획을 엿듣게 되는데…