When he finds himself under attack by the Kenwadan, a gang of masked men, a politician, Mr Takamori, throws the key to his safe into an alleyway. Unexpectedly, the key is promptly picked up by a dog, who then escapes with it into a river, despite the gang's frantic pursuit. While praying at the shrine for better luck at dice, Sanosuke comes across the dog, now half-dead, and carries it back to the Kamiya dojo to be looked at by Megumi. Cue comic adventures as the dog, which Sanosuke names Notaro, promptly tears the Kenshin Group's lives apart, eating their food, stealing and burying their possessions, and generally making a nuisance of himself. But it doesn't take the Kenwadan Gang long to track Notaro down. Will Kenshin and the others be able to fend them off and find the key before the gang do?
Um enorme cão perdido resolve adotar Sano como dono. Para complicar, o animal está sendo perseguido por um grupo de bandidos e Sanosuke tem de enfrentá-los.
Cuando se encuentra bajo el ataque de los Kenwadan, una banda de hombres enmascarados, un político, el Sr. Takamori, arroja la llave de su caja fuerte a un callejón. Inesperadamente, la llave es recogida rápidamente por un perro, que luego escapa con ella a un río, a pesar de la búsqueda frenética de la pandilla. Mientras reza en el santuario para tener mejor suerte con los dados, Sanosuke se encuentra con el perro, ahora medio muerto, y lo lleva de regreso al dojo de Kamiya para que Megumi lo mire.
Sanosuke adopte un chien errant, ignorant qu’il détient la clé du complot d’un gang criminel pour faire chanter certains responsables locaux et obtenir un contrôle politique. Et quand le gang le retrouvera, Kenshin et Yahiko rejoindront Sanosuke pour déjouer leur plan.
어느 날 사노는 절에 갔다가 쓰러져 있는 개 한 마리를 줍게 된다. 일단 켄신의 집으로 그 개를 데려온 사노. 느실이라고 이름 붙인 그 개는 그 날부터 갖은 사고를 치고 개를 돌려보내기 위해서 사노와 켄신 일행은 주인을 찾기 시작하는데…