It is Tanabata, July 7th. Tsubame-chan, Kaoru, and Tae-san are window shopping. Tae tells Kaoru what an engagement ring symbolizes. Kaoru starts daydreaming about Kenshin asking her to marry him, the wedding, the wedding night and we break to Kaoru passed out flat on her back in the middle of the street with Tae leaning over her. Tae decides that Kaoru is frustrated and needs her help to find happiness with Kenshin. Kenshin goes fishing and comes back with a catfish. Kaoru apparently hates catfish. Kenshin takes a bite of fish and bites into a ring. Tae talks him into giving the ring to Kaoru. Turns out the ring belonged to a guy who was going to propose to his girlfriend, wonder how much trouble the Kenshin-group goes through to pry the ring off of her finger. From jujutsu, to checking through her underwear, all the way to intoxicating her with beer. Can they get it off, in time to to stop the hopeless romantic from committing suicide?
Kenshin encontra um anel dentro de um peixe e inocentemente o dá de presente a Kaoru. O problema é que a jovem passa a achar que ele a está pedindo em noivado. Para aumentar a confusão, Sano encontra o verdadeiro dono do anel e agora os heróis terão que recuperar a jóia sem magoar Kaoru.
Es Tanabata, el 7 de julio. Tsubame-chan, Kaoru y Tae-san están mirando escaparates. Tae le dice a Kaoru lo que simboliza un anillo de compromiso. Kaoru comienza a soñar despierta con Kenshin pidiéndole que se case con él, la boda, la noche de bodas y nos vamos a Kaoru desmayados de espaldas en el medio de la calle con Tae inclinada sobre ella.
Après que Kenshin ait trouvé une bague dans un poisson-chat, il donne accidentellement la bague au doigt de Kaoru. En pensant que c’est une bague de fiançailles, Kaoru considére cela comme une demande en mariage.
어느 날 다애로부터 칠월 칠석엔 사랑하는 사람으로부터 반지를 받으면 두 사람의 사랑은 영원하다는 얘기를 들은 카린. 그 때부터 카린은 켄신한테 반지를 받을 꿈에 부풀고. 자신의 꿈대로 켄신한테 반지를 받은 카린은 정말 날아갈 듯한 행복을 느끼는데…