As Kenshin, Sanosuke, and Yumi make their way to the top of the Inferno Arena, Kenshin thinks about his past, and what awaits him next, the entire way up to where Shishio himself is waiting. However, Kenshin is ready and prepared to the final battle with the manslayer known as Shishio. Upon reaching the door at the top, Yumi pulls the switch to open the door. Shishio is standing in the middle of the arena, and Houji is also there. After a few opening words with Kenshin and Shishio, Shishio promises Yumi that the battle will end quickly. He gives Yumi a kiss, walks off, and the fight between the two manslayers begins! Shishio shows off his first Secret Sword attack, the Homura Dama. He then bites a chunk off of Kenshin's shoulder.
Na arena do esconderijo, Kenshin e Shishio iniciam a sua luta. Usando uma técnica que lhe permite tornar sua espada flamejante, o assassino sai em vantagem. Kenshin tenta um contragolpe, mas é facilmente derrubado.
Yumi ha llevado a Kenshin y Sanosuke hasta la Sala del Fuego, la cual está en la azotea después de cruzar un puente. Allí se encuentran Shishio y su administrador. Shishio cuenta que su objetivo es explotar el petróleo luego de tomar el control de Japón y derrocar el gobierno Meiji.
Alors que Kaoru et Yahiko attendent impatiemment son retour, un Kenshin blessé mais déterminé arrive pour sa dernière confrontation avec Shishio, qui ne veut pas que quiconque se mette en travers de son objectif, autre que de contrôler l’avenir du Japon.
드디어 시시오가 기다리는 방에 도착한 켄신. 그리고 켄신과 시시오는 마침내 숙명의 대결을 벌이게 된다. 칼끝에서 불꽃을 일으키는 비검 염령으로 켄신을 몰아붙이는 시시오. 거기에 켄신의 공격은 시시오한테 통하지 않는데…