Continuing from the last episode, Sojiro thinks about his past a little bit more, and thinks of Shishio's "survival of the fittest", and Kenshin's way of not killing people. Sojiro gets very confused, not knowing which person to believe, and he suddenly breaks down during the fight. He goes crazy, and tells Kenshin that he is only getting in his way, and that the very fact that he's in the room makes him ticked off. Sojiro then fights Kenshin at his full strength, using an attack he named the Shu Ten Satsu its a combination of the shukchi speed and the Battojutsu of the tenken. Then they both do a Battojutsu stance. Kenshin emerges victorious by using his ultimate attack, the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki on him. Sojiro then tells Yumi to return his Wakizashi to Shishio, and also gives Yumi the details of Kenshin's ultimate attack, as a parting gift Sojiro leaves Shishio's side forever, and Kenshin and the others make their way to the final battle with Makoto Shishio.
Soujirou está cada vez mais perturbado e acaba tendo um colapso nervoso. Enfurecido, ele se lança contra Kenshin. Pela terceira vez, os dois usam o mesmo golpe e o herói finalmente quebra a espada de Soujirou e o joga para longe. Derrotado, Soujirou se arrepende de seus erros e jura seguir um caminho igual ao de Kenshin. Em seguida, Battousai e Sano partem para o encontro final com Shishio.
Kenshin y Soujiro enfrentan sus mejores técnicas y Kenshin logra ganar con su Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki. Él y Sanosuke siguen hasta la última habitación, donde se encuentra Shishio. Mientras tanto, Soujiro le cuenta a Yumi el secreto del Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki (que consistía en que el pie izquierdo se adelanta) y le pide que tome el pasadizo y le informe a Shishio como su regalo de despedida, pues él va a buscar su propia verdad.
Face aux interrogations de Kenshin, la concentration de Souijuro s'est soudainement brisée. Alors qu'il est sur le point d'essuyer une défaite, le jeune assassin rend sa précieuse épée à Shishio, l’avertissant du danger qui l’attend.
계속되는 세타와 켄신의 대결. 하지만 마침내 세타는 켄신의 천상용섬 앞에서 무릎을 꿇게 된다. 자신의 인생에 관한 해답은 스스로가 찾아야된다는 켄신의 말에 시시오 곁을 떠나기로 결심하는 세타. 그리고 켄신은 마침내 시시오가 기다리는 방으로 향하는데…