The episode starts off with Seijuro Hiko remembering the past about when he first met Kenshin and while they were continuing the training Kenshin finally proves himself worthy of learning the final technique, so Hiko begins to start by teaching him the Kuzu-ryusen, a technique where it will hit 9 targets of martial arts at one time. Then Hiko instructs Kenshin to try the attack. Kenshin uses the attack flawlessly but Hiko performed one of his own and the end result is that Kenshin lost this skirmish due to his lacking in weight and size. Then after learning this Hiko proclaims "you must defeat this technique with the ultimate attack". After much worry about his friends Kenshin finally looks within himself for what he was missing in life and learns the ultimate technique, the Amakakeru Ryu No Hirameki, which is the will to live, said to be "stronger than anything". Though he has to pay a very high price.
Hiko finalmente ensina a Kenshin sua técnica especial. Na prova definitiva, Kenshin consegue derrotar seu mestre e acaba deixando-o muito ferido. Enquanto isso, Saito chega à cidade e vai até a delegacia para interrogar Chou, que foi preso após ser derrotado por Kenshin. Chegando lá, ele descobre que Sanosuke também está preso ali.
Mientras todos esperan por Kenshin en el Aoiya, él se encuentra con el maestro Seijuro entrenando arduamente. Al mismo tiempo Sanosuke logra llegar a Kioto terminando en la cárcel, siendo descubierto por Saito. Seijuro se muestra decepcionado al no ver ninguna mejoría de Kenshin y lo derriba una y otra vez.
Bien que Kenshin lutte pour apprendre, Sijuro lui enseigne la plus secrète de ses techniques de combat. Et bien que Kenshin ne veuille pas tuer, c’est inévitable s’il doit battre Shishio. Pendant ce temps, Sanosuke est arrêté pendant qu'il recherche Kenshin.
자신의 스승인 히코 세이쥬로를 찾아 비천어검류 마지막 비술의 수련에 몰두하는 켄신. 하지만 이를 배우기란 쉽지 않다. 스승인 히코 세이쥬로는 켄신에게 비술을 배우기 전에 너한테 빠진 것이 있다며 그게 무엇인지를 알아내라고 하는데...