Misao is in denial after hearing of the deaths of Aoshi's men, and feels despair as she recalls her country-wide search for Aoshi, which ended without success. Meanwhile, Aoshi sends a letter to Okina and they meet in a Kyoto market, where Okina tells Aoshi that his desire to kill Kenshin has turned him into a demon, and that as the leader of the Oniwabanshu Okina cannot allow this to continue. Seta Sojiro and several other Juppongatana meet Aoshi and convince him to join them, as they share the goal of destroying Kenshin. After Okina mysteriously leaves with his shinobi uniform Misao realizes that the two will have a confrontation at the temple and runs to stop it, but proves to be too late as Okina falls to Aoshi's Kaiten Kenbu Rokuren, and is told by Aoshi that the next time they meet he will kill her.
Kaoru revela a Misao toda a verdade sobre a morte de seus amigos e a avisa que Aoshi pretende matar Kenshin para resgatar a honra da gangue Oni. Indignado com esse comportamento, Kashiwazaki desafia Aoshi para um duelo. Após um terrível combate, o rapaz vence e deixa o velho ninja às portas da morte. Alheio a tudo, Kenshin segue treinando com o mestre Hiko.
Misao está sumamente impactada al enterarse que Beshimi, Hyotokko, Shikiho y Hannya sacrificaron sus vidas para proteger a Aoshi de las manos de Ganryu Takeda, y a su vez que Aoshi persigue a Kenshin en nombre de los cuatro para derrotarlo y concederle el honor de los Oniwabanshu como los más poderosos.
Bien que Misao soit excitée par le retour de son mentor et héros, elle est stupéfaite de découvrir qu’Aoshi a trahi l’un de leurs plus proches amis.
자신의 스승인 히코 세이쥬로를 찾은 켄신은 비천어검류의 마지막 비술의 수련에 들어간다. 한편 켄신에게 복수를 하기 위해 교토를 찾은 아오시는 결국 시시오와 손을 잡게 되고 자신의 목적을 위해서 예전의 동료였던 오키나 마저 치려고 하는데…