The engine room of Rengoku. Hoji manages to catch the explosives and prevents the room from blowing up. However, Sanosuke delivers the Mastery of Two Layers to the ship's Kingston valve, flooding the perimeter. Meanwhile, Usui reveals himself to Kaoru, Yahiko, and Misao as Arato faces off against Kamatari and Henya. Goichi begs for Megumi's help at her clinic to heal Tokuji, his younger brother. As these passions clash with each other in all places of Kyoto, a small, over-looked fire begins to flare up.
Dans la baie d'Osaka, le combat fait rage.
Mentre Kenshin e Aoshi continuano il loro scontro, Sanosuke infligge un duro colpo alla Rengoku.
Sanosuke encuentra el cuarto de máquinas del acorazado Purgatorio, pero Hoji se interpone en su camino. Las explosiones hacen que Shishio decida dejar la última batalla para otra ocasión. En Kioto, Usui y Anji se enfrentan ante las miradas perplejas de Kaoru, Yahiko y Misao.
Das Feuer breitet sich aus und die Bürger versuchen, es einzudämmen. Währenddessen kämpft Kenshin auf dem Schiff.