The Kansei University track team accepts Kakeru's past and begins running once again. Their hellish training camp continues, and once they return to the city, they busily engage in recruiting for the fan club, fundraising, and job hunting. The last traces of their amateurism fade as every one of them swells with the strength of a true athlete. The ten of them sprint through a single fleeting summer. As Hanako watches over their brilliant progress, they begin to see a certain path leading towards their future. A single man's dream passes from one man to another. Nico-chan and King draw ever closer to achieving official records. Only one man remains...
Le stage se poursuit et est bénéfique pour chacun des membres de l’équipe. Tous se créent des souvenirs et espèrent participer au Hakone Ekiden. Toutefois, certains doivent encore faire leur temps officiel pour espérer y arriver…
카케루의 과거를 받아들이고 다시 달리기 시작한 칸세이대학 육상부. 지옥의 맹훈련을 거듭한 합숙을 끝내고 돌아온 아오타케 멤버들은 후원회 모집, 자금 조달, 취업 준비 등으로 분주한 나날을 보냈다. 그리고 아직 공인 기록이 없는 니코짱과 킹, 그리고 왕자가 기록대회에 나서는데.
Haiji e seus companheiros treinam nas montanhas durante o verão, o que ajuda a amenizar o calor. Faltam poucos para conseguirem registrar um tempo oficial mínimo exigido, mas o maior problema ainda é o Príncipe.
يختتم الفريق معسكر التدريب في البحيرة، ويكافح بقية الأعضاء بما فيهم أمير للحصول على رقم رسمي للمشاركة في التصفيات